Chapter 6: Higher Education Examinations

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:06
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In the month before the college entrance exam, Luo Feng put almost all of his energy into reviewing. With the revision and the testing of one practice paper after another, Luo Feng’s confidence in the college entrance exam was getting stronger and stronger!

“Examining the number one military school in Jiangnan, nine out of ten.”

This is what Luo Feng thought in his mind.

June 7th, this was the first day of the college entrance exam. The college entrance exam in China was for three days on June 7th, 8th and 9th, the same days as the college entrance exam before the great nirvana period.

Yian district first high school.

According to the arrangement of the examination room, Luo Feng, who was originally a student of the third middle school, the college entrance exam was conducted in this first high school.

“Daughter, cheer up.”

“Don’t worry, dad.”

“Sweetie, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

Outside the school gate of the first high school, a dense large number of college entrance exam candidates and parents had gathered, and outside the school gate of the first high school, there was also a row of police officers with real guns and bullets standing.

“Little Feng ah, relax your mind during the exam. Even if our family can’t go to the first military school, we can still go to the second military school. Relax!” Father Luo Hongguo looked at his son and said smilingly.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded with a smile.

“Drip-drip-drip…” with a loud car chirping sound, only to see a Mercedes Benz with a full body of ghostly black, full of aristocratic temperament of the latest model, under the escort of a police locomotive slowly driving towards the The parents of the surrounding candidates immediately moved to the side to avoid the door of the first high school, and all of them gathered their eyes on that car.

The latest Mercedes, accelerating to a hundred miles per hour in one second and six seconds, with an ultimate speed of 500 kilometers per hour. Of course this performance is nothing, Mercedes Benz as a brand passed down from the time of the Great Nirvana, its own historical heritage is the most attractive.

Only to see the Mercedes Benz walked down three people, talking and laughing with each other towards the school entrance.

“The bald one on the left, that’s our Yian District’s police department’s Chief Zhang ah.”

“The one on the right, is Director Liu of the Education Bureau, right?”

“The one in the center, that must be the martial artist in charge of the overall security of the examination center.” Only a large number of parents and examinees outside the examination hall were talking, and the vast majority of their gazes were gathered on that one person in the center, with excitement, admiration, and curiosity embedded in their gazes.

Nowadays, the battle between humans and monsters was ongoing.

Ordinary people were forbidden to leave the city boundaries, while martial artists were the ones who could fight the monsters one-on-one. The entire human society was very grateful to the martial artists for their great contribution to the human race. Ordinary people naturally worshiped martial artists.

The martial artists, belonged to a group of people with a supreme status in the human community.

“That’s a martial artist.” Father Luo Hongguo also looked at that person, “Every time the chief security commander of the examination center for the college entrance exam is asked to take on the role of a martial artist.”

“Martial artist.”

Luo Feng looked over, that martial artist had a feeling that made one’s heart palpitate just by looking at him, his eyes were also like the cold eyes of a viper, not smiling. Facing that police chief and director Liu of the education bureau, this martial artist only nodded bashfully from time to time, not bothering at all.

“In the not too distant future, I will also obtain the martial artist title!” Luo Feng said silently in his heart.

“Kaka ……”

The gates of the first high school slowly opened.

“Enter.” Immediately, a burst of voices came.

“Little Feng, entering. You quickly go in.” Father Luo Hongguo even said, next to him, mother Gong Xinlan also even said, “Go quickly, mom will go back later to cook dinner for you, your dad and brother are here waiting for you to finish the exam.”


Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

“Brother.” Brother Luo Hua sat in his wheelchair and raised his own fist to Luo Feng with a slight smile, “Make sure you cheer!”

“Cheer up.” Luo Feng also raised his fist.

With that, Luo Feng turned his head to join together amongst the crowd of examinees and passed through the school entrance one by one after inspection.

Inside the exam room classroom, the exam card and ID card were placed on the top right corner of the table for the examiner to check, while the test papers began to be handed out.

“2056 Jiangnan City College Entrance Examination Science Paper A” – a clear line at the top of the test paper.

“The first exam is the science exam!”

Looking at the paper in front of him, Luo Feng swept his eyes and looked at the last few big questions that seemed to have been familiar to him, “The questions shouldn’t be too difficult this time, if the questions aren’t difficult. It will be hard to bring out my strengths in science, I can only be careful and serious with the questions, try to do what I can without losing points.”

Luo Feng immediately started burying his head to write.

There were a total of three exams in the college entrance exam, the science exam, the arts exam and the final math exam. Each one was worth 250 points and the total full score was 750 points.

Science is the three combined subjects of physics, chemistry, and biology.

Arts is worth the four integrated subjects of language, history, politics, and geography.

The math exam is, naturally, the math one.

After the period of the Great Nirvana of mankind, especially the continuous battles between mankind and monsters, it made mankind desperately research in technology and martial arts. This made everyone feel the importance of ‘math’ even more clearly. Anyone who wanted to be able to achieve great things in the fields of computers, biology, physics, and so on, needed a solid foundation in math.

So –

The status of math was raised very high in cultural education. And Luo Feng was a little weak in the arts, while he had a huge advantage in math.

June 7th, science exam.

June 8th, liberal arts exam.

In the blink of an eye, it was already June 9th.

Inside the exam room, the math exam papers had just been distributed.

“Just this one math exam.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, “The science paper isn’t difficult, but I should do well. I also played normally in the arts exam! That is to say, for both science and arts exams, the grades should be within the range of my normal play. For the math exam, as long as I don’t misbehave too much, I can definitely get into the Jiangnan No. 1 Military School.”

“Work hard!”

Giving himself a pep talk, Luo Feng began to lower his head and work on the questions.

The entire exam room was quiet, many candidates’ brows were furrowed, obviously the questions were difficult. Every year in the college entrance exam, the math questions were usually not low in difficulty. After all, this was for the purpose of selecting future scientific and technological research talents.

“It’s really hard.” Luo Feng also felt the difficulty of the questions, “It’s even harder than previous years! But …… the harder the better!”

The questions were simple, those who were worse than himself in math could probably score 220 points, and he himself was estimated to score 230 points. The advantage is very small.

But if the topic is difficult.

One might only be able to score 210, but those who were worse than oneself might only score 150. This would be a big advantage instead.

“Pah!” Only a crunching sound was heard.

The exam room invigilator immediately looked, only to see a candidate actually hard broken ballpoint pen in his hand, this candidate frowned and gritted his teeth, lowered his head and stared dead at the test paper, obviously the math puzzle was too difficult too difficult. And then this candidate threw the broken arm in his hand aside, and took out another ballpoint pen and continued to answer the paper.

“Looking at the candidate’s appearance, this math exam this year, it’s hard.” The invigilator thought in his heart.

Indeed, almost everyone in the entire examination room frowned and pondered hard, and many candidates were so anxious that tears fell from their eyes.

Students whose math foundation was already poor only felt …… that this question would not be, that question would not be, and the third question would not be …… Seeing such a test paper, those candidates almost collapsed away.

One hour later, inside the examination room.

The math exam time was a total of two and a half hours.

At this moment, Luo Feng had already finished writing the “multiple choice” and “fill in the blank” questions, leaving the “calculation” questions. In the math paper, the total score for multiple choice and fill in the blanks combined was only 90 points. Calculation questions, on the other hand, consisted of five big questions. The score for the five questions is 160 marks, after all, only the big calculation questions can better find out the students’ math ability.

“It’s still really hard, I can’t even calculate two blanks in the fill in the blank questions.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, “Here are the calculation questions, that’s the focus of getting points. Writing out one more question is a thirty point, forty point difference!”

Calculation questions were five big questions, of which the first four questions were worth 30 points, and the last question was worth 40 points.

“Huh?” Luo Feng encountered a hard time in front of the first question of the calculation questions.

On the straw paper, Luo Feng kept calculating and thinking.

“Right, with a slight distortion here, reverse back, won’t it be converted into the required equation?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, brush! Brush! Brush! Once this difficult point was thought through, it was easy to write, soundly writing out the first question completely in one breath and double checking it again.

“Hmm, first question successful.” Luo Feng looked at the watch on his left wrist, his heart jumped, “The first question, it cost me 20 minutes? Must speed up the time.”

Luo Feng lowered his head and looked at the second question again.

At first glance, Luo Feng felt it was easy and immediately acted it out on the straw paper.

“Hmm, not right.”

Luo Feng realized that the path he was thinking about didn’t make sense at all, he immediately frowned and thought about it, as time passed, Luo Feng kept going deeper and deeper to study this question, “Right, it should be like this. But the next proof, how should I verify it?” Luo Feng’s mind kept thinking rapidly at this time.

“Quick, quick, quick, can’t waste too much time on this question. How exactly do I prove it?” Luo Feng was anxious in his heart.

At this time-

On the watch Luo Feng was wearing on his left hand, the number showing ‘pulse’ started to rise.

120……125……130……140……150 ……

“Just a little bit closer, the proposition of this question can be proved and 30 points will be in hand. What the hell should I get here?” Luo Feng was getting more and more impatient, the exam was necessary to allocate time, but the math questions were calculated and each question was worth a lot of points. Every college entrance exam candidate, who wanted to do very well in the exam, the big math questions, couldn’t be wrong too much.

At this time, Luo Feng, whose attention was completely immersed in the exam questions, didn’t even pay attention to the pulse display on his watch.170……180……

Luo Feng felt his heartbeat accelerate, but he just thought it was caused by his anxiety and nervousness during the exam and didn’t care.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!” Luo Feng suddenly felt as if his heart was being pounded on, his eyes were glowing and he woke up, “What’s wrong with me? Why is the heartbeat so hard.” Luo Feng looked down at the display reading of the test pulse on his watch-


This number made Luo Feng’s face change drastically. Ever since he bought this watch after passing out at the age of twelve, Luo Feng had never seen his heartbeat exceed 180.

“So hard.” Luo Feng felt as if his heartbeat was about to jump out of his chest, his entire body was gushing with a large amount of blood under the constant expansion and contraction of his power source ‘heart’, an invisible and imperceptible energy surged into the depths of Luo Feng’s mind, instantly, a sharp pain came from his mind-

“Ah, ah.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but let out a sound.

“This candidate, what’s wrong with you?” The invigilator even rushed over, he looked at Luo Feng in shock.

At this moment, Luo Feng’s face was flushed red as if he was about to drip blood, the veins on his forehead and arms were bulging and jumping, the whole person was hideous.

“No, no – don’t, slow down, slow down ah.” Luo Feng had a premonition of something bad, his heart roared, his eyes staring at his watch with death.


Dang! Dang! Thud!

The heart was like a big drum, emitting a low rumbling sound as the blood rapidly surged.

As his eyes blurred to see the number ‘268’, the sharp pain in his mind caused Luo Feng’s entire body to instantly pass out, and as he passed out, he vaguely heard the voice-

“This candidate, this candidate, wake up, wake up. Quickly, quickly call an ambulance!”

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