Chapter 32 – Invitation from Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:14:26
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At the entrance of the Monster Town, at this time, one by one, the Paramount Martial Artists walked out of the town. Almost every paramount martial artist was stained with blood, perhaps the blood of the monsters, or their own blood. There were also some Quasi-Martial Artists that were helped out by their friends.

“Beep, beep-”

An ear-piercing sound rang out as a large heavy truck drove out from the middle of the town, only to see that it was piled high with the corpses of monsters.

“Hey, these are the corpses of quasi-martial artists, someone come and receive them.” One of the large heavy trucks was parked next to it, and there were indeed quite a few corpses lying on the truck, even to the point where some of the corpses were mutilated, obviously having been mostly eaten by the monsters. The truck dumped these quasi-martial artist corpses directly onto the ground aside.



“Xiao Yin!”

At once, many of the Paramount Martial Artists who had already come out cried out in shock, to the point where some people directly jumped on the corpses and bawled their eyes out.

“What are you crying for?” An officer’s cold voice rang out, causing quite a few quasi-martial artists to look at him angrily, but this officer’s icy gaze swept around, “There is no such thing as a fight with a monster that doesn’t result in death! You guys chose to walk on the path of martial artists, then prepare for death! Human society gives privileges to martial artists, why? It’s not so that you guys can enjoy your blessings, but because you killed a large number of monsters and have merited the human race. That’s why they give you privileges.”

“Your status, your power …… everything has to be earned by you fighting for your lives!”

“This trial has arranged for you all to be the weakest monsters, and they are not even of the group activity type, if you can’t even pass the trial, if you enter the wilderness area in the future, do you still want to live?” The officer’s words caused all the prospective martial artists to quiet down, everyone knew quite a bit about monstrous beasts.

Among the monsters, the most headache is the “group activity type”, such as canine monsters in the “lion mastiff dog”, every activity is dozens of heads together, even if the human intermediate warrior level martial artists do not dare to provoke.

“Two monsters left ear, the next one, left arm injured.”

“Lv Fang? Hmm, three monster left ears, not bad, next.”

Next to the entrance of the town, every quasi martial artist that came out went to pay the monster left ear they got from hunting to prove the number of monsters they hunted.

“Look, Luo Feng came out.”

“It’s Luo Feng who was recruited early by the Extreme Martial School.”

“I wonder how many monsters he’s hunted.”

“Being physically strong doesn’t mean that hunting monsters is also powerful.”

For a while a large number of quasi martial artists who had already come out had their eyes focused on Luo Feng who had just walked out from the entrance. Luo Feng, Wan Dong, and Ma Xiao were amongst this group of approved martial artists who were recruited in advance. As word spread, almost everyone in this batch recognized Luo Feng and the three of them.

“Eh?” As soon as he came out, he was stared at by a large number of quasi martial artists, Luo Feng couldn’t help but stare.

“Luo Feng right? Give me the left ear of the monster you hunted.” There were three officers sitting right in front of them, two of them were using laptops and one of them looked at Luo Feng.


Luo Feng nodded and unloaded the backpack on his body. For a moment the gazes of a large number of surrounding quasi martial artists were completely focused on Luo Feng’s backpack, they were all curious …… about how many monsters Luo Feng had hunted and killed.

“Wow!” Luo Feng directly dumped the parcel, a large amount of monster left ears directly landed in the metal pot next to him, there was a small pile of them, filling this metal pot more than halfway.

“So many?”

“How many monsters has this guy hunted?” The quasi-martial artists watching from afar were astonished.

And at this moment that examining officer was counting one monster ear after another, a moment later the examining officer revealed a smile and looked at Luo Feng: “Luo Feng, not bad, there are a total of 36 monster left ears. Until now, you’re the one who has hunted the most monsters in this batch for now. Well, no injuries either.”

“Next.” The officer turned his head to look at the person below, and Luo Feng came smiling.

“Passed the martial practitioner practical test, I’m a real martial practitioner too.” Luo Feng’s heart was free flowing.

Next Luo Feng also stood in the crowd and watched one by one the people who came out from behind pay the monstrous left ear, some of these people didn’t have any injuries at all, but most of them had some not so heavy injuries, recuperating for ten days and half a month would do. Seriously injured and even crippled quasi-martial artists, are all there.

“Yang Wu, hmmm, not bad, three monstrous left ears, left arm lightly injured. Next.”

Yang Wu also returned safely.

“Brother Yang.” Luo Feng shouted from the crowd.

“Crazy.” Yang Wu laughed and even ran over, “How are you doing, how many monsters did you hunt?”

“Thirty six.” Luo Feng and Yang Wu walked to a side corner.

“Thirty six? Shit, crazy person you’re too perverted. Those monsters are hard to kill.” Yang Wu glared, “Especially that tiger mastiff, it’s faster than me, let’s not even talk about the strength! Monstrous beasts of the same level are generally stronger than human martial artists by a large margin. I fought tooth and nail to kill three of them.”

Luo Feng smiled, H rank monsters indeed couldn’t be underestimated. Even if you were an intermediate warrior level, it would be dangerous to face seven or eight H rank monsters hunting.

Luo Feng honed his stance on his own and dared to do that because of his spiritual thoughts.

“Wan Dong!”

“It’s Wan Dong, the talented quasi martial artist recruited in advance by the Thunder and Lightning Martial School. I don’t know how many monster left ears he’s hunted, compared to Luo Feng, I don’t know who’s stronger and who’s weaker.”

“Hmm, the only one who can compare to Luo Feng is this Wan Dong.”

A murmur came from the front, causing Luo Feng and Yang Wu who were hiding behind to look up in surprise, Yang Wu was even more surprised, “That Wan Dong also stayed up until now? Crazy man, that Wan Dong is said to have a physical quality not lower than you in the slightest, I wonder just how many monsters he hunted this time.”

At this time, the quasi-martial artists standing at the front stared at Wan Dong’s backpack. While some of the quasi-martial artists at the back of the crowd were listening with their ears perked up.

“There’s a bunch of monsters left ear.”

“There seems to be a lot of them.”

A cacophony suddenly came from the front, followed by the voice of the assessment officer – “Wan Dong, uh, 51 monster left ears in total. Haha, you now surpass Luo Feng. For the time being, you’re the one who has hunted the most monsters amongst this wave of quasi martial artists.”


“Surprisingly that much more than Luo Feng?”

“This Wan Dong is really powerful, 51 monstrous beasts, how terrifying.”

The quasi martial artists who had already felt the power of the monsters marveled one by one.

“Crazy man, this Wan Dong even has more than you.” Yang Wu marveled a bit.

“Does it make sense to kill more?” Luo Feng didn’t care with a smile, the whole night yesterday he mainly spent his energy on honing his stance, if he really wanted to kill the weakest class H monsters, with Luo Feng’s strength, he only needed to sneak up on the fallen monsters every time, it wouldn’t be strange to hunt and kill hundreds of the weakest monsters in one night.

“Luo Feng.” A voice came.

Luo Feng turned his head to look, only to see a bearded officer smiling, “Come with me, there’s a friend who wants to meet you, it’s in the front lounge.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng was a bit puzzled ……

Seeing himself?

Luo Feng didn’t hesitate, he directly followed this bearded officer and walked over, before entering the lounge, Luo Feng also took off his bloodstained combat uniform, rinsed it off and changed into a clean and fresh outfit before entering the middle of the lounge.

Inside the lounge, a big burly man was sitting there with his eyes closed, suddenly he opened his eyes, his eyes looked at Luo Feng as if he was an electric light.

“It’s him?” Luo Feng was startled.

He recognized this man, he was the one who had talked to Supervisor Zhuge earlier, one of the four giants of the Thunder and Lightning martial arts school in Jiangnan base city.

“My name is Wang Heng, the supervisor of the Thunder and Lightning main guild.” The burly man smiled, “Luo Feng, sit.”

Himself sitting opposite this supervisor?

Luo Feng was secretly shocked ……

He was now well aware of how high this supervisor’s status was, it could be said that a supervisor of the general guild hall could be compared to a battle god level powerhouse in terms of status! They possessed amazing power, it could be said that in Jiangnan base city, this big burly man in front of him could almost be said to have his hands in the air.

“Why don’t you sit down, afraid that I will eat you? Haha ……” the burly big man laughed out loud.

With a smile, Luo Feng sat in front of the burly man and opened his mouth to laugh, “Mr. Wang, I wonder what you’re seeing me for?”

“Very simple.”

The lanky man smiled, “I’ve checked your family situation, you’re from an ordinary family, your father works as a total ordinary decorative laborer, and your mother is just a guide in a supermarket. You don’t have any good conditions, but it’s really rare that you’ve managed to get this far at the age of 18.”

Luo Feng revealed a complex smile, indeed, he had worked too long for this today.

“I admire you and I also think you have a very promising future.”

“I’m officially inviting you, Luo Feng, to join my Thunderbolt Martial School!” The burly man looked at Luo Feng.

“Me, I signed a contract with the Ultimate Martial School long ago.” Luo Feng shook his head and laughed.

The lanky man shook his head not caring, “Contract? Since it’s a contract, you can breach it! It’s just a matter of paying the default payment. According to martial rules, the maximum default payment is not allowed to exceed 300 million. I think your value is far more than that! We at the Thunder and Lightning Martial School will pay for you for this breach of contract!”

“Moreover, after you join, I will arrange for you to have an exceptional training contract at my Thunderbolt Martial Hall’s global headquarters!” The burly man laughed, “Every year, there are no more than ten martial artists in the world who can receive this special training contract! Each one is an absolute first-class genius. This year, the majority of the year has come down, and my Thunderbolt Martial Hall has just sent out three special class training contracts, one is a senior warrior class martial artist from the European Union country who is only 20 years old. A genius from South America who is a Spiritual Numinous Master! The third one is a 16-week-old intermediate warrior level martial artist from the capital of my Chinese country, ‘Jinghua Base City’. You’re the fourth!”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but be shocked.

These three characters, one by one, were all perverted. Obviously the previous “Wan Dong” and “Ma Xiao” were recruited in advance. But they still weren’t qualified to get this “special class training contract”.

You are qualified?

In fact, Luo Feng’s physical quality alone is not qualified to get such a contract. But on top of that, if you add one more thing – he has already comprehended the subtle level body techniques! That would be enough for Luo Feng to get a special class training contract. After all, being able to comprehend an incipient level body technique at the age of 18 weeks was too unbelievable.

“As long as you join my Thunderbolt Martial School, I’ll give you such a contract. Sending you to my Thunderbolt Martial School’s global headquarters for training, and you’ll even have the chance to be personally instructed by the legendary ‘Thunder God’.” This burly man smiled and said, “Luo Feng, my Thunderbolt Martial School has full sincerity to invite you, join my Thunderbolt Martial School!”

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