Chapter 383: Tomorrow

Release Date: 2024-07-05 17:30:35
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Zishan heard Anping’s words, “There’s a problem with that contract, right?”

Anping nodded, “The problem is not small, Lin Hao is a man, how can he willingly give Hao Shufen and her daughter a lifetime ATM? The terms on it are certainly a trap, as long as he divorces Li Rongqi, Li Rongqi’s mother and daughter don’t want to get a penny on him, I think, he will divorce Li Rongqi very soon after he regains his reputation.”

Zishan bristled, “He can divorce just because he wants to? Hao Shufen won’t let him off the hook, if he ties the knot, he won’t be able to leave.”

Jiang Tao shook his head, “What does he want to do, divorce or not divorce and we have no relationship, he in the contract on the hands on the foot of us also have no harm, but there are a lot of benefits, as for Hao Shufen mother and daughter’s life how that’s their thing, do not rely on their own efforts want to live a good life, hey, that is really only dreaming.”

The sunlight outside the window is very enthusiastic, not only for Jiang Tao them, for Lin Hao is even more enthusiastic, now he does not want to open the air conditioning, just use the fan is the result of sweating, but also so that his mood is extremely bad, irritable – why Hao Shufen has not come to him, is Hao Shufen changed his mind, or she really went to look for a lawyer! Hao Shufen’s approach has given him the opportunity to make his own decision.

Hao Shufen’s approach gave him great hope that he could break free from the predicament, but one day did not realize that he would not be at ease for a day, things have all kinds of possibilities, and the possibilities are Lin Hao very much do not like.

Hearing the doorbell, Lin Hao hastily turned on the air conditioner and shut off the fan and hide it, and then walked over to look at the cat’s eye, to see the person outside the door is Hao Shufen his heart is a burst of joy, fixed his mind, he put all the feelings on his face are hidden before opening the door.

Hao Shufen saw him is a face of smile: “Waiting anxiously, right? It’s not easy to talk to Rongqi there, and you know she’s very angry, but her treatment is going well now, and the doctor said she’s making a lot of progress.” She came in and put down her bag and went to get some water to drink herself, casual as if she was in her own home.

Lin Hao didn’t care what she did, knowing he didn’t have to put up with her for long, “I’m in no hurry. Anyway, you came up with the solution, and I was just forced to cooperate, so what’s the rush? Find me if there’s anything, if there’s nothing I’d like to rest – I’ve just come back and I’m really tired from being busy until now.”

Hao Shufen was really a bit wary, “What have you been busy with?” Seeing that Lin Hao didn’t answer she was even more uneasy in her mind, thinking that she couldn’t get a long night’s sleep, so she hurriedly took out the contract, “I signed it and obtained Rong Qi’s testimony, her doctor actually said that it would be better if she had his proof, and also gave me a certificate saying that Rong Qi was sober at the time she confirmed your innocence.”

She looked at Lin Hao, “Let’s sign the contract today, then hurry up and go get the marriage license – I asked for the doctor’s certificate as you said, so that Rongqi can’t go in person I’m perfectly capable of standing in for her as her mother, and the photos are ready, so let’s go. Once you’ve received the license, hurry up and notify the reporters to come over, let’s have that what’s-his-name conference, you said that, hurry up and restore your reputation.”

Hao Shufen was in a hurry to restore Lin Hao’s reputation, so that he could make money quickly.

Lin Hao of course will not oppose, and Hao Shufen rushed to the civil affairs department together to do the relevant marriage formalities to receive a marriage certificate, Hao Shufen looked at the big red marriage certificate of the heart of the stone fell to the ground, know that after their own days will be better: “You arrange it, call me when I go over, the faster the better ah.”

Lin Hao is more anxious than her, “Tomorrow morning, you come over early, remember to bring a handkerchief, do as I say, don’t let people see the cracks.”

Hao Shufen answered with her mouth full, “I know, don’t worry. How are you doing with Rongpeng, it’s been a few days? You have to work harder, he is now your great-uncle, so that he is always in the detention center count how a thing? Hurry up and bail him out, I’ll leave first.”

She was anxious to take the contract to Jiang Tao to have a look at them, and urged Lin Hao a few times and then hurriedly took a taxi away, as soon as she left Lin Hao’s face appeared to scoff, but still drove to the police station–Li Rongpeng did all those things, which really surprised him, and now to get him out is also to add to the chaos of Zi Shan and Jiang Tao, what’s so bad about it? Lest Jiang Tao had time to count himself out, he’d have to keep them busy to do so.

He was very pleased, because everything was changing for the better, and feeling good fortune returning to him really made him smile from the bottom of his heart – when he rose again, he must let Jiang Tao know know how powerful he was.

Hao Shufen rushed to Zi Shan’s company with the contract and took it out to Jiang Tao for a look, “I see no problem with his signature and seal, you give it a look, right?” She was still in a state of excitement, the thought of moving to Lin Hao’s house, the thought of enjoying herself to the fullest she couldn’t help but smile, well, there wasn’t anything she should go to the beauty parlor in a while – there was no need to save any more money, she had to make it up to herself.

Jiang Tao looked over, “No problem. But Lin Hao isn’t a lightweight, he wouldn’t be trying to steal the contract after you move in with him, would he?”

Hao Shufen was shocked, “Indeed, I must change the locks before I do that.”

“Changing the locks doesn’t necessarily work, Lin Hao has a lot of heart, you just change the locks can’t keep him from coming to the door ah, I don’t know when he can steal it, then you won’t have a place to go and cry, as long as Lin Hao steals the contract I guess he is sure that he just wants to get divorced, and you guys won’t be able to live in his house anymore – the house hasn’t been renamed, right? -The house hasn’t been renamed, right, it’s still someone else’s.” Anping opened his mouth and scared Hao Shufen out of her joy.

Yes, this contract is the guarantee for the rest of her life, if Lin Hao steals it, it’s over, but what can be done to ensure that the contract won’t be stolen? She looked up to Jiang Tao full of hope: “Lawyer Jiang, give me an idea, where to hide it is not too safe ah, Lin Hao’s ghostly mind is too much, I’m afraid I can’t hide it from him.”

Jiang Tao thought for a moment, “It’s very simple, just put it in a place where he knows but can’t steal it. Well, you can also make a few copies and hide them in various places so that even if he steals the original you can charge him with the copies.” He pointed to the copier, “Here, make the copies here, it costs ten dollars or so to go out and make copies of a contract this thick, doesn’t it? Besides it’s not good for people to see what’s on it.”

Hao Shufen said yes again and again, letting people see the content is not good is one aspect, she is more interested in saving more than ten dollars, so she let Jiang Tao hand over the contract to so-and-so Jing to make copies, she sat down to talk to Jiang Tao about meeting the reporters tomorrow, and of course didn’t forget to ask why Zi Shan was not there.

Chu Xiang looked at her: “Zi Shan has something to go out, you want her? I’ll call her back, I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”

Hao Shufen thought about it and smiled, “Some other day. I want to come back to see her in a few days, I’m sure she’ll be happier.” With things mostly done, she no longer put Jiang Tao in her eyes much – no longer needing him? She was going to have a good time once tomorrow was over, so of course she had to let Li Zisan know about it, and of course she had to be angry with Li Zisan.

Xue Jing finished photocopying and binding the contract and brought it over, “The original, watch it but there’s not a single one missing for you, five copies, is that enough?” Throwing the stuff on the table, she hugged her chest, “If it’s not that you and Uncle Li are husband and wife, we really don’t care about your idle matters, and also, in the future, don’t let Lin Hao lead you by the nose, you have to be more powerful to get the upper hand in everything, or you’ll be waiting to be bullied by Lin Hao.”

Hao Shufen put the contracts away, “Want to bully me? With these things in this lifetime he won’t be able to escape me.” She finished with a few smug laughs, nodded to Jiang Tao and left, this time leaving without the slightest intention of being polite, which was very much in line with her style of behavior – crossing the river of course, you have to tear down the bridge.

After she proudly left, Anping spat, “Look at her behavior.”

Jiang Tao looked at Zi Shan who came out from the inner room, “You have time tomorrow, I know a very good place, do you want to stroll with me?” His eyes were shining brightly.

Zishan glared at him, “Of course there is something tomorrow ……”

“What’s the matter ah, work is never done, go go go, people who work a lot and don’t know how to rest will grow old very fast, tomorrow’s matter will be left to us, you and Jiang Tao go on your date despite.” Anping interrupted Zi Shan’s words, not forgetting to squeeze his eyes when he finished.

Zi Shan slapped her forehead, “Have you guys had enough?”

Jiang Tao favors still wanting to make sure of the time at this time, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning around 8:30 ah, if you’re willing to make an extra breakfast, I think I’ll be there at seven.” Under Zi Shan’s gaze he touched his stomach, “I’ve been very uncomfortable these past two days, I always have a burning sensation, and I’m also acidic.”

Zixan sniffed a little worried: “Know that the stomach is not comfortable to drink more congee, said you how many times, tomorrow morning to my home to eat it, I will give you to cook millet porridge, that the most stomach. In the future, you have to insist on drinking millet porridge every day, this stomach ah to rely on nutrition, you know?”

The fat man said in a strange voice: “I will cook millet porridge for you, this stomach ah, to rely on nourishment.”

Zishan grabbed a book and threw it over: “Fatty, you catch death, is not it?”

Fatty shouted: “Wife, help.”

Xue Jing crosses her waist: “Why, ah, think you are two people can bully our family fat man, we are also two people, fat man, come on, give them a sweet, see if they dare to learn one.” The crowd roared with laughter, Jiang Tao just took his eyes and smiled at Zi Shan, and did not divide or attack.

What can Zishan do, annoyed up can only push Jiang Tao: “It’s all you, still not go? Quickly go you.” When she reached the door, she glared at Jiang Tao again: “Don’t come over without anything, do you know? That’s a bunch of crazy people, can’t afford to mess with them.” Then she whispered, “Come over early tomorrow, I’ll get you some more soup, you usually drink it to nourish your stomach.”

With that last sentence, Jiang Tao sweetened his heart, smiled and nodded as he turned around to leave, but suddenly he turned back around and reached out to hold Zi Shan’s hand, shaking it hard before letting it go – not waiting for Zi Shan to react, he quickly ran off – he saw that that Zi Shan’s face reddened, but the annoyance did not enter Zi Shan’s eyes.

Jiang Tao had a premonition – tomorrow would be a good day.

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