Chapter 13: Joy

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Instructor.” That Bai Yang couldn’t help but ask, “The Guiding Technique is said to be magical, how magical is it? How is it able to cause the speed of cultivating genetic original energy to increase?”

At this time, a middle-aged man with white hair in the middle of the martial arts training hall spoke up, “Bai Yang, let me put it to you this way. If you don’t practice the Guiding Technique and just use the ‘Five Hearts Toward Heaven Cultivation Method’, you may refine for five minutes a day, and your whole body’s cells will already be saturated. It would be impossible to absorb any more!”

“But if you cultivate the Guiding Technique, the capacity of your cells is much greater. It allows you to cultivate for eight minutes, or even ten minutes, or even an hour!” This middle aged man looked at Luo Feng’s three, “You guys understand now, right?”

When Luo Feng heard this, it dawned on him.

“The conduction technique, is to make each cell, increase the amount of meals per day.” Luo Feng secretly said in his heart, cells absorbing cosmic filaments of energy into genetic raw energy was like a person eating! Assuming that a person can only eat three bowls of rice, practicing the conduction technique is allowing a person to eat five bowls of rice a day, ten bowls of rice.

Jiang Nian smiled, “If you do not cultivate the Conduction Technique, the energy that the cells can absorb is assumed to be one unit! Once you cultivate the Conduction Technique, the energy that the cells can absorb may change to two units, three units, or even more! That is to say, one year of your cultivation may exceed ten years of someone else’s cultivation! This is the charm of the Guiding Art.”

One by one, the martial artists present opened their mouths to talk about it, and it was obvious that they all had a lot to say on the Guiding Art.

“In terms of channeling techniques, the world’s number one powerhouse, my Ultimate Martial Arts School’s Global Chief Pavilion Master ‘Hong’ has created nine sets of first-class channeling techniques. If you guys join my Extreme Martial Hall and your martial hall contribution is high enough, you’ll have the chance to learn this top-class channeling technique.” The martial artists present all smiled and tempted Luo Feng’s trio.

All the major powers in the world wanted more and more martial artists from their own families.

“Instructor.” Luo Feng suddenly spoke.

“Hmm?” Instructor Jiang Nian smiled and looked at Luo Feng, “What is it?”

“Instructor, the silver haired black robed martial artist who just went out with the chief instructor, how did he make us defenseless with a single look? What kind of ability is this of a martial artist?” Luo Feng had never heard that a martial artist was this powerful, so he was very curious about it.

Instructor Jiang Nian smiled slightly and the group of martial artists next to him laughed even more.

“Kid, the one who went with the chief instructor, is a spiritual ninjutsu master! A Spiritual Nihilist that is much rarer than our number of martial artists.” The martial artists laughed and said, “Of course, spiritual masters are also a type of martial artists! However, they are the most terrifying existence amongst martial artists.”

“Mentalist?” Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.

Nowadays the internet is developed, on the internet Luo Feng had seen an introduction that said that spiritual masters are a very special existence amongst martial artists, and also a very scary existence.

But where exactly was it scary, the internet didn’t elaborate.

“Wait for you later, after you become a martial artist. You will soon know about Spiritual Nian Masters.” Instructor Jiang Nian laughed, “Alright, today’s quasi-martial artist examination ends here. You three can go home as well. Well, the quasi-martial artist certificate has to be stamped through the top and entered among the citizenship information. It will probably arrive in a few days. We’ll notify you then. Alright, you all go back.”

“Yes, instructor.”

Luo Feng, Yang Wu, and Bai Yang, immediately turned their heads and left the martial arts training hall together, being watched by the neighborhood’s garrisoned soldiers with guns in hand as they left the neighborhood in front of the Extreme Clubhouse.

At the entrance of the bright moon neighborhood, Luo Feng, Yang Wu and Bai Yang were all smiling.

“My name is Bai Yang, I’m from the first military school in Jiangnan. My hometown is in Yangzhou city, and it just so happens that I’m on summer vacation, so I’m close enough to come here for the examination.” Bai Yang stretched out his hand and shook hands with Luo Feng and Yang Wu respectively, “I’m glad to meet you two.”

The number one military school in Jiangnan?

One had wanted to enter this military school.

Luo Feng smiled, “My name is Luo Feng, this is Yang Wu, both of us are from Yian district extreme martial arts school.”

“Brother Luo Feng will definitely have a great future in the future, it’s our elite class in the military school, not many of us become martial artists.” Bai Yang was very happy to make friends, for Luo Feng who crossed into the ranks of quasi martial artist at such a young age, he was naturally even more happy to make friends. Maybe in the future Luo Feng would become a superhuman.

Next to him, Yang Wu laughed, “Not to say so much, it’s fate that the three of us passed the exam on the same day and in the same place. Today is a good day, let’s find a restaurant to have a good meal together and have a good chat.”

“Good.” Bai Yang smiled and answered.

“Go.” Luo Feng also laughed harshly.

The three of them had just passed the quasi martial artist test, they were all energized, they chose a restaurant to have lunch together, and then split up to go back to their respective homes.

Luo Feng drank some wine today and waited until he was on the subway before he remembered to call home to report his good news.

However, there were too many people in the subway. I’m afraid that the moment he opens his mouth and says ‘Passed the quasi martial artist test’, he’ll definitely cause a mob: “Forget it, it’s not too late to call when we get out of the subway.”

Taking subway line 1 to the Zhong’an Road station, he directly exited the station, transferring to line 11 from Zhong’an Road station would take a while.

“Tell mom, dad, brother and them.” Luo Feng was excited until now.

Quasi martial artist ah ……

After so many years of living in embarrassment within his family, he had worked hard for so many years and had finally accomplished something!

Standing on the side of the street of Zhong An road station, Luo Feng took out his cell phone.

“Beep …… beep ……”

After pressing the phone number, Luo Feng waited.

“Hello.” His brother’s voice came from the cell phone, Luo Feng smiled and said, “It’s me.”

“Of course, you don’t look at what your brother is. Of course it passed. Haha, yeah, yeah. OK.” Luo Feng took the phone and said happily, “Well, mom is home too? Good, you put mom on the phone.”

“Hey mom, it’s me, Little Feng.” Luo Feng was happy.

Listening to his mother’s happy and excited voice on the phone, Luo Feng couldn’t help but have some moist corners of his eyes, after all, he had worked too long and too hard for this day, “Mom, you’ve asked three times. I really passed the test. That quasi martial artist certificate will be sent home in a few days.”

“I’ve already eaten, it was with the other two who passed the test.” Luo Feng laughed, “Oh, calling dad? Don’t worry, mom, I won’t forget. Well, I know.”

Hanging up his cell phone, Luo Feng couldn’t help but have a smile on his face.

Happy and satisfied!

He had been struggling for so long, working hard on his stance and sword skills since he was a kid, wasn’t it for this day?

“Whew, inhale.”

Luo Feng took one deep breath to calm down before dialing his father’s cell phone. In this family father Luo Hongguo was a mountain in the family, the backbone of the family! Before he himself became a martial arts school senior student, almost all the expenses in the family were maintained by his father’s efforts to earn money.

Although his mother worked, she had to take care of her two sons, not to mention that one of them was disabled.

The house renovation work that my father was engaged in was very hard, and he had had several back pains and hand injuries.

“Dad, from now on, you don’t have to work so hard.” Luo Feng said silently in his heart.

“Duh… duh…”

A burst of sound came from his cell phone, Luo Feng was waiting for his father to pick up the phone.

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