Chapter 594

Release Date: 2024-09-06 23:48:17
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“…What the hell!“

The princess was numb, looking at the golden cicada emperor as one bloody dragon after another rose up behind him.

”He’s here.“

”So what if he’s here?“

Jiang Ran glanced in the direction of the sound and let out a light laugh.

”He’s got quite the presence…“

”Jiang Ran.”

The golden cicada emperor stepped into the void, with nothing under his feet but his body was still able to remain half a foot off the ground, walking on air.

“I will give you one last chance.

“Surrender the divine weapon and submit to me.

”I will marry the princess to you… and from now on, you and I will be family.

“Once I have unified the world, you will be incredibly valuable.

”At that time, I will give you the entire Jianghu, so that you can be its uncoronated supreme ruler.

“What do you say?”

Jiang Ran let out a soft sigh:

“It seems that you, Your Majesty, have not listened to a single word I have said.

“The Divine Weapon is the Dragon Slaying Scripture. In the past, when my Demon Kingdom unified the world, I tampered with the water veins.

”I could control the water to harm people.

“But if you want to use this object to unify the world, all you will get is devastation.

”Therefore, I have completely destroyed the Dragon Slaying Scripture to prevent it from falling into the hands of those who intend to do harm and cause the deaths of countless people.”

“The lives of the people are in peril?“

The Golden Cicada Emperor laughed heartily:

”In my opinion, you are stubborn and unyielding!!!”

At this point, a sudden loud noise came from the void.

A bloody shadow appeared in front of Jiang Ran in an instant, with a bloody dragon-shaped phantom coiled behind it, wrapping around the Golden Cicada Emperor’s arm.

A loud shout could be heard:

“Supreme Emperor’s Fist!!!”

Before the fist arrived, the wind started to blow, and the sound of the dragon’s roar shook the nine heavens. It was like the majesty of heaven had descended, causing the entire world to rumble.

Jiang Ran’s thoughts turned, and he silently practiced the Creation Zenith Heart Sutra.

He activated all the divine techniques in his body and used the Vajra Subduing Demons Fist!

The Dharma form followed, and an enormous swastika appeared behind it.

The fist exploded.

A loud explosion was heard, and two indescribably terrifying forces exploded within.

The ground bore the brunt of the force, and pieces of earth and stone were blown up and spread in all directions.

Bang, bang, bang!

The spreading force rolled for tens of zhang, and Tang Shiqing and the others, who had been watching from the side, all changed expression.


No one dared to approach with such power.

Even Tang Shiqing, when she asked herself, was inferior by a level. If she rashly went forward, she might be injured by this gale.

And for people with internal strength like A Zhuo and the princess, if they were caught in this gale, they might die instantly.

Everyone immediately flew back, and at the moment when this gale was about to engulf them all, they jumped out of the circle with a radius of tens of zhang.

Once they landed, they saw Tang Shiqing’s palms open and suddenly push out.

The fierce gale immediately passed by her sides, blowing the surrounding ancient trees unsteadily, and the grass and trees rose up, carrying internal strength and striking into the surrounding trees.

For a moment, everyone in the arena was shocked.

The princess was even more incredulous:

“Brother… how could he really have such superb martial arts skills?“

”You’ve probably forgotten, he is the cicada master of the blood cicadas.“

Tang Huayi spoke from the side:

”Do you remember… what is inside the blood cicadas?“

Blood cicadas?

The princess was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized:

”The Purple Jade Cushion!!!”

In the past, Fenghua Lanshan created twelve masterpieces, and only six of them are known to the world.

Now most of them are in Jiang Ran’s hands.

And almost all of them were snatched from the hands of Xue Chan.

However, the Purple Jade Cushion is the exception.

This object can increase internal strength when sitting on it to practice.

It is not used to kill people… Therefore, Xue Chan has never used this object against Jiang Ran, and Jiang Ran has nowhere to snatch it.

The Golden Cicada Emperor is ostensibly the supreme ruler of the country, but behind the scenes, he is also the master of Xue Chan.

Naturally, this object is in his hands.

He first had the peerless martial arts technique of the Dragon Emperor that could devour human lives and enhance internal strength.

Then there was the Purple Jade Cushion, which was a twelve-day miracle.

It was really not surprising that he could have such skills nowadays.

But even so, no one present could have imagined that he would have reached a level where he could fight Jiang Ran to this extent.

Looking again at the arena.

The smoke and dust had dispersed, and the ground had been dug away to a layer. The further towards the centre, the more the terrain descended.

In the very center, two figures stood facing each other, each throwing a punch. Their fists met, and a gust of wind arose from around them, each following its own trajectory and attaching itself to the fist to compete with the other.

If you looked closely, you could see that the two fists were not completely aligned.

There was a gap of about an inch between them.

One fist was covered in a dragon pattern, while the other flashed with swastikas.

Then the Golden Cicada Emperor spoke coldly:

“You are the Demon Lord, but you like to use Buddhist boxing techniques.

”What are you pretending to be a saint for?

“You are a cunning and treacherous person, disrespectful to your superiors, and have no regard for the law. Even if I were to execute you by slow torture, you would still deserve to die!”


Jiang Ran shouted in anger when he heard this:

“I am the true self of the person who catches the swords, and I have no regard for the law. I have caught countless people.

“I have always been law-abiding, where is the lawlessness?

“As for disrespecting your superiors… Your Majesty, you are a rebel traitor, and you have the nerve to say such things to me?”

“How dare you! The world belongs to me, and you are the one who rebelled! !”

With a roar, his internal energy became even more magnificent, and nine dragon shapes circled behind him.

Jiang Ran could see that these were nine kinds of strength, each of which was extremely powerful.

Jiang Ran’s Daikongo Fumo Fist was extremely powerful, and because the Creation Zhengxin Jing had the Dao of “seemingly controlling the infinite,” the already magnificent internal strength had no end. What’s more, the nine kinds of strength of his opponent depended on each other, naturally creating a cycle that was also endless.

In such a competition of internal strength, it was impossible to tell who was better for a while.

At that moment, the Golden Cicada Emperor’s other fist also had a dragon shape hovering above it:

“Today, I will kill you, the world’s number one traitor!”

The other fist rose with a boom.

Jiang Ran was not afraid of him.

He casually punched back.

When the two fists collided, there was another loud noise that shook the heavens.

The two men also took advantage of the momentum to separate. They saw the Golden Cicada Emperor’s body curl, with nine dragon shapes surrounding him. He bent in the air and once again pounced towards Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran, however, tapped his foot and casually pointed his finger out.

A colorful halo condensed between his fingers, and he used his finger to break the fist!

However, the Golden Cicada Emperor changed his fist into a claw, and instead of hard-banging against Jiang Ran’s finger, he tried to grab Jiang Ran’s finger.

Seeing that Jiang Ran’s halo finger was about to fall between the claws covered in dragon shapes, he saw the light turn, as if it had spanned space. Jiang Ran suddenly burst into the Golden Cicada Emperor’s chest and abdomen, and his finger aimed straight for the heart.

There was a loud bang!

The Golden Cicada Emperor’s entire body trembled.

Jiang Ran’s brows could not help but twitch slightly.

His finger had not even pierced the Golden Cicada Emperor’s heart, and nine small, dragon-shaped lines about an inch long hovered around his heart, coiling into a swirl. Jiang Ran’s finger landed in the middle of this swirl, and for a moment, he could not make a single step forward.

“Jiang Ran, you think your martial arts are peerless and you don’t care about the rest of the world.

“A mere nobody like you dares to lay hands on the imperial princess.

“You never kneel before the emperor… You are truly a rogue of the martial world!

”But you are too arrogant, underestimating the masters of the world.”

The grasp, which had already been poised, suddenly tightened.

A large shadow of a dragon’s claw wrapped Jiang Ran in it:

“Today, you will become the stepping stone for me to reach the pinnacle and rule the world!”

At this point, the power attached to the bloody dragon shape wanted to erode Jiang Ran’s body and turn it into blood water to help itself.

However, Jiang Ran’s gaze was calm. This power that could harden bones and marrow could not harm him in the slightest, except to provide a hint of coldness…

“The Blood Cauldron Scripture?”

Jiang Ran shook his head lightly:

“It seems that Bixi really went to great lengths for this so-called Dragon Emperor’s Secret Art.

”Unfortunately, because of a silly girl, this kind of kung fu is useless to me.”

After saying this, his arms shook, and a gust of wind surged up, like a signal fire, rushing straight up to the ninth heaven!

“Your Majesty, I have previously asked you what martial art you practice.”

The dragon-shaped claw had already been shattered by Jiang Ran’s internal energy.

Jiang Ran stood firmly on the ground and looked at the Golden Cicada Emperor:

“It is not because I am particularly curious to know why you have such abilities.

“But because… no matter what martial art you practice, and no matter what your abilities are,

“in front of me, they are meaningless!

”Look at the world, the land of the five countries, no matter if you are the best, or an unprecedentedly great master.

“If you want to make things difficult for me, there is only one outcome… that is, death!!!”

It is not known whether it was because Jiang Ran’s final word “death” was so fierce that even the heavens were startled, summoning dark clouds to block out the light and prevent Jiang Ran from “vowing to break through the heavens”.

Or perhaps it was really a sense of anger that caused the unusual phenomenon in the sky and earth.

After the last word was spoken, the already low and oppressive sky became even more gloomy.

The sky was covered in dark clouds, as if one could pluck a dark cloud down with a single hand.

Jiang Ran took a step forward and his Heavenly Covering Divine Palm fell.

The palm posture connected heaven and earth, giving the Golden Cicada Emperor the illusion that the moment Jiang Ran pushed out with this palm, the originally depressed and low sky seemed to have truly fallen.

The majestic momentum made him feel a sense of temporary defeat, and he couldn’t help but fall backwards.

The endless pressure fell on him, and almost instantly, his entire body and the ground formed a 30-degree angle.

But even so, his body remained straight, not bending even a little.

He gazed at the sky, and suddenly laughed aloud:

“Insects dare to claim supremacy, and still dream of taking the power of the heavens.

“How dare you use the heavens to suppress me!

“I will break the heavens!!!”

With a shake of his hands, nine dragon forms blasted out from behind him, rushing towards the heavens and at the same time towards Jiang Ran’s palm.

The enormous palm was from the Dharma form.

In the blink of an eye, the nine blood-red dragons collided with the palm.


The earth-shattering sound rolled in all directions.

The crowd could only retreat… Fortunately, this time they didn’t retreat too far… But before the crowd could catch their breath, a huge object came rushing towards them.

It was a towering ancient tree. In the midst of this senseless fight between two people, a tree had finally been bullied and knocked over, and it was being swept towards the crowd by the gale.

“Let me do it!!!”

The Demon King of the Underworld had been in a bad mood ever since Jiang Ran had destroyed the Dragon Slaying Scripture.

He had wanted to take out his anger on those experts.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ran had taken them all, leaving none for him, although Tang Shiqing had managed to snatch one.

Now that he had finally found someone to take out his anger on, he immediately ignored the others and, taking two steps at once, raised his fist the size of a sand pot and struck the tree.

There was a loud crack.

The entire tree was instantly split in half.

The broken trunk and treetop continued to be carried away by the gale in different directions.

The Demon King of the Underworld staggered back two steps and spat out a mouthful of blood with a whoosh:

“Damn it… are you going to let me live?”

This was just a tree that had been caught in the aftermath of the battle between these two people.

After enduring it myself, I was actually shaken to the core.

It was hard to imagine what the two people in the center had actually looked like.

Tang Shiqing couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

From this position, they could hear nothing but the loud thuds, the occasional bloody shadow rising into the sky, and the huge palm prints falling from the sky.

At this moment, the dust in the arena had settled.

Two figures reappeared in the field of vision.

Jiang Ran had an extra wine flask in his hand, and was drinking from it head-over-heels.

The Golden Cicada Emperor opposite him looked less composed than he had at the beginning.

His hair was a little messy, and his clothes were a little dishevelled.

He stood there, slowly suppressing the surging qi.

Then Jiang Ran laughed:

“Your martial arts are still a crash course after all. What’s the point of having a strong internal strength?

“Bai Yulou had a thousand years of internal strength. Tell me, what are his three supreme moves?

“In the end, he only used two.

”Your Majesty, what about you?

“After all this, how long can you keep the blood in your body from surging?

”Yours is fundamentally unstable. Once it is damaged, what you have taken from others will have to be returned.“

”So what?“

The Golden Cicada Emperor sneered:

”I have still broken your martial arts!”

“It was just one move.“

Jiang Ran laughed:

”Your Majesty doesn’t think that I only have the strength for that move, do you?

“Have you forgotten that my most exquisite skills have never been in the realm of martial arts?

”To be honest, with your current martial arts skills, it is worth it for me to use the Nine Dagger Stuns…”

The Golden Cicada Emperor’s pupils constricted.

Jiang Ran had used the knife today, but when he watched from the sidelines, he noticed that although Jiang Ran had used the knife, he had done so in a leisurely manner and not with much focus.

But at this moment, it was different…

Jiang Ran was seen pressing one hand against the Broken Gold Knife.

Jiang Ran spoke softly:

“In fact, sometimes, I have to thank Your Majesty.

”After all, if it weren’t for Your Majesty, there are some things that I wouldn’t be able to do.

“For example… If these people from the White Jade Building willingly ran to the Golden Cicada territory and became bandits, letting them break all laws, then I could treat them as wanted criminals and arrest them.

“Therefore, I was able to get what I wanted.”

The Golden Cicada Emperor was stunned. He was by no means a fool, otherwise he would not have been able to put on such a great show with Jun Hezai.

Therefore, he had already thought of all of Jiang Ran’s experiences in an instant.

and his unreasonable martial arts skills.

The next moment, he came to a conclusion:

“Your martial arts…were obtained from those you captured?”

This answer was incredible, because there was a missing link.

If everyone had outstanding talent and could learn the martial arts of others during sparring, this was admirable but not impossible.

However, Jiang Ran was not only able to learn martial arts during sparring.

He was able to use the Dharma image of the Dafan Zen Monastery, the cold internal strength of the Cold Moon Da Fa, and yet the authentic Taoist secrets of the Zhengxin Scripture…

These are all, in theory, secrets that are not passed down, and there is no way to learn them except through secret manuals and teachings.

Yet Jiang Ran has learned them all.

Once he started, it was as if he had been tempered a thousand times, and his power was peerless.

And with Jiang Ran’s words, an answer that could not be the answer had already appeared in his mind.

This is unreasonable and even less realistic.

But it is the reality!

Jiang Ran nodded slightly:

“I don’t know if Your Majesty is aware, but I was born with the Nine Deaths fatal pulse.

”Fortunately, the heavens did not forsake me and gave me a chance.

“Not only can I obtain divine power and internal strength from those I capture,

”but I can also use this to repair the damage to my Nine Deaths fatal pulse and extend my lifespan.

“And the more powerful the opponent, the more useful it is for my Nine Deaths and Absolute Pulse.

“This is the case with Bai Yulou.

”According to normal logic, he is the number one expert in the country and cannot be a wanted criminal.

“But he illegally entered the territory of the Golden Cicada and plotted to usurp the throne, so it is reasonable for your majesty to arrest him.

”And didn’t your majesty personally give your permission?“

”So after that battle…you have made great progress?”

“More than that?“

Jiang Ran said slowly:

”I have all of the internal strength of the White Jade Building within me.

“What’s more, I have obtained the supreme skill of the owner of the Building Beyond Buildings, which I had not been able to search for before.

”With this, I have completed the eighth of the Nine Dagger Skills that Shock the Gods.“

As Jiang Ran’s words slowly drifted out, at some unknown time, a bright moon suddenly appeared in the sky.

”The owner of the Building Beyond Buildings needed to use the sun and the moon to connect to the heavens, or there had to be a moon at night, in order to be able to perform this move.”

Jiang Ran chuckled:

“But my Demon Sect does not reason. If the Supreme Being says there is a moon in the sky, then there is a moon!”

The moonlight was tinged with a blood red, and as that red spread, so did a layer of black.

A black curtain fell along the horizon, and in the blink of an eye, the sky darkened, and what had been a clear day turned into a night with a blood-red moon hanging in the sky.

The heart of the golden cicada emperor suddenly began to tremble violently.

A fear from the bottom of his heart quietly flowed from his heart and spread to his limbs and bones.

He heard Jiang Ran’s voice echoing in his ears:

“Please, your majesty, judge this, my eighth slash…

”This slash is called… Moonlit Sky!”

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