Chapter 095

Release Date: 2024-07-08 14:29:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The two little girls hugged and jumped and laughed in excitement.

After the excitement was over, the two of them went home hand in hand, their mouths never closing in joy.

Separated in the alley, Doudou went home first.

Wen and Liu Zhi had already finished work and were clearing the table for dinner.

When she saw Doudou entering the house with a smile on her face, Wen asked her, “What have you been doing? Doudou smiled and went up to help.

Doudou smiled and went up to help, telling Wen and Liu Zhi, “Spike and I went to the Song and Dance Company, and Spike passed the exam.”

When she heard this, Shizuku’s eyes widened in surprise and amazement, “Really?”

Doudou nodded at her, “Yeah.”

With that confirmation, Shizuku’s face was filled with nothing but joy.

She couldn’t stop smiling, looked at Doudou and said, “Spike is really great, so young to be in a municipal singing and dancing troupe, is she the youngest person to get into a singing and dancing troupe?”

Doudou replied, “I don’t know if she’s the youngest, but Ms. Lu of the Children’s Palace said before, she said that Spike was born to eat this bowl of rice, belongs to the, God rewards food.”

Liu Zhi followed, “Then Spike this is talented in dancing.”

Next door.

Dan Sui arrives home and is also asked where he’s been.

As a result, Dan Sui held back his excitement, mischievously sold a secret: “You guys guess.”

Looking at her somewhat complacent and dejected state, it was clear that she was happy about something.

Xing Yu was the first to voice his guess: “Big sister, did you go out and play a game with someone else and win again?”

Dan Sui decisively shook her head at him.

Dan Tong guessed again, “That’s because you ate something delicious outside. ”

Dan Sui still shook her head.

Zhen Zhen, Huai Ming and Zhong Min Fen looked at her, waiting for her to give an answer.

Dan Sui smiled and fooled around for a while, then said in a clear voice, “I got into a song and dance troupe!”

Hearing this, Jenny and Zhong Minfen were both stunned.

It was Zhen Zhen who reacted first, and with a smile on her lips, she looked at Dan Sui and asked, “Really? The results were announced today?”

Dan Sui proudly said, “Of course it’s true, I intentionally didn’t tell you when the results of the troupe will be announced, it’s today. Doudou and I went to see it together, and I really got in.”

Zhen Zhen looked at Zhong Minfen, looked at Shui Huai Ming, and then looked at Dan Sui.

Seeing that all three of them were still a little bit not quite daring to believe, they didn’t show any particular behavior for a long time.

Unsatisfied with their performance, Dan Sui looked at them and said, “Why aren’t you guys excited at all?”

After Dan Sui finished speaking, Dantong and Xingyu got excited first, clapping the table together and shouting, “Congratulations to big sister for getting into the Song and Dance Troupe!”

When the two children shouted like this, Zhen Zhen Serving Huai Ming and Zhong Min Fen naturally laughed.

The three of them all gave Dan Sui some food, and Zhen Zhen said, “I knew it, our Spike is the best!”

Dan Sui was not modest and said, “That’s not true.”

Dan Sui’s admission to the troupe at such a young age soon spread throughout the compound.

When they met in the compound, everyone would praise Dan Sui a few times, saying that she was capable and had a bright future.

Other people’s high school graduates, conscripted into the army are more or less rely on some family relations, and she a teenage girl, but by their own ability to get into the city’s song and dance troupe, is not awesome?

The child has a good fortune, Zhen Zhen service Huai Ming and Zhong Minfen are naturally very happy.

But in addition to being happy, there are also some different emotions.

In the evening, after washing up and sitting down in the room.

Zhen Zhen said to Shui Huai Ming, “I didn’t expect that Spike would actually pass the exam.”

Serving Huai Ming was also surprised, “Then it seems that the teacher at the Children’s Palace had the right vision, and she’s the one who eats this kind of food.”

Zhen Zhen looked at Shi Huai Ming, “I’m happy that she got in, but I’m a bit sad that she had to go to the troupe at such a young age.”

Servant Huai Ming said, “She chose it herself, she wants to go, so let her go. This is also quite good, at least it’s in the local area and doesn’t go away, if she goes to be a soldier, then she still has to go to the local army and won’t be able to see each other for a few years.”

That’s true, Zhen Zhen nodded once.

But she was still a little emotional, said in a slow voice: “Children are growing up day by day, and in the blink of an eye they will leave us as parents. After New Year’s Eve there will be three of them leaving, Cheng Chen to join the army, Zi Ran to the countryside, and Sui Sui to the regiment.”

Serving Huai Ming: “It’s time for them to have their own lives.”


Dan Sui this time can not think of after the year to leave home to shed this kind of thing, she every day to accept everyone’s praise and congratulations, right now full of brain full of stomach only happy, and is thinking about not arrived in the acceptance letter.

Wanting to personally receive the acceptance letter from the letter carrier, Dango stayed at home every day for the rest of the year and never went outside again. Even when everyone went to the market to buy New Year’s goods, she didn’t go along.

Today, everyone went to the market, and she stayed home with Zhong Minfen to bask in the sun.

Dan Sui sat next to Zhong Minfen and tilted her head, resting her face in her hands, listening attentively to Zhong Minfen’s storytelling.

Zhong Minfen naturally told stories from her own childhood, when the society was still old.

Dan Sui was listening attentively when she suddenly heard a knock on the courtyard door.

Almost instantly, Dan Sui immediately shifted her attention, jumped up from the bench and said, “Grandma, my notice has arrived!”

After saying that she ran to the courtyard door and pulled it open.

But what she saw when she pulled open the courtyard door was not the letter carrier, but Li Shuang.

Dan Sui subconsciously froze for a few seconds, then hurriedly called out, “Godmother!”

Li Shuang smiled at Dan Sui, sent the things in her hand to Dan Sui, and softly said, “Godmother heard that you got into the singing and dancing troupe, and has been wanting to come and see you, but only took the time to do so today. I’ve knitted you a pair of gloves, let’s see if you like them.”

They were a pair of red wool knitted gloves, the wool fluffy and new.

Dan Sui smiled and reached out to take them next, putting them on her hands and looking to Li Shuang, she said, “I like them very much! Thank you, Godmother!”

Li Shuang smiled happily, lots of creases piling up at the corners of her eyes.

She did not intend to stand and talk much, this added, “Godmother will go back first, I will come to see you again when I have time, ah.”

Dan Sui knew that Li Shuang said on her lips that she would be free to come to see her, but in fact, she would not come to see her easily at all.

Over the years, Li Shuang had not been in much contact with people, especially not with Dan Sui and their little children, basically not seeing them, even after these years of transformation, the relevant influence was no longer so great.

Today she also thought for a long time before coming over by herself.

Delivering gloves and whatnot was a small matter, she mainly wanted to come and take a look at Danhoe herself.

After simply looking at it, her heart was also comfortable.

After saying her words, Li Shuang didn’t linger for a moment, turned around and left.

Dan Sui stood by the door and looked at Li Shuang, before Li Shuang could take a few steps out, she called out, “Godmother.”

Li Shuang stopped walking and turned back, looking at Dan Sui with a slight smile and asked, “Uh, what’s up?”

Dan Sui, also smiling, didn’t say anything and ran straight to Li Shuang and reached out to hug her around the waist.

Then she tilted her head, looked at Li Shuang and said, “You’ll always be my godmother.”

Li Shuang froze, and for a few moments raised her hand and touched Dan Sui’s head.


Watching Li Shuang’s back disappear into the alleyway entrance, Dan Sui turned around and went back into the yard.

She went and sat down under the porch, lifting the red glove on her hand and looking it over again, front and back.

The gloves were very pretty, and there were a few tiny red flowers woven into the top of the back of the hand.

Zhong Minfen’s eyes were now also very blurry.

She saw Dan Sui put on the gloves and came back, and did not take any acceptance notice, so she asked: “Just came is not the mailman ah?”

Dan Sui didn’t hide it and looked at Zhong Min Fen and said with a smile, “No, it’s my godmother, she knitted me double gloves.”

Saying this, she raised both hands up and sent them directly to Zhong Minfen so that she could take a closer look.

When the revolution first started, Zhong Minfen didn’t let Dan Sui and the others mention Li Shuang and He Shuo.

Now she naturally wasn’t so overly nervous and scared, she looked at Dan Sui’s gloves and said, “Hmm, nice looking.”

The two grandchildren spoke a few more words, and suddenly there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Dan Sui not forgetting about her acceptance letter, once again jumped up from the bench, “This time it must be!”

Wearing gloves, she ran like the wind to the courtyard door and reached out to pull it open.

This time she did see the letter carrier, and she asked, “Is it from the song and dance troupe?”

The mailman took a look at the envelope and said, “Yes.”

Heartily, she was glad when the dust settled.

Danhoe reached out and took the notice, crisply said thank you to the mailman, and busied herself by turning and running back under the porch again.

She sat down on the stoop and smiled as she told Zhong Minfen, “Grandma, this time it is!”

Zhong Minfen smiled back, “Now you’re finally down to earth, aren’t you?”

Dan Sui smiled and nodded, “Down to earth.”

Dan Sui took the notice out and after carefully reading the contents on it, her heart became even more solid.

With this notice, she would be able to officially enter the Song and Dance Troupe in a year’s time and become a real dancer.

She held the acceptance notice up to the sunlight.

The sunlight hit the notice, illuminating every tiny gap in the paper.


The old year ends with the sound of firecrackers.

The new year begins with departures and goodbyes.

First, Cheng Chen put on a bright and straight uniform, put on his backpack, and left Xicheng to become a soldier.

Then He Ziran, together with a large group of high school graduates, embarked on a train to the remote countryside to join the army.

Lastly, there is Dan Sui, who takes the notice and reports to the troupe, officially becoming a member of the troupe and receiving strict and professional training.

On the day of the official report, Zhen Zhen and Shihua Ming sent Dan Sui to the troupe together.

As they watched the small figure enter the troupe, their eyes were filled with sadness.

Dan Sui didn’t feel any reluctance, and was so happy that she almost flew in.

After finishing the children’s business, the two of them rode their bicycles home.

Zhen Zhen sat sideways on the back seat of the bicycle, slightly tilted her head and looked at the blue sky and said: “Grown up, found their own organization, in the future do not need to follow us to worry about it, save trouble.”

Serving Huai Ming knew that Zhen Zhen was actually uneasy about Dan Sui.

He was also uneasy, but he didn’t say anything more, but looked back at Zhen Zhen and said, “Since you can worry less, and now you’re free, I’ll take you to a place?”

What is the relationship between this sentence before and after?

Zhen Zhen didn’t understand, so she naturally looked at him and asked, “Where to?”

Serving Huai Ming pinched the brakes, stopped the car with one foot on the ground, looked directly back at Zhen Zhen, and told her, “I asked someone to find a violin teacher for you a year ago, and promised to go there after the New Year, do you want to go and take a look now?”

Zhen Zhen suddenly froze and looked at Shui Huai Ming and blinked.

Because the two of them didn’t figure out anything from their own reading, Zhen Zhen did say that she wanted to find a teacher to teach her, but that was just a casual remark, after all, it wasn’t anything serious, but she didn’t realize that Shi Huai Ming had really found a teacher for her.

Seeing that she was staring blankly, Mr. Huai Ming asked again, “You don’t want to go?”

Of course not, Zhen Zhen quickly nodded, “Yes!”

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