Chapter 225: Cool, just one word

Release Date: 2024-07-05 17:25:12
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Anping is a feminist, in recent years she has handled most of the divorce cases, so she often educate those women, telling them to be strong and independent, telling them that they can still live without a man, and now things happen to her, she realized that things are far more than just a simple matter of opening her mouth, and that the pain is really going to knock her down. But even a lie told a hundred times can become true, so Anping can immediately choose the “right” thing to do, which is to stay true to her traditional views.

However, it does not mean that she will not hurt, will not be bitter, will not be angry, but when there are many people, she can only hold up her spine to be a strong woman, can not beat their own mouth, but Shen Yi Yi and other people a go, the room is empty after she suddenly realized that her emotions have been suppressed, if not outbursts hurt Lin Hao, then it is really going to hurt themselves – naturally, to hurt Lin Hao. -Naturally, she wanted to hurt Lin Hao.

That’s why she hit Lin Hao, do not hit her gas can not, do not hit her pain can not be dissipated.

Anping and Lin Hao married more than seven years, plus and Lin Hao’s acquaintance with two get along with eight or nine years of time, although she is hidden marriage, but is not unloved Lin Hao, although the cause is important but not forget about the family, she just thought she had all the time in the world, life can be slow. Today she realized that no man is willing to wait for you and take his time with you, as long as he has the opportunity and the right person, he will turn around and walk away.

She is a professional woman, and has always been proud of the fact that she has never lost herself because of marriage, and this is what she said most to those divorced women – women can’t just revolve around the family, women have to have their own careers, and women can’t lose their individuality. She really thought she was doing a good job, but she didn’t realize that she had already lost her husband’s heart. had already lost her husband’s heart.

Anping has always thought that very understand those who look for a mistress, the second wife of the man, everyone is at home with the wife tasteless, and he can not synchronize communication lost the common language, only know to do housework with children, shivering and so on as the reason, and all of them look at the lover so accusing the home of the old wife – accusing the one who gave everything for him to him, to him as the center of the old wife. the old wife who centers on him.

All the men said the same thing, and she knew that it was an excuse, and that those men were not worthy of forgiveness, but she also thought that those wives had a responsibility, too, and why should they give themselves entirely to the little family? So she thought she was doing a good job, so she secretly used herself as an example to educate those female principals, and it was not until today that she realized how greedy the scum men were, and that those excuses were really complete excuses, shameless excuses used to whitewash themselves and throw dirt on their old wives.

She has a job, but she doesn’t care about her family at all. She remembers all the festivals and the birthdays of Lin Hao and his family, and she also tries to be as romantic as possible when she spends time with Lin Hao every month in the hope that the love can be preserved, and at the time she married Lin Hao, Lin Hao’s family was only average, and Lin Hao’s career was just starting out, and half of what the couple owns is her contribution. -She didn’t give less than Lin Hao.

And she gave her parents as much as she gave Lin Hao’s parents, but she doesn’t have any siblings but still won’t forget Lin Hao’s siblings – over the years, she bought things for Lin Hao’s family – such as electrical appliances for Lin Hao’s parents’ home, Lin Hao’s sister’s jewelry, Lin Hao’s brother’s wedding furniture, and so on. Lin Hao’s brother’s wedding furniture and so on, all of which was a considerable amount of money.

She asked herself that she was not a traditional and virtuous wife, but also not a hard and cold woman who completely disregarded the family and Lin Hao’s feelings, but Lin Hao still changed his heart, just because of her career, just because she wanted to have a child two years later.

See, this is the scum – if the wife at home is a virtuous, he will hate her eyes in the heart only a home, only around the stove, and social disconnect, and he can not be synchronized, if the wife at home is a successful career, then he will hate her not enough to care about themselves, not enough to take care of their families – in short, the husband and wife together, but still change their hearts, just because she wants to have children two years later. -In short, husband and wife living together will always produce aesthetic fatigue, while the man puts all the fault on his wife, and then play the poor to find a confidante to complain.

Lin Hao raised his head at this time: “Anping, I know I’m sorry, but you know how much I like the child, you also know how much I hope to go home after the home has a light for me, the table is delicious, hot meals! Today, I am at fault, but Anping you should also review yourself, otherwise you will not have a good result even if you get married again in the future. I’m not cursing you, I’m just taking things at face value.” He wasn’t without fire even if he was beaten again.

Anping was furious for a while, her body shivered, indeed, she was at fault, but this kind of words was not something Lin Hao should say, and she really didn’t know as a woman wanting to make a man satisfied, how to grasp the degree! Too much care for the family, men will be annoyed, you just do professional women to be taken seriously, and there will be a lot of work troubles and disputes, so naturally to pay a lot of energy, the man will say is that you do not know care for the family.

Why, not the man to master this degree? Why, it must be the woman’s fault? How unfair, how ridiculous to divert attention, but including the original she thought that was right.

Zi Shan’s face changed: ”Lin Hao, shut up. In fact, I really don’t want to say anything to you, because when I divorced Feng Dayong, then I didn’t say anything to him about right or wrong or anything like that, because there was no need for that, but today you are too much for me to look down on, as a man you didn’t fulfill your responsibility, and you want to fight back?”

“What do you mean it’s also Anping’s fault?” Her eyes reddened slightly, “It’s a woman’s fault if she doesn’t work because women who don’t work are too ignorant, and it’s a woman’s fault if she works because she doesn’t care about her family anymore! You guys are right about everything, what’s wrong with us being women?”

Lin Hao didn’t expect Zi Shan to react so strongly, “Zi Shan, I don’t mean that, if An Ping doesn’t hide her marriage, if she’s willing to have a child ……”

Zi Shan sat up, “Don’t make any excuses for yourself! The hidden marriage was something you agreed to, and the marriage was something you agreed to, so who do you blame now, huh? Don’t say anything about how the wife is – Anping now has a reputation as a women’s rights lawyer, and you, Barrister Lin, don’t want people to know that this woman, who’s very unpopular in the men’s circle, is your wife, do you?”

“What’s the point of talking so much nonsense, it’s just that you men are tired of the wives in front of you, and you’ll always find an excuse anyway, a woman coming out to work to satisfy men? Ha, joke. If a woman’s work is not good, can not make achievements to you men will certainly look down on, do not know considerate but also complain about a woman does not care about the family – that a little bit of money would be better to go home to take good care of the children! But if you really want to go home to take care of your children and you, you will think that women are out of touch with society!”

“If a woman is good at her job and earns more money, then you men can blame her for being too busy and not caring for her family, for not wanting to have children for the sake of career advancement – we’re women, and we’re bound to be delayed in order to give birth to a child, unlike you men who don’t have to pay anything for a child, and women have to risk their lives in order to give birth to a child. A woman has to risk her life to give birth to a child, even if medicine is advanced nowadays, but a woman still has one more danger than you men that she may lose her life during labor!”

“Men don’t have to give birth to a child, so their careers can continue, but women just take maternity leave, and then turn around and it’s a hundred years later! All the hard work has become a stepping stone for others, who knows this hardship? It’s fine if other people don’t know and don’t experience it, but if your own husband can’t understand it and uses it as an excuse to blame his wife, do you men have a conscience? Anping just want to have a child two years later – otherwise, Lin Hao you can have a child, take your career prospects in exchange, are you willing to have a child now? If you won’t have a baby, then I ask you what’s wrong with her?”

Zi Shan is really not spit out, the pressure in the bottom of the heart of the dissatisfaction are seething out, she divorced after hearing a variety of remarks, even sympathetic to her people, including some women also accused her of once was at fault, if not to give everything to that small family, how would she lose Feng Dayong’s heart?

But there are millions of families in Blue Water City, there are millions of women who give everything for their families, why their men are not like Feng Dayong? Its simply that Feng Dayong is a scum, not that she, Zishan, is at fault for anything.

“Also, what if women came out to work and earned more than you men? You will then face greatly damaged, feel unable to raise your head in front of people, feel that your wife makes you lose face in front of your friends and relatives, the so-called husband’s program is not vibrant – this is also a reason for cheating. In short, woman how you do it is all wrong, as long as you meet a scummy man and also unfortunate enough to marry him as a wife, then whether you work or not, work well or not, it’s all your fault.”

Zishan fiercely “pooh” a mouthful: “is your fault, do not put it on our head, we did not do anything wrong, when Feng Dayong is because I need to give all my efforts, he can work well. And Anping is not the same, you work together together to have your present life with a house, car and money! If you fucking dare to say one more word that it’s our fault for being wives, let’s see if we don’t skin you, Barrister Lin, and let the world see your true face.”

She cursed sharply and quickly, her mouth was a bit dry after she finished cursing, and she reached out her hand to Jiang Tao, “Water.” Although she was a bit out of breath, but after cursing she felt that the blocked air in her heart finally subsided, just one word – cool!

Chu Xiang is a face of excitement: “That is, that is, what is wrong with us, a family to how to survive the storms of life, always need two people to work together, you have to divide the work, look, we go halfway, the man is tired of the way we look, but do not even think about not having me which has him today. His lack of success today is his lack of ability, his success today has half of our credit, because we are wholeheartedly given, for that home to do everything we should do, can do.”

Jiang Tao listened dumbfounded, until Chu Xiang finished his words he had not reacted, and Zi Shan reached out his hand again before he went to pour water, but obviously his mind was not on the water, he was not frightened by any remarks, but only by Zi Shan’s excitement and expression, well, there is a little bit of a small excitement – Zi Shan, it turns out to be still the same person that he saw on the pedestrian street The person he saw on the street.

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