Chapter 25 – Ranks of Martial Artists

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:14:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Instructor Jiang Nian used his martial artist privilege and didn’t buy a ticket to directly take Luo Feng on a train to the main downtown area of Jiangnan city.

Jiangnan city was divided into the main city as well as the eight acropolis.

The transportation between the main downtown area and the eight acropolis was the train. And for the average person to take the train, they had to fight the ticket three days in advance, and the tickets were very expensive. As for from a base city to another base city …… that ticket price is even more sky high, ordinary people simply can not afford to buy. Therefore, the 200 million common people in Jiangnan City rarely have the opportunity to leave the boundaries of the base city in their lifetime.

Jiangnan base city, main downtown.

On the sidewalk Luo Feng and Jiang Nian were walking side by side.

“Luo Feng ah, feel the difference between the main downtown area and our Yangzhou city?” Jiang Nian smiled and pointed around, Luo Feng looked around and shook his head, “Didn’t feel anything, just feel like there are more people, more cars and this road is wider. The rest is average.” But on a small scene indeed nothing special.

Jiang Nian smiled slightly, “At first glance you see that it’s a small difference. Later you will know the difference.”

“Hello?” Jiang Nian opened his cell phone.

“Jiang Nian, how long until the person arrives?” The old man’s avatar appeared on the cell phone screen.

“Uncle Bai, arriving within ten minutes.” Jiang Nian smiled.

“Well, I’ve already invited all the competent adults. Don’t you make any mistakes when the time comes.” The white-haired old man solemnly said.

“Lord in charge?” Jiang Nian was taken aback.

Right in the middle of the conversation, Luo Feng had already caught a glimpse of an extremely large area in front of him, apart from the silver-white courtyard wall that stretched away, there was a towering dark blue skyscraper, this skyscraper building was bearing four large characters that could be clearly seen from miles away – Extreme Martial Hall!

“This is the Limit General Hall! Our Limit Martial Hall’s headquarters in Jiangnan City.” Jiang Nian spoke.

“There are so many soldiers.” Luo Feng sucked in a breath of cool air.

Outside the courtyard walls of the Extreme General Hall, there were people standing guard with real guns and bullets everywhere, the entire Extreme General Hall gave off the feeling of being a monster armed to the teeth. And the main entrance of the Extreme General Guild Hall was a hundred meters wide, with rows and rows of soldiers gazing at the surroundings.

“These are our Extreme Martial Hall’s internal army.” Jiang Nian smiled and spoke, “Within our Extreme Martial Hall, we also have the right to establish a security force.”

“Go, go in.” Jiang Nian led Luo Feng towards the main entrance.

“Release!” A one-armed man with a scar on his face at the main entrance waved his hand, instantly all the military people took a step back, that neat and organized aura made Luo Feng hold his breath.

The one-armed man smiled and glanced at Jiang Nian: “Old Jiang, some days haven’t come to the headquarters ah. Come back over and let’s brothers have a few drinks.”

“Good.” Jiang Nian nodded with a smile while glancing at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, this is your senior, call out to Uncle Lu.”

“Uncle Lu.” Luo Feng respectfully shouted, he could feel that this one armed man was an extremely powerful martial artist.

“Not bad young man.” The one armed man smiled and nodded.

“No time to talk to you, talk to you later, Uncle Bai is waiting for me inside.” Jiang Nian immediately brought Luo Feng and entered the courtyard of the extreme general guild hall, only to see that the huge courtyard area was like a large park, small bridges and rivers, rockeries and flower gardens could be seen everywhere, moreover, there were endless pedestrians traveling through the courtyard area, each one of them made Luo Feng feel extraordinary.

Jiang Nian and Luo Feng were walking on the road, he couldn’t help but sigh, “The one you just shouted uncle Lu, is a good brother who broke through life and death together with me back then, they are all life and death brothers who have gone through hardships ah, his severed arm was broken by a black furred iron ape in an ape type monster with a slap in the face.”

Luo Feng listened quietly.

“The martial artists of our extreme club are very united.” Jiang Nian pointed at the skyscraper, “Look, that building, that’s the headquarters of the martial artists of the Extreme Martial Hall in Jiangnan city! Almost all of the people entering and exiting from that building are martial artists.”

“Almost all martial artists?” Luo Feng was shocked.

He could even see through the lobby glass on the first floor of that skyscraper and see the vague silhouettes of people inside, fearing that there were over a hundred of them.

“Jiangnan city has a total of 200 million people, how could there be less martial artists in our extreme martial arts school?” Jiang Nian laughed, “Those in the first floor hall are mostly drinking and chatting. This headquarters building, from the second to the ninth floor, is where warrior level martial artists often train and stay. The tenth floor to the nineteenth floor, is where warrior level martial artists stay. As for the twentieth floor upwards …… that’s where some collective meetings meet.”

Luo Feng was puzzled in his heart, he even asked, “Instructor, martial artists are divided into warrior level and battle general level?”

“Martial artists, are mainly categorized into warrior level, war general level and the extremely rare war god level!” Jiang Nian softly explained, “Among them, the number of warrior level martial artists is the largest! Many martial artists spend their entire lives at the Warrior Grade, and the Warrior Grade is further divided into Primary Warrior Grade, Intermediate Warrior Grade, and Advanced Warrior Grade. Usually martial artists who have just passed the test belong to the primary warrior level!”

“Luo Feng, your current strength is considered intermediate warrior level.” Jiang Nian said.

Luo Feng nodded.

It seemed like this bit of force he had was still considered grassroots in the group of martial artists.

“Warrior level martial artists can usually still be killed with hot weapons.”

“And a warrior general level martial artist, hot weapons usually can’t kill them anymore.” Jiang Nian lamented, “For example, if you use a heavy machine gun to sweep at a War General martial artist, the War General martial artist can completely rely on their nerve reaction and speed to easily avoid getting out of the way! So a War General level martial artist, amongst martial artists that is definitely considered a marvelous elite.”

“Although your talent is good, you are young and can only be considered a rookie.” Jiang Nian smiled.

Luo Feng could only touch his head.

Of course Luo Feng was well aware of the absolute strongest amongst martial artists, for example, the absolute strongest in the video who was able to split the black crowned golden eagle in half with a single slash……. Even if he used his nimbus, I’m afraid that he wouldn’t be able to injure a single hair on someone’s head.

“Above the War General level is the War God level!” Jiang Nian’s eyes showed admiration, “That’s truly a veritable War God! Each one of them can easily walk through a rain of bullets, their speed is as fast as lightning, their reactions are even faster than incredible, and each one of them can destroy a residential building with a single punch or kick. God of War! This is the god of war.”

Luo Feng listened with bated breath.

Warrior level …… War General level …… War God level!

Himself right now, pure force was only intermediate warrior level! Perhaps after using spiritual thoughts, he would be much stronger and might be able to cross into the war general level.

“Instructor, is there any above this war god level?” Luo Feng even asked.

“There is.”

Jiang Nian smiled and nodded, “Above the war god level, there are such existences all over the world, each one of them possesses heaven destroying strength! Even if the country is faced with such a strong person, they all have to be cautious. But such people are too few and far between, even if we have such invincible powerhouses under the government of the Huaxia country, there are only two or three of them.”

Luo Feng was secretly shocked.

Above the god of war level, even one of the five most powerful countries, the country of Huaxia, only had two or three under the government of one country?

“That’s why martial artists all over the world just categorize martial artist levels, into warrior level, war general level and war god level!” Jiang Nian explained, “Of course, the world judges strength standards. It’s not actually judged based on your strength, speed, and nerve reactions. Rather, it is judged based on your battle records!”

“Battle record?” Luo Feng was puzzled.

“Right, although your current physical quality, Luo Feng, should be at the intermediate warrior level! However, when you become a martial artist, on your martial artist identity information, you’ll still only be at the primary warrior level! Wait until you’ve hunted and killed enough monsters, monsters that are powerful enough to meet the requirements of an intermediate warrior. Only then will you be an intermediate warrior level!” Jiang Nian sighed, “After all, some people have good physical qualities, some people have good swordsmanship and body techniques, and some people know all sorts of means. The only criterion for determining one’s strength is battle records!”

Luo Feng nodded in realization.

Right …… even if there is a huge difference in physical qualities, those with weak physical qualities can still kill those with strong physical qualities!

“Work hard and become a battle general level! You’ll be the pride of our Yangzhou City.” Jiang Nian laughed, “Brother Yan Luo who came to me last time, he is a Battle General level.”

“Oh.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

How strong would he be if he used his spiritual nimbus? Could it be comparable to a battle general level? I’m afraid that all of this can only be determined later.

Luo Feng and Jiang Nian talked all the way, they soon walked outside a three storey detached villa, this villa covered quite a large area, on the balcony of the second floor of the villa an old man with white hair shouted, “Jiang Nian, come up.”

“Go, follow me up.”

Jiang Nian brought Luo Feng and quickly entered the middle of the villa.

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