Chapter 4 – Luo Feng’s Strength

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After dinner, mom and dad took their younger brother “Luo Hua” downstairs for a walk, while Luo Feng himself went to do tutoring.

Around six in the evening, by this time, it was almost completely dark.

“This tutoring job, too, is going to end for now.” Luo Feng was like a panther, flexible and swiftly shuttling in the middle of the alley, in front of him was a cul-de-sac, but Luo Feng was the whole person who leapt, directly taking off more than two meters in the air, his left hand was gently resting on the wall, with a slight force, the whole person went to another alley.

Darting forward, it was also considered a warm up before tutoring.

At this time, Luo Feng’s speed was maintained at 15 meters a second, or 54 kilometers an hour. This kind of speed was not Luo Feng’s ultimate speed, but it could also do the warm up effect.

Whew! Whew!

“There’s still a month to go before the college entrance exam, so I’ll stop tutoring for now. This half year of tutoring, also earned twenty thousand dollars.” Last year, he had just obtained the title of “Senior Student”, and with this title, he was able to easily find a job as a tutor, teaching a teenager basic stance.

The pay was 100 dollars an hour.

Every week, he taught five days, and every day was an hour in the evening. In other words, the paycheck was about 2,000 or so a month.

“Dad he works hard all day and gets paid two or three thousand a month. I just do tutoring for an hour, and I’m so much higher than dad him……. This is the difference between an ordinary person, and an advanced student of a martial arts school! And if I can become a ‘martial artist’, the difference will be staggering.” Luo Feng’s eyes stared, in the alley in front of him, there was a van making a U-turn, blocking the road.

But Luo Feng didn’t slow down, running he suddenly stomped on the ground and leapt up two to three meters high, then he took two steps on the wall of the alley, before leaping down and continuing to fly forward.

A few moments later-

Luo Feng had already run outside a quiet residential neighborhood.

“This, is where mom and dad and the others should stay.” Luo Feng stopped and looked at the secluded residential neighborhood in front of him, the residential density of this neighborhood was relatively low, there were artificial pools in it as well as a large number of flowers, plants and trees dotted around, even if it was a high-rise residence, there were sky gardens on every floor.

In addition to the high-rise residences, there were also townhouses.

To know –

Nowadays, there were a total of six bases, or six cities, in the Huaxia Country! The population of each city was staggering, such as Jiangnan City, which had a population of nearly 200 million. Naturally, land is very scarce, like ‘stacked villas’ ‘townhouses’ are rare and expensive. The ‘single-family villas’ that covered even more extravagant land were even subject to a huge luxury tax.

“I’m going to block 18, number 1801.” At the entrance of the district, Luo Feng said to the neighborhood security guard.

“Wait a minute.” The district security guard pressed the videophone number, instantly the camera next to him aimed at Luo Feng, the voice of the owner of 1801 came from the videophone, “It’s Xiao Luo, let him in.”

“Yes sir.” The neighborhood security immediately released him.

An hour later, Luo Feng walked out of the neighborhood.

“Well, tutoring is over, go to the martial arts center and see if my strength has improved recently.”

Extreme martial arts school, the number one martial arts school on earth, founded by the world’s number one powerhouse “Hong”.

Various martial arts schools, spread all over the globe.

“Drop!” After swiping his student card at the main entrance of the martial arts center, Luo Feng entered the courtyard of the martial arts center.

An extreme martial arts center was like a huge monster perched there, in terms of floor space, it was bigger than a high school. The main entrance of the martial arts center was enough for ten cars to enter in parallel. Inside the courtyard of the martial arts center were three giant buildings that were silver-white in color, styled as if they were three airships.

“Senior brother!”

“Good day, senior brother.”

On the road inside the courtyard of the martial arts center, on the lawn, there were a large number of martial arts center trainees. When these trainees saw the senior trainee card hanging on Luo Feng’s chest, each one of them immediately honored it.

Inside the martial arts center, there were three giant buildings, the beginner trainee teaching building, the intermediate trainee teaching building, and the advanced trainee teaching building.

Among them, the first and second floors of the advanced student teaching building were large teaching halls, and each large teaching hall was large enough to accommodate thousands of people. The instructors and teachers of the martial arts school all taught in these large teaching halls. There were about 30,000 to 40,000 students in the entire Extreme Martial Arts School.

Only at the age of 16 could one become a student of the martial arts center to study, and after the age of 30, one was forbidden to come back to the martial arts center to study and take up teaching resources.

The senior students of the entire martial arts school totaled hundreds of people. Most of them were in their twenties.

And Luo Feng, was only 18 years old.

“Good day senior brother.”

Luo Feng listened to the respectful shouts all the way into the third floor of the senior trainee teaching building, this was where only senior trainees could enter.

On the third floor, a large martial arts training hall that was a hundred meters long and wide, there were a dozen people at this time.


“Crazy, coming.”

As soon as they entered this large-scale martial arts training hall, these dozen of senior trainees all greeted warmly.

“Brother Wang, brother Yang, sister Li.” Luo Feng smiled and shouted, looking at this group of big brothers and sisters, his heart also felt warm. These dozen of people were all over twenty years old, Luo Feng was naturally the youngest one. Of course, the Yian district extreme martial arts center’s “senior students” were more than these dozen people, the total number of senior students was more than a hundred. However, without a teacher to teach them, most people are too lazy to come.

Unless the family is poor and has no place to train, they will only come to the martial arts center’s training hall to train.

And rich families usually have their own specialized cultivation rooms.

So that’s why-

These dozen people, their families were almost all living in low-cost housing. Because they all belonged to the poor, everyone naturally hugged and formed small groups. Luo Feng, on the other hand, was nicknamed ‘Crazy’ by the fact that he had angrily defeated three senior trainees from rich families in a row back in the day.

“This half month of practicing, I wonder how much my strength has progressed.”

Luo Feng walked towards the “fist power testing machine” in the corner of the martial arts training hall, there were two “fist power testing machines” placed side by side in the corner of the martial arts training hall, no matter if it’s the “intermediate trainee test” or the “advanced trainee test”, it’s not the “intermediate trainee test”, it’s the “advanced trainee test”. Whether it was the “Intermediate Cadet Examination”, “Advanced Cadet Examination”, or even the “Martial Artist Examination”, all of them needed to test their fist strength.

“Inhale, exhale!”

Luo Feng slowly took a deep breath, the whole person completely relaxed, suddenly his eyes condensed, the whole person was like a lazy lion suddenly rose up, the body’s spine was like a bowstring instantly tensed, the foot force was transmitted to the waist and crotch, through the spine, Luo Feng’s right fist was like a cannonball that erupted, crossing an arc – “Peng!

“Peng!” Luo Feng’s right fist smashed into the fist target of the fist strength testing machine.

The fist target shook violently.

Immediately, the number “809kg” appeared on the screen of the fist strength testing machine.

“Crazy man, not bad, tsk, passed the 800kg barrier.” A stout man who was over one meter nine tall and appeared lean laughed and clapped his hands as he shouted, this stout man also had a hideous scar on his face.

“Brother Yang.” Luo Feng smiled, “Compared to brother Yang, it’s quite a bit worse. Brother Yang, please help turn the ‘speed tester’ on.” Brother Yang, his name was ‘Yang Wu’, amongst the senior trainees of the extreme martial arts school he was also in the top three, he was only slightly lacking in speed, otherwise he would have passed the ‘quasi martial artist test’ long ago.

Senior trainees, in order to become a martial artist.

Need to pass two assessments-

The first was the martial artist physical quality test, the ‘quasi-martial artist’ test. Once passed, it meant that in terms of physical quality, it had reached the standard of becoming a martial artist. At this point, it was already considered a ‘quasi-martial artist’.

And this second test, is the ‘martial artist actual combat test’.

Empty physical quality, is not qualified to become a martial artist, only in the real and monstrous real battle to pass, to obtain the “martial artist” title.

“Want to test speed? Alright.” Yang Wu smiled and walked to the side of the runway, opening the speed tester.


The speed tester opened and the camera lit up.

“Hoo, hoo.” Luo Feng adjusted his breathing and stood on the runway, which was a total of sixty meters long. And the area near the speed tester was the speed measurement area.

Luo Feng lashed out!


Almost in the blink of an eye, Luo Feng accelerated to the limit speed, his legs stomped powerfully, generating a strong sprinting force, making his entire person seem like an arrow off the string quickly flying along the runway, with a gust of wind, brushing, Luo Feng rushed past the speed tester area. After that, Luo Feng naturally slowed down and stopped.

“How much?” Luo Feng smiled and walked over.

“Tsk, tsk, crazy, you’ve improved a bit from last time. Not bad not bad.” Yang was surprised looking at the number displayed on the speed tester screen, even shouted, “Come over and see for yourself.”

Luo Feng walked over to take a look, the number on the screen was – “23.8m/s”.

“Not bad.”

Luo Feng wasn’t too happy in his heart, the physical fitness test of a martial artist, which is also known as the “quasi martial artist test”, there are a total of three tests. They were strength (punching power), speed, and nerve reaction. In terms of nerve reaction, Luo Feng was very talented, and had barely reached the quality requirements of a martial artist.

However –

Strength (punching power), “quasi martial artist test” pass line 900 kilograms!

Speed, “quasi-martial artist test” qualifying line 25 meters / second! That’s 100 meters in 4 seconds.

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