Chapter 12: Five Hearts Toward Heaven

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded excitedly.

Wu Tong, the chief instructor who was by the nerve reaction testing machine, laughed, “Alright, next, Bai Yang.”

Luo Feng walked over to Yang Wu, who had a surprised look on his face and lowered his voice, “Crazy man, congratulations, you’re a quasi martial artist now. As soon as you pass the martial practitioner practical test, you can be a martial practitioner!” Luo Feng also lowered his voice and said, “Brother Yang, you’ll definitely have no problem passing this nerve reaction test, when the time comes, we’ll do the actual combat test together.”

“Uh-huh.” Yang Wu was also looking forward to it in his heart.

Then Luo Feng and Yang Wu’s attention was focused on the people being tested.

Soon after, two people tested one after another, one succeeded and one failed.

“Last one, Yang Wu!” Chief instructor Wu Tong shouted.

Yang Wu took a deep breath, he had waited for this day for too long and too long, and he had always been stopped at the speed test level, and now he was finally qualified to take the nerve reaction test here in the Extreme Hall.

“Cheer up.” Luo Feng shouted encouragingly.

“Don’t worry.”

Yang Wu took a big step and directly entered that red circle range, as chief instructor Wu Tong pressed the start button, at once that nerve reaction test machine’s muzzle began to rotate, soon reaching an extremely fast rotating speed, dozens of muzzles within the muzzle instantly shot out one rubber bullet after another, covering the red circle.

Only Yang Wu was seen moving swiftly, moving within one step back and forth, very concise.

“Eh?” Luo Feng watched Yang’s evasive stance and was secretly surprised, “Yang’s stance, it seems slightly stiff. It’s not as flexible and swift as mine, but this kind of stance of Yang’s seems to be very efficient, each dodge is not too big, he didn’t even utilize the red circle’s diameter of three meters and six meters, he just moved within one step of the front and back.”

Yang Wu’s moving range was small, but his dodging efficiency was high.

“This kind of stance is indeed very useful in real combat. However, it requires very fine control of the battle. Otherwise the slightest error occurs and the monster’s sharp claws could rip off the martial artist’s body!” Luo Feng secretly evaluated, at least this stance was efficient in Luo Feng’s opinion, but it was also very dangerous.

It was tantamount to dancing on a blade.

“Woo……” soon a minute passed and the muzzle of the nerve response testing machine stopped rotating.

“60 seconds, 52 hits, not touching the red light, pass. Pass!” Chief Instructor Wu Tong spoke.

Yang Wu inside the red circle was excitedly clenching his fists, his arms were full of veins, and tears were hidden in his eyes, for this day, he had waited for too long and too long. Finally, he had realized his dream, and was only one last step away from the legendary martial artist title.

“Yang Wu.” Chief Instructor Wu Tong frowned and droned, “This kind of stance that you use to dodge attacks belongs to the ‘Into the Faintest’ level of dodging stances. In a life-and-death fight with a monster, through small body movements, the monster’s attack grazes through your body and cannot injure you! Because of the small amplitude of body movement, naturally, within the same amount of time, one can make more evasions, and the efficiency is extremely high.”

“But this kind of body method is extremely difficult and extremely high, once there is a hint of error, originally you calculated that the monster’s sharp claws are two centimeters away from your body, and can’t hurt you. But there is an error …… the sharp claws of the monster, it is possible to cut through your body. Will you cut open the belly! In killing with monsters, once you make a mistake, it is likely that you will lose your life. So-”

“I would advise you, in the future, when fighting with monsters, when dodging, try to dodge a little further away. Give yourself room to turn around.” Chief Instructor Wu Tong solemnly said, “With your strength today, it’s best to train your basic stance well. The effect will be better instead.”

Yang Wu was startled, then solemnly nodded, “Yes, Chief Instructor.”

“Yang Wu, you have to remember these words from Chief Instructor, on the way to the martial arts path, never be greedy. The Entry Level Body Technique is very powerful. However, if you don’t have the strength to perform this kind of stance and force it, you will only be making a mockery of the East and letting people laugh at you for nothing.” Instructor Jiang Nian seriously instructed.

Chief Instructor Wu Tong smiled and said, “Alright, for this quasi-martial artist test, a total of three people have passed, they are Luo Feng, Bai Yang, and Yang Wu.”

Luo Feng, Yang Wu and Bai Yang all had suppressed joy in their eyes.

If it wasn’t for the group of martial seniors around them, I’m afraid they would’ve screamed out in excitement.

“Everyone, the next thing, and signing the practical test contract and so on, you guys help out with that.” Saying that, Chief Instructor Wu Tong looked towards a silver-haired, black-robed man who had been standing in the middle of the edge, and laughed, “Captain, I’m sorry for making you wait for so long, let’s go, let’s go out.”


Luo Feng and the other three were shocked, the chief instructor that was the chief head of this side of the extreme martial arts school in the entire Yangzhou city, his status was extremely high. He shouted ‘captain’, then what was the status of this silver haired black robed man?

The silver haired black robed man’s gaze swept a glance at Luo Feng’s trio, for a moment Luo Feng only felt that this silver haired black robed man’s eyes were like the boundless starry sky, the whole person instantly sunk into it, but immediately after that Luo Feng had a jolt, the whole person came to his senses. “What the hell is going on?” Luo Feng suddenly realized that the expressions of Yang Wu and Bai Yang next to him had become dull.

“So scary, one look made us completely freeze off.” Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.

This strength, it was too terrifying.

For example, if the two of them fought against each other, before they even exchanged blows, the other party made their consciousness blur with a single look, I’m afraid that by the time they came to their senses, they would have already been stabbed through the heart by the other party.

The silver haired black robed man smiled slightly, surprised and glanced at Luo Feng.

“Little guy, good talent, work hard.” The silver haired black robed man smiled at Luo Feng.

“Hehe, willpower is also good, tsk.” Chief Instructor Wu Tong also nodded in satisfaction.

With that, Chief Instructor Wu Tong and the silver haired black robed man directly left this.

“What’s wrong, what happened just now?”

“What happened to me?”

Yang Wu and Bai Yang, the two of them, only then did they come to their senses, the two of them looked at each other before they recalled what had happened before, and they could not help but be scared into a cold sweat. Regardless of whether it was Yang Wu, Bai Yang, or Luo Feng …… after they grew up to the present day, that silver haired black robed man just now was indeed the most terrifying character.

“This silver haired black robed man, has been watching us test from the side. However, from the beginning until just now, I didn’t even notice his presence.” Luo Feng was secretly shocked in his heart, “Without making a sound, it’s as if there’s no such person in space. It’s too unbelievable. Nope ……”

As Luo Feng tried to recall what the silver haired black robed man looked like, he was shocked to realize that –

He only remembered the pair of eyes that made people sink in, he couldn’t remember what the man looked like at all.

“You three come over here.”

Instructor Jiang Nian and a group of other martial artists looked at the three with a smile, “Come to the martial arts training hall.”

From the nerve reaction test room, they entered the spacious martial arts practice hall.

“These are the three martial practitioner practical test application contracts.” One of the obese old men took out the three contracts from the corner of the martial arts training hall, “Martial Practical Examination, once you participate, if you are killed by a monster in the process. It is unrelated to my Extreme Martial Hall! Of course, the mortality rate of the martial artist practical combat test is very low.”

Luo Feng, Yang Wu, and Bai Yang all took this contract and looked over the contents.

“The mortality rate is low, but the disability rate isn’t.” A bald burly man said in a low voice, “The martial artist practical combat test is a life and death fight with monsters! Of course this is the most basic combat, when you guys really go to the dangerous area alone to hunt monsters in the future, the danger can be much more terrifying than this Martial Practical Combat Test. If you can’t even pass this level, you are not qualified to be a martial artist.”

Luo Feng, Yang Wu and Bai Yang looked at each other.

The contract was simple, it mainly said that the extreme martial arts school would not be responsible for any deaths or injuries that occurred during the actual combat test.

The three didn’t hesitate and directly took the nearby signing pen and signed their names.


Jiang Nian, the instructor next to them, smiled, “Good, today is July 1st, there is still one month before the actual combat assessment. During this month, you should prepare yourselves well. Right.” Said Instructor Jiang Nian walked to the keyboard next to him and quickly pressed some keys, soon the walls of the martial arts training hall floated on a transparent huge screen, and an article appeared on the screen.

It was titled – “Gene Primordial Energy Cultivation Method”.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but hold his breath.

The reason why martial artists’ bodies were so powerful, there were even some top martial artists who moved at speeds that even managed to exceed the speed of sound! A single slash could split through steel plates several meters thick! Of course nowadays there was a huge gap between Luo Feng and their strength, compared to the legendary powerhouses.

Why are martial artists strong?

Relying on genetic primordial energy!

“Back then, during the great nirvana period. Humans were infected with the RR virus and produced antibodies. Resulting in the body’s genes naturally undergoing changes to optimize.” Instructor Jiang Nian smiled, “When the genes were optimized to a certain extent, they were able to absorb the silk energy from the universe and integrate it into every cell in the body! During this process, the genes are optimized, and the bones, cells, blood, internal organs, skin, and so on will all evolve and improve!”

“Your bones can become ten times harder than diamond, and your internal organs are so strong that you can hold your breath in water for half an hour or even longer!”

“All of this depends on you absorbing the energy of the universe, integrating it into each cell, and becoming your own energy. That is – Genetic Primordial Energy!”

Instructor Jiang Nian pointed to the article on the screen, “This, is the cultivation method of Genetic Primordial Energy – the Five Hearts Toward Heaven Cultivation Method! It’s also the only method to cultivate genetic original energy on the entire planet.”

Luo Feng immediately read this one article carefully.

Genetic proto energy, the reliance of humans to optimize their genes and evolve!

“So it’s like this.” Luo Feng understood after taking a closer look.

Ordinary people couldn’t cultivate because the level of genetic optimization wasn’t enough. Generally reaching a fist strength of 900 kilograms, a speed of 25 meters per second, and a nerve reaction speed on the quasi martial artist qualifying line. When reaching this level, the degree of genetic optimization was almost at the qualifying line. Ninety percent of quasi-martial artists were able to start cultivating genetic original energy!

“You guys can start trying to cultivate genetic original energy this month.” Instructor Jiang Nian smiled, “As for the most precious ‘Guiding Technique’, it is something that you will only be able to obtain when you become martial artists and join my Extreme Martial Arts School or the army and so on.”

There was only one method of cultivating genetic original energy in the whole world.

However, there were millions of channeling techniques all over the world. Cultivating different conduction techniques could cause the speed of cultivating genetic original energy to differ greatly. Even tens of times. It was the channeling techniques that were the most precious to the various forces.

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