Chapter 596

Release Date: 2024-09-06 23:48:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Jun Hezai did not answer Jiang Ran’s last question, but just smiled.

His arms spread out, and his figure suddenly retreated.

In one step, he disappeared from Jiang Ran’s sight.

The eight corpses each soared into the air and landed in the eight directions around Jiang Ran.

A cold chill spread out in an instant, and then they all pressed towards Jiang Ran at the same time.

Their fingers were like blades, and their iron arms were like spears.

They don’t leave any gaps when they set foot on the ground.

Jiang Ran is quite interested in the corpse refining method of the Yin Feng Valley.

The Broken Gold Knife comes out of its sheath, and the sky is filled with golden colors and shining radiance.

Where the blade passes, it makes a jingling sound, and when the blade lands on these corpses, it is indeed difficult to leave the slightest trace on them.

However, the clothes attached to their bodies are cut with cracks.

Suddenly, Jiang Ran heard an ominous sound behind him.

When he turned around, he saw a corpse with its arms stretched out and slashed, just like sweeping thousands of troops.

With a flick of the Broken Gold Knife in his hand, he heard a clinking sound, and Jiang Ran’s blade met the palm of the corpse’s hand, as if it were the encounter between two peerless divine weapons.

It made a crisp sound.

The sound also contained internal strength, so that those who were watching from afar couldn’t help but feel dizzy when they heard it.

Jiang Ran held the knife in one hand, his brows lightly raised, and the blade turned as he was about to raise it.

Suddenly, he looked up.

A corpse fell from the sky, an arm raised high, slashing down fiercely.

Jiang Ran gave his foot a little tap, and he broke away with the flow, and then he heard a loud noise.

The corpse fell, and its arm had already been severed from its body and fell to the ground with a loud crash. Immediately afterwards, a huge crack appeared on the ground.

The crack spread forward, a distance of more than ten zhang, and the width of the crack was half a foot.

A towering ancient tree stood in front of this crack, but it was easily split in half.

The sky was filled with smoke and dust, and the world was colourless.

Under this blanket of smoke and dust, it seemed as if something was rolling around wildly in the air.

The sound of explosions in the air was incessant.

Rumbling, rumbling!

Jiang Ran turned around and saw a huge boulder, which had been cut off from an unknown evil corpse, thrown at him.

The boulder was about 3 zhang high, and at a glance, it looked like a mountain peak.

Think about it: what would it be like if a 10-meter high building were to fly towards you?

Jiang Ran’s vision was blocked by the smoke and dust, and by the time he could see the boulder clearly, it was about to fall on him.

Jiang Ran had just raised his broken golden knife when he was already pressed against the stone.

His feet were off the ground, and for the time being, there was nowhere to put his strength, so he had to be pushed all the way back by the stone.

He flew a full seven or eight zhang before he hit a tree.

However, the force contained in the stone was just too strong. Jiang Ran couldn’t see it, but the other corpses had already arrived behind the stone and were pushing at the same time.

The towering ancient trees, each at least as thick as three or five people can wrap their arms around, could not stop the power of the stone.

As soon as Jiang Ran’s back touched the tree, the tree body shattered.

But this was just the beginning.

As I watched, the eight corpses pushing with all their strength, driving boundless internal strength, Jiang Ran was pushed backwards all the way by the stone, and the towering ancient trees behind him were smashed and knocked flying one after the other.

If you look from a high place, you can see that there is a line of smoke and dust among the dense mountains and forests, accompanied by the rumble of trees collapsing. It spreads over a range of more than 30 zhang front to back.

It wasn’t until Jiang Ran was pushed up to a half-way overhanging rock face that he managed to stabilize his position.

His palm was now half-way into the stone, and a deep pit had been pressed into the mountain wall behind him. With a slight tap of his foot, he grinned:

“That was exciting…”

Being pushed back so far by the rock was much more exciting than riding a roller coaster or anything else.

After all, no roller coaster in the world would have towering ancient trees blocking the way.

The next moment, boundless internal strength suddenly surged, and one could hear a series of thuds.

Jiang Ran’s arm was half-buried, and his entire forearm was covered in stone, and at this time, the part covering his forearm had already turned to powder.

His five fingers were spread open, his青筋 prominent, and an indistinct Dharma image unfolded from behind Jiang Ran.

The eight figures on the other side of the stone did not retreat half a step. They were already dead, so naturally they would not be seriously injured and spit blood.

In this way, both sides exerted their strength at the same time, and all their strength was concentrated on this boulder.


With a crisp sound, a crack spread across the boulder.

It looked like a spirit snake darting about, and in the blink of an eye it was about to cover the entire boulder.

At this moment, bloody qi soared into the sky, but it was Jun Hezai, who had just retreated, who once again appeared behind the eight corpses.

The phantom of the Blood Flame Demon Emperor appeared behind him, and at the same time, bloody red flames also appeared on the eight corpses.

In an instant, it covered the entire boulder.

“Trivial skills, and you still dare to show off?”

Jiang Ran sneered, and the power of the Creation Zhengxin Scripture seemed to be endless, like waves, endless and endless.

The blood color was the true energy of the Blood鼎真经, which Jun Hezai had incorporated into his own martial arts.

It was like the Golden Cicada Emperor, who could use internal strength to corrode his opponent.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ran possessed the Nirvana Da Fa, a demon within his heart, and had a Nirvana Pill inside him. The Blood Cauldron True Qi was indeed formidable, but it meant nothing to him.

Then came the sound of something cracking, coming from the stone.

This huge stone could no longer withstand such abuse and finally exploded with a loud noise, breaking apart.

For a moment, the broken stones flew all over the place.

The eight corpses charged out at the same time. A flash of blade light swept through the air. The blade was not fast, but the arc it cut seemed to be etched in everyone’s hearts.


In the face of this blade, all things are formless.

Between the rise and fall of the blade, an indestructible corpse was already split in half.

However, after the blade fell, Jiang Ran’s arms and legs were simultaneously grabbed by the corpses on both sides.

They exerted their strength at the same time, trying to tear him apart.

But they heard the sound of dragon singing rising up, and the Eight Desolate Dragon Technique, which was derived from the brute dragon strength, suddenly activated.

Even though these corpses had incredible cultivation before death, their power was even more limitless after death, but they were unable to break Jiang Ran’s stance.

“Just you guys, you want to shake the real me?”

Jiang Ran laughed, flipped his hand, grabbed the wrist of one corpse, and with brute force, pulled it. The corpse lost its footing, and Jiang Ran swung it around, slamming it hard against the side.

When the two corpses collided, they made an extremely loud cracking sound.

It was as if two statues made of adamantine metal had collided.

Both corpses’ mouths were crooked and their eyes were askew, but Jiang Ran felt very satisfied with the smashing and immediately swung around and smashed again.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang,

It sounded as if a god was forging metal in the mountains and fields, and the loud noise created a sound wave that made the surrounding corpses wobble and fall back.

Jiang Ran felt physically and mentally refreshed after smashing the corpses. He suddenly kicked one of the corpses on the ground, sending it flying and falling out of the way.

There was only one corpse left, so Jiang Ran raised his foot and stomped on it.

A loud thud was heard, and the back of the corpse’s body caved in. The corpse’s power did not diminish, however, and it tried to dig its fingers into Jiang Ran’s flesh.

Jiang Ran smashed his hand in anger, stomping his feet furiously, almost reducing the chest and abdomen of the corpse beneath him to a piece of paper.

Only then did he kick it away.

However, at this moment, he felt something strange in the corpse in his hands. When he turned around, the corpse’s hands were like guns, and it was charging straight at his face.

“…Jiang Rulong is still handy.”

Jiang Ran muttered, suddenly remembering Jiang Rulong’s end, feeling overly sad.

When he was alive, Jiang Ran used him as a weapon.

After he died, he was forged into a weapon by the people of Qian Wantan…

And whether it’s the Thousand Forging Hall or the Valley of the Wind, they are both established in Zhao.

These two, one uses corpses to forge weapons, and the other uses corpses to forge puppets. It really is not surprising to find that these two are related.

As he thought, he threw the corpse in his hand into the air with one hand.

Immediately after, he swung the Broken Gold Knife.


The blade radiance shot from bottom to top, directly hitting the corpse.

It seemed to be pushing the corpse towards the sky endlessly… Jiang Ran looked up with his hands on his hips, but he didn’t know where this corpse could fly to.

But when he looked back at the other corpses,

he was slightly stunned:

“This is a bit ridiculous.”

He saw that the chest of the corpse that Jiang Ran had crushed into a piece of paper was now inflating. In just a moment, it had returned to normal.

And those whose mouths were smashed and eyes were skewed gradually returned to normal.

Even the two halves of the corpse that Jiang Ran had split in half with an invisible slash were actually connecting with each other.

Just as Jiang Ran watched, the two eyes showed signs of returning to normal.

After all this time, did he just waste his effort?

Jiang Ran let out a soft sigh. These eight corpses were not as flashy as the Eternal Dragon Emperor’s Ten Thousand Years Dragon Emperor Technique, but they were also very difficult to deal with due to their simplicity.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t defeat them, the key was that these eight corpses could not be killed.

They were already dead…

He pondered over his own swordplay.

The Nine Dazzling Swords had unparalleled power, and so far, he had created a total of eight sword techniques.

The first move, “Frightening the Gods,” is the first move that anyone who practices the Nine Frightening Moves will understand.

The second move, “Formless,” is something Jiang Ran himself understood: before the blade, everything is dust.

The third move, “Endless,” incorporates the principle of the Daoist Heart Sutra, which is like harnessing the endless.

The fourth move is the wound of life and death, drawing a line between life and death, imprinting the door of life and death, and extinguishing the life of those who are struck.

The fifth move is to observe the vast ocean, with the ocean surging, the sky turning upside down, and the invisible sword of ten thousand shadows incorporated. It is truly a mighty move, and needless to say, its power is even greater.

The sixth move is the silent world wind, which takes the method of the cold moon. It was formed by finding a glimmer of opportunity in the martial arts of the old Taoist priest at the barbarian temple. It freezes thousands of miles, and is full of the blade.

The seventh move, Slaying the Gods, is based on Jiang Ran’s immense spiritual power and is forged with the help of the owner of the Mountain Beyond Mountains’ Green Mountain Sword. Even gods will die if they fall into it.

The eighth move, Moonlit Night, is the result of the help of the owner of the Building Beyond Buildings, who can change the stars and the moon in the blink of an eye, changing the sky and the earth. It can change the day into night in no time, and the moonlight is the light of a blade. The moment you see the moonlight, you have already been stabbed countless times.

These eight moves are truly formidable.

The further one goes, the more divine and profound the moves become.

Combined with Jiang Ran’s endless internal strength, Bai Yulou’s internal strength over the past thousand years could not harm him in the slightest.

But at this moment, Jiang Ran suddenly realized that these moves seemed to be useless against these eight corpses.

The “Ghostly Dread” move was quite powerful, but it could not cut through these eight corpses.

Jiu Wuxing Dao does have this ability, but the gap created by this move is too wide, and there are still loopholes. It may be fine for ordinary people, but these eight people are no ordinary people, and if you are not careful, they will really be possessed.

As for Endless, there is no need to mention it. Apart from being able to send them away, to a thousand miles away… Well, that is still an exaggeration. Apart from being able to push them away, under the invincible body, it cannot really make them lose their mobility.

As for the scar of life and death…

They were already dead.

Once the Sea of the Sea is cast, it is estimated that it will sound like an anvil being struck by rain.

It is still a little short of what is needed to eliminate them.

The Silent World Wind should be fine…freezing a thousand miles can restrict their movements.

The moves of Slaying the Gods and Moonlit Night Sky are simply not needed.

They are really useless against these eight corpses.

Jiang Ran had previously cast Slaying the Gods on one of the corpses.

He said that gods can be killed, but the opponent is a corpse with an empty mind, and it simply doesn’t enter the illusion.

Yue Yekong needs to rely on the spiritual power of both sides… None of these corpses have any spirit, so where does the power come from?

Jiang Ran raised his hand and pointed, and there was a blood moon in the sky. People looked up but couldn’t see anything.

Jiang Ran changed his footwork, avoiding the attacks of the eight corpses while thinking about how to repel the enemy.

However, looking around, the key must still be in Jun Hezai’s body.

Unfortunately, Jun Hezai already knew this, and unless he was in a safe condition, he would never easily show himself and give Jiang Ran the chance to turn the tables.

“Your Excellency seems to be less impressive than before?”

Jun Hezai’s voice sounded again. Although his words did not carry the slightest hint of a smile, he was laughing heartily between the lines.

Jiang Ran’s brows furrowed slightly:

“Stop shouting…”

He stepped aside and swung his fist.

Under the influence of the Dharma, a corpse was smashed into the ground:

“Can’t you see that I’m thinking of how to wipe you all out?”

“Wipe you all out?”

Jun Hezai shook his head:

“At this point, Your Highness is still thinking about such an impossible thing?

”Your Highness, do you know how much I have paid for these eight corpses?

“It took eight years of sneaking into the Valley of the Wind and acting with extreme caution to obtain the Valley of the Wind’s corpse-refining methods and bring the Valley of the Wind’s master under control.

“After much deliberation, I chose the most suitable young people to be turned into flesh puppets.

”Taking advantage of the Five Kingdoms War, I pushed their internal strength to a level that is almost unbelievable to ordinary people.

“In the end, I even merged all the flesh puppets that the Wind Valley had created over the years into these eight corpses.

“Giving them boundless power to change the world.

”This is how it came to be today.

“They are indestructible, immortal, and every move they make has the power to destroy the world.

“How can Your Excellency win against eight opponents like this?“

Jiang Ran was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

There was a sound of something falling from above, and it was the corpse that had been endlessly thrown into the sky that had just now begun to fall.

Jiang Ran said softly,

”Indestructible and immortal?

“I don’t see that… I only know that nothing in this world is indestructible.

”There is only a lack of power.”

Having said this, he suddenly punched the sky, and the corpse that had just prepared to land was once again informed that it had to hover in the sky for a while longer, as there was no space on the ground for it to land.

Then Jiang Ran casually retracted the Broken Gold Knife.

With one hand on the hilt, an endless cold spread from his feet, covering the world in frost as it passed.

The remaining seven corpses leapt up at the same time.

However, they were swept away by the cold wind, and a jingling sound came from their bodies.

When he looked up again, he saw a huge Dharma image had already appeared behind Jiang Ran.

The Dharma image stood proudly, with the swastika character scrolls rolling behind it. The fist, which looked like a small mountain, slowly opened, as if it contained the weight of thousands of troops.

There was a loud boom, and the huge fist had already fallen.

It directly sounded among the corpses.

These corpses still wanted to get up, but Jiang Ran did not give them the slightest chance.

His fist, which looked like a mountain, smashed down punch after punch… The ground shook as dust and gravel flew into the air, and a huge crater visible to the naked eye appeared before Jun Hezai’s eyes.

His seven corpses were all buried under the sand by Jiang Ran, and as they tried to struggle, Jiang Ran delivered another punch.

Dong, dong, dong!

Jiang Ran spread his arms wide, as if he was mentally preparing for a protracted battle.

His hands, covered in dharma, rhythmically hammered down.

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches…

He didn’t know how many punches it would take to actually kill a corpse.

He could only keep on hitting.

Fortunately, his internal strength was profound and endless, so even if he hit a thousand or ten thousand times, he was not afraid of getting tired.

The sound of landing rang out again, still from the sky, just beaten up by Jiang Ran, and now it fell again.

Jiang Ran then used his Dharma form to catch it in his hands, and with a flick of his wrist, he heard a crackling sound, and the corpse was thrown among the many corpses.

From a distance, one could see a giant Dharma form that was even taller than the ancient tree in the restaurant.

His fists thundered, pounding and slapping on the ground, crazily and without the slightest hint of humanity.

This lasted for a full cup of tea.

Tang Shiqing and the others in the distance finally took advantage of this opportunity to catch up and see how the battle was going.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Ran heard footsteps, he suddenly turned around and looked at the princess:

“Princess, help me.”

The princess straightened her back.

What does this mean?

Accepting a task in a crisis? Is there anything you can do that no one else can?

Not daring to underestimate her, the princess immediately said in a deep voice:

“Tell me, no matter what it is, I will help you, I will give you my life!”

Jiang Ran nodded repeatedly:

“Okay, I’ll come and arrest the criminal.

”The Golden Cicada Emperor plots to rebel, reward 4 million taels of gold, and please ask Her Royal Highness to give me an IOU!“

The princess gritted her teeth:

”Will I lose my royal bearing if I swear at this moment?”

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