Chapter 96: Purchasing secret books

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:17:33
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Inside the bar on the first floor of the extreme club, there were a dozen martial artists chatting, one of the tables was surrounded by a few people, it was the people from the fire hammer team.

As Luo Feng walked in.

“Hey, Luo Feng.”

“Crazy, here?”

A group of people greeted throughout the bar, Luo Feng smiled and answered two times, then sat down at the table of the fire hammer squad, this table was none other than Gao Feng, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, Chen Gu, Luo Feng, and the disabled Zhang Ke, the six of them sat down then laughed, drank and talked and laughed until it was more than nine o’clock before they sent Zhang Ke away.

Only Luo Feng and the five of them were left at the table.

“Luo Feng, tell me, what are we going to do with the monsters we obtained from this hunt?” Gao Feng smiled.

“In my opinion, sell it directly for money.” Wei Tie couldn’t help but shout.

Luo Feng shook his head, “Captain, the monster materials from this hunt, the share that belongs to me, I’m going to sell it to the Extreme General Hall so I can gain a certain amount of contribution points! I’ve only had a pitiful few hundred contribution points until now. Not even a star level.” These few hundred contribution points were still obtained by taking out a small portion and selling it to the Extreme Martial Hall when he had frantically killed over 100,000 beast soldier level monsters.

“That’s right, Luo Feng hasn’t even reached one star in contribution points until now.” Gao Feng nodded.

The others couldn’t help but smile and nod.

“Right, it’s necessary to get some contribution points, with high contribution points, there are still a lot of benefits.” Chen Gu smiled and said, “For example, if you buy secret books, you must buy them yourself. Only if you have enough contribution points, buying secret books will be the most cost-effective! Moreover, with a Saint level, you can enter the “Extreme General Hall” to train in some special training rooms.”

Luo Feng nodded his head, some of the training rooms that were extremely high tech and extremely expensive, even some of the big powers couldn’t afford them.

Only the “extreme martial arts center” “thunder and lightning martial arts center” and such giant forces could build some special training rooms in every base city. However, these training rooms could only obtain a certain amount of training time per year if the “contribution points” reached a certain level.

“This way.”

Gao Feng took out a piece of paper from his pocket, on which the materials of the monsters hunted by the Fire Hammer Squad this time were printed, “This is our harvest this time, each material has a market valuation, the valuation of all the materials combined is around 2.2 billion.” Gao Feng’s voice was lowered.

Moreover, it was also relatively late now, and there weren’t many people left in the bar. It was actually fine to be heard by others.

“For this monster hunt, Luo Feng and I will be the main ones, with Chen Gu, Wei Tie, and Wei Qing as supporters. In this way, Chen Gu, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, 10% each, that’s 220 million each. Luo Feng and I, 35% each, that’s 770 million each!” Gao Feng looked at the crowd, “Everyone has no opinions.”

The Fire Hammer squad members all laughed.

What’s the opinion?

In the past, they had only earned like a hundred million dollars in the past one or two years, but this time, it had only been a short time, and Chen Gu and the three of them had earned 220 million dollars each! Of course it also had to do with the fact that they had all improved in strength by taking the gene potion, if their strength hadn’t improved, there was no way for them to help Luo Feng and Gao Feng in the outskirts of city 003.

“Luo Feng, you choose the monster materials worth 770 million. What to do with it, you decide.” Gao Feng handed over the paper and shouted over towards the bar, “Bring a pen over.”

Luo Feng looked at the paper in front of him and scrutinized it.

When the pen was brought over, Luo Feng quickly sketched and soon sketched nearly 770 million monster materials. Nowadays, because martial artists often went through the internet to communicate with each other, plus some managers and other people who acquired monster materials were fiercely competitive, so the prices had long been clear and generally didn’t have much of an error.

“Luo Feng, you sold it to the Extreme General Hall in exchange for contribution points to buy the secret book?” Gao Feng inquired.

“I’m going to buy the secret books of the first four levels of the Nine Thunder Blade.” Luo Feng said helplessly “Actually, I only need to purchase the fourth weight, but unfortunately, this secret book doesn’t have a single weight to sell!” The secret book to buy is to buy the first few weights, in fact Luo Feng really wanted to purchase the fifth weight of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade.

Unfortunately ……

If you want to purchase the fifth weight! It requires 2 billion, half price 1 billion. But the condition of half price is that you must reach “three star contribution points”. That’s a full one million contribution points! If we were to spend money on contribution points, at 10,000 Chinese coins per contribution point, we’d need 10 billion!

Even if it was more cost effective to sell monster materials to the extreme martial arts school in exchange for contribution points, Luo Feng didn’t have that many monster materials.

So for the time being, he could only purchase the first four weights.

The first four levels of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade, the full price is 500 million huaxia coins, half price is 250 million huaxia coins. The condition for the half price was “two-star contribution points” which was 100,000 contribution points.

“Selling secret books, matchmakers are indeed the most ripping people off.” Wei Qing, who was next to him, couldn’t help but nod his head and said “The price of the secret books sold by the HR Alliance is a bit lower than the full price of the Extreme Martial Hall. But compared to the half price of the Extreme Martial Hall, it’s much more expensive.”

“I know that for the first four levels of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade, on the side of the Extreme Martial Hall, the full price is 500 million and the half price is 250 million. And on the HR alliance side, although there’s no contribution point requirement, it still needs 400 million!” Luo Feng shook his head helplessly, in terms of attractiveness, the half price of the Extreme Martial Hall was indeed the lowest price in the market! Unfortunately, this half price has a high contribution point requirement.

“I’ve done the math, it’s still more cost effective to sell monster materials to the Extreme General Guild.”

The next day, the Fire Hammer squad came directly to the HR Alliance mall in Jiangnan base city, first, the captain Gao Feng, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, Chen Gu, the four of them went together to take out the monster materials that were placed inside the big storage box, after that, the monster materials that Luo Feng chose, were all divided among Luo Feng.

That martial arts backpack, unraveling layer after layer, reached a height of one meter two before putting down all of the so many materials.

Gao Feng, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, Chen Gu, all four of them, all sold the monster materials to HR alliance, at most after bargaining with the predicted price slightly more, Gao Feng earned 780 million, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, Chen Gu all earned a little more than 220 million.

“Go, go over to the General Guild Hall.”

The Extreme General Hall, was the lair of the Extreme Martial Arts School in Jiangnan Base City, but Xi Luofeng rarely came here.

“High Wind.”

“Great Firecracker.


As soon as they entered the first floor of the Extreme General Hall, quite a few martial artists recognized Luo Feng and his group, one by one they greeted them warmly. Luo Feng and his group also smiled and chatted one by one, most of the martial artists knew each other when they rested at the supply base. And now Luo Feng’s fame was still quite big.

Led by a woman in a blue suit, taking the elevator, Luo Feng they arrived on the 23rd floor.

“Ding!” The elevator door opened.

“Please follow me.” The blue suited woman smiled and led Luo Feng and his group to an office which had a middle aged woman sitting in front of a computer.

“It’s the fire hammer squad right, welcome welcome welcome.” The middle aged woman smiled, “My name is Luo Yunqin.

“Manager Luo and I are from the same family.” Luo Feng smiled and said, “Manager Luo, this is the monster materials we brought this time, take a look.” With that, he placed the oversized backpack on his body towards the ground and pulled the rope, instantly a large amount of monster materials were dumped directly into a large metal basin next to him.

Luo Yunqin’s eyes lit up, immediately took out her password box, opened it and took out the tool “Drip Drip Drip ……”

Under the scanning of the instrument, the quality, name, and price of one piece of monster material appeared directly on the screen. There was no need for manual inspection at all, and soon the total price appeared on that screen.

“The total price is 510 million, and the contribution points are 255,000.” Luo Yunqin smiled and spoke.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

This batch of monster materials, if given to the HR alliance, could be sold for around 770 million. While in the Extreme General Hall, it could only be sold for two thirds of the price of 510 million, which was like 260 million less. However, it had increased by 255,000 contribution points, and if one purely relied on donations to gain contribution points, one would need a full 2.55 billion to do so.

In other words ……

For the monster materials sold to the Extreme General Guild, a loss of 10 million would result in 10,000 contribution points.

It was ten times more cost-effective than donations! It was obvious that the Extreme Martial Hall wanted everyone, to gain contribution points by hunting monsters. If donations were made to the Extreme Guild to gain contribution points, it was purely stealing, which was why it was 10,000 Chinese coins for only 1 contribution point. There was a punitive nature in it.

“Sure about selling, right?” Luo Yunqin looked at Luo Feng with a smile.

“OK.” Luo Feng nodded.

Unlike the HR alliance, there was no haggling in the Extreme General Guild, of course the prices in the Extreme General Guild, would generally be fair and transparent.

“Count the two of the primary beast general level monster materials as part of my battle score.” Luo Feng said.

“Alright. Right now, your martial level is ‘primary battle general level’.” Luo Yunqin nodded and directly input it.

The martial artist rank was determined by the battle record of hunting monsters.

For example, in order to reach the ‘Elementary War General Grade’, one must have the record of hunting and killing two Primary Beast General monsters! …… However, the battle records here generally do not have full credibility.

Because no one knows if you killed the monster yourself, after all, you can buy monster materials as your own.


The so-called martial arts rank is not very useful, and there is a word of mouth about who is strong and who is weak within the martial arts circle. If a rich kid purchased the corpses of two Primary Lords and said that he killed them, his Martial Rank would become “Primary War God”.

Once he did that, it would easily cause some martial artists to challenge him.

If you have the strength, it’s just a matter of time.

If you don’t have the strength, it would be a shame for a person with the title of “Primary War God” to be trampled by a group of warrior generals. Therefore, without enough strength, people were generally unwilling to obtain the title.

“I killed more than 100,000 beast soldier level monsters in two months, and most of them were high beast soldier level. Most of the martial artists recognized me as a Junior Warlord! I’m afraid that when that Li Wei’s parents check the information of their suspect, they will also determine that I have the strength of a Primary War General based on that. Since that’s the case, I’ll directly make my martial artist rank, ‘Primary War General’.”

Late that night, within the audio visual room of Luo Feng’s home.

The wall screen entered the “House of Limits” webpage, the most prominent thing in this webpage was a list.

Name: Luo Feng

Gender: male

Address: Jiangnan base city, Huaxia country

Martial Artist Certificate Number: 426123205608010002

Grade: Battle General Grade (Junior)

Contribution Value: 255612 points (2-star)

Currency Balance: 1.1 (billion) 89,800,000 Huaxia coins “network mall, the secret book “Nine Thunder Blade”” Luo Feng quickly knocked on the wireless keyboard touch screen, enter the “Nine Thunder Blade” secret book purchase page, carefully browse through, especially to see the top line of the words “Nine Thunder Blade Full Nine Heavy – Price 100 billion Huaxia coins (full price) 50 billion Huaxia coins (half price, Requirement: 4-star contribution points), This was simply a sky-high price! More expensive than the water of life, and it also requires four star contribution points.

Luo Feng shook his head and gently tapped the purchase button for the first four secret books.

“Please confirm, do you want to purchase the first four levels of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade, you need to pay 250 million huaxia coins.

“Confirm!” Luo Feng clicked.

“Please pass the fingerprint check and confirm again.”

Luo Feng placed his finger on the wireless keyboard’s fingerprint collector, shook his head and sighed …… Unfortunately, purchasing the first five weights of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade requires “three star contribution points” to get half price, so there’s no way to do it. You can only buy the first four. According to common sense, “Nine Heavy Thunder Blade” is more and more difficult.

He had practiced the third one by chance due to special circumstances, and he was afraid that the fourth one would take a long time unless he had another chance.


“Fingerprint confirmation passed.”

“Purchase successful!”

“Deduction successful!”

“The first four secret books of the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade will be delivered to Mr. Luo Feng’s home within 24 hours.” Prompts appeared on the screen one after another.

Luo Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, “The secret books have been purchased, now we have to think about how to safely sell the dragon egg and that combat suit and sword!”

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