Chapter 19 Awakening

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:45
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This skinny teenager was none other than the ‘Cobra’ who was quite famous in the Yian district circle, his fame depended on his flying dagger skills. From the time the other inmates had frantically surrounded Luo Feng earlier, this Cobra teenager was looking for the best opportunity to strike, and now just when Luo Feng was fighting and at his most frantic –

He struck!

This flying dagger was very sinister, as it flew out, it just happened to be blocked by a prisoner’s body, causing Luo Feng to not see any flying daggers coming at all.

Swoosh! A flash of cold light!

The flying knife went through the crotch of a prisoner who threw himself up, when Luo Feng saw the flying knife, it was only two meters away from him!

“Not good!”

“Too late.” Luo Feng’s nerves reacted quickly, but in such a short time he couldn’t move his body in time to dodge away.

The flying knife didn’t shoot at the vitals, but it shot at Luo Feng’s right shoulder.

“No!” Luo feng glared, for a martial artist the arm that uses the weapon is extremely important, Luo feng uses a sword, the hand that he uses to use the sword is his right hand. And once this joint in the right shoulder was shot through and the bones cracked, without a few months, it was impossible to perform sword techniques and kill monsters.

That is to say, once he was shot, he would not be able to participate in the martial arts practical test on August 1st, and would have to wait for February 1st next year.

“NO! Get out of the way, get out of the way!!!”

With the amazing speed of the flying knife in front of him, just two meters away, Luo Feng’s mind had no way to think about the consequences of things and so on, in this nick of time, at this most critical moment, Luo Feng’s entire spirit instantly tensed up, his whole body’s strength of muscles and bones also burst to the limit, staring at this flying knife with only one goal, one conviction—.

Dodge this flying dagger, can’t let the flying dagger shoot into his shoulder!


Flying knife in the moment about to shoot Luo Feng, flying knife tip bizarrely even slightly change direction, originally is straight line shooting toward Luo Feng shoulder, became rubbing Luo Feng’s shoulder and passed, just rubbed Luo Feng shoulder surface layer of skin, offering blood slightly stained red Luo Feng shoulder clothes.

“All crouch down, all crouch down!”

“Quick, crouch down.”

At this time, a large number of assembled guard police officers with assault rifles had rushed into the middle of this hall, all the inmates who were still frantic before immediately crouched down obediently, even that ‘Cobra’ slim teenager crouched down, he looked at Luo Feng in shock: “How could this happen, how did my flying dagger shot missed?”

Seeing the police rushing in, Luo Feng also immediately crouched down.

“How did the flying dagger change line just now?” Luo Feng who squatted down was puzzled, but right at this moment, a terrifying head pain suddenly arose without any signs, this intense headache was like a sharp spike drilling and drilling in Luo Feng’s mind, the pain caused Luo Feng’s whole body to convulse and he directly fell to the ground.

“What’s going on?”

“Come here.”

The police who had already controlled the situation couldn’t help but be shocked looking at Luo Feng, only to see that at this time Luo Feng’s whole body was red, his whole body sweat beads were constantly oozing out, and even oozing out a blood bead, making Luo Feng’s whole body’s clothes soon completely dyed red, his veins were bursting out as if a root of a green snake was wrapping around Luo Feng, making Luo Feng become unprecedentedly terrifying.

“Not good, he has fainted from the pain.”

“Quick, quickly send him to the side medical room.”

The police officers were also stunned by Luo Feng’s appearance, even though Luo Feng’s entire body had lost consciousness, his body was still red.

In Luo Feng’s mind.

A powerful mysterious force continuously surged out from Luo Feng’s mind, instantly integrating into every part of Luo Feng’s whole body, under the baptism of this mysterious force, Luo Feng’s whole body’s bones, organs, blood, muscles, skin were undergoing drastic changes, and every cell was also undergoing changes, this was a hundred times a thousand times faster than Luo Feng’s own body metamorphosis when he was cultivating genetic protoenergy, it is reasonable to say that such a drastic and rapid The body would not be able to withstand the changes and would collapse and explode.

However, under the integration of that mysterious force, although Luo Feng’s body showed many phenomena such as convulsions, blood oozing out, bones trembling and so on, at least his body didn’t show any internal injuries.

“Quick, be careful, send it to the medical room.” The police officers immediately carried Luo Feng away and sent him to the medical care room.

And the aftermath of this large-scale armed fight was quickly organized and summarized.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

In a small, secluded three-story building in the detention center, in the living room on the first floor, a movie was being projected on a large screen of two hundred inches hanging on the wall.


A middle-aged man wearing a robe on the sofa opened his mouth, and at once the movie being projected was paused. It was then that a knock came from outside.

“Come in.” The door opened since then, and a man wearing a military uniform walked in, respectfully saying, “Director, this large-scale armed fight has been clearly investigated. It was Zhou Huayang who arranged for people to deal with this young man called Luo Feng, but it turned out to be a large group of people who were injured by Luo Feng, and a few of them were seriously injured.”

“That Zhou Huayang kid? Relying on some of his Zhou family’s power, he’s really arrogant.” This sleeping robe middle-aged man indifferently said.

“Although it was arranged by Zhou Huayang, but the one who really wants to lay his hands on Luo Feng, according to our guess, should be the young man called Zhang Haobai.” The officer respectfully said, “We looked through Luo Feng’s files, plus his entry into the detention center was also related to Zhang Haobai. The possibility of Zhang Haobai asking Zhou Huayang for help is high.”

Nowadays, there were a total of six base urban areas in the entire country of China.

Because of the unprecedented gathering of humans together, it made the state’s control over its citizens stronger.

“But Director, according to our survey of the scene of the armed fight at that time, the metal benches and metal tables that were dented by fists. We judged that this Luo Feng’s physical quality must have reached the level of a martial artist.” The officer said forcefully, the stools and tables for eating inside the detention center were metal products.

Luo Feng’s fist had dented the metal table, and a palm strike had even gone as far as chopping the metal stool.

How terrifying was this!

“Martial artist degree?” The middle-aged man who had been so calmly stood up violently, frowning as he stared at the officer, “Are you sure?”

“One hundred percent sure!” The officer replied, “And I’ve just called the Thunder and Lightning Guild and the Extreme Guild for verification, this Luo Feng has just taken a quasi martial artist test and has passed! It’s just that it hasn’t been recorded amongst the citizenship information yet, I believe it will be recorded in the next few days.”

“Quasi martial artist? What’s he, a quasi martial artist, doing in the detention center?” This middle-aged man frowned, “If he really makes a scene, that would be troublesome.”

Martialists, no matter which side of the martial arts world they were on, were all very attached to martial rights.

If a martial artist suffered a loss in the police system, then it would definitely be met with discontent from all martial artists, and there would be big trouble then. After all, the police system was not qualified to make any detention and imprisonment measures against martial artists.

“Now where is this Luo Feng person?” The middle aged man spoke.

“This Luo Feng has had strange headaches since he was a child, he had an attack during his college entrance exams and just had another attack. But now he’s back to normal and is in the infirmary, still in a coma.” The officer replied.

The middle-aged man thought briefly and immediately ordered, “Immediately send Luo Feng to the military infirmary next to him, give him a special class infirmary and let him rest! When he wakes up, you personally apologize to him on my behalf, and when tomorrow morning comes we’ll contact the extreme martial arts school he’s in to talk about this, make sure to turn this into a big deal and a small one! Send him home again.”

“Yes, Director.” The officer immediately led the order and left.

Late at night.

In the quiet bedroom, Luo Feng’s eyes moved slightly before he opened them.

“Eh? Where is this?” Luo Feng’s consciousness woke up, his eyes swept around, the spots on the parapet of the window next to the bedroom were that clear, the sound of the other residents’ homes around him watching TV was surprisingly loud, even the conversations of the night walkers on the road in the distance, the sound he could hear.

“No, it’s not the sound that’s loud. It’s that my hearing has improved a lot.”

Luo Feng got out of bed and stood up, walking in the middle of the bedroom he looked around, his eyesight, hearing and even sense of smell had an amazing improvement.

“How did that flying knife shot over before suddenly change direction?” Luo Feng still clearly remembered that scene, if the flying knife hadn’t changed direction, it would have definitely shot through his shoulder.

Luo Feng’s eyes landed on the stool next to him, his mind moved and an invisible force instantly took control of the stool.


In this dark night time, the stool unexpectedly levitated.

“Eh? This, this is so?” Luo Feng was shocked, “I can control things to levitate?”

From the initial shock, gradually Luo Feng calmed down and began to carefully recall the events before and after, “The flying dagger changing direction before should be controlled by this spiritual power of mine, otherwise there’s no way to explain it. But how was I able to control things across the air?”

“Before, I had a headache to the point of fainting and passing out, this time I can control objects to levitate should have something to do with it, now I feel so comfortable in my head, after so many years, it seems like I’ve never been this comfortable before.” Luo Feng felt as if a shackle had been opened, the whole person was a million times more relaxed.

“I have the ability to control objects, how strong is it?”

Luo Feng’s mind moved, his eyes went to the bed next to him, instantly the entire bed levitated, he turned his head to the TV counter next to him, instantly the TV counter levitated as well. Immediately followed by three chairs, a coffee table, and the closet next to it all levitated off the ground.

Very quickly-

In the middle of the entire bedroom, almost all items left the ground, as if there was no gravity in space.

“Controlling so many things to levitate, I don’t feel any strain at all?” Luo Feng slowly walked to the balcony, it was silent in the dead of night, Luo Feng’s eyes fell on the parapet, his mind moved.


A steel pillar on the guardrail slowly rotated, and then hard detached itself from the guardrail, looking at this one steel pillar, under the gaze of Luo Feng’s eyes, the entire front section of the steel pillar began to gradually rotate and twist, becoming sharp and pointy, becoming a steel spike. Everything was suspended in mid air, controlled by that invisible force.

“Go!” Luo Feng’s mind moved.

Only to see this steel thorn as fast as lightning, shooting towards a wigwam in the neighborhood below, under the amazing speed, this one steel thorn instantly penetrated the boulder on the wigwam. After shooting through the boulder, the steel spike returned and continued through the boulder.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Only to see the steel thorn turn into countless phantoms, crazily and continuously shooting through the fake mountain, as if it was being continuously shot through by a large number of armor piercing bullets, the entire fake mountain quickly turned into a sieve.

“Peng!” Suddenly there was a low explosion.

The fake mountain that was two to three meters high completely burst apart into countless broken rocks, and the steel thorns that had been under Luo Feng’s control also completely burst into broken powder.

“Who is it?”

“Oooh, oooh ……” Immediately an alarm sounded inside the entire military convalescent area, a high spotlight lit up and many guards rushed over with guns in hand.

As for Luo Feng himself, he shrunk his neck and immediately slipped into the house to lie on the bed, while in his heart, he was shocked: “That big stone which is one or two meters thick was instantly penetrated! I control the power of the steel spikes, enough to be comparable to a heavy sniper rifle armor piercing bullet, this is still the reason that the steel spikes are not strong and sharp enough, and in the end, the steel spikes completely turned into powder.”

“I instantly penetrated over a hundred times, isn’t that the same as instantly shooting over a hundred armor piercing bullets through?” Luo Feng was completely stunned by his ability.

Such an ability ……

It was too unbelievable.

In the sanatorium district, a large number of guards gathered in front of that wigwam.

“This, what the hell is going on here?” An originally beautiful wigwam that was tall enough to be two or three meters high and several meters square had turned into rubble, shattering very thoroughly.

“This is, this was bombed by a missile?”

These guards had real guns, but they simply couldn’t imagine what exactly would cause a wigwam to instantly and completely turn into rubble.

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