Chapter 3: Gangnam City

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:12:57
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“As soon as the RR virus appeared, it spread rapidly across the globe, and all life …… around the globe, whether human beings or flying animals, as long as they needed to breathe, were infected with the RR virus.”

“By the time humans realized the existence of the RR virus, it was already too late.”

“After RR virus infection, the mortality rate is extremely high, reaching nearly 30%. In just three months, according to the statistics afterward, at that time, in addition to the death of a large number of animals in a three-month period, the global population even plummeted by nearly 2 billion! These three months were a nightmarish three months. Scientists all over the world were helpless in front of this virus!”

“Human survivors, nearly five billion people, those who survived, have naturally produced antibodies in their bodies!”

“After these nightmarish three months, the globe was immersed in endless grief.”

Luo Feng slowly spoke, “During this process, the five billion human survivors realized that their bodies became better, almost every human’s strength, speed, cellular activity, and skin toughness all more than doubled! Even an ordinary person can easily break past world records in weight lifting and 100 meter running.”

“However …… disaster has begun!”

“Humans who have been living comfortably have seen their physical conditions increase so much. The flying beasts that have also survived the RR virus, they have always followed the nature’s survival of the fittest, and this physical change has caused the strength of various flying beasts to increase amazingly more than that of humans. And some of the terrifying monsters, they even have intelligence!”

“In September 2015, starting with an attack by endless creatures in the ocean, countless flying beasts metamorphosed into ‘monsters’ began to attack human settlements!”

“Bloody and crazy!”

“In the war between humans and monsters, people were shocked to find that the thermal weapons they had always been proud of only worked on some low-level monsters. The powerful birds and monsters, the beasts and monsters, have no fear of bullets and artillery. Bullets could not even break the scale armor on their bodies! The missile attacks were easily avoided by the monsters with fast nerve reactions and speed.”

“Even if humans use nuclear bombs to attack, they are shocked to find out in the end ……”

“The monsters defense is too strong, only the core area of the nuclear bomb attack range, a large number of monsters died, while the larger amplified area, the monsters did not die. The power of the nukes is far less powerful than the humans thought. Although it killed a number of monsters, however, the nuclear radiation caused the monsters to give birth to a more terrible existence, the most famous is the most terrible ‘Blood Demon Wolf’, the Blood Demon Wolf even has the ability to fly, slaughtered more than a million humans. Humans then realized that …… nuclear radiation can cause some monsters to mutate! Extremely terrifying existences appear.”

“There are extremely terrifying existences amongst the monsters, and amongst the humans, strong people have also emerged! When the Blood Demon Wolf was first defeated by a human superpower who can also fly, and who is now ranked second in the international rankings, the ‘Thunder God’, he was seriously injured and escaped.”

“These powerhouses, at the critical moment, saved a large number of ordinary people, assisted the army, and resisted the monster swarms. During this period, a large number of singable stories emerged.”

“And the human scientist, Crowe Dessena, based on the monster corpse material, as well as the ‘blue gold’ metal found on the moon, invented an alloy that is even harder than diamond – Crowe Alloy! Making human powerhouses, without having to fight with their bare hands, possess terrifying weapons that can cleave through the fur and scale armor of monstrous beasts.”

In Luo Feng’s mind, he remembered this part of history recorded in the book very clearly.

“During the course of the war, a large number of cities were destroyed.”

“In my Huaxia land, the country urgently constructed six bases and transferred a large amount of population towards the six bases. On the strong people …… our country as well as India, which reveres ancient yoga, the two countries have the largest number of human super strong people! The United States of America, the European Union, and Soviet Russia, on the other hand, are leading in technology.”

“Because of the countless monsters in the oceans, leading to the destruction of almost every island nation!”

“Until today, the oceans, are still the territory of the monsters.”

“In the war between monsters and humans, the only five countries on Earth that can defend themselves are our country, India, the United States of America, the European Union, and Soviet Russia. The other countries, long ago fragmented. At the critical moment, with the five major countries as the core, the Earth Alliance was established! The Earth Alliance coalition army, aided in the establishment of numerous human bases around the globe.”

“The war between monsters and humans began in September 2015, accompanied by the successful development of the UHF Laser Cannon in March 2021, after killing more than a dozen S-class monsters, as well as two SS-class monsters one after another. The large scale war between monsters and humans finally ended.”

Luo Feng sighed.

A whole five and a half years of war, the most terrifying war! In this war, the human death population was nearly a billion. Only the five countries preserved the “country” system, all the other countries surviving populations entered the various human bases and lived together.

Until now – humans have the upper hand. But there are too many monsters in the ocean, and the ocean is still the domain of the monsters!

“From 2013 to 2021, these eight years are the great nirvana period in human history!” Luo Feng sat on the sofa and slowly said.

When …… when …… when …… when …… when… …

The sound of the clock echoed.

The wall clock rang five times, it was already 5pm.

“The period of the Great Nirvana.” Luo Hua also sighed, “Brother, to be honest, I’m still a bit unable to imagine that before the Great Nirvana Period, there were more than two hundred country regions around the globe. What was the population back then?7 billion only. There are some small countries that are really too small. I’m afraid that a powerful monster could have wiped out the small countries back then.”

Luo Feng nodded, “So nowadays, the globe then consists of five powerful countries as well as 23 cities.”

On the entire planet, there were five major countries – the country of China, India, the United States of America, the country of the European Union, and the country of Soviet Russia. As well as 23 human bases, or 23 cities, formed all over South America, Africa, and so on!

The country of Huaxia had a total of six human bases, which were the six cities today!

Luo Feng’s home was in the Yian district in ‘Yangzhou city’, one of the eight guardian cities in Jiangnan city.

The entire Jiangnan city had a population of nearly 200 million. And the population of ‘Yangzhou City’, one of Jiangnan City’s eight guardian cities, was over ten million. The human base of Jiangnan City, in the past, was mainly formed by a large number of people from the former Jiangsu and Zhejiang who migrated over to gather. Of course there were also some of the former Anhui population.

“So far away.” Luo Hua, the younger brother, looked at the wall clock, “It’s already 2056 AD, and more than 30 years have passed since the Great Nirvana period. Human society, going to a martial arts school to train is almost a must for everyone now. Human society, it’s much stronger than 30+ years ago.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Thirty years, there were indeed a lot more strong people among humans, and technology had advanced a bit. However, there were also quite a few terrifying existences born amongst the monsters.


The door of the house was opened, only to see a middle-aged couple walk in. The middle-aged man’s clothes were wet with sweat, and there were some stains such as paint, and the whole person looked rather tired. And that middle-aged woman, who was not very tall, carried a vegetable basket in her hand, which had some vegetables and meat in it.

“Dad, mom.” Luo Feng immediately stood up, this couple were his parents.

Father Luo Hongguo, mother Gong Xinlan.

“Hehe, well, Little Feng, you read a book. No need to mind me.” Luo Hongguo smiled and even said, his son was going to take the college entrance exam, reviewing was naturally the most important thing in Luo Hongguo’s opinion.

Luo Hongguo looked down and saw a large plastic cup of cool water on the table, could not help but heart a warm, every time you come back there will be cool water ready to work all day long, he picked up this large plastic cup, then ‘gurgling’ a breath of surprisingly all drink all, exhale a breath of relief.

“You quickly go to take a shower, look at you this stinky sweat.” Mother Gong Xinlan laughed.

“Haha.” Luo Hongguo laughed and immediately went to get a change of clothes, going to the small but let the family use the “bathroom” for many years.

Gong Xinlan smiled and looked at her two sons, “Little Feng, Little Hua, today mom will make you braised pork!”

“It’s my favorite.” Brother Luo Hua immediately shouted.

Luo Feng also couldn’t help but smile, looking at his mother tying on her scarf and going to burn dinner, Luo Feng was very clear …… that his mom went to buy food every time she got off work in the evening, because the price of food and meat was much cheaper than in the morning at this time of day, but the vegetables and meat weren’t as fresh as in the morning in the evening. Luo Feng looked at the bathroom again, and silently said in his heart, “I must be as fast as possible, and obtain the ‘martial artist title’ as fast as possible, when that time comes, mom doesn’t have to go grocery shopping in the afternoon every time, and dad he doesn’t have to do the renovation of all that hard work and tired work.”

In the heart ……

Luo Feng had always longed for the time when he could let mom and dad rest and could enjoy the sunshine and food in peace.

“Little Feng ah.” Luo Hongguo, his father who had taken a bath, walked over, “Dad has something to say to you.”

“What is it?” Luo Feng looked at his father.

Luo Hongguo smiled slightly, “It’s like this, Little Feng. I’ve never asked you about your own plans after high school. Can you tell dad about it?” Luo Hongguo rarely talked about this with his son because he didn’t want to put much pressure on his son, he knew that his son had always worked very hard. It had also always done very well.

As soon as Luo Hongguo said this, his mother, Gong Xinlan, who was cooking and frying, moved a little slower. Parents were very concerned about their son’s future.

“Dad, this is what I think.”

Luo Feng said directly, “With my cultural achievements, I believe it shouldn’t be too difficult to enter the ‘Jiangnan No.1 Military School’ on the college entrance exam. Now that I’ve obtained the title of ‘senior cadet’ from the martial arts school, when I arrive at the Jiangnan first military school. I will be trained directly as an officer. Mom and Dad, you guys can also directly enter the military district’s family neighborhood.”

To be a soldier, there were also different levels.

Nowadays, of course, the State of China recruits soldiers, but ordinary soldiers, there is not much in the way of benefits. But if you are a “senior martial arts student” at a young age, and you can get into the “Jiangnan No. 1 Military School”, you can be equal to a “civil and military student”. It’s the same as being a “scholar and a martial artist”. The state will certainly focus on cultivation, the state will directly in the military district family plot allocation of a house.

To the officer’s family house, that condition is naturally ten times better than this low-cost housing.

“Then what if I can’t get into this Jiangnan No. 1 Military Academy?” Luo Hongguo said, “Xiao Feng, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

“There are a total of two key military schools in Jiangnan City. It’s just that the college entrance exam played badly and I couldn’t go to the first military school. However, it’s absolutely fine to go to the second military school.” Luo Feng was very clear about his grades, the usual exam was about 50 points higher than the undergraduate score line, and the second military school, as long as it reached the undergraduate line, he could get in.

Today’s college entrance exam, there is no such thing as second, there are only two kinds of undergraduate and specialized, and there is only one score line. Above the undergraduate line is undergraduate, below the undergraduate line is specialized.

“In the second military school, with the line of senior cadet of the martial arts school, you will also be trained as an officer. The treatment won’t be too much worse.” Luo Feng laughed.

To be able to get into an undergraduate program ……

Two out of ten people could do it.

However, among high school students, to be able to obtain the title of ‘martial arts hall senior cadet’ was only one in over a thousand.

“Uh-huh, as long as you’re sure, but Little Feng. Don’t put much pressure on yourself. Your mom and I, we just need to live a more peaceful life.” Luo Hongguo nodded slightly, “You kid, you just put too much pressure on yourself.”

“No matter.” Luo Feng hemmed and hawed, “I don’t have any pressure, young people, just have to be a bit impulsive.”

Luo Feng said this on his lips, but in his heart, he secretly said, “Mom, dad, brother, when my college entrance exams are over, you’ll soon be able to live a good life. When I get the ‘martial artist’ title, you guys won’t have to do the hard work anymore.”

“Quickly get the bowls and chopsticks and serve dinner. Dinner is ready!” Gong Xinlan urged with a smile.

“Alright.” Father Luo Hongguo stood up with a smile and went to get the bowls and chopsticks.

“The green vegetables really smell good.” Luo Feng sniffed around the soup pot and helped serve the bowls as well.

“I can smell the aroma of braised pork, wow ……” younger brother “Luo Hua” also exclaimed excitedly, tugging on the wheels, his wheelchair approaching towards the dining table.

The family of four was happy.

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