Chapter 53.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:15:28
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The Silver Moon Fierce Wolf fell helplessly from a high altitude, its eyes gradually lost their color, in this moment of death it recalled its life, as a wolf clan “Silver Moon Wolf Clan”, it had longed to become a lord level existence since it was a child. It has been doing very well, and has also become the peak of the senior beast general level, only one step away from the lord level!

However, ……

It was sneak attacked by a squad that possessed a human Battle God level martial artist and was severely injured. Luckily, it escaped by relying on its proud speed. However, on the way to escape, it unexpectedly encountered yet another War General martial artist squad. This War General ranked martial artist squad, if it was a Silver Moon Fierce Wolf in its full bloom, it could be completely exterminated easily!

However, it was in a heavily injured condition.

However, this War General ranked squad was insidious and came after it time and time again. No matter where it fled to, that squad managed to come after it.

“Disgusting bunch of human bastards!”

“It’s better to die at the hands of a Spiritual Numinous Master than at the hands of that group of assholes.” The Silver Moon Fierce Wolf was extremely intelligent, he was a high-level Beast General level wolf royal clan, comparable to the intelligence of a normal Lord level monster, and the intelligence of a Lord level existence was generally comparable to that of a normal human.

To die, one would have to die in the hands of a strong person.


The Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s massive corpse slammed down heavily, causing a rickety fence to collapse, while Luo Feng also fell down immediately after.

“Whew, whew, I didn’t expect that I would be able to kill a Silver Moon Fierce Wolf.” Luo Feng stood next to the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s corpse and let out a long sigh of relief, while at this time all four flying daggers fluttered around Luo Feng and landed on his pants leg flying dagger pouch, “Hmm? There are still two flying daggers.” Luo Feng swept his gaze around.

At a glance, he saw two deep pits on the concrete floor in front of him, even the concrete floor was cracked as a result, in the depths of these two deep pits, were exactly two 6 series flying daggers!

This scene couldn’t help but make Luo Feng suck in a breath of cold air.

The Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s speed and claw strike power were incredibly strong.

“Prevent it from being discovered by the other squads, dissect the corpse first, this Silver Moon Fierce Wolf, it’s worth a fortune.” Luo Feng couldn’t think too much, he immediately stood next to the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s corpse holding a flying dagger and started dissecting it, the weapon he had on him now, the Blood Shadow Battle Blade was only a 5 lineage one, it was able to fight with intermediate Beast General level.

The flying dagger, was of the 6 lineage. It could fight with high-level beast generals!

Along the silver moon ferocious wolf’s abdomen that had long been cracked open, Luo Feng slammed his flying dagger down!


Luo Feng stared, this long ago cracked fur, he couldn’t even slice it in half with the full force of his flying dagger. This is too unbelievable isn’t it, one must know that it’s most difficult to dissect a monster’s body when it doesn’t have a wound, but once there’s a large wound, it’s much less difficult to dissect it. Unfortunately …… advanced beast general level corpse, Luo Feng’s power couldn’t cut it yet!

“Shit, it seems that even dissecting monsters is high difficulty.” Luo Feng laughed and immediately spirit thought power controlled a flying knife.

The power of spiritual thoughts could be too much stronger than his arm strength.

“Puff!” Along the crack of that fur, the hovering flying dagger violently cut everything, suddenly snorting sounds rang out, the wound was rapidly expanding.

“I’m controlling the flying dagger cutting with my spiritual thoughts and it’s all so labor intensive?” Luo Feng was shocked, his mind moved, he controlled the flying dagger to hover and violently stabbed at one of the intact back fur, the silver moon ferocious wolf’s back was only slightly dented, but the fur was simply not visible at all.

Luo Feng was stunned, “Too perverted!”

“I’ve really gotten lucky this time.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but marvel, “The speed reaches the speed of sound, and the attack power is so strong. Even this most expensive fur defense of its is amazingly high. If it’s in its intact state, I’m afraid that if I encounter it, the possibility of victory is only 20-30%!” Encountering this Silver Moon Fierce Wolf at its peak, Luo Feng’s flying daggers would only be able to attack through the eyes, ears, nose and other weak parts of the fur.

With the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s flexibility, Luo Feng’s victory rate was indeed very low, it was considered good to have 20-30%.



Luo Feng quickly dissected, first a whole magical and expensive fur was stripped off, then the hardened claws of the Silver Moon Wolf were cut off, these claws were used to make high grade Crowe alloy materials, the price was also extremely high. There is also the Silver Moon Wolf hardness of the whole body of a “skull”, fangs, as well as the more special two eyeballs.

Wherever the price is high, Luo Feng always dissected and collected them into his backpack.

He knew that the invention of some special products in human society nowadays relied on the materials from many monsters.

“All done.”

Luo Feng let out a long sigh of relief, the original huge silver moon ferocious wolf corpse is now only a pile of flesh and blood, Luo Feng controlled the flying dagger back into his trouser leg flying dagger bag, his heart sighs, when he killed the silver moon ferocious wolf, he did not spend too much mental energy, but dissecting the corpse cost ten times more than the mental energy spent in the previous battle!

“No matter what, big profit.”

“This time, I can make a lot of money too.” Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile, the distribution of money in the fire hammer squad was distributed according to the contributions everyone made in the battle. Even if you were strong, if you didn’t put in a single bit of effort at all in hunting a certain monster, the martial arts squad naturally wouldn’t share a single penny with you.

And hunting the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf was entirely Luo Feng’s solo effort.

Luo Feng would indeed share a lot of money.

“Being discovered that I got this Silver Moon Fierce Wolf corpse, that would be troublesome.” Luo Feng smiled, “I’m afraid that anyone who can seriously injure the silver moon ferocious wolf is a senior battle general level martial artist. It’s probably a battle god level martial artist. There were tracking signals all over that fur, luckily I got rid of them.” Luo Feng didn’t want to make an enemy of a martial artist who could seriously injure the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf.

So, hurry up and go!


Luo Feng quickly and quietly left, under the night, only the pile of blood and flesh remained.

In the darkness of the night, a large number of monsters were entrenched everywhere in the county, the tiger tooth squad was advancing carefully.

“Damn, that Huntress dared to dart around the county town because it’s a Beast General level monster. The other monster beasts don’t even dare to provoke it. But we can only advance cautiously ……,” a stout bald man walking side by side with Zhang Zehu cursed, “When we kill this hunter-killer, I will definitely roast the meat of this Silver Moon Fierce Wolf and eat it. I can’t quench a bellyful of fire without eating its meat.”

Next to him, Zhang Zehu grinned, “Don’t be anxious, that hunter-killer has our signal on it, it’s useless no matter where it escapes to.”

“That hunter-killer, where is it?” The Tiger’s Tooth captain who was at the front of the team said in a low voice.

“Captain, that hunter-killer is about thirteen miles away from us, but now that it’s not moving, it should be resting at that location.” ‘Dongzi’, who was using a thermal weapon, said with a smile as he held the locator.

At once, the people of the Tiger Teeth Squad were overjoyed.

“It’s not moving?”

“Resting? Haha.”

They were most afraid of the hunter-killer ‘Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’ frantically fleeing, and Zhang Zehu hemmed and hawed, “I’m afraid that Silver Moon Fierce Wolf, thought that the place where he was hiding was safe enough. That’s why it’s hiding and preparing to nurse its wounds. Where does it know how powerful we are.”

“Go! This opportunity can’t be missed, it’s only thirteen miles in total, we’ll be there soon.” The Tiger Tooth Captain’s eyes glowed with excitement as he said in a low voice, “Everyone speed up, maybe this time we can kill this hunter.”

The speed of the Tiger Tooth Squad’s advance immediately increased greatly.

Thirteen miles, the martial arts squad rushed really fast, even if the monsters were all over the place, they would still be able to arrive within half an hour.

About forty minutes later.

“Ahead is where the Silver Moon Fierce Wolves are resting, everyone be careful.” The Tiger Tooth Captain gently waved his hand, and immediately the six members of the Tiger Tooth Squad began to sneakily split into two detachments, encircling from both directions, slowly approaching towards the place where that signal from the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf had been sent. No one in the two divisions dared to say anything.

The Silver Moon Fierce Wolf was very sensitive.

One step, two steps, three steps ……

Everyone was careful.

“Do it!” Captain Tiger Tooth waved his hand, and the other detachment that got the signal acted at the same time.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two detachments rushed into that alley from two directions, just one after the other, both roughly a hundred meters away from the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s signal. The six team members all looked towards the center of the distance, where by all rights should be where the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf was, but they didn’t see the target, only …… the faint smell of blood.

“Eh?” The tiger’s teeth captain’s face changed.

“Not good!”

Almost everyone in the Tiger Tooth Squad quickly rushed over, and they all came next to the pile of blood and flesh, and next to this large pile of blood and flesh, there was also a handful of hair that was faintly tinted with some silver light!

“Shit.” Zhang Zehu grabbed the hair and cursed, “It’s been robbed!”

There are a lot of martial artist squads that know how to leave signals to locate themselves on severely injured monsters, Luo Feng also knew this common sense, plus this silver moon ferocious wolf was already severely injured so it was likely to have signals tracking it. That’s why when the spiritual nimbus swept across a bit, it discovered the specialness of this handful of feathers and directly gave it a cut.

“Bastard!” Captain Tiger Teeth gritted his teeth and grimaced.

“All this time, it was all for nothing!” The one-eyed middle-aged man next to him was furious and gloomy.

“Go.” The tiger’s teeth captain’s eyes flashed with a cold light as he droned lowly, “Dare to take food from the tiger’s mouth and rob us, looking for death! This group of martial arts squad had just dissected the corpses, and for safety reasons, they would most likely rush to the supply base immediately! So …… all the brothers of the Tiger Teeth Squad, let’s immediately rush to the supply base and advance at a high level! Strive to catch up with them halfway.”

“Yes, captain.” The five immediately answered the order.

“Depart.” The murderous Tiger Tooth Captain waved his hand, and the Tiger Tooth Squad members, who also had a belly full of fire, immediately followed the captain and rushed in the direction of the supply base.

54. Replenishment bases

At night, the stars were dotted.

Under the starry sky, a silhouette in the dilapidated county town is like black lightning shuttling forward. Sometimes along the streets, sometimes jumping through residential neighborhoods …… in just a few moments, he arrived at the six story residential building where the members of the Firehammer squad stayed.

“Luo Feng is here.”

“Hmm, doesn’t seem to be injured.”

The Fire Hammer squad members watched with binoculars as Luo Feng entered the staircase of the residential building, and moments later, Luo Feng arrived on the rooftop.

“Captain, Brother Chen.” Luo Feng shouted with a smile.

“No injuries, well, not bad. How was it, did you hunt that Silver Moon Fierce Wolf?” Captain Gao Feng even more calm couldn’t help but even ask, Chen Gu, Wei brothers including Zhang Ke who was lying on the ground, likewise one by one looked at Luo Feng with excitement and anticipation, Chen Gu was even more surprised, “Luo Feng’s backpack bulged up a lot.”

Luo Feng laughed: “Brother Chen, your eyes are really poisonous, yes, just now I got lucky and killed that silver moon ferocious wolf! Dissected it and collected everything in my backpack.”

“Really slaughtered it?” Several people from the Fire Hammer Squad stared in astonishment one by one.

Silver Moon Fierce Wolf ah!

The royal family amongst the wolf-type ah! Wolf-type monsters were already rare, let alone this royal family, the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf.

“This time I’m also lucky.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but lament, “This Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’s body moves at the speed of sound! The attack power is also ridiculously strong, and the fur on its body is terribly tough, if it hadn’t been seriously injured at the start, with a large wound on its abdomen. It would have been hard for me to kill it!”

“Moving at the speed of sound?” Chen Gu glared.

“It’s too perverted. It’s not bad to be a wolf royal clan, comparable to a hog-type Primary Lord.” Wei Tie also couldn’t help but exclaim in shock.

“Not good.” Gao Feng’s face changed drastically.

Luo Feng was startled by the captain.

“Captain, what’s not good? What’s wrong?” Luo Feng even said.

“This silver moon ferocious wolf has been seriously injured, it must have killed with a human martial artist before.” Gao Feng anxiously said, “The martial artist team that killed with it might have left a signal on the fur of the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf. Once this team chases over and finds us. We will be in trouble!”

Chen Gu was also startled to hear this, “Right, a martial artist squad that can seriously injure the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf is not something we can mess with. There’s most likely a war god level martial artist!”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this.

“Captain, don’t worry, although I don’t have much experience, but before I entered the wilderness area for the first time, I naturally looked up a lot of relevant information and some basic common sense that I need to know. After killing the silver moon ferocious wolf, I checked, the silver moon ferocious wolf was indeed left with a signal on its body, it’s just that the handful of fur was cut off by me.” Luo Feng said.

Gao Feng and Chen Gu then breathed a sigh of relief.

They were most worried about Luo Feng, a newcomer with little experience, after all, snatching someone’s severely injured monster would be troublesome once someone caught up with them.

“Zhang Ke is now seriously injured and our squad can’t stay much longer in the wilderness area. Everyone take a good rest here, and when it’s dawn tomorrow morning, we’ll set off back to the supply base.” Gao Feng said.

“Yes, captain.”

The group of people responded with smiles.

Early in the morning of the next day, the Firehammer Squad began to quietly leave County 0201, advancing along the dilapidated highway in the direction of the supply base.

In the military region, in the supply base.

“Brother Black.”

Zhang Zehu was smoking and chatting with a bearded man in a corner of the supply base, “Have you seen the Firehammer Squad’s people come back recently? Damn, that bastard Luo Feng from Fire Hammer Squad made me spend a hundred million dollars, if I don’t find him in trouble once, I can’t get out of this bad breath.”

“Not yet, in the registration information in front, there’s no information about the Firehammer squad coming back.” The bearded man casually smiled, “Tiger, that Luo Feng messed with you, if you want to teach him a lesson you should also teach him a lesson in the wilderness area, supply bases are forbidden to make a move.”

“Of course I understand this, I don’t want to send myself to death.” Zhang Zehu laughed.

The base city, as well as the military area, had a government military background behind it, martial artists with even greater hatred wouldn’t dare to fight each other right in the military area, the consequences of that would be tragic. After all, the supply base is only a small area in the military region, security and other aspects are responsible for the military region.

“Brother Hei, when Luo Feng comes back, you give me a greeting.” Zhang Zehu laughed.

“Alright, small matter.” The bearded man nodded with a smile.

Zhang Ze Hu threw his cigarette towards the ground, stepped on it and laughed, “Then brother I’ll leave first, talk to you later.” Saying that, Zhang Zehu advanced within the supply base, said it was a base, but in reality, it was a bit of a residential neighborhood, soon Zhang Zehu met up with the other two team members under a big tree in the supply base near the gate.

“How’s it going, Tiger?” The one-eyed middle-aged man asked in a low voice.

“Didn’t come back, no news at all.” Zhang Zehu smiled faintly.

The bespectacled bald man hemmed and hawed, “None of them have returned yet, in my opinion, they must have died out in the beasts. It’s good that the Fire Hammer Squad is dead and gone, there won’t be any more trouble.” The Tiger Tooth Squad wasn’t afraid of the Fire Hammer Squad at all, but if any member of the Fire Hammer Squad survived, it would still be a little bit of trouble after all.

“Fire Hammer Squad, hmmm, if you want to blame it, blame that Luo Feng.” Zhang Zehu smiled coldly, “Dare to make me spend money. By the way, did you find out who robbed our hunters?”

“No.” The one-eyed middle-aged man frowned and shook his head, “There’s no news at all. The captain is now smashing bottles of wine in anger in the house.”

“From my point of view, we didn’t catch up on our way back, and now there’s not much hope of finding out who robbed our hunter-killers.” The stout bald man shook his head and said, suddenly his face changed, staring dead on at the entrance of the supply base in the distance. The other two saw this and also turned their heads to look over, this look also caused their faces to change drastically!

Only to see Gao Feng, Chen Gu, Wei Qiang, Wei Tie, Luo Feng and even Zhang Ke, all at the base entrance.

“A9, Old Gao ah, you guys seem to be in trouble this time.” The gatekeeper saw that Zhang Ke had broken his arm and bandaged it up.

“Damn, don’t mention it. The monsters didn’t hurt us, but those motherfucking Tiger Teeth Squad shaded us!” Gao Feng cursed.

“Captain, the Tiger Teeth Squad is over there ……,” Chen Gu violently bellowed.

Immediately all the members of the Fire Hammer Squad turned their heads to look over, and at a glance they saw three people under the shade of a large tree not far away, seeing these three people, all the members of the Fire Hammer Squad could not help but look furious, among them, Zhang Ke, who was pale and just carrying a backpack, even bellowed out, “Stop!”

Zhang Zehu and the other three actually had a tremor in their hearts as soon as they saw the six members of the Fire Hammer Squad, so they hurriedly turned around and walked away.

This matter, they were at a disadvantage!

But they didn’t expect to be seen by Chen Gu with a glance at them.

“Still want to run?” Gao Storm shouted.

All six people of the Fire Hammer Squad rushed over, this loud shout immediately attracted the attention of many martial artists in the supply base, at this time, Zhang Zehu and the other three instead did not dare to run, if they really fled, wasn’t it admitting that they were at a disadvantage? Things were done, but they couldn’t admit it!

“Gao Feng, what are you shouting for?” The one-eyed middle-aged man turned around and shouted angrily, “What kind of place do you think this is, this is within the military region, this is a martial arts supply base, is it a place for you to spread your wildness?”

“You don’t look at the place even if you’re spreading your wildness.” The bald man also sneered.

No matter what, the momentum could not be weakened.

“Still arrogant you guys.” Gao Feng’s hands, one grabbed a heavy hammer behind him, and with red eyes, he swung both hammers and stormed over, “Looking for a fight!”

The one-eyed middle-aged man, Zhang Zehu, and the other three were all changed in color.

They didn’t have the strength, after all, they were at a disadvantage.

“Drop!” “Drop!” “Drop!” An ear-piercing siren sounded, only to see a twelve-member detachment wearing combat uniforms quickly rushing over from a short distance away, in which the leader of the squad even drank, “Put down your weapons, fighting is prohibited within the supply base, otherwise, our guards have the right to kill you.”

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