Chapter 31: The Subtle Level

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:14:22
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In the closed town, the killing was going on.

Some quasi-martial artists were injured in their first kill with the monsters and had no choice but to press the button on their communication watches to call for help, and had no choice but to fail; there were quasi-martial artists that killed the monsters but were scared pale; there were also some powerful quasi-martial artists that were thrilled and crazy with excitement after killing the monsters instead!

Not far from the side of the closed town, inside a large building, a large number of surveillance screens were filming everything that was happening in the various areas of the town.

“What a juvenile means!” Inside one of the rooms of this building, an officer was sitting and drinking with a burly man, the large screen on the wall next to him was broadcasting the killings that were happening in the town, the burly man exclaimed, “Watching these youngsters fight with the monsters reminds me of the time when we were young!”

“Well, look at them one by one, most of them are in their twenties, it’s the time when they are the youngest and the most tender.” That officer also sighed and sighed, “Old Wang, in the blink of an eye, the two of us brothers are getting older. Back then, we were the rising stars of Jiangnan City, now you’re the supervisor of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Center, you’re also considered to be a big brother on one side, haha.”

The lanky man laughed, “Iron Monkey, aren’t you also mixed up to the level of Major General?”

“Huh?” The officer looked at the screen in surprise, the more he looked, the more surprised he was, “Old Wang, look quickly.”

On this screen, is monitoring the video of various places in the town, because there are a lot of cameras in the camera is shooting, so this screen image will also switch.

“Switched off?” The officer immediately pressed the landline phone next to him and ordered, “Lock me onto that quasi martial artist that camera 21 was filming just now, lock him down.”

“Yes.” A resounding voice came from the phone.

The burly hulk Wang Hen looked at his good brother in confusion, “Iron Monkey, what exactly did you just see?”

“Old Wang, you’ll know later.” This officer smiled mysteriously.

Soon the image taken just now reappeared on the screen, only to see that in the image there were five black shadows constantly attacking a quasi-martial artist, those five black shadows were none other than the five H-ranked shadow cats, and the quasi-martial artist being attacked was wielding a six-pronged shield and a blood shadow battle sword, and he looked very young, it was none other than Luo Feng!

“Huh?” The lanky man’s eyes lit up.

“So? This lad is awesome, isn’t he.” The officer tsked and sighed, “This lad has actually taken this martial practitioner practical test as a free opportunity to practice his stance! And …… look, this stance of his is remarkable.”

“Into the micro level!”

“It’s the Entry Micro level!” The lanky man’s eyes were glowing, staring at Luo Feng who was under the attack of five shadow cat monsters, Luo Feng’s every dodge and movement was not big, and all of them were very skillful and easily avoided the attack of every shadow cat, that kind of idle stroll flavor completely conquered these two strong men!

Incipient level stances, even many of the battle general level powerhouses couldn’t do it.

“His stance has actually reached this level of the Incipient Subtle Grade. Unbelievable, unbelievable!” The burly man sucked in a breath of cool air, “He’s only 18 years old. This thing called body technique is not the same as physical fitness, if you have good talent, your physical fitness will be very strong. However, body technique is something that must go through battle after battle to accumulate experience and have a solid foundation, and only then can you gradually cross over to the ‘Into the Subtle Grade’.”

“How do you know he’s 18 years old?” The officer jumped in shock, “You know him?”

“His name is Luo Feng, damn it, he was recruited early by the Ultimate Martial School.” The burly man said with hatred, “The Extreme Martial School really got lucky too, this Luo Feng is only 18 years old, not only is his physical fitness very good. I didn’t expect his body skills to be even more amazing! Entry micro level ah, this young man, his stance has reached the entry micro level, what’s more in the future?”

Must know ……

Many of the Battle General level powerhouses hadn’t reached the Entry Micro level of stance! One could imagine how terrifying it was to have body techniques that could reach this level.

In real combat, physical quality was only one aspect, and stance, blade technique, and awareness all occupied important aspects.


The burly man slammed the table, “Such a genius cannot be snatched away by the Extreme Martial School! Luckily I was lucky enough to see this video when I came to drink with you, Iron Monkey.”

“What are you planning to do?” The officer laughed.

“What for? Digging!” The burly man glared, “Digging him up! Right now, I’m afraid that the Extreme Martial Arts School hasn’t realized that this young man’s body skills are so amazing. I’ll dig the person over first! Isn’t it just money? Hmph! What luck, what luck, this year’s wave, such a powerful kid has emerged. Compared to him, that Wan Dong is a hundred thousand miles away!”

The officer laughed.

“Iron Monkey, turn around and make a copy of this video for me.” The burly man said.

“Okay, small matter.” The officer smiled and nodded.

At dawn, in the middle of the closed monster town, in the middle of a dilapidated residential neighborhood, Luo Feng was being besieged by three tiger mastiffs, two shadow cats, and two iron furred boars. To cause seven monsters to attack, Luo Feng had also spent a lot of effort to attract all these monsters.

“Very good.”


“That’s it.”

Luo Feng calmly acted as if he was taking a walk, sometimes taking a step to the left, sometimes a step to the right, sometimes retreating, sometimes advancing. From time to time, his body twisted slightly, from time to time, he bowed ……

Just some of these subtle movements, letting a full seven monsters not even touch a single trace of Luo Feng’s body.

“Roar ……” Luo Feng noticed out of the corner of his eye that a Tiger Mastiff dog came swooping behind him, while there were four other beasts attacking at the same time in the surroundings, and based on the current situation, he immediately turned his feet and fluttered his body.

“Not good, almost!” Luo Feng secretly said helplessly in his heart.

Seeing that the sharp claws of the shadow cat were about to grab onto Luo Feng, but strangely enough, Luo Feng’s body hard shifted five centimeters sideways just in time to dodge the grab.

“The legendary entry level stance, it’s so hard to learn.” It looked like Luo Feng had just avoided all the attacks, but in reality …… Luo Feng himself knew very well that he had failed! Because at the last moment he acted on the six pronged shield on his left arm through his spiritual thoughts to generate a thrust!

Because of this thrust out of nowhere, Luo Feng moved five centimeters sideways!

When fighting, stance was very important, so Luo Feng spent almost the whole night honing his stance. According to common sense …… stance training, first you have to have a very solid foundation, usually ten years of hard work. And then and monsters often kill for several years, formed a variety of dodging consciousness, gradually skilled. Skilled to the extreme, is to do a conditioned reflex like handy.

Solid foundation, skillful, and ready to go!

These are considered the initial three levels of the Body Technique. On top of these three levels …… is the subtle level!

The subtle level, represents the ability to have an extremely subtle manipulation of power, body, with the smallest cost to make the most subtle dodge. All kinds of movements and dodges were as if they had been calculated by a computer! The reason why the subtle level stance was difficult was because when dodging in a small range, once there was a mistake, it would be easy to be hit by a monster! Being hit by a monster would usually result in death or injury.

Training in entry micro level stance would not have much effect at all if one trained with some monsters that were too much weaker than them.

Luo Feng was now being attacked by seven monsters at the same time, in fact, he had already exerted 100% of his strength and speed. But with seven monsters surrounding him, it would be too difficult to achieve that none of the seven monsters could touch him!

“I’m also considered to be at the entry level now, right?”

“I also use the smallest amount of movement to make subtle dodges. Of course sometimes there are errors.” Luo Feng felt a bit tired mentally, the blood shadow battle sword in his hand that hadn’t been attacking swung quickly, instantly a beast let out a hiss of anger and pain, five sprays of blood came out one after another, five of the seven beasts that had been fighting Luo Feng for a while were killed on the spot, and the other two flew away when they saw the situation was bad.

“No matter what ……”

“After this night’s honing, my stance, at least one or two times stronger than in the past.” Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile, even more practice in the past would not be able to catch up with close combat with monsters? And how could killing with monsters in general compare to the extreme training of moving in small increments like this towards Luo Feng?

Only by truly challenging the limits of the body would one know where the limits of their dodging lie!

This night’s training was very beneficial to Luo Feng.

To know that Luo Feng one on one, was stronger than this H grade tiger mastiff, shadow cat, and iron hair boar. One on one, Luo Feng was strong. But seven monsters surrounding one, as usual, they were able to kill the human. After all, a fist can send out more than 3000 kilograms of punching force, and the monster more than 2000 kilograms of impact force can still hit Luo Feng spit out blood!

Even that equally talented ‘Wan Dong’ wouldn’t dare to train so arrogantly!

Otherwise, one slip up and he’d be split up by the seven monsters.

But Luo Feng dared!

Because he had spiritual thoughts, once he missed the dodge and encountered danger, Luo Feng could immediately add a force to himself out of thin air by using his spiritual thoughts to act on his shield, or blood shadow battle sword. Letting himself use the force to move across and dodge again.

“Unfortunately, this spiritual thoughts can only act on inanimate objects, once it gets close to the human body, it will directly drill into the body.” Luo Feng shook his head, mental thoughts couldn’t control human bodies or animals, they could only control metal, wood and so on. But spiritual thoughts had already given Luo Feng a big surprise.

At least …… he could do entry micro level dodging.

Of course it was a mutated entry level. Because once he misses, he has to rely on his spiritual nimbus to push! But the dodging ability, was no worse than a normal entry micro level. And it was even more bizarre!


The entire town suddenly resounded with a burst of ear-piercing sounds, while a thick voice resounded through the speakers, “Time’s up, all quasi-martial artists, immediately go to the exit of the town.”

“Martial Practical Examination, it’s over?” Luo Feng smiled.

“In the future, I will continue to try this entry level stance training until one day, without the aid of spiritual thoughts, the stance can reach the entry level.” Luo Feng cut off the left ears of the five monsters next to him and put them in his backpack before quickly rushing towards the gate of the monster town.

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