Chapter 66: Strength Test

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:16:02
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Yangzhou city bright moon neighborhood, Luo Feng’s house.

Inside the living room, Luo Feng was having dinner with his parents and younger brother, a lot of laughter. The first time Luo Feng entered the wilderness area it was only seven or eight days, while this time it was almost two months. Although in the middle of the journey, his parents and younger brother often contacted each other by phone, but the joy of actually seeing Luo Feng was far beyond phone contact.

After dinner, younger brother Luo Hua’s room.

“Luo Hua, what are you writing?” Luo Feng asked with a smile when he saw the large amount of writing on the word document on his brother’s laptop.

“Reviewing the gains and losses of the last month of speculation and refining my theoretical thoughts on speculation.” Luo Hua smiled and said, “Brother, one of the main ideas and theories of this stock speculation can actually take a few months to establish. But after a lot of practice, perfecting this thought theory will take a long, long time.”

Luo Feng laughed, “Luo Hua, don’t talk to me about this, I don’t understand. Right, how’s the stock speculation in the last three months?”

“The stock market isn’t so good lately, the general market dropped about 10%, but the stocks I chose, all belong to high quality stocks, through swing operation, I made a small profit of about 50% in the last three months.” Luo Hua’s face had a hint of confidence, Luo Feng also revealed a smile when he saw this, in fact, for stocks Luo Feng also slightly checked on the internet.

Nowadays the entire earth alliance stock market as one, because different regions have different situations, maybe the whole general market falls, but some places are still up, while some places suffer from monsters, may fall very exaggerated.

This kind of disorganization makes it quite difficult to speculate on the stock market.

“Oh, that means you made ten million dollars?” Luo Feng was surprised, three months ago Luo Feng made a huge profit from killing ‘hunters’ and gave his brother twenty million dollars when he came back, although Luo Feng had confidence in his brother, he didn’t dare to give too much money at once to prevent him from losing too much.

“Hmm, not bad.”

Luo Feng picked up his cell phone and quickly entered the internet bank to transfer money.


Brother Luo Hua surprised to pick up his own phone to see, a bank card balance change write text message – “Your tail number 3206 card on November 30, 21:51 Bank of Communications deposited 50 million yuan, balance 50,003,000.(Bank of Communications) ”

“Brother, fifty million dollars?” Luo Hua shocked to look at his brother Luo Feng, fifty million this is not a small number, nowadays the Chinese currency is still very valuable, with the earth currency exchange rate is just about 3.5, many businessmen rich people in the Chinese domestic business, let them take out fifty million in cash is not very realistic a thing.

“Luo Hua, work hard, I’m optimistic about you.” Luo Feng hemmed and hawed.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Hua’s eyes glowed and he nodded heavily.

Operating such a huge amount of money and barging through the stock market made Luo Hua also feel a sense of accomplishment, for him who was disabled with both legs, he had long treated the stock market as a career. From several years ago when he started to speculate in the stock market, from short line medium line and even long line, as well as regional stocks, banker’s stocks and so on he tried to play, and finally determined his own thought path.

It can be said that he already has the foundation of a generation of masters.

But the stock market even master-level characters may fall head over heels, because it has high requirements for thought, psychological quality and so on.

“You rest early.” Luo Feng said with a smile and went upstairs.

Fifty million dollars, Luo Feng really didn’t care, this time he had incidentally made over eighty million dollars in the two months he practiced. This kind of money making speed is indeed the envy of many martial artists, but there’s no way, Luo Feng’s method is something they can’t learn …… after all, Luo Feng is a spiritual nembutante, and if Luo Feng really wants to make money, with his spiritual nembutante’s ability, he can definitely kill a large number of Beast General level monsters.

Last night was a rainstorm, but this night is already starry, the starlight shines through the skylight into the martial arts training hall on the second floor, Luo Feng is holding the blood shadow battle sword to carry out swings over and over again, the frequency of swings is very high, and every time Luo Feng is the limit of casting the “Nine Heavy Thunder Blade”, because before in the supply base it was a continuous hard work for 20 hours, so Luo Feng this high frequency limit of swinging the sword, in just half an hour the whole person is exhausted .

Immediately after that, Luo Feng practiced the guiding technique “Nine Heavy Hunyuan”.

Finally, he carried out the “five hearts towards the sky” genetic energy cultivation method.

“Thumbs up ……” Luo Feng who was sitting on his knees with his five hearts towards the sky couldn’t help but show a hint of joy on his face, he clearly felt that every cell in his body seemed to be starving, each one of them crazily devouring those cosmic energies, “When I practiced the first level of the “Nine Heavy Thunder Blade”, I was so happy that I could not stop practicing. Thunder Blade’ first level, my cultivation speed nearly doubled! And now that I’ve practiced the second weight of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade, the cells in my entire body seem to be even hungrier, and I can absorb even more genetic primordial energy.”

Time passed by minute by minute.

After a long time.

Every cell in the body seemed to “burp” with great joy, and one by one, they could no longer absorb it, and were in a saturated state.

“I have practiced the first level, and my cultivation speed has doubled! When I practiced the second level, although the increase in cultivation speed is not as good as the first level, it’s still increased by a third!” Luo Feng marveled, the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade was truly magical, together with that channeling technique, it made this cultivation speed all incredibly fast.

“Before, I practiced hard at home for a month, then, I entered the wilderness area to hone my skills for two months. I wonder how much my strength has increased in these three months.” Luo Feng was somewhat looking forward to it.

In these three months, Luo Feng had indeed progressed amazingly every day.

After all, firstly, he was a spiritual ninjutsu master, his spiritual ninjutsu power was quietly improving his body every day, which was one of the reasons why spiritual ninjutsu masters were just starting to increase in strength. Secondly, Luo Feng also practiced the inquiry level technique “Nine Heavy Thunder Blade”, plus Luo Feng’s two months of killing on the edge of life and death.

With the combination of the three phases, Luo Feng’s cultivation speed was five or six times faster than the average better martial artist.

“Tomorrow I’ll go to the limit club to test it out and see what level of strength I’ve reached now.” Luo Feng also wanted to test how effective his hard training was.

Early in the morning after five o’clock, Luo Feng headed to the Limit Clubhouse.

“Crazy man, out so early?” There were some martial artists practicing in the area in the morning.

“Crazy man, I heard that you’ve made a fortune in the last two months.”

“You have to treat our brothers in the neighborhood to a good meal, let’s all have fun.”

Many martial artists greeted cheerfully.

The last time Luo Feng made a fortune by relying on the ‘Hunter Slayer Silver Moon Fierce Wolf’ instead, not many people knew about it, but in the past two months, Luo Feng’s crazy slaughtering of ordinary beast soldier level monsters had caused many people inside the martial circle to recognize Luo Feng as the number one person, slaughtering more than 10,000 monsters in two months, this record could be considered as ‘ Crazy’.

So it wasn’t strange to get the nickname ‘crazy’.

Also because of this, everyone respected Luo Feng a lot more, after all, even if one is even more stupid, slaughtering more than 10,000 monsters in a row, then that experience means of killing monsters would be very smart, after all, practice makes perfect.

“Okay, no problem, how about tonight.” Luo Feng laughed.

Entering the extreme clubhouse, the reception girl in the hall of the clubhouse took one look at Luo Feng and shouted, “Mr. Luo, it’s so early, there’s no one upstairs in the clubhouse yet. Want something to drink, I’ll send it up for you.”

“No need, prepare some tea and snacks, I’ll go downstairs to eat later.” Luo Feng smiled and went straight upstairs.

Extreme clubhouse sixth floor.

Looking at this oversized martial arts training hall on the sixth floor, Luo Feng was also overwhelmed with emotion, when his quasi martial artist test was conducted here, he didn’t expect that in a blink of an eye, the quasi martial artist at the beginning is now considered to be a true elite martial artist, Luo Feng first turned on the switch of the fist strength tester, and then turned on the switch of the speed tester.

After turning on the speed tester, Luo Feng stood on the runway in passing.

“Let’s see how strong I am today.” Luo Feng, who was originally standing on the runway with ease, shot out instantly with a huff, as if he was an arrow off the string, and almost in a blink of an eye, he rushed across the runway and slowed down to a stop.

Luo Feng walked over to the speed tester and took a look, the screen showed the number – “78.6m/s”

“Not bad.” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

Generally 60 meters per second was considered the bottom line of physical fitness to reach the advanced warrior level. While 90 meters per second was considered to have reached the bottom line of the junior warrior general level.

“Test the fist power.” Luo Feng walked over to the fist power testing machine, took a deep breath and lashed out!


The fist was like a cannonball hitting the fist target, the target shook violently for a moment and the screen displayed the number – ‘6121kg’.

Generally speaking, 4000kg was the bottom line of the senior warrior level. And 8000kg is the bottom line of the junior warrior level. Of course, this is only a rough numerical standard, because nowadays, the judgment of strength is not according to the physical quality, but according to the record of killing monsters to judge the strength.

Physical quality, after all, could only be considered part of strength.

“Try the power of the Nine Thunder Blade.” Luo Feng calmed his breathing, then his eyes snapped open, his feet fired, the entire floor of the martial arts training hall was vaguely shaken, a powerful force was instantly transmitted down his legs to his waist and crotch area, ka ka ka ka! Luo Feng’s spine was braced up section by section, powerful fist force transmitted to his right arm.

At the same time, the waist and crotch area and even the back of the body, just like the ripples on the surface of the water rippled and burst out two dark energies one after the other.

The strength connected!

The second level of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade, 21% power, erupted!

Luo Feng’s fist continued to surge in speed as he swung out, and then with a sound of air exploding, he directly smashed into the fist target of the fist power testing machine.

“Boom ……” the entire fist target fell down for the most part before slowly straightening up.

The screen also paused for a moment before displaying a line of numbers – “12928kg.”

“Good guy.” Luo feng face showed a smile, according to 6121 multiplied by 2.1, the exact number is 12854. however, the play of fist power is supposed to be an approximate number, sometimes slightly higher, sometimes slightly lower is normal. It can be said that Luo Feng has nearly 13000kg of force when he explodes at full power.

His own body strength, was senior warrior level.

Reliable “Nine Thunder Blade” method of power generation, yet it reaches junior warrior general level, and it’s far beyond the bottom line of 8000kg. junior warrior general level punching power is usually between 8000 – 16000.

“Lastly test the nerve reaction speed.”

Luo Feng entered the nerve reaction test room, directly adjusted the “junior general level” mode, and set the “delay 5 seconds to start”, after pressing the red button, Luo Feng quickly walked into the circle.

Standing in the circle.

About five seconds, “beep …… beep …… beep ……” the nerve reaction test machine cannon mouth rotated, constantly accelerating until it reached a shocking speed. Then dozens of gun ports in that huge gun port burst out one rubber bullet after another, and the rubber bullets rapidly shot inside the red hood.

“So fast.” Luo Feng stood in the center of the red circle and moved swiftly.

The pace was ethereal, yet quick.

Effortless and very easy. If one were to find someone with the same nerve reaction speed as Luo Feng, I’m afraid that they wouldn’t be able to do it as easily as Luo Feng, because …… Luo Feng’s stance had already reached the “subtle level”, and with the help of this subtle level of control, Luo Feng could try to maximize his evasion ability.

Pfft! Poof! Two balls hit Luo Feng one after another, but Luo Feng didn’t hesitate, he continued to dodge.

After a minute, the cannon decelerated until it stopped rotating.

Luo Feng even walked to the screen position and took a closer look, “Hm? 60 seconds, hit 21 times, not touching the red light, superior?” Luo Feng was also surprised at this result, he was able to get an excellent result on the nerve reaction test at the entry level warlord level! This shows the effect of the entry level!

In fact, this “nerve reaction test machine”, to be precise, tested dodging ability!

Dodging ability is related to speed, nerve reaction, and awareness. But this was already the best test method.

“Speed 78.6 meters per second.”

“Fist power 6121kg, can reach nearly 13000kg under burst.”

“Nerve reaction test, primary battle general level, superior!”

Luo Feng was very satisfied with the results of this test, he knew very well that his physical quality should be considered senior warrior level, but just because of the power of the Nine Thunder Blade and the assistance of the subtle level. It caused him to reach the junior warrior general level in the attack power and nerve reaction test.

After the tests were done, Luo Feng went downstairs in a happy mood, and over at the bar in the first floor hall, there were several martial artists sitting there chatting.

“Crazy man.”

“Luo Feng.” Pavilion director Wu Tong was among them, smiling, “You came over this early in the morning, did you want to watch the quasi martial artist test? You didn’t come the previous times, this time it’s good to come together and see how this batch of newcomers are doing in their exams. Why don’t you come and give them a test then?”

Luo Feng was stunned.

Quasi martial artist test?

Yes, today is December 1st, the 1st of every month is exactly the day of the quasi martial artist test.

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