Chapter 74.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:16:26
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Heavy sniper rifle can barely threaten the “junior beast general level” monsters, but monsters and humans are not the same, human strength is strong, but the defensive ability of the skin and muscles is much weaker than the monsters fur and scales, which is why the human martial artists have to wear a combat suit!

Intermediate warlord level martial artists, if they are shot, they will be seriously injured if they don’t die.

However, sniper rifles are much less of a threat to advanced War General level martial artists, as for the War God level? Sniper rifles were no longer a threat to War Gods.

“It looks like the hybrid youth that the old man and the white strong man are protecting is instead the most important person in the entire squad.” Luo Feng swept his gaze across the Thunder squad in front of him, some of the nine members of the Thunder squad raised their heads to look at the surrounding residential buildings for the location of the sniper rifles, while others made eye contact with each other.


Luo Feng, Gao Feng, the Indian side, and the Thunder Squad side were slightly quiet for a while.

“Senior Liu.” The tiger tooth captain looked towards the gray haired cold old man, this gray haired old man frowned at him, the tiger tooth captain immediately didn’t say anything while this gray haired old man whispered in the ear of the hybrid youth, “Young master, since you’re coming here to hone, it’s better for you to deal with those monsters with your own hands.”

The half-blood youth looked at the old man and then turned his head to the white burly man. The white burly man also nodded slightly.

“Alright, let’s go!” The half-blood youth ordered helplessly.

His father had a strict order long ago-

When entering the wilderness area, one must listen to the words of the two bodyguards.

The nominal captain of this squad was that old man, but the actual leader was this hybrid youth. Now that this hybrid youth gave the order, the members of the tiger teeth squad could only glare at Gao Feng and Luo Feng unwillingly, Zhang Zehu even cursed lowly, “Luo Feng boy, count yourself lucky!” Zhang Zehu didn’t hide his disgust towards Luo Feng.

There was no need to hide it, the tiger teeth squad and the fire hammer squad had long been incompatible.

Soon, the nine people of Thunder squad left.

Vanke Dream City covered a huge area, Thunder squad was still advancing within this small area.

“Panya.” Walking on the road, that old man frowned and spoke.

“Elder Liu.” Captain Tiger Tooth stepped forward and approached over, his posture lowered.

Elder Liu said in a low voice, “Since your Tiger Tooth Squad has taken on this mission, you should know that this time, everything will be done with the young master’s safety as the first priority! That Two-Headed Black Threaded Snake is indeed considered a treasure, but it is far less important than the young master’s safety, if something happens to the young master, not only will I not be able to get away, but your Tiger Tooth Squad will have to be buried with all of you!”

The Tiger Teeth Captain’s heart trembled and he nodded his head, “Understood!”

“Well, it’s good to understand.” The old man surnamed Liu said in a cold voice, “Later on, we’ll stay at a deserted Jinjiang Chain Hotel next to Vanke Dream City, so that the young master can hunt monsters in the surrounding area. If you guys want to snatch other people’s prey, do it yourselves and don’t involve the young master is all.”

“I understand.”

The tiger tooth captain responded with his mouth, but he cursed in his heart.

Which of the martial artist squads that dared to enter within the boundaries of city 003 was weak? If they didn’t rely on these two ‘Higher Battle General level martial artists’, the old man surnamed Liu and the white burly man, their Tiger Tooth squad would not be capable of robbing anyone else’s at all.

The Tiger Tooth Captain backed up and retreated to the other members of the Tiger Tooth Squad.

“Captain, this Fire Hammer Squad’s strength seems to have increased quite a bit.” The one-eyed middle-aged man whispered, “They were actually able to join forces with the Indian and slaughter the Two-Headed Black Threaded Snake. Even if it was the Indians who played the main role, but the Indians were actually willing to join forces with them, then the Fire Hammer Squad has some strength.”

Captain Tiger’s Teeth nodded slightly, “I understand, this Fire Hammer Squad dares to enter City 003, I knew that their strength has increased.”

“Captain, we can’t hesitate. That Luo Feng in particular has only become a martial artist not long ago. It’s said to already be at the primary battle general level.” Zhang Zehu eagerly even said, if he said who in the team had the biggest grudge against Luo Feng, it was obviously him, Zhang Zehu.

“This kid, the potential is amazing.”

Captain Tiger Teeth said in a low voice, “Letting the grudge grow will only be a growing threat to us! Since we ran into them in the wilderness area this time, it’s also good that I’ll find a way to directly get them killed in the last few days! The big deal …… is to spend some money to ask Elder Liu’s duo to help.”

On the grass between the residential buildings full of fishy smell, the huge snake corpse was coiled there, Luo Feng, Gao Feng, and India all three were there dissecting the whole big snake, not only taking out the venom sacs, but also taking out the snake gall bladder and so on, of course, the snake skin of this double headed black line snake was also to be peeled off. The value of this snake skin was not low.



The Indian trio and Luo Feng’s duo, quickly separated the large amount of corpse materials.

“This snake scale is amazing no matter the hardness or toughness.” Gao Feng couldn’t help but sigh with emotion and touched the snake scales, “This snake scale is definitely one of the most important materials for making combat suits!” Nowadays, one of the most important inventions of mankind, Crowe Alloy, was mainly the material of various monsters.

Of course there was also the ‘blue gold’ metal mined from the moon, which eventually developed the Crowe Alloy! Crowe Alloy allowed human martial artists to have combat suits with higher defense than monsters, and allowed humans to have incomparably sharp combat knives! Even the power of some thermal weapons was greatly enhanced.

“Happy cooperation!” The leader of the Indians, the ‘bald burly man’ spoke in an awkward Mandarin and greeted Luo Feng and Gao Feng.

“Haha, pleasant.” Gao Feng also laughed out loud.

Luo Feng and Gao Feng then both picked up their bulging backpacks and headed upstairs. The snake scales looked like a large area, in reality the scales were extremely thin, half of the scales of the entire large snake overlapped and couldn’t even hold up a backpack! A martial artist’s backpack firstly had amazing elasticity, and secondly, according to the organs of the backpack itself, the size of the backpack could be gradually released.

The maximum could make the backpack become as tall as an average adult. However, this Snake Scale didn’t need to do this step yet.

Quickly arriving at the twelfth floor of the residential building, as soon as he entered the house, he was greeted with a burst of cheers.

“Warm welcome, warm welcome.” Wei Tie deliberately shouted.

“Welcome captain and Luo Feng, returning from the great battle.” Chen Gu also shouted deliberately, of course they were happy, Luo Feng and Gao Feng had successfully returned, then they would also get a good share of the money.

Gao Feng’s face didn’t have much of a smile on it, “You guys saw the people from tiger tooth squad right?”

“Saw them.” Chen Gu, Wei Tie and Wei Qing’s faces all went cold, Chen Gu even gritted his teeth, “I really wanted to shoot them down at that time to avenge old Zhang!” The entire team on and Zhang Ke’s feelings, this Chen Gu is obviously the strongest, they are all from the bright moon neighborhood.

They were born together and returned home together.

After so many years, they were closer than brothers! But Chen Gu also knows that he can not shoot just now, first of all, he can only kill one person with one shot, and secondly, as soon as he shoots, that Thunder Squad will surely immediately take action …… when the situation is out of hand.

“Brother Chen, where are the people from the tiger teeth squad now?” Luo Feng inquired.

“We’ve been staring.”

At the north window opening, Wei Qing was holding a telescope and pointing downwards, “That group of people just walked out of the Dream City neighborhood and headed east along that street!”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Luo Feng and others immediately scurried over, especially Luo Feng took over the binoculars first and looked towards the bottom, sure enough …… that Thunder squad of nine people are moving forward on the street a few miles away, fortunately Luo Feng they chose a good location for their residential building, is the middle of the northernmost high-rise residential building, the north side of their residential building is only low some villas and so on. complexes only, which allowed them to have an unobstructed view of the north.

“Captain, Brother Chen.” Luo Feng opened his mouth.

“Eh?” The group of people in the Firehammer squad all looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but clench his fists and gritted his teeth as he said in a low voice, “I’ve never been able to forget Brother Zhang’s revenge, I’ve long sworn …… that once I run into this group of scumbags from the Tiger Teeth squad in the wilderness area, I’ll exterminate them!”

“Luo Feng, what do you mean?” Gao Feng was startled.

“I’m going to covertly follow them there, find an opportunity, and kill all of the people from the Tiger Tooth Squad! Since they have the intention of destroying us, of course we have to strike first!” Luo Feng couldn’t forget the two sniper rifle bullets back then, one was only barely dodged by himself by relying on his spiritual thoughts.

The other one wasted Zhang!

“Luo Feng, I’ll go with you. Old Zhang’s revenge can’t go unavenged.” Chen Gu gritted his teeth.

“Brother Chen, I’ll go with the most certainty.” Luo Feng shouted lowly, “I have spiritual ninjutsu, even if I meet a god of war, big deal, by flying, I can still escape!”

This was the terrifying aspect of a spiritual ninjutsu master!

Even if a war god powerhouse was ten times a hundred times stronger than them, yet a weak spiritual ninjutsu was just as capable of flying! Other than Spiritual Numinaries, only existences that surpassed the War God could fly.

“Chen Gu, Luo Feng has a point, you going is just a liability!” Gao Feng gave a low shout.

Chen Gu clenched his teeth, the captain was talking tough, but he knew that the captain was doing it for his own good.

“And if we want to exterminate the Tiger Teeth Squad, why would that Tiger Teeth Squad not want to exterminate us?” Gao Feng said in a low voice, “The last time they assassinated us, we knew about it, so of course they don’t want us to grow stronger. But they have not been able to encounter us in the wilderness area, and this time they have encountered us …… They think that they will also make a move.”

The hearts of the people present were shocked.

Right ……

With the way the Tiger Teeth Squad did things, they definitely wouldn’t let them grow.

“Anyway, we’ve hunted enough monsters this time, and our backpacks can barely fit. The rest of our squad should return to the supply base first.” Gao Feng spoke, then Gao Feng looked at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, you’re a spiritual ninja, your ability to escape in this city is many times better than us, however, you still have to be careful, don’t be careless.”

Luo Feng nodded.

While talking, the group of people also took binoculars and observed where that Thunder squad group of people went.

“They went into the Jinjiang chain hotel.” Chen Gu said excitedly, “Looks like they’re going to use that as a temporary stronghold.”

“There’s no time to lose, let’s go now.” Gao Feng was dry.

Luo Feng also got up and sent the captain and the others away.

This place was supposed to be the edge of the suburbs, it was only two or three miles before Luo Feng sent the captain and the others to the highway, this place was already out of the 003 city building dense area, monsters were already few and far between. With the strength of the fire hammer squad on the deserted highway if something happened, it would be strange.

“Luo Feng, be careful.” Fire Hammer squad Gao Feng and the other four looked at Luo Feng.

This time, Luo Feng was going alone for Fire Hammer Squad to cut down the roots.

“Captain, don’t worry, none of the people from the tiger teeth squad will survive!” Luo Feng smiled, then alone, he turned his head and quickly disappeared into the distance as a phantom, rushing into the vast densely built up area in the distance.

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