Chapter 90: Blood Splattered Five Steps

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:17:15
A+ A- Turn Off Light

On the highway, from time to time, one could see some wrecks as well as various abandoned motor vehicles.

At this time, it was already dark, there was no moon today and the stars were fine, the faint starlight could barely make out the outline of the highway, at a certain section of the highway, a bus fell over on the side of the highway, the four members of Thunder Squad were all sitting on the ground with their backs against the bus.

“This time, the young master’s training program wasn’t fully completed, however, the young master’s strength has indeed increased quite a bit.” The old man surnamed Liu said with a smile.

“It’s not bad, but it’s still quite a bit short of my father’s requirements.” The mixed race youth “Li Wei” shook his head and said.

“Young Master, at your age, your current strength is considered very impressive.” The old man surnamed Liu said, and Kalon and Panya also nodded their heads in succession.

Li Wei shook his head, “Not enough, far from enough! Those in their twenties, medium battle generals, there are several of them in Jiangnan Base City. My parents are both War God powerhouses, how can their sons be bad? Oh yeah …… Panya, that Fire Hammer Squad Luo Feng you mentioned before, he’s only 19 years old in the New Year, right? All are already junior war generals! Am I, the child of two great war gods, still no better than a bumpkin?”

“Right, right.” The old man surnamed Liu responded.

“Young master, you are the strongest.” The white burly man, Kalon, also chimed in.

Li Wei smiled faintly.

Pan Ya, the tiger teeth captain, sighed, “When the young master says so, indeed, compared to the young master, that Luo Feng is nothing! However, Luo Feng is a big trouble for me, the fire hammer squad and my tiger teeth squad are immortal, and I’m the only one left in my tiger teeth squad, the fire hammer squad will definitely deal with me! The others are fine, just this Luo Feng, the rate of progress is too amazing!”

“Only becoming a martial artist for a short while, and he’s already a Primary War General. I believe he will soon grow to be stronger than me. At that time, I’ll die for sure!” Pan Ya let out a long sigh.

Pan Ya did regret it.

At first, he had met Luo Feng at the supply base, and Zhang Zehu had suggested killing Luo Feng at that time, but at that time, he, Pan Ya, was worried about alerting the snakes, so he didn’t do it! But who would have thought that since that time, Luo Feng’s strength has risen dramatically, have earned the nickname “crazy”, two months to hunt and kill more than 10,000 beasts, but also almost all of the higher beast general level, this crazy thing Jiangnan base city martial arts circle has long been rumored.

Unfortunately, Pan Ya didn’t see Luo Feng again until later in city 003.

“Turn around, aren’t you going to join the new martial artist squad.” Li Wei, a mixed race youth, said.

“Yeah, but this hatred fire hammer squad can’t be forgotten, maybe at some point, in the dark, give me a black shot.” Pan Ya had a bitter look on his face, he couldn’t forget that this was how they dealt with the Fire Hammer Squad in the beginning, nowadays, with his strength, being hit by a sniper rifle in the middle of being defenseless, nine times out of ten, he would be killed.

Pan Ya looked towards the hybrid youth Li Wei and even said, “Young master, next time you have a chance to find out where Luo Feng is in the wilderness area through your underground alliance’s intelligence network, can you notify me?”

“Okay, no problem.” Li Wei was brash and said.

The old man Liu and the white burly man looked at each other, before Panya intentionally looked like he was worried, they had seen Panya’s purpose long ago, they wanted to ask that young master to use a little bit of power.

However ……

After all, the two of them were just people’s bodyguards, they were too lazy to care about these things. Moreover, these days, Pan Ya was also very good at kissing ass, making the old man surnamed Liu and the white strong man in a good mood. Plus, Pan Ya’s squad did suffer heavy losses, so helping out was nothing.

“It’s not early, take an early rest, we still have to catch up in the morning.” The old man surnamed Liu opened his mouth.

Immediately, the four members of the Thunder Squad began to rest.

Unlike summer, the vast majority of martial arts squads in winter, the darkness of the night naturally rested, while the daytime was catching up on the road! In summer, the weather was hot, so they rested during the day to avoid the sun, and the night was cool so they could catch the road.

Late at night, the people of the Thunder Squad were either sitting on their knees or lying on the ground. However, except for the young master, the other three can only be regarded as “closing their eyes and resting their minds” They don’t dare to fall asleep …… In the wilderness area, a monster may appear at any time.

Being eaten by a monster in their sleep would be an injustice.

“Eh?” Pan Ya, the old man surnamed Liu, and the strong white man opened their eyes almost simultaneously, and they all heard a movement.

It was the sound of walking!

Suddenly, a figure walked past the bus next to them, and then the figure actually turned its head to look over …… The passing martial artist and the three of them, Pan Ya, the old man surnamed Liu, and the white burly man, stared at each other.

“How did we meet them!”

Luo Feng simply want to curse the heavens, originally he was happy and wanted to go home early, but who would have thought that the four people of this Thunder squad would hide behind the bus to sleep and rest, because of the obstruction of the bus, he hadn’t even seen these four people before, and when he had walked past the bus and realized these four people, it was already too late!

“Luo Feng!” Pan Ya let out a low shout, his eyes glowing.

It’s really …… stepping through iron shoes and finding no place, it’s not hard to come by! Toward the end, this Luo Feng, this Luo Feng unexpectedly appeared in front of them so bizarrely alone!

“Oh, it’s actually that Luo Feng, I’ve seen you before.” The sleepy hybrid youth young master Li Wei also stood up and looked at Luo Feng very indifferently …… He Li Wei is not a fool, he has known for a long time that the tiger tooth captain Panya wants to kill this Luo Feng, and now that Luo Feng has sent him to the door, the result is still to be said?

Li Wei looked at Luo Feng with a hint of pity in all his gazes.

“Luo Feng, there’s no door in hell you barged in yourself.” Tiger Teeth Captain Pan Ya glanced at Elder Liu, who nodded imperceptibly …… Previously Pan Ya had asked Elder Liu and the others to help exterminate the Fire Hammer Squad, but that time, they didn’t find the Fire Hammer Squad.

“Tiger tooth captain!” Luo Feng’s face changed radically.

Hell has no doors to break in? Any fool could hear that this Pan Ya wanted to kill himself!

However, without the three people next to him, it was hard to say who would kill who!

But the three people next to it are very troublesome, the old man surnamed Liu and the white strong man are “high level war generals”, and that young master’s strength is weak, but the background of the terrifying! Behind him stood several War Gods!

“Three.” Luo Feng looked at the old man Liu, the white strong man, and the mixed race youth, “This tiger tooth captain Panya has a grudge against my fire hammer squad, now what he’s going to do, the three of you can see it as well. The country has a decree that prohibits martial artists from killing each other! Of course in this wilderness area, the state can’t control it.”

“I’m not asking the three of you to stop him, I’m only asking the three of you to watch from the sidelines and not intervene, so that I can fight this Panya to the death!” Luo Feng looked at the half-blood youth, “This young master is young master Li Wei, isn’t it, although I haven’t spoken to young master Li Wei in the past, I’ve heard of young master Li Wei’s great name. It was only later that I realized from my Firehammer squad friend that it was you, Young Master Li Wei, that day …… If I had known earlier, that double headed black line snake, I would have rather given it to the young master.

Luo Feng lowered his stance and flattered this young master Li Wei.

“Uh huh.” Young master Li Wei smiled faintly, quite enjoying the flattery of a martial genius.

“As long as this Li Wei trio doesn’t intervene, things will be fine, even if I kill Pan Ya in a frontal battle. With Li Wei and the others status, I’m afraid they won’t bother.” Luo Feng looked forward in his heart.

Pan Ya immediately glanced at the old man surnamed Liu, born and bred these days, and there was also an agreement to exterminate the fire hammer squad.

“Who are you? Speaking with so little up and down!” The old man surnamed Liu bellowed.

“Senior.” Luo Feng lowered his stance.

“Who is your senior.” The old man surnamed Liu glared, “I’m afraid that you’re the one who killed Pan Ya’s two previous teammates! Since you killed Pan Ya’s teammates, you deserve to die!” Next to him, Li Wei also smiled faintly, ready to watch from the side how his men would kill Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was a genius?

It would be a fun thing to kill a genius.

“What to do, what to do?” Luo Feng’s face was ugly.

“I can definitely kill one Panya, but adding the other three will be troublesome. Especially that young master Li Wei …… If they really make a move, do I resist or not? If I don’t resist, it’s death. Once I resist …… even if I can kill all of them, but once I kill Li Wei, the consequences will be terrible.”

“But if I don’t kill, Li Wei retaliates, the consequences will be even more terrible!”

Many thoughts instantly flashed through Luo Feng’s mind.

The old man Liu, the white burly man, and Pan Ya spread out and pressed close.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Luo Feng threw out his hands and shot three flying daggers at Pan Ya before turning his head and running!

Clang! Clang! Bell!

Pan Ya’s three pronged saber quickly blocked two flying knives and dodged the third.


The old man Liu, the white burly man, and the white burly man instantly exploded in speed, wanting to kill Luo Feng.

But right at this moment, the two flying knives that had already fallen to the ground that had been blocked by Pan Ya before, almost instantly shot towards the old man surnamed Liu, white strong man’s head from the back! Because both the old man Liu and the strong white man had their backs to the two flying knives, and with the speed of Luo Feng’s spiritual thought control!

The flying daggers could be a bit faster than sniper bullets! Before the sound of the sonic boom was generated, the flying knives that were several times the speed of sound had already arrived!



Two handles of black streams of light instantly penetrated the skulls of the old man surnamed Liu and the strong white man from the back! With two puffs of sound, the heads directly burst open, and the two Higher War General powerhouses were directly killed in seconds without any defense!

“What!” Pan Ya was shocked.

One of the flying knives that shot through the head of the Liu elder turned an arc and instantly stabbed at Pan Ya! A frontal attack! Unfortunately, Pan Ya’s strength was only medium battle general level, he desperately swung the three-pronged saber in his hand, and it only grazed the edge of the ebony stream of light, but the ebony stream of light shivered.

Puh gritty!

Pan Ya’s skull was directly sliced off!

“Ah!” This was all too fast, and Li Wei, the hybrid youth who had been watching with a smile, couldn’t help but widen his eyes when he saw the old man surnamed Liu and the white strong man’s minds being blown away, and he immediately wanted to press the transmission watch in his hand.


The third flying knife that was previously dodged by Pan Ya, directly cut through Li Wei’s neck!

A great head, a head that was worth a heavenly amount of money just flew up, blood like tap water spraying wildly from the broken precession!

In an instant!

Four people from the Thunder Squad, killed!

“The rabbit is anxious to still bite!

“You really think I don’t dare to kill you!”

“Damn, it’s just that I have a War God father. Even if it is finally found out that the murderer is me …… big deal, I expose the identity of the spiritual thinker, lose my freedom, and join the core of the extreme martial arts school. Furthermore …… it’s still a toss up whether your dad can find out about me!” Luo Feng retracted his flying dagger, at the same time the whole person instantly turned into a stump, and ran out of the highway rushing into the middle of the barren fields full of weeds.

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