Chapter 29: Monster Town

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:14:17
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The barracks were bustling with activity, and a sumptuous lunch had been specially prepared for these prospective martial artists who had come to participate in the martial artist practical test.

In the afternoon.

All 1,680 prospective martial artists stood in an open square, and at the front of the square stood the top brass of the Northern Military Region of this Jiangnan City, as well as some of the top brass of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School and the Extreme Martial Arts School.

“Below, quasi-martial artists who report their names, come up to receive their combat uniforms and weapons.”

“Yan Clumsy.”

“He Feng.”

“Wang Bingjiang.”

There were a full ten officers on the stage calling out the names of each prospective martial artist, and the prospective martial artists whose names were called went up to receive their combat uniforms and weapons.

“Luo Feng.”

That loud voice, Luo Feng heard it at once and immediately ran and rushed to the front.

“This is your combat uniform, combat boots, this is the Blood Shadow Battle Blade Series 2 you need, this is the heaviest 98 kilograms we prepared, anything heavier we didn’t prepare here.” The officer handed Luo Feng a set of items, “This is the communication watch, it has functions such as positioning and communication. This is the six pronged shield.”

This officer spoke out of his mouth, but there was a hint of doubt in his gaze as he looked at Luo Feng …… A quasi martial artist, to ask for such a heavy Blood Shadow Battle Blade, it was really strange.

Luo Feng smiled faintly, holding this pile of nearly two hundred kilograms of items and quickly ran away.

In the square, the 1680 martial artists were all assigned various sizes of weapons that suited their body size, as well as their requirements, and every single one of them was using cold weapons! This was the requirement of the martial artist practical combat test, where the use of hot weapons was forbidden. When the assignments were done, everyone also went back to their respective resting places and changed into their combat uniforms, combat boots, and so on.

The empty square was filled with laughter.

At this moment, Luo Feng, with alloy combat boots on his feet, military pants and combat undershirt on his body that also contained special materials such as Crowe alloy, and carrying a six pronged shield and a blood shadow battle knife on his back, was happily talking with the other quasi-martial practitioners next to him.

“With this equipment, all of it would cost at least 700,000 to 800,000 dollars.” A young man with a slate head excitedly pointed at the combat uniform on his body and said, “These pants and undershirt, although they aren’t much higher level martial artist equipment. It’s just lent to us for a martial artist practical test. However, it is also able to withstand the sharp claws of the weakest H-class monsters, it is much better than what bullshit bulletproof vests in the city, ordinary ordinary bullets are simply too big to penetrate, and H-class monsters are unable to tear the material of this combat uniform.”

“It’s the material that can’t be torn apart!”

Next to a young girl with a cold face laughed coldly, “But even if the monster can’t tear the combat suit, the impact alone will be able to break your bones and severely injure your internal organs.”

“Brother I’m not that fragile.” The slab-headed youth playfully glanced at the young girl, “Why don’t you, little sister, turn around and find a place to taste your brother’s strength?”

“Say less.” Luo Feng said with a frown.

“Yes, brother Luo, let’s listen to brother Luo.” The slab-sided youth even laughed.

The matter of Luo Feng being recruited by the Ultimate Martial School in advance spread in the circle of prospective martial artists and soon spread. This year, in this wave of 1680 people, there were only a total of three people who were recruited by the Extreme Martial School and Thunder and Lightning Martial School in advance! These prospective martial artists all knew that these three people would definitely have an extraordinary future in the future.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng.” A shout came from the distance, it was none other than the Chief Instructor of Yangzhou Extreme Club, Wu Tong.

“Uncle Wu.”

Luo Feng smiled with Yang Wu and a few others beside him and immediately ran over. This past month, Luo Feng was living in the bright moon neighborhood, naturally he was very close to the chief instructor ‘Wu Tong’ who also lived in the bright moon neighborhood, and was also very familiar with calling him ‘Uncle Wu’.

“Luo Feng, follow me.” Wu Tong said and led the way in front.

Luo Feng was full of doubts and didn’t say much, he soon came to the second floor of a quiet small building, in the living room on the second floor, there were several people gathered and sitting together, Luo Feng took a look at …… only one of these people he recognized, it was one of the four giants of the Jiangnan City Limit Club, Zhuge Tao!

“Supervisor.” Luo Feng opened his mouth and shouted.

“Uh, Luo Feng ah, just sit over there with Wu Tong.” Zhuge Tao who was dressed in a ghostly black and vaguely crushed silver colored combat uniform said with a faint smile.

“Zhuge, is this the Luo Feng you were talking about? I see, compared to our Thunder and Lightning Martial School, it’s not much better.” Opposite Zhuge Tao, is wearing a dark purple battle suit burly man, speaking voice voice seems to produce echoes in his chest, “My Thunder and Lightning martial arts school this time to recruit two in advance, one physical quality is not worse than that Luo Feng of yours, the other is a firearms genius.”

The burly man looked to the two young men at his side, who both immediately stood up as well.

“My name is Wan Dong.” The young man with a purple birthmark on his face, who appeared gloomy, spoke.

“My name is Ma Xiao.” The other youth, however, had a smile on his face, and his entire person was very pretty! Yes, one could indeed use the word ‘pretty’ to describe this youth, if he was a daughter, I’m afraid he would be the scourge of the nation type.

Luo Feng smiled and nodded: “Luo Feng, you guys already know.”

“Luo Feng.” The gloomy youth spoke, “Do you have the guts to compete? Tonight’s martial practitioner practical test, who will win first place in points between you and I!” There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of this gloomy youth, as if he had seen the most delicious food, filled with desire.

“Not interested.” Luo Feng shook his head.

The gloomy youth was stunned, then he sneered and didn’t say much.

Next to him Zhuge Tao, and the burly man from Thunder and Lightning martial school both laughed when they saw this, “Zhuge ah, this little guy of yours is a bit interesting, at least he’s calm enough, he didn’t immediately get hot-headed at the slightest provocation! I kind of like this young man a bit. Luo Feng, any plans to join my Thunder and Lightning martial arts school ah ……”

“Go, go, go.” Zhuge Tao glared at him.

“Just kidding, you guy, so meaningless.” The lanky man laughed aloud.

Zhuge Tao glanced downstairs, “Let’s go too, the martial arts practical test will start in a while!”

Luo Feng and his hoards of 1,680 prospective martial artists, led by the soldiers also walked for a full half hour before arriving at the outskirts of a small town, at this moment it was already evening and the sun had set.

“Ho ……”

“Ho ……”

All sorts of heart palpitating monstrous cries came from the middle of the town, the periphery of this town was surrounded by barbed wire, and a large number of military people holding firearms were patrolling around.

“Hurry up, the number of monsters inside is not enough, transport another 1200 Iron Fur Boars, 300 Shadow Cats, and 500 Tiger Mastiffs.” With the sound of orders coming from the middle of the town, Luo Feng and the others didn’t have to wait long before they saw a large heavy truck, and from each of them came a burst of angry roars.

Luo Feng and a large number of other martial artists looked closely ……

Only to see that on each of the large trucks was a cage, and amongst each cage was a monster, the angry roars made the hearts of some of the quasi martial artists who had never killed a monster tremble.

“Luo Feng ah.”

Chief Instructor “Wu Tong” who was standing next to Luo Feng smiled lightly, “Being physically fit and having good swordsmanship doesn’t mean you can kill monsters! After all, once some people see blood, once they face life and death, they can’t even utilize 10% of their strength. That’s why this martial artist practical test is mainly to hone your heart. You have to adapt to fighting with monsters in life and death, never be merciful.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Well …… these monster strengths are all the weakest H class monsters. Equivalent to the ‘primary warrior level’ among martial artists.” Wu Tong said, “Their weakness is that their intelligence is very low. However, their strength is that they are bloodthirsty and crazy, full of aggression and killing. That’s why every time there’s a practical test, there will always be deaths and crippling of quasi martial artists.”

Luo Feng nodded, it was always impossible to be 100% safe when really fighting with monsters.

After some of the weakest H class monsters were transported into the middle of the town, the number of monsters in the town had reached a staggering value.


A loud voice reached the ears of every quasi-martial artist, Luo Feng and all other quasi-martial artists looked up, only to see an officer standing on the roof of a small, dilapidated three-story building inside the town, speaking to all the quasi-martial artists, “This time, the practical test is the same as the past rules! Starting at 6:30 tonight, it will begin on time. Wait until 6:30 am tomorrow, end the assessment!”

“The more monster beasts you kill, the more points you get. For every monster you kill, cut off the monster’s left ear as proof.”

“Remember, it’s forbidden for quasi-martial artists to kill each other, all of your activities are under surveillance, and violators will be shot directly!”

“Of the 1,680 of you quasi-martial artists, those who rank in the top 60% in terms of points will qualify as martial artists! The bottom 40% are considered failures and will have to wait for the next martial artist practical test.” The officer’s voice grew cold, “That is to say, out of the 1,680 of you, 1,008 of you will pass. There are 672 people who will be eliminated!”

The quasi-martial artists listening below could not help but murmur that there was a 40% elimination rate.

“As a reminder to you all, usually if you hunt and kill three monstrous beasts, you will pass the test. If one hunts and kills just two monstrous beasts, it will depend on luck.” The officer’s voice resounded in everyone’s ears, “When the battle results are the same, the rankings will be determined based on the time spent on killing monsters, and injuries. So, when a certain number of monsters are killed, come out of the town as early as possible.”

“Remember, if you are seriously injured, you can press the distress button on your own communication watch. There will be someone who will immediately save you …… but that moment also represents the end of your martial artist practical combat test.” The officer’s body leapt.


Directly from the roof of that small building within the town, he leapt up a full dozen meters high, and then after two leaps in succession, he arrived outside the town.

“All quasi-martial artists, set off and go inside the monster town.” The officer waved his hand.

The 1,680 quasi-martial artists seemed like raging waves, rapidly surging into the middle of the monster town.

“Close the door!” The officer gave an order.

“Rumble ……” The only gate closed with a loud bang.

The Martial Practical Examination, officially began!

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