Chapter 97 Kyoto base city

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:17:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“HR Alliance, Extreme Martial Hall, and Thunder and Lightning Martial Hall, the identity of the monstrous materials sold at these three are all public! I was able to get them to deposit money into bearer accounts. However – it would be easy for them to spread the news of me earning huge amounts of money internally.” Luo Feng’s brows furrowed, “Looks like we can only sell it through the black market!”

Where there was light, there was darkness!

The buying and selling of monster materials has actually always been rather competitive.The HR alliance as an alliance of many consortiums and families around the world, although this alliance is said to be stable, there is likewise all sorts of competition within it, and some of the consortiums and big families also presume to take up more positions in the HR alliance, and have more benefits.

Competition leads to that, there exist all kinds of services.

You martial artists want to hide your identity and sell monster materials? Good! Other managers don’t do that, I’ll do it! You martial artists want to deposit money into some foreign anonymous account? Fine, I’ll take care of everything for you! As long as you have the treasure, there are plenty of managers who specialize in acquiring monster materials to grab it!

“Tsk, so much information.” Luo Feng entered the “battle general level” martial artist forum and just typed in the words “sell monster materials” and a whole bunch of posts came up.

It was easy to find the advertisement posts of various managers, these advertisement posts had contact information, as well as various promises of safety methods and so on.

Looking at the large number of reply posts in the back, one could also see the safety and credibility.

“I want to sell dragon eggs and combat suits and swords, well, it’s best not to sell them in Jiangnan Base City. Sell them somewhere else.” Luo Feng opened one post after another and looked, “Hmm, this is good! Look at the replies, there are quite a few pretty famous battle general martial artists replying to the posts, hehe, there’s also a battle god replying to this post!”

The House of Extreme’s internal forum, the martial artist forum was divided into three levels: warrior level, battle general level, and battle god level.

Warrior level, one could only watch and speak in the Warrior level forum.

As for the War General level, this could enter the Warrior level and War General level forums to watch and speak.

War god level, this can enter the warrior level, war general level, war god level three forums, watch and speak. Each person’s number corresponded to each person’s identity and could not be faked.

“It seems like quite a few people sell at his place, the credibility is quite high, is it from Kyoto base city?” Luo Feng smiled and nodded, “Wang Hou? The name is quite domineering, hmmm, he’s the one.”

Early the next morning, Luo Feng went out and wandered around some places in Yangzhou city and bought a cell phone card and cell phone. It was reasonable to say that generally cell phone cards had to be real names, but with some vendors, you could still buy a cell phone card without an ID card. In this world, as long as there was enough money, there were always people who would take risks.

While purchasing cell phone cards and cell phones, Luo Feng also bought glasses, fake beards and some other simple disguise items.

“Hey.” Luo Feng stood in his home’s martial arts practice hall and used his newly purchased phone to dial that Wang Hou’s number.

“Hello, hello, this is Wang Hou. May I ask what’s up with you sir?” Wang Hou’s voice was very gentle, this contact information he left in the House of Limit Martial Artist Forum was a specialized number, and those who usually dialed through were some powerful martial artists. After all, who has treasures to sell for ordinary martial artists?

Luo Feng smiled, “I’m going to sell something, I don’t know if you can eat it.”

“Oh, how big a treasure?” Wang Hou’s voice over there had a hint of surprise.

“Over 10 billion!” Luo Feng said.

On the other end of the phone.

Wang Hou was still talking and laughing with a tall, fair skinned beauty, when he heard this he immediately stood up on his butt, not caring about talking to the beauty, he directly walked to the window and said in a low continuous voice: “I can eat it, as long as you can get it! I’m sure you know my Wang Hou’s reputation, this reputation, it’s only established by doing business again and again. You can definitely rest assured about the price.”

Over ten billion ah! This was definitely a large order, and only a normal War God would propose such a large business.

“Well, when the time comes for the payment, I want you to call into the bearer account of the Swiss International Bank on the EU side, no problem?” Luo Feng continued.

“Absolutely no problem, many of the martial artists I work with like to keep their money over there.

Wang Hou smiled.

Swiss international bank, it was extremely famous before the great nirvana period.

It was hard to build up the reputation of a bank or an enterprise, but it was easy to destroy it. This Swiss International Bank, the reputation that had been built up over the years, had also allowed them to gain a lot of business.

“I wonder sir, when will you come over?” Wang Hou even asked.

“Just these two days, I’ll go to the main downtown area of Kyoto base city, I’ll contact you then.” Luo Feng said.

“Ok ok, I still don’t know mister’s name.”

“My surname is Wei.” Luo Feng replied.

“Oh, Mr. Wei, then I’ll be waiting for your arrival.” Wang Hou’s voice contained enthusiasm.

Luo Feng smiled and hung up the phone, never tried this kind of black road, but now it looks …… very simple Well, a phone call, the contact person has been identified.

“First in the Swiss International Bank, apply to register an account.” Luo Feng through the hands of this new cell phone, quickly online into the Swiss International Bank web page, it is easy to apply for a ‘bearer account’ password is relatively simple, but it is very safe three groups of 12-bit Chinese characters, English letters, numbers mixed password.

“Done, just waiting to go sell it for money.”

That night, under the lights in the living room on the first floor, Luo Feng’s family sat around and ate.

“Mom and dad, I’m going to go out tomorrow to run some errands.” Luo Feng laughed, “Estimated, I’ll be back the day after tomorrow.”

“Oh, where to?” Luo Hongguo looked at his son in surprise.

Luo Feng smiled, “To meet a martial artist friend.”

“Hongguo, don’t ask. Maybe Little Feng is going to meet his girlfriend.” Mother Gong Xinlan teased and laughed, which caused Luo Feng to cry and laugh, Gong Xinlan continued, “But son, I’ll be honest, you’re not too old. You’ll be 19 years old in a few years, and you’ll be 20 years old. It’s also time to fall in love, it takes one or two years to fall in love, and when you get married, it’s not too early.”

Next to his brother Luo Hua in the wheelchair, also laughed and coaxed: “Right, brother, look at me, I’m earlier than you. You have to cheer up.”

“You brat.” Luo Feng shook his head and smiled, “Luo Hua, how’s it going with your girlfriend Xiaonan now?

“How can it be, it’s still the same as in the past.” Luo Hua’s eyebrows flew up in triumph.

The next morning, after having breakfast with his family, Luo Feng left his home with his oversized backpack, he didn’t take the Extreme Martial Arts School’s special car, instead, he took a taxi to the train station.

Next to the train station, there is a “Zenkungfu fast food restaurant”.

Fast food restaurants like Zenkungfu, KFC and McDonald’s were always the fast food restaurants with the most amazing traffic. Luo Feng stepped into this “real kung fu” fast food restaurant, casually ate something, then entered a single room in the bathroom, after locking it Luo Feng quickly carried out a simple make-up.

Wear glasses, stick on the beard, skin color a little darker, put on a hat, a pair of shoes all of a sudden Luo Feng whole person seems to have changed a person.

In this kind of fast food restaurant, there are hundreds of people inside, and there are still people coming and going every now and then. Who would pay attention to Luo Feng? After Luo Feng simply put on makeup, he left the fast food restaurant and took the fastest train out of Yangzhou city at the train station.

Nowadays the protection of the train is very resource consuming, so the average person is rarely able to leave the base city limits, whereas martial artists don’t need to …… just show their martial artist card, and don’t need to buy a train ticket at all to get on the train straight away, and get off when they want.

This is the privilege of martial artists.

Around six o’clock that evening.

“Dear travelers, the train will soon be entering the station. Please take your luggage and get off the train through the front door if you’re getting off at the main downtown station in Kyoto City.” With the broad voice inside the train, Luo Feng walked out of the door with his backpack.

“Kyoto base city!”

Luo Feng looked around, “The city that covers the largest area, has the most residents, and is the political core of the entire country of China?”

“But it doesn’t look like there’s much difference from Jiangnan base city, it’s just that the temperature is quite a bit lower and colder.” Luo Feng smiled and went out of the train station, called a cab, and went directly to a “Will Palace” Casino in Kyoto base city, which is quite famous, and is considered to be very high-grade.

This casino front door, wearing a variety of clothing beauty countless, as if into the daughter country.

“Mr…….” the man in suit smiled and said.

“Give me a private room, something quieter. I don’t want anyone to disturb me.” Luo Feng showed his martial artist card slightly and the greeting manager immediately had a much more respectful attitude, “Understood, please follow me.”

Wil King Palace, Earth size 3 private room.

“Sir, this is equipped with all the drinks.” The manager respectfully said, “I wonder if sir has any other needs?”

“No need, without my permission, I don’t want anyone to come in.” Luo Feng instructed.

“Understood, there’s a service list and phone number over there, if mister has any requests though, feel free to order us.” The manager smiled and retreated, Luo Feng gently town the door of the room, at the same time his spiritual thoughts swept the entire room, there wasn’t any video or other equipment in the room. The room was beautifully decorated, the floor was covered with a layer of very pretty monster fur.

Luo Feng looked at the screen on the wall which had a list of services.

“What an enjoyable luxury.” Luo Feng shook his head and smiled, dialing that Wang Hou phone number.

“Mr. Wei, hello.” Wang Hou shouted enthusiastically.

“Wang Hou, I’m currently in the main downtown area of Kyoto base city’s “Weir Kingdom” Huaxia hall’s ground size 3 private room.” Luo Feng replied.

“Alright, I know, I’ll be there in an hour.” Wang Hou’s voice slightly shed a hint of Xing Luo Feng hung up the phone, then lay down on the sofa.

Taking a bit of tea from the nearby wine cabinet at random, he brewed a cup of tea.

“Eh?” Luo Feng felt the cell phone in his pocket vibrate.

“Who’s calling my cell phone?” The cell phone in his pocket was the cell phone Luo Feng used in the past, not the new one he bought this time.

Luo Feng picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from home.

“Hello.” Luo Feng answered the phone.

“Little Feng ah, your brother, your brother he had an accident.” Mom Gong Xin Lan’s voice came with a hint of crying.

Luo Feng’s entire body jolted and stood up violently.

Port! Both clinked off their teacups, spilling tea on the counter.

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