Chapter 64: Tertiary rat tide

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:15:56
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This black pressure of a rat tide looks not boundless, wide is spread throughout the highway, the length is also stretches a hundred meters distance. With each rat beast thirty centimeters in length, this one rat tide definitely has tens of thousands of monsters, already considered a small rat tide. Even a battle general level martial artist would be devoured and exterminated!

So Luo Feng only had one option ……

“Escape!” Luo Feng immediately flew down the highway.

“Hoo, hoo, hoo ……”

Wan Dong and the other three had long ago thrown away their battle swords, shields and other weapons, one by one they darted. The wave of rats behind them kept looming, and the distance from them narrowed from twenty meters to fifteen, fourteen, and thirteen meters ……


“Why isn’t the army coming yet!”

“If it doesn’t come again, we’ll really be dead this time.”

Wan Dong and the others cursed in the bottom of their hearts, clenched their teeth and fiercely accelerated, and the distance between the rat tide was once again slightly pulled away until it was pulled away to a distance of more than thirty meters. Only then did the three Wan Dongs slow down slightly.

“I can’t run anymore.”

“Me too.”

The Wan Dong trio exchanged eye contact with each other, all helpless and in pain. Their extreme running speed was something that could be much faster than these rat tides. But since it was the limit speed, it was destined to be unsustainable! Just like the human beings before the Great Nirvana period, at that time, running a hundred meters to ten seconds was considered extreme speed.

One hundred meters, took nearly ten seconds.

But what about a thousand meters, is 100 seconds okay?

Ten thousand meters? Could 1,000 seconds do it? And actually before the Great Nirvana period, the record for 10,000 meters for men was around 1,580 seconds.

These martial artists were the same, such as Wan Dong they could instantly reach an extreme speed of 60 meters per second, but they had been fleeing for nearly half an hour, they could now barely maintain a speed of 40 meters per second! Once the rat tide approached, they desperately squeezed themselves to run faster!

Wan Dong had run almost 300 miles until now! One could imagine how tired they were!

“The army, ah, come quickly.”

“This place is very close to the military area, why hasn’t the army arrived yet.” All three of them, Wan Dong, felt as if their legs were unconscious, the extreme fatigue of their muscles made them unable to speed up.

While Luo Feng was carrying his battle sword and shield and so on, he was maintaining a staggering speed of sixty meters per second as he flew away. After all, the three of them, Wan Dong, had a lot of physical exertion, but Luo Feng was in peak condition!

Originally, Luo Feng had a large distance from the rat tide, and was soon thrown far away.

“Huh?” Luo Feng saw at a glance that there was a dark blue shadow parting in the distant sky, at first glance he thought that it was some kind of flying monster, only when the dark blue flying object came closer did Luo Feng see it clearly. This is a flat circular flying war machine similar to the shape of a flying saucer!

Nowadays, most of the army flying combat techniques are this flat round shape, because this shape is good for defense and offense in the air once they encounter a flying bird monster attack.


“It’s an army warplane!” The extremely tired Wan Dong trio surprisingly let out excited howls, one by one their speed surprisingly erupted and accelerated again.

Luo Feng who was running also stopped and looked up, only to see that this one flying fighter unexpectedly swooped down towards that beast group, when there was still a hundred meters distance from the ground, the flying fighter just hovered over the beast group, with Luo Feng’s eyesight, he clearly saw that the belly of the fighter revealed a huge gun port.

“Rumble ……”

Endless blazing flames from this gun port violently spewed out, directly covering the rat tide below, that blazing temperature is feared to be thousands of degrees under the high temperature flames, a large number of rat beasts whole body on fire directly burned to death. At once the original neat rat tide completely collapsed, a fearful screams, scattered to escape.

However, under the flames, the vast majority of the rat beasts were directly burned to death, and some of them fled into the barren fields next to the highway, directly drilling into the ground and disappearing.

“Four martial artists, a level 3 rat tide has broken out in the surrounding area of nearly a thousand miles, four martial artists please quickly return to the supply base. It won’t be too late to enter the wilderness area when the rat tide alert is lifted.” A voice came from the flying fighter, and then this flying fighter quickly broke into the air and flew away to save the other martial artists.

One by one, the three of them, Wan Dong, let out a long sigh of relief.

“Retrieving a life.”

“It was so close, it was over.” These three were extremely tired.

“Luo Feng.” Wan Dong couldn’t help but open his mouth and shout towards the distance, “Any food? Give some food! Drink?”

Luo Feng in the distance also smiled and came over, the Wan Dong in front of him didn’t have the cold gloom of the past at all, all he had was fatigue and the joy of surviving a robbery! Running for nearly three hundred miles, and fleeing on the line of life and death, this was a very alarming consumption of physical strength. Luo Feng took out a bag from the side pocket of his backpack and took out three pills, “These three high energy sugar pills, well, here’s another water bag.”

As soon as Luo Feng handed them over, this Wan Dong trio immediately swallowed one high energy sugar pill each, and that water bag of water was also quickly divided up and drunk.

“Luo Feng, thanks.” Wan Dong said gratefully, “Let me introduce you, this one next to me, is called Wang Ke. The other one is called Jiang Tu.”

“I’ve heard of Crazy Luo’s great name long ago.” The handsome looking Wang Ke smiled and said.

“Crazy Luo, this one high-energy sugar pill of yours, it’s even better than mountain delicacies. I was starving to death, I’m much more comfortable now.” A bearded Jiang Tu also hemmed and hawed.

Luo Feng and Wan Dong chatted as they walked.

“How did you guys encounter the rat tide? That flying fighter said, level 3 rat tide?” Luo Feng’s county was too close to that military area and didn’t personally experience the rat tide.

“I’ve kind of seen the power of a rat tide.” Wan Dong couldn’t help but say, “Before we were still resting on the rooftop of a residential building in a county, but very suddenly, a large number of rat beasts emerged from many places on the ground of the entire county, it was truly boundless! We were so scared that we immediately utilized the wire to escape from this one residential building to another residential building rooftop, we didn’t dare to go to the ground at all!”

Luo Feng was shocked, he could completely imagine the scene of countless rat beasts appearing on the ground of a county city.

“Luckily for our team, we were on the outskirts of the county. We gritted our teeth and ran desperately and furiously along a path where rat beasts were relatively rare!”

“During the path, however, we encountered a rat tide. We had no choice but to run separately, causing the rat tide to diverge! We were considered lucky to run outside on the highway, and it was only a small wave of rat tide that chased us! On the way to escape, Wang Ke and I also met this guy Jiang Tu. His encounter was similar to ours.”

Wan Dong then smiled bitterly, “I wonder how the captain and the others are doing now.”

In places like streets and alleyways, they dared to split up and run, causing the rat tide to diverge and chase them. But on the highway they didn’t dare to, because next to the highway was the barren fields and wilderness, and amongst these wild lands, the speed of human running was to be reduced. The geography of the wildlands has little effect on the speed of the rats and beasts.

This was also the reason why everyone just ran on the highway and didn’t enter the wildlands.

Luo Feng and the four of them arrived at the military region’s martial arts supply base, at this time a large group of martial arts practitioners had gathered at the entrance of the supply base.

“Crazy man, I knew you wouldn’t die.”

“Crazy man, you’re in county 0231, have you seen old Liu and the others?”

Walking into the supply base, many martial artists who recognized Luo Feng came to ask and greet. After all, a rat tide outbreak was a very dangerous thing, luckily this time it was only a ‘grade 3 rat tide’ and not too harmful. If it was the legendary grade one rat tide, then it could be said to be a calamity for the entire Jiangnan Base City!

“Old Wang, have my captain and the others returned?” Wan Dong then immediately went to ask someone.

“Didn’t see them.”

“Your captain and the others didn’t come back, there’s no record over here.”

Today was destined to be a rather sad day for the supply base. There were quite a few martial artists who were out there who lost their lives on this day. Even among the three War God level martial artists who entered the wilderness area today, one War God level martial artist was actually heavily surrounded by an endless tide of rats and was caught in a sea of rat tides.

The rat tide attacked crazily regardless of everything, and surprisingly …… killed a War God!

Yes, today, a human War God had fallen!

There are not only beast soldier level rat beasts in the rat tide, there are also beast general level existences, and the leader of the rat tide is even more intelligent, once they have chosen a target they will stop at nothing! It is said that during the struggle of that human god of war, there were dozens of tall buildings destroyed and collapsed as a result, and it is feared that over a million rat beasts died as a result.

Unfortunately, over a million head of rat beasts was nothing to the billions of rat tides.

Therefore ……

This God of War died!

“Rumble ……” Dark clouds rolled, gusty winds swept across the land, and sometimes thunder roared, and with a thunderous explosion, torrential rain poured down.

On the rooftop of a townhouse in the supply base, Luo Feng sat on the porch.

“Captain, I’m fine, I’m lucky. Didn’t get surrounded by the rat tide.”

“Brother Chen, uh, I’m fine.”

“Brother Tie, haha, all heard my voice. Of course I’m alive and well.”

Luo Feng answered several phone calls, apparently the occurrence of a tertiary rat tide in the surrounding generation was known even to the large number of martial artists within Jiangnan base city. Every time there was a rat tide or the even more terrifying ‘ant tide’ etc it was a time when human martial artists died and were heavily injured. This time, there was even a thought that a human War God had fallen, which was even more of a loss for the entire Jiangnan City.

“So many people died in a level three rat tide.”

“What about the legendary Grade 1 Rat Tide?”

“And what about the legendary and even more terrifying war between humans and monsters?”

The war between monsters and humans, that was a war between two civilizations, a war between two races! Once the war starts, countless various kinds of walking beast-type monster beast tide, and all kinds of flying bird-type monsters, speed-winning, powerful, drilling, poisonous, flying, sonic attacks ……

The sky was covered with countless flying bird monsters in the sky, countless monsters on the ground, and there were also ground-drilling monsters under the ground, and there were also monsters in the lake.

Rat waves, ant nests, and the like are just some of them.

This was the most terrifying war!

“The monsters are the ones that I, mankind, am the mortal enemy of. Nowadays, the ocean is the world of the monsters, and on land, humans have a slight advantage. In the air, the monsters have the advantage! Humans are forced to defend and counterattack in one base city after another!” Luo Feng never realized in the past, always felt that the monsters were just being slaughtered by martial artists, but today he finally realized ……

It was entirely possible for the monsters to destroy humanity from the earth.

If the human race perishes, what parents and relatives, what culture and morals are there to talk about?

“My strength, it’s not enough, far from it.” Luo Feng’s gaze fell into the endless heaven and earth in the distance.



Thunder roared, and from time to time, a lightning thunderbolt directly struck down from high up in the sky.

“Lightning bolt ……” Luo Feng looked at the lightning in the distant sky and vaguely grasped something in his heart.

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