Chapter 17: Late Night in the Cell

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Late at night, there was no moon or stars in the night sky today, the cell Luo Feng was in was pitch black, only the roadway outside the cell was vaguely lit.

“Hoo……” snoring sounds were constantly resounding in the cell, it was clearly already time for a deep sleep.


On the top bunk on the left, Luo Feng who was originally lying down and resting suddenly sat up, his feet were even coiled up with each other so that both palms were facing upwards, his hands were also placed on his legs so that his palms were facing upwards, his waist and back were straight.

“According to that genetic original energy cultivation method seen in the extreme hall there is only one in the whole world – the five hearts towards the sky cultivation method. And generally if you can meet the physical requirements of a martial artist, most of them will be able to start genetic original energy cultivation.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, “The first ‘induction’ is the hardest!”

To absorb the silky energy in the universe, one must first sense it.

According to this energy was spread all over the earth, even in the cosmic stars there was this energy. Just …… the vast majority of human beings are simply unable to detect the existence of these energies.

“As long as one can ‘sense’ it, it will be simple to absorb it.”

“Generally talented people can sense it on their first day of cultivation. While a martial artist with weaker talent would take a year and a half just to sense the cosmic energy.” Luo Feng adjusted his breathing while maintaining the five hearts to the sky posture, the five hearts here refers to “the two hearts of the feet, the two palms, and the Hundred Happiness Points at the top of the head.”

“Exhale, inhale ……”

Luo Feng’s breathing gradually calmed down, controlling himself and making his heart quiet.

“The body should be loose, five hearts towards the sky naturally. The heart should be quiet, quiet as the lake that is as calm as a mirror.” Luo Feng’s self control was very good, gradually he became completely still, even his heart was still.

It was silent, his breathing was already faintly audible.

One minute, two minutes …… thirty minutes, one hour ……

“Hm?” Luo Feng in the cell suddenly opened his eyes, “The so-called cosmic energy, where the hell is it? How come I can’t feel it? My heart should have been very, very calm just now. Could it be that, as said, talented people can sense it successfully in a day, and those with weak talent, it takes a year and a half to sense the cosmic energy?”

“Try again.” Luo Feng closed his eyes and once again tried to sense the cosmic energy that described the cosmic energy that existed everywhere around him.

Looseness, stillness.

These were the two most emphasized points in the five hearts to heaven cultivation method.

“Still not right.” Half an hour later, Luo Feng opened his eyes again.

Luo Feng truly realized that the first hurdle of cultivating genetic proto energy – sensing – that was very difficult.

“Try one last time, if it doesn’t work out, we’ll wait for tomorrow night. I hope it works.” Luo Feng looked forward in his heart, closed his eyes, and started to quiet his mind once again, sensing the cosmic energy.

Time passed by, ten minutes …… thirty minutes …… fifty minutes …… one hour with twenty minutes… …

“Why hasn’t it worked yet?”

In the near meditative silence of the mind, Luo Feng’s thoughts also became slower.

Gradually ……

In this state of near meditation with his eyes closed, originally Luo Feng’s mind still had a trace of longing, longing to sense cosmic energy. But as time passed, Luo Feng himself was fast asleep! After all, even if a normal person closes his eyes late at night and stays up for half an hour without thinking about anything, he would probably fall asleep, not to mention that Luo Feng has already insisted for three hours.

Close to the state of sleep, at this moment Luo Feng had already forgotten to sense the cosmic energy.

“So comfortable.”

Luo Feng who was in a near sleep state, vaguely and vaguely sensed a trace of breath through the center of his feet, the palms of his palms and the top of his head’s Hundred Meeting Points, at an extremely slow speed, gradually flowing into his body.

“What is this?” Luo Feng was still half asleep.

“It’s cosmic energy!!!” Luo Feng woke up with a jolt, his eyes instantly glazed over, suddenly the feeling he had before completely disappeared.

Luo Feng himself didn’t even realize that he had vaguely sensed cosmic energy when he was sensing that he was going to fall asleep.

“I felt it, I felt it, that must have been cosmic energy before.” Luo Feng’s heart burst with surprise, “According to the article, once one reaches the quasi martial artist boundary, the vast majority of people are able to cultivate genetic primordial energy. Even if you don’t sense it yourself, unconsciously, your body will absorb it at an extremely slow rate.”

Luo Feng knew that the situation he sensed just now should be the body spontaneously absorbing cosmic energy, but this kind of body spontaneously absorbing cosmic energy speed, that would be too slow and too slow.

“That’s the feeling.”

Luo Feng closed his eyes and immediately tried to sense it again, gradually his breathing calmed down and his mind quieted down. Luo Feng’s consciousness was practically focused on the palms of his feet, the palms of his palms, and the center of his head, as he tried to sense the slightest hint of breath he had sensed before.

In a daze, it seemed, he sensed that breath, and then again, he didn’t.

Gradually, the feeling became clearer.

It was it!

A trace of a very weak and tiny aura drifted slightly, and only a hint of penetration progressed very slowly as it approached the center of the foot.

“This is cosmic energy.” Luo Feng’s consciousness was focused on the “five hearts”, his consciousness naturally dispersed a thought of “absorbing cosmic energy”, naturally the speed of absorption at the center of the feet, the center of the palm of the palm of both feet, and the Hundred Clubs point of the head began to increase, and it instantly increased by a hundred times.

If you say that at the beginning, the cosmic energy was like a crack in a water pipe slowly leaking water drop by drop into Luo Feng’s body, then now, this crack in the water pipe was like a crack in the water pipe.

Then now, this water pipe crack became bigger, it was like a small stream of water that continuously flowed into Luo Feng’s body.

“Ah” a shuddering feeling from deep within the bone marrow of his entire body caused Luo Feng’s body to tremble. After these formless and colorless cosmic energies entered Luo Feng’s body, they were crazily devoured by every cell of that body that had been starving for too long, these cosmic energies kept coming in through the five channels.

In the cells.

As the cosmic energy entered the cells, it was quickly absorbed by the mitochondria within the cells, at the same time releasing a strange energy, this energy was quickly absorbed by all parts of the cells, the entire cell itself immediately began to undergo radical changes, the DNA genetic blueprints also underwent slight changes, at the same time the cells also began to split, splitting into two.

Time passed minute by minute ……

Luo Feng’s body was constantly changing, no matter if it was the skin, muscles, bones on the surface, or even every cell in the deeper levels, and even the genes themselves were changing slightly, this change was the evolution of life, a kind of optimization of the genes of life!

“According to the cultivation method, because the human body has never consciously absorbed cosmic energy since birth. So it has always been in a state of starvation, and the first time it absorbs cosmic energy, it is the one that absorbs the most. It’s also the one that increases strength the fastest!” Luo Feng felt that his entire body was undergoing essential changes from the inside out.

The entire earth and even the universe had endless cosmic energy, the little bit Luo Feng absorbed now was completely negligible.

But for Luo Feng himself, it was the most astonishing improvement in his growth since he was a child until now!

Bone density was rising, the cells themselves were shrinking in size, one cell was splitting into two, the muscle tissue itself was starting to be optimized, and naturally Luo Feng’s body weight was increasing.

Life, it was just so strange!

In the brain area.

In the depths of Luo Feng’s undetectable brain area, as the cosmic energy continued to pour in, and even into the middle of the brain area. From the time Luo Feng was born until now, there had only been three vibrations in the depths of this brain area, and those three resulted in three comas for Luo Feng. Tonight, with the massive influx of cosmic energy.

A change occurred in the depths of the brain area that was different from the previous three times, and this time, the change was even more subtle …… Luo Feng who was in the middle of his cultivation didn’t even notice it.

“When …… when …… when ……”

Early in the morning, the sun had just risen, it was only five or six o’clock when voices rang out from the detention center. One by one, the detainees in the cells began to get up. And Luo Feng who had been sitting on his knees for a long time finally opened his eyes, revealing a hint of a smile, “Sure enough, since I was a kid, this first time I deliberately absorbed cosmic energy, it took the longest time to absorb, I actually absorbed it for almost two hours before it was saturated.”

Luo Feng could feel that his body contained a huge amount of power that was stronger than in the past!

“Today’s one night’s enhancement is, like, even greater than the physical enhancement brought about by my last college entrance exam coma.” Luo Feng had this feeling, “It’s estimated that a punch can be 1500kg now, maybe higher.” As for how much it’s been improved, only after a detailed test can we know.

“It’s time for breakfast, it’s time for breakfast.” There were quite a few detention center suspects who exited their cells and went to eat.

Luo Feng directly jumped off his bed and also brushed his teeth and washed his face in preparation for breakfast.

And at this time –

In the corridor outside the cell, three suspects in prison uniforms walked past Luo Feng’s cell, one of them shouted, “Bald yellow, I heard that there’s an expert in your cell who injured four senior martial arts school students.”

“Brother Liu, he’s awesome.” In Luo Feng’s cell, the bald burly man even smiled and nodded his head.


The three prisoners looked at each other, one of them whispered, “It can’t be wrong, the cell, age, and strength are all correct, it’s him that brother Zhou is talking about.”

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