Chapter 23 – Blood Shadow War Blade

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At five o’clock the next morning, when it was dawn, Luo Feng rushed to the extreme martial arts center.

The quasi martial artist’s certificate hadn’t arrived yet, Luo Feng still used the ‘martial arts center advanced student’ student card and entered the martial arts center.

“Senior brother.”

“Senior brother, good morning.”

Inside the extreme martial arts center, there were quite a few morning trainees on the grass pathway. Luo Feng smiled and nodded his head before running directly to the third floor of the senior trainee teaching building, now that he hadn’t gotten his quasi martial artist certificate yet, he could only enter the senior trainee practicing hall and wasn’t qualified to enter the instructor’s area on the fourth floor.

“Drink, ha!” Only a sound of exhaling and drinking ha could be heard from the martial arts training hall.

Luo Feng looked inside and saw a white robed youth was holding an iron spear and was constantly dancing with a large spear in his hand.

“Brother Tie.” Luo Feng shouted with a smile, “Coming over early in the morning to practice your spear? Rarely seen.”

“Crazy.” This white robed youth stopped and looked at Luo Feng in surprise with a happy face, “Why did you come over? Haha, by the way, I have to congratulate you first, congratulations madman you passed the quasi martial artist test.”

“How did you know?” Luo Feng was surprised.

The news that he passed the quasi martial artist test, there should be very few people who know about it.

“Last night, when the instructor gave us a lesson, he talked about this. It said that amongst the advanced students of our martial arts school, the two of you, crazy man, you and brother Yang, have both passed the quasi martial artist test.” This white robed youth helplessly rubbed his head, “Seeing that both of you have passed, I didn’t dare to slack off, so I came over early this morning to practice my gun.”

Luo Feng nodded.

So it was the instructor who said this, although the extreme martial arts school had over 30,000 students, there were only six instructors in total! The instructor was even just one! When the instructor teaches, most of the time he teaches in the oversized teaching hall, allowing thousands of students to listen to the lesson at the same time.

Of course, it’s not necessary to teach senior students, the entire martial arts center’s senior students are only so many people.

“Crazy man, you’ve passed the test, what are you doing here early in the morning.” The white-robed youth laughed.

“August 1st, the martial artist practical test. I have to prepare.” Luo Feng smiled and headed towards the weapon room next to the martial arts training hall, the door to the weapon room was left open.

Entering the weapons room, on the weapons cabinet, there were a large number of weapons. Knives, guns, clubs, rods, axes, hammers, swords, spears, and so on, there were many different types. Moreover, for each major category of weapon, there were also many different kinds. For example, among the swords, there were one-handed swords and two-handed swords. And this one-handed sword was also divided into many kinds.

“Blood shadow series.” Luo Feng opened one of the weapon cabinets, which had a large number of the same style of swords, of course these swords were all ‘simulated’, the model, center of gravity, and weight of the swords were exactly the same as the real swords. It was only the material that differed by a million miles, the price of a real sword that could decapitate monsters could be hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the price of this kind of imitation sword was only a few hundred dollars, much cheaper.


Luo Feng pulled out one of them, this was the blood shadow 2 series battle knife, the blade was 78 centimeters long, the whole knife was 101 centimeters long, the width of the knife was 5.2 centimeters, the back of the knife was thicker, and the tip of the knife was sharp and good at stabbing.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng casually swung it twice and frowned, “This Blood Shadow Battle Knife, I’ve been using it for ages. But …… it feels so light.”

The battle sword that he was used to wielding in the past now felt light.

“As my strength increases, the weight of the blade I need to use has to increase as well to feel smooth.” Luo Feng took out another battle knife that was also a blood shadow 2 system battle knife, swinging and chopping it twice produced an air sharp whistling sound, “Nope, it’s still light.”

“This one isn’t enough either.”

“Light, too light.”

Luo Feng took out the heaviest Blood Shadow 2 lineage battle knife emulation, he couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh, “It seems like my strength, has really improved too much. There’s no way to find a suitable battle knife for me in this advanced cadet weapon room.” Luo Feng could only choose to leave the third floor and head down the stairs to the fourth floor.

“The fourth floor, is where the instructors and trainers often go.” Luo Feng knew that this fourth floor also had a martial arts training hall, and weapons room, “Quasi martial artists are also qualified to enter the fourth floor, however, my current quasi martial artist certificate hasn’t been issued yet, so I don’t know if I can enter the fourth floor.”

Next to the stairway on the fourth floor, there was a small room where an old man was on duty.

“Eh? What are you doing, no trainees are allowed to come in here.” This old man on duty stood up, suddenly he showed surprise and laughed, “It’s Luo Feng ah, I heard curator Jiang say that you passed the quasi martial artist test, haha, come in.”

“Thank you uncle Li.” Luo Feng let out a sigh of relief.

If this Uncle Li was really serious and insisted Luo Feng to pull out his quasi martial artist documents, then Luo Feng would have no way to get in, after all, legally speaking, Luo Feng is not a quasi martial artist yet.

The fourth floor martial arts training hall was obviously much better decorated, and the various equipment and facilities were also much more upscale.

At the moment, Luo Feng was alone in the fourth floor martial arts training hall.

“Waste, waste, it’s really too much of a waste.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh, “This martial arts hall, there are only six instructor teachers in total. Apart from teaching, the six instructor teachers usually spend most of their time practicing over at the Extreme Clubhouse. Such a good place, it’s just left empty, rare for people to come.”

Luo Feng shook his head and entered the weapon room next to him.

The weapons in this weapon room, although they were also simulated, their appearance looked much better than those on the third floor.

“Blood shadow series 2’s, well, the battle blades here are really much heavier.” Luo Feng drew out one and swung it for two chops, then switched to another, after five attempts, he finally chose one that suited him, taking a closer look at the markings on it, on the blade there was the weight of the knife – 101kg.

“What, 101kg? “Luo Feng himself was shocked, “Such a heavy knife, I actually feel smooth and comfortable?”

One must know that the blood shadow battle knife was originally a fast swinging and chopping speed kind of battle knife with a lighter weight.

To use this kind of blade, one would need 101kg to feel smooth, what level of strength has one reached nowadays?

“It seems really amazing that my physical quality has improved. Go back and test the punching power and speed.” Luo Feng was a bit excited, “For now, practice practicing the basics first.” After choosing a battle sword, he took a hexagonal shield in his hand.

In the martial arts training hall, Luo Feng’s left small arm was holstered in the shield and his right hand held the blood shadow battle sword.



Only to see Luo Feng standing in place, very standardly executing the moves of the basic sword technique – horizontal slice, upward tease, swinging slash, continuous chopping …… Every move was standardized to a tee, and with every slash swung over Luo Feng’s body center of gravity was unaffected, and just kept practicing, constantly making Modification.

“I’m too powerful now. The force control of the swings is not fine enough.” Luo Feng also knew his problem.

“Physical fitness is good, you have to be able to utilize it.” Luo Feng was very clear.

Physical quality being better than the opponent doesn’t mean strength is better than the opponent.

Some people, could only utilize 30% of their own physical quality strength.

And there are people who can play 50%, 60%, 70% or even 100% of their strength. There were some Blade Master level characters who were even able to use their weak strength to kill an existence that was ten times stronger than him. This was the importance of skill and experience.

Of course –

Physical qualities that differed too much would not be something that skill could make up for. All in all, no matter what, skill must be carefully hammered out in order to bring one’s physical strength into play.

“Curator.” The one on duty on the fourth floor, Li Bolian, respectfully shouted.

“Who’s in there?” Instructor Jiang Nian inquired, he clearly heard a burst of sharp whistling sound coming from the martial arts training hall next to him, this sharp whistling sound was obviously the sound produced by knives, swords, and other weapons splitting through the air after they reached an amazing speed. Just by listening to this sound alone, one could understand that it was definitely at the level of a martial artist.

“It’s Luo Feng.” Li Bo said with a smile.

“Luo Feng?” Instructor Jiang Nian smiled slightly and walked towards the martial arts training hall.

Standing at the entrance of the martial arts training hall, Instructor Jiang Nian watched as Luo Feng inside the martial arts training hall was constantly swinging and chopping the basic moves of the sword technique as if it was a textbook. Sometimes he swung and chopped in place, sometimes he swung and chopped the bleeding shadow battle sword while running, dodging, retreating and other movements, the moves were very coherent.

“Hmm, the foundation is really solid enough.” Instructor Jiang Nian couldn’t help but nod his head, secretly praising in his heart, “A good foundation will only lead to better sword cultivation in the future. No obvious weaknesses, really good.”

The more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

“Ah, instructor.” Luo Feng turned around before realizing instructor Jiang Nian and even stopped.

Instructor Jiang Nian smiled and walked in, “Luo Feng ah, sword skills are good, should have been practicing since you were a kid right?”

“Well, in the past when I was young and didn’t enter the martial arts school, I was just swinging and chopping at home alone for fun.” Luo Feng laughed, instructor Jiang Nian nodded in satisfaction, but the smiling expression on his face suddenly froze, he froze and looked at the blood shadow battle sword in Luo Feng’s hand, his eyes glaring round.

“Instructor, instructor?” Luo Feng was startled by the instructor’s expression.

“You, you …… “Instructor Jiang Nian stared at Luo Feng in shock, “You just swung the 101 kilogram Blood Shadow Battle Blade?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Luo Feng was a bit stunned.

Instructor Jiang Nian even shook his head, “Impossible, impossible …… how is it possible ……” but immediately after, instructor Jiang Nian’s eyes lit up, as if he was looking at a supreme treasure staring at Luo Feng generally “Luo Feng, go over to the fist power testing machine, quick, throw a punch for me to see, let me see how much fist power you’ve reached now!”

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