Chapter 76: Zhang Zehu, dead!

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:16:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning of winter, cold, on the ground some of the monsters bloodstained remains still have frost condensed on them, Luo Feng is quietly strolling in this alleyway, far away there are two shadow cats are lowing their heads and tearing into another iron hair boar’s flesh and blood to eat, but as soon as they realized that humans are coming, these two shadow cats even whooshed and dodged away.

Monsters were also a little bit intelligent, the human martial artists who were hanging out in city 003 were all very powerful, one or two beast soldier level monsters couldn’t stop them at all.

“Those two shadow cats, they’re probably gathering other shadow cats.”

Luo Feng quickly passed through the alleyway and continued on, deliberately making a big circle, the road deliberately wasting some time, slowly advancing, which took half an hour to arrive at the northern back door of the hotel.

At the back door of the hotel, it was dirty, the ground had some ghostly black blood stains that even the rain couldn’t wash away, Luo Feng was standing there alone.

“It’s been half an hour, that Thunder squad seven people are probably already far away.” Luo Feng looked at the back door in front of him which had long been broken, he immediately controlled his spiritual thoughts to act on the two arm guards as well as the shield and battle sword behind him, this strong torque made Luo Feng’s body as light as a swallow, every step was very light.

“Up the stairs!”

Step by step along the stairs without making a single sound.

Luo Feng was careful, but when he reached the third floor, he saw at a glance that there was actually a huge Tiger Mastiff monster slowly advancing on the third floor corridor, and it also instantly discovered Luo Feng, a human martial artist! Both sides discovered each other almost simultaneously, Luo Feng was so scared that he almost broke out in a cold sweat!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two black shadows almost instantly cut through the tiger mastiff monster, the tiger mastiff monster didn’t even have time to hiss and growl, the huge head directly cut off and fell off, the two flying knives flew in a circle from afar and fell back into the knife bag outside his pants.

“Whew, okay.” Luo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, “Luckily this monster didn’t come and remember to roar, once it attracted the attention of Zhang Zehu and Li Xiao’s duo, it could be a bit troublesome.”

Although killing Zhang Zehu and Li Xiao by himself was as simple as killing a chicken.

But the Zhang Zehu and Li Xiao duo in a vigilant situation would have the possibility of contacting the rest of the Thunder Squad before they died …… by the rest of the Thunder Squad knowing that a human martial artist had assassinated them. Then Luo Feng’s next action would definitely be ten times a hundred times harder.

“Sixth floor!”

Luo Feng walked to the sixth floor and couldn’t help but show a hint of a smile, luckily, from the first floor to climb to the sixth floor only ran into a monster, it was estimated that the Thunder squad had swept through when they came in in the first place, and that Tiger Mastiff Canine monster was estimated to have just entered the hotel not long ago.

On the sixth floor corridor, Luo Feng slowly advanced.

“The room with windows facing south, eighth window from east to west.” Luo Feng couldn’t determine which room that eighth window corresponded to.

“It should be one of these three or four rooms.”

Luo Feng held his breath, his body floated lightly without making a single sound, he walked outside one of the rooms and stopped, his ear was close to the wall and listened carefully, sure enough, he could vaguely hear some talking and chatting, which made Luo Feng determine the room where the duo was located, and quietly came to the outside of the house.

“It should be this room.” Luo Feng’s spiritual thoughts quickly swept the inside of the house.

“Surprisingly, they’re all sitting there chatting?” Luo Feng smiled.

Inside the room.

Zhang Zehu was sitting against the broken sofa while Li Xiao was polishing the machine gun in his hand, and the two of them were still chatting idly.

“That Firehammer squad was really timid, that time when they ran into us, they even just fled back to the supply base, no wonder we couldn’t find any trace of them before no matter how much we searched.” Zhang Zehu cursed and said, Li Xiao sneered, “If you can escape the first day, you can still escape the fifteenth? Since they’ve made a mortal enemy with us, their Fire Hammer Squad is dead.”

Zhang Zehu snorted, “Just they still want to fight us? Hmm?”

Zhang Zehu’s face changed slightly, and Li Xiao also changed slightly.

“There seems to be something I felt just now.” Zhang Zehu looked towards Li Xiao, who also nodded his head and frowned, “I just now, also had some palpitations.”

Years of wandering between life and death, encountering danger is going to have some psychological feeling, not to mention that the reason why they feel so obvious is because …… Luo Feng used spiritual thoughts to sweep through, this spiritual thoughts spread out, the average person is very difficult to notice. But a powerful martial artist would still have a hint of sensation.

“Could it be, there are monsters outside?” Zhang Zehu whispered.

“Most likely.” Li Xiao nodded, “When I first came here, although the entire hotel was swept clean of monsters, there might be some monster colony that entered the hotel.”


Li Xiao was holding a machine gun, while Zhang Zehu was also holding a mountain-opening sword, both of them got up and walked towards the doorway. The lock of this room’s door had long been broken after decades of time erosion. Zhang Zehu gently pulled, the door of the room was pulled open. And there was not a single silhouette or a single monster shadow outside the door of the room.

“There’s not much sound.” Zhang Zehu and Li Xiao looked at each other, and then Zhang Zehu took a deep breath carefully got ready to walk to the door to take a look.

Just at this time!

Shoo! Shoo!

Two black rays of light instantly appeared in front of Zhang Zehu and Li Xiao, one of the black rays of light instantly cut across Zhang Zehu’s left arm, directly cutting off Zhang Zehu’s left arm, after cutting off this black ray of light was more than just speed, instantly cut across the neck of the gunman ”Li Xiao” again, causing Li Xiao’s head to be thrown up.

And the second black light, instantly cut through Zhang Ze Hu’s throat!

Puff! The throat was slashed!

Blood spurted out.

“Uh-uh-” Zhang Zehu stared wide-eyed, unable to make a sound at all.

The speed of the two black rays were both too fast too fast, Zhang Zehu and the black rays were feared to be only one or two meters away, while Li Xiao and the black rays were only three or four meters away, such a short distance …… under the amazing speed of that black rays compared to the sniper bullets, how could they have time to hide?

Perhaps the Senior War General still had a chance of survival, as for them, they didn’t even have a chance of survival.

“Uh–” Zhang Zehu wanted to speak, but he couldn’t make a sound, and he wanted to press the communication watch, but his left arm had already been sliced off, and the communication watch had crashed to the ground a long time ago.

“I’m dying? I, how can I die?”

Zhang Zehu covered his throat with his right hand, the blood in his throat sprayed out crazily, he clearly felt the loss of vitality, “How could this happen? How could this happen!!!”


A silhouette appeared in the doorway, dressed in a martial combat uniform, with alloy combat boots, carrying a shield combat sword on his back, and a pair of ice-cold eyes were staring at him.

“Uh!” Zhang Zehu’s eyes instantly rounded in disbelief as he looked at the martial artist in front of him!

It was Luo Feng!

Surprisingly, it was Luo Feng!

Surprisingly it was that one rookie rookie Luo Feng that he despised????

“You go first, the rest of the Tiger Teeth squad will be there to accompany you soon.” Luo Feng’s voice rang out, Zhang Zehu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his throat was cut and his neck was leaking air he couldn’t speak at all. Moreover, Zhang Zehu also felt a burst of blackness in front of his eyes, and at this time, two handles of black light unexpectedly flew to Luo Feng’s side and hovered in front of Luo Feng, it was clearly two flying daggers.

The two black flying daggers just hovered like this, and then fell into the knife bag on Luo Feng’s thigh.

“Ah, ah!” Zhang Zehu stared wide eyed and wanted to say something, but his body trembled and he directly fell softly to the ground with a boom.

Before dying ……

He had finally discovered Luo Feng’s big secret – Luo Feng was actually a Spiritual Numinous Master!!!! Before he died, Zhang Zehu seemed to see a nightmarish future for all the members of their Tiger Teeth Squad.


The only sound in the entire room was the ‘ticking’ sound of blood dripping onto the floor, there was no other sound, the two corpses were just lying there, Luo Feng stood there silently watching.

“Zhang Zehu.” Luo Feng looked down at this man.

This zhang zehu from the start thought he was a senior martial artist and Luo feng was a rookie newbie, so when he was negotiating over the zhang haobai matter, he refused to bow down in the slightest. At first, Luo Feng had also awakened his spiritual power, he was confident, and he was in the right, so he wouldn’t bow down.

Originally, this conflict was just a small matter.

The strange thing was that the tiger teeth squad had shaded the fire hammer squad that time, almost causing all the fire hammer squad to die. Luckily, Luo Feng’s final outburst saved everyone, but even so, Zhang Ke still had a broken arm.

Thus, the Fire Hammer Squad gritted their teeth to take revenge.

The Tiger Tooth Squad was afraid that their enemy would grow and wanted to eliminate their roots as well! Both sides would not rest until they were dead!

“Zhang Zehu and Li Xiao are dead, six people from the tiger tooth squad, four are left.” Luo Feng stood at the entrance of this room, silently thinking, “Once they come back and realize that these two have been killed. Surely they will be wary and associate a lot! Then …… I’ll set up the scene and confuse them. Whether it succeeds or not depends on the will of heaven.”

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