Chapter 7 Final results

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:13:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Ding ding ding ding ……” The sharp ringing bell echoed in the campus of the First High School of Yi’an District, and the parents who had been anxiously waiting outside the examination center either sitting on the lawn or on the roadway immediately stood up one by one. Through the campus courtyard wall railing towards the campus inside the look.

The bustling candidates were out of the examination room.

The 2056 Jiangnan City College Entrance Examination was officially over.

All the following candidates needed to do was to wait for the college entrance exam score check a week later.

“Hao Bai.” The slightly balding, elegant-looking middle-aged man stood at the school’s entrance and smiled as he shouted towards his son, who had walked out of the exam room door.

“Dad.” Zhang Haobai smiled and walked over.

“How was the exam?” The middle-aged man laughed.

Zhang Hao Bai shook his head and helplessly said, “This time, I can only say that I played okay, but the math questions were really hard, from multiple choice, fill in the blanks, to calculation questions, there were a lot of difficult problems. Especially the calculation questions …… five calculation questions, I just made two of them. The other three questions, I can only try to make part of them and give points by steps, which should also give me some points.”

Math five big questions, the test of thinking, naturally, is to give points according to the steps.

“Oh?” Zhang Hao Bai’s father, Zhang Zelong, frowned, “It seems that your score in math this time, will be relatively low.”

“It’s fine. Dad. It’s hard, it’s hard for all the candidates. It’s not me alone either.” Zhang Haobai laughed, “The math questions are harder, and the final undergraduate line is definitely going to be a bit lower. I should have no problem getting into a military school.”

“Oh, right.”

Zhang Zelong said with a smile, “Earlier, we were waiting at the entrance of the school for your exams to finish, and midway through, we knew one thing. That famous candidate from your school called ‘Luo Feng’, in the middle of the exams, about an hour away from the end of the exams, unexpectedly fainted in the exam room.”

“Fainted in the examination center?” Zhang Haobai’s eyes widened, “Dad, you mean Luo Feng?”

“Yeah, that Luo Feng was taken away by an ambulance, many people saw it.” Zhang Zelong nodded, “Listen, many parents around are talking to their children about this.”

“Luo Feng fainted?”

Zhang Haobai even looked around, his ears were also carefully perked up to listen, sure enough, there were a large number of parents and their children talking about a candidate fainting and passing out at the examination center, Zhang Haobai clearly heard a lot of people talking about “Luo Feng”.

“Haha, this poor boy, also has this day. Haha.” Zhang Haobai couldn’t help but laugh.

“Dad, you don’t know, when this guy was in school, he often found me in trouble.” Zhang Haobai exasperatedly even said, “Relying on his strength to be stronger than me, he pressured me in everything. This fellow, also has this day.” Zhang Haobai’s heart was free from anger, he could be said to be resentful towards Luo Feng to the extreme.

In reality, Luo Feng never paid any attention to this Zhang Hao Bai, it was just that Zhang Hao Bai himself had always treated Luo Feng as a rival, Luo Feng had surpassed him in cultural achievements and force, naturally, it made it hard for him.

“Haha, this kind of little guy, hasn’t seen the world. Mental stress, can’t handle it and breaks down. Leave him alone. Let’s go, your uncle knows that you finished the college entrance exam today and personally ordered a banquet for you. Hurry up and go.” Zhang Zelong laughed.

“Uncle?” Zhang Haobai’s eyes lit up.

The reason why their Zhang family could be considered wealthy in Yian District was because of his uncle, because ……

His uncle, was a martial artist!

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Wei Wen, who had just come out of the exam room, in front of his own parents, instantly became anxious, “Feng how could he faint at the exam room, he was in a nervous coma? Impossible. Other than that, Ah Feng’s mental quality, even amongst the extreme martial arts school, is praised by the instructor teachers by name.”

Wei Wen and Luo Feng, it could be said that they weren’t blood brothers, they were more like blood brothers.

“Ah Wen, is this still fake? This is what we saw with our own eyes. That Luo Feng’s father and his wheelchair-bound brother were so anxious that they went to the hospital together at that time.” Wei Wen’s father even said.

“Hospital? It should be the nearest hospital. Dad, mom, I’ll go see Luo Feng first, lunch will go later.”

Saying that he couldn’t care less, Wei Wen gave his exam stationery to his parents and even ran towards the hospital.

Inside the Yian District People’s Hospital.

Luo Feng is squeezing out a smile to accompany his father, brother from the hospital hall hall door out, at this time Luo Hongguo and Luo Hua, are somewhat worried that Luo Feng suffered too much blow.

“Dad, I’m fine, come on, let’s go back for dinner.” Luo Feng looks very frank, although his heart is a bit unwilling, but Luo Feng knows that things have happened can’t be changed, all he can do is to accept it!

“Feng, Feng.” A voice came from the distance.

Luo Feng looked up, only to see a figure in the distance running towards the hospital entrance, it was his good brother “Wei Wen”.

Seeing Wei Wen running over in a hurry, his clothes were wet with sweat, Luo Feng was a bit touched, then his heart moved, he even asked: “Wen, how is the difficulty of the last three calculation questions of this math paper?” He himself didn’t have time to do the last three questions at all, if the last three questions are very difficult, so that the vast majority of people can’t do much.

One’s own score, there was still a bit of hope.

“Quite difficult.” Wei Wen nodded his head, “This year’s math questions are very difficult, five questions on calculations, it seems like the third question is slightly easier, and the other four, they are all very difficult.”

“Fortunately.” Luo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There was still a glimmer of hope for himself ……

At 8pm on June 16th after the college entrance exam, you can check the results of the college entrance exam via phone and internet, and the undergraduate score line will also come out at the same time.

June 16th, more than seven o’clock in the evening.

Luo Feng’s home, belonging to Luo Feng, Luo Hua brothers two room but only Luo Feng one person, Luo Feng is sitting in front of his laptop, hands of the mouse again and again to refresh the web page, this college entrance examination query results said to start at eight o’clock in the evening, but usually a little bit in advance.

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to go to the first military school in Jiangnan this time.”

“However, for the math paper, I wrote multiple choice fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as the first two questions of the calculation questions. Although I didn’t do the second question completely, I wrote quite a few steps. Giving points according to the steps should give me some points.” Luo Feng thought in his heart, “If I’m lucky, I should have more than 120 points in math too.”

Luo Feng looked forward, “Arts exam and science exam, both played normally. If I’m lucky, I should be able to get into the undergraduate line.”

“As long as I reach the undergraduate line, I’ll be able to go to the second military school.”

The two military schools, the first military school was of course better, but it required a very high score. Luo Feng had no hope anymore.

But the second military school, according to Luo Feng’s own estimated score, there was still a little hope.

“Huh?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

The college entrance exam check results page, unexpectedly refreshed.

“God, just help me out and let me pass the undergraduate line. As long as I pass the undergraduate line, I’ll be able to enter the second military school.” Luo Feng was apprehensive in his heart, even on the college entrance exam query page, he entered his name, ID number, and exam card number, and then clicked on the word ‘query’.


The laptop page flickered slightly and a form surfaced.

Candidate: Luo Feng

Gender: Male

Identity card number: 426123203806083211

Exam Certificate Number: 5878643567890766

Arts: 216

Science: 223

Math: 118

Total Score: 557

Undergraduate Score Line: 561

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