Chapter 56: Returning

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:15:33
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Returning to base city, Xu Xin’s background “However, this Silver Moon Fierce Wolf is Luo Feng’s responsibility to track, kill, dissect, and bring back, all of which was his effort alone.” Gao Feng smiled and said, “Therefore, this hunter Luo Feng can obtain the highest amount ‘80%’, the remaining 20%, the five of us will share equally.” This was the rule of the martial arts squad.

Even if one person did everything, there was still a need to give everyone a mouthful of soup.

Normally, when killing beast general level monsters, the person who got the most credit usually got up to 60%. Someone like Luo Feng who did it all by himself could share the highest 80%.

“Luo Feng, I’m afraid you’ve earned more this time than I’ve earned in ten years.” Next to him, Chen Gu couldn’t help but shout, “You must treat me tonight!”

“Right, must treat. Slaughter this rich man for a meal.” Wei Tie and Wei Qing also said in succession.

One had to know that even in the ‘Tiger Teeth Squad’, Zhang Zehu had only earned one hundred million dollars in nearly two years of kung fu. And these nearly two years is Zhang Zehu strength strongest two years, in the past to make money even slower …… that is to say, so many years, Zhang Zehu make money probably also three or four hundred million only.

And Luo Feng this is just one time …… to send!

But the ‘hunter’ is not just anyone who has the strength to slaughter, Luo Feng has this strength, naturally he can make money. The stronger the circle of martial artists was, the more amazing the wealth they generally possessed.

“Definitely treat me, how dare I not? Just treat yourself at the HR alliance mall.” Luo Feng hemmed and hawed.

“I’ll split the money first and hit each of your accounts.”

Gao Feng said with a smile, in front of everyone, transferring the money that he had gotten earlier through the Firehammer Squad communal account, one by one, to each individual account. The account password of the communal account was known to everyone internally. Generally after earning money, it would be split immediately.

That afternoon, Luo Feng and his group took the train back to base city.

“The train will be entering the station soon, please prepare your belongings for those leaving the station.” The recorded voice of the conductor echoed in the compartment, and with a clatter, the compartment door opened.


Gao Feng, Luo Feng, Zhang Ke, Chen Gu, and the Wei brothers all walked out one after another.

“So many people.” As soon as Luo Feng came out of the train, at a glance, he saw a large number of travelers coming out around the train station, and through the glass of the train station’s building it was even more possible to see a large number of densely packed people waiting for the train inside, knowing that the population of the main downtown area of the base city was more than a hundred million people, one could think of how noisy and bustling the train station here was!

This is called popularity, boiling popularity!

“Brothers, be thankful for the weapons in your hands, we’ve returned to the base city alive once again!” Highwind lamented.


“Back to the human city.”

Luo Feng’s own heart was equally shocked, although this time in the wilderness area was only seven or eight days, but the wilderness area was barren and broken everywhere, those cities in the wilderness area had long since become unrecognizable. A large number of monsters were entrenched, Luo Feng had to be careful as they advanced, lest they were surrounded by the beasts.

Only the base city! This was where humans lived safely! This was where civilization existed!

“Base city, the last base of human society.” A hint of realization rose in Luo Feng’s heart, “Even if it’s for the sake of this human society’s base, martial artists with stronger powers should indeed stand up and stand out! Like me, I can easily kill normal beast soldier level monsters, even primary beast general level. But for ordinary humans, even if they are equipped with weapons, they are all in great danger when facing beast general level monsters.”

The country, why did it give privileges to martial artists?

The entire world, why did it encourage martial artists to hunt monsters?

Because the more monsters hunted and killed, was to make the human base city one more point safer.

“Hey, wife, I guess I can get home late this night.” Zhang Ke typed on the phone with a smile on his face, “Yes, this time, I’ll stay home for a very long time, and I’ll definitely satisfy you, wife-sama!” It was simply impossible to think that a man with a broken arm would smile so naturally and sincerely at this time.

Martial artists who fought in life and death outside, and family, was their deepest concern.

Luo Feng also dialed the phone number of his family.

“Little Feng ah.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Luo Feng couldn’t help but feel a slight sourness in his eyes as he shouted, “Mom, I’m expected to arrive home late at night today, you guys don’t need to wait for me to have dinner.”

“Late night today?” Mother was obviously surprised, “Good, good, your father is outside with your brother, I’ll call them to answer the phone.”

“No need, I’ll go back this night.” Luo Feng felt his heart warm.

This was home, the place he, Luo Feng, guarded.

“Luo Feng, let’s go, go take the HR alliance’s martial artist special car.” Gao Feng shouted, a few others had already started to leave.


Luo Feng hung up the phone and immediately joined the crowd along the special passage for martial artists, and at the end of the passage was a small venue with the Extreme Martial Hall, Thunder and Lightning Martial Hall as well as the Underground Alliance mall, and a few special cars from each of the Underground Alliance’s clans all waiting to pick up their martial artists at this very moment.

Seeing Luo Feng’s group of people come out, all the drivers of the specializers perked up.

“Let’s go, to the HR Alliance mall.” Gao Feng and the others directly entered the HR Alliance Mall’s special vehicle.


Starting the car, upshifting, and with a kick of the gas, this large and comfortable off-road vehicle immediately advanced.

Inside the car.

“Luo Feng, we’re about to arrive at the HR Alliance Mall.” Chen Gu hemmed and hawed and looked at Luo Feng, “The sister you picked up last time called Xu Xin might be there this time. Luo Feng ah, this is coming back from the wilderness area, you can have a good emotional contact with people, deeper communication.”

“You colorful bastard.” Gao Feng laughed and scolded, then looked at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, let me say one thing. That Xu Xin little girl, she became the manager of the first floor bar over there at a young age, this is by no means an ordinary person. I’m afraid there’s a bit of a background. You have to pay attention.”

Luo Feng nodded.

He also had this feeling, in the past in school Xu Xin was ordinary, but in that HR alliance mall first floor bar, Xu Xin temperament was all different from the past, if anything, in the past she was completely astringent, while now she was showing a hint of light.

“You said Miss Xu Xin Xu?” The driver who was driving in front was surprised.

“You know Xu Xin?” Luo Feng looked at him.

“Of course I know.” The driver laughed, “We run to this side of the mall every day, and other buddies often chat of course know this Miss Xu Xin, you don’t look at the person’s face is not absolutely beautiful, but …… tsk tsk tsk, if anyone can marry her, it’s really less to struggle for a lifetime ah.”

Gao Feng’s face changed slightly, “Could it be, he is the Xu family, one of the HR Alliance’s twelve major families in the country?”

“Yes, it’s the Xu family, and it’s rumored that he has a high status in the Xu family as well.” The driver nodded his head.

Luo Feng was also shocked to hear this.

HR alliance, it was an alliance formed by the super big families and consortiums of the United States of America, Europe, America and many other countries, one giant type family consortium from all over the world so to speak. They manipulated the economy of the entire world, and even the various government armies could only live in peace with the HR Alliance. And among them–

HR Alliance, in addition to the towering nine great families and consortiums, there were dozens of sub-par families. Consortium.

Each of these dozens of family consortia possessed amazing wealth, amazing power.

“Shit, this background is too big.” Chen Gu glared, “I knew this little girl’s surname was Xu, but I didn’t expect it to be from the Xu family. Brother Luo Feng, this time brother I can’t help you, picking up this Xu Xin sister, the difficulty is very high.”

“The difficulty is high, but our Luo Feng is not bad at all.” Gao Feng however said.

Chen Gu, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, Zhang Ke and the others each laughed as well.

In their opinion, Luo Feng was a spiritual ninja master, and his strength would be even more terrifying in the future.

“Old Fang.”

Gao Feng made the call, “Yes, it’s me. Of course there’s something good to find you, otherwise why call you? It’s definitely something good over a hundred million dollars, okay, no problem.” After making the call, Gao Feng smiled and glanced at the others, “I’ve already spoken to Old Fang, when we arrive at the mall later, we’ll go straight upstairs.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng and the others also nodded.

A few moments later-

The special vehicle passed through the cordon of military people and drove directly to the entrance of the hall of the HR Alliance mall, as the doors opened, a group of people from the Firehammer squad got out one after another.

“Mr. Highwind, right, Manager Fang is already waiting upstairs.” A woman with a clean-cut look and short, ear-to-ear hair that looked smart and capable smiled.


Gao Feng and Luo Feng’s group of people didn’t say much and directly entered the hall.

Inside this luxurious first floor hall, there were quite a few martial artists talking there in the direction of the bar, Luo Feng swept his gaze towards the bar, “Not there?” Then it dawned on him, now these days are the days when the university has just started, the time when the school year has just started, even ordinary universities have to conduct military training.

And today is not a Saturday or Sunday, it is not strange that Xu Xin is not there.


The elevator doors opened and a group of people from the Firehammer Squad entered the elevator.

“Drop!” The woman ladder door, pressed ’21’ and pointed her pupil at the detector, “Drop, pass, welcome Miss Liu.”

“Manager Fang is waiting for you all on the floor.” The woman smiled.

Luo Feng and the others nodded.

The elevator traveled, not stopping at all in the middle, just a moment later, with a ‘ding’ sound, the elevator door opened, the 21st floor had arrived.

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