Cheap Love

Cheap Love

Author: Daidan Status: end Popularity: 36

Chapter List: Chapter 72 Updates: 2024-08-18 20:07:54

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A gripping tale of love, betrayal, and the harsh realities of life. Explore the journey of a woman whose love was valued at just ten thousand, as she confronts the past and navigates the challenges of her present.

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Chapter 72

Almost as soon as they hit the gas pedal on the Bugatti, they were across the border and back at Zhou's house.

Zhou Yinchu seemed to be a little more outrageous tonight than he had been in his previous buildup of lust, but everything he did was traceable.

From the moment she fell into that embrace, Wen Ning knew what she was about to receive tonight, a round of unextinguished, another round of the wind and waves, sometimes feel that she is like a ship in the wind and rain in the swaying, bobbing, lost in the stormy waves.

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