Chapter 98: Brother Luo Hua

Release Date: 2024-07-11 15:17:39
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“Mom, what happened to him, Luo Hua? What’s going on?” Luo Feng at this moment, was even more distraught and panicked than when he killed Li Wei.

“Little Feng, you, don’t panic either.” Mother Gong Xin Lan’s slightly crying voice, continued, “Before, your brother, he almost drowned and died, but now that he’s saved, he’s fine.

“Drowning? Mom, what’s going on?” Luo Feng couldn’t understand, how could something happen to his brother within the base city? Wasn’t there a nanny following him all the time?

“Little Feng, it’s like this. This afternoon the nanny took your brother, Xiao Hua, to the park next door. As you know, your brother is a frequent park goer,……, and this time, he ran into his girlfriend, Xiao Nan’s, parents at the park. Then Xiao Nan’s parents invited your brother, to go to the side to have a chat.”

Luo Feng frowned ……

The thing between his brother Luo Hua and his girlfriend was that he never told his girlfriend’s parents.

And this time, his girlfriend’s parents came to find his brother Luo Hua, it was obvious that there was something going on.

“At that time, your brother, told the nanny to go to the side. He was by himself, and that Xiaonan’s parents two, talked for about a full hour. After that Xiao Nan’s parents left.” The mother’s voice in the cell phone was slightly hoarse, seemingly hoarse from crying, “Later, your brother said that he wanted to wander around the park by himself, and asked the nanny to wait for him at the park entrance.”

“Nanny Qin mom also thought that there is no danger within the park ah, are some landscape, so did not think much. Just wait for your brother at the park entrance.”

“But, how did not expect, your brother even pushed the wheelchair wheel, came to that landscape lake, this lake has long been frozen. There were only some places that were smashed out of some holes by some children who were playing. Your brother actually directly tumbled into the lake by himself and fell into the ice holes.”

Luo Feng’s face turned a bit pale as he listened, although he knew that his brother was fine in the end, but falling into an ice hole in a lake full of ice, and it was also a brother like this with both legs disabled and with a death wish.

It was almost certain death.

“Fortunately at that time, there was a martial artist from our neighborhood, a young man named ‘Qiu Yi’ was present, jumped straight down into the lake, smashed through the ice, swam under the ice to look for your brother, and finally found your brother and saved your brother from Lei! At that time, your brother had already stopped breathing. Fortunately, that Qiu Yi also knew some first aid and saved your brother’s life. Later on, the doctor in our neighborhood said that if he had just drowned a little later and a little longer at that time, he would have definitely died.”

“I don’t know that Xiao Nan’s parents, what kind of cruel words did those two people say to force my son to seek death. Don’t they have any children?” The mother’s voice on the phone had burst into tears, simply too strong to hold back. Luo Feng was also clenching his fists.

His younger brother had been home alone most of the time since he was a child because of his disability, even going to school was self taught at home through online distance education! Long term alone, so that the younger brother is actually very introverted and low self-esteem, but also in front of the family to appear very cheerful. In terms of psychological quality, the younger brother was actually very fragile.

“Then Xiao Nan’s parents, I’m afraid, only care about their daughter, and try to say heavy and harsh words to make my brother leave their daughter. How would they care if my brother can bear it.”

Actually, people were all the same.

In Luo Feng’s heart, his parents and brother, that was the most important in his heart. And in the hearts of that Xiao Nan’s parents, their daughter was of course also the most important!

“Mom, how is the younger brother now?” Luo Feng asked after him.

“The doctor in the small area said that there’s nothing wrong now. However, your brother is emotionally unstable right now, your father and I, take turns watching your brother. Just afraid that your brother will do something stupid.” Mother Gong Xinlan shook her head and said, “Little Feng ah, just come back earlier. Little Hua chatted with you, and many things he didn’t want to talk to us about at all.”

After all, Luo Feng and Luo Hua, are the same age, this Luo Hua naturally has a lot to say more originally and Luo Feng said.

“Well, I’ll be home first thing tomorrow morning.” Luo Feng nodded.

After selling the dragon eggs, combat clothes, etc., he would take the train overnight to rush back.

After hanging up the phone, sitting on the sofa, Luo Feng’s mood was very low, for so many years, in fact, his brother had a pretty good life, especially after moving into the bright moon neighborhood and knowing that little nan, his brother was even happier and happier. But I didn’t expect …… that this first love can make the younger brother happy and happy, but also can make the younger brother painful and want to commit suicide.

“The failure of first love, compared to ordinary people, the blow to the younger brother is much bigger.”

“Then Xiao Nan’s parents, I guess it’s also because my brother is disabled that they prevented their daughter from falling in love with my brother.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, “Soon, if we’re lucky enough this time, the 30 billion Chinese dollars needed for the ‘water of life’ might be enough for this business!”

30 billion! That dragon egg certainly wasn’t worth that much, the most important thing was still the combat suit and sword.

“I hope it’s SS grade, if it’s true, it’ll be a fortune.” Luo Feng himself didn’t have a way to identify it, it would require some more specialized instruments, but these instruments, Luo Feng didn’t have, and he didn’t want to let the HR alliance or the Extreme martial arts gym people, to test these things.

A minute of time passed.

“Bang! Bang! Pave!”

The sound of knocking came, Luo Feng walked over and opened the door to the room.

Only to see a middle aged eight bearded man wearing a leather jacket and carrying a large backpack standing outside the room door, as soon as he looked at Luo Feng, he felt a hint of sternness that martial artists often have in Luo Feng’s eyes! Immediately smiled and said “You are Mr. Wei right?”

“Marquis Wang?” Luo Feng lifted his eyebrows, the advertisement post on the martial artist forum was accompanied by a photo.

“Exactly.” Wang Hou smiled.

“Please come in.” Luo Feng let him in and then directly closed the door to the room. The two sat down on the sofa.

“I heard that you, Mr. Wei, said that you have something good here?” Wang Hou smiled brightly, but his gaze was a bit excited as if he saw prey.

Luo Feng slightly smiled, directly opened the oversized backpack he brought, the biggest space in the backpack was the huge green colored dragon egg, Luo Feng held the dragon egg and then directly placed it on the sofa, smiled and looked at Wang Hou;¡±Wang Hou, this is a dragon egg, I’m sure you can also measure what kind of dragon egg it is.

“Dragon egg? A dragon egg worth over ten billion dollars? Could it be the dragon egg of the East Sea Green Dragon?” This Wang Hou jumped in shock.

Luo Feng was stunned.

East sea green dragon? That was a king level monster, much more powerful than a lord level. And for so many years yet, the dragon egg of the East Sea Green Dragon, there was only one present, in the martial network it was rumored that it was sold at that time for a sky high price of over 50 billion.

“What kind of eyes does this guy have? After doing business for so long, I thought he would recognize it at a glance.” Luo Feng shook his head and didn’t make a sound. Luo Feng didn’t know that there were only a total of how many dragon eggs found in the world so far?

This Wang Hou had only seen two with his own eyes, with his eyesight, how could he recognize what kind of dragon egg this was.

“No, the green dragon’s dragon egg is bigger than this.” Wang Hou added.

“I didn’t say it’s a green dragon’s dragon egg, hurry up and test it.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say. He was saying that he had something that cost over 10 billion dollars, but he didn’t say that it was this one alone.

“This is the first dragon egg I’ve received, tsk.” Wang Hou’s eyes glowed.

“Dragon egg ah.” Wang Hou quickly opened his backpack, there were three password books inside, he took out one of the password boxes, opened it and took out a set of instruments, and put the spider-like shaped instruments one by one on the surface of the dragon egg, and then a large pile of data quickly appeared on the instrument screen.

Wang Hou laughed as he looked at the data, “Mr. Wei, you’re really something, you can even get your hands on a dragon egg! Nowadays, in this world, there is no monster that can be called a ‘dragon’ that is easy to mess with.

“The quiz is out?” Luo Feng looked at the screen.

“Soon.” Wang Hou smiled, not in the slightest hurry.


Wang Hou’s glasses lit up as he stared at the screen, smiling at Luo Feng, “According to the database comparison, this is the dragon egg of an iron armor dragon! Iron armored dragon, in the world ‘dragon’ category of monsters, it’s also considered upper middle, the price of such a dragon egg, according to the market price, I’m dry, you’re dry too, 5 billion huaxia coins!”

Luo Feng of course checked the market before he came, 5 billion is indeed considered a very generous price, even if he goes to HR alliance to sell, it’s almost the same price.

“Dry enough.” Luo Feng smiled, “That’s the price.”

“I do business, that’s reputable.” Wang Hou smiled, “Doing business is about fine water, if I slaughter you hard, you will definitely turn around and say on the forums that I …… will have a low reputation later on, won’t I not be able to do business. So – but anyone who does business with me, knows me Wang Hou as a person.”

Luo Feng saw this and smiled slightly.

“Mr. Wei.” Wang Hou couldn’t help but say, “You should, still have something, right?”

“Yes there is.”

Luo Feng nodded his head and directly took out the sword with the scabbard from amongst his backpack.

“Oh?” Wang Hou’s eyes lit up when he saw the scabbard, he looked at Luo Feng in astonishment, “This is a really good sword ah, the price of this scabbard alone is amazing enough, can you show it to me no?”

“Please.” Luo Feng had some expectations.

I don’t know what level this sword is, it’s at least S grade (9 series).

“Snort.” Pulling out the sword, Wang Hou looked at it carefully and couldn’t help but nod his head, “Good sword, good sword, what a good sword. Nine times out of ten, it’s a sword used by a War God, and if I see it correctly, it should be an SS grade sword. This treasure sword, is indeed worth a lot of money.”

Luo Feng was surprised in his heart, he didn’t expect this treasure sword to be SS grade.

“The price of a treasure sword weapon also depends on how intact it is.” Wang Hou laughed, “A successfully crafted treasure sword, the degree of intactness is 100%, however martial artists it and monsters fight over and over again, the treasure sword itself will be subjected to some subtle unseen damages, the longer the time, the more shocking the damage is, until one day, the weapon just breaks off during the fight.”

Luo Feng nodded …… For example, the description of an S class weapon is that it can be used to fight almost any S class monster head on without damage.

To illustrate the point, the weapon would still be possible to break.

“The higher the degree of intactness, the higher the price. The lower the degree of intactness, the lower the price naturally.”

“I’ll examine it.” Wang Hou immediately opened another box and took out another set of instruments to inspect it, and the light of the psychedelic dream shot out from the instrument, enveloping the sword.

A large amount of data messages were immediately collected on the instrument’s screen, and afterward, according to the software database inside and so on, the results were soon available.

“Intactness 100%” Wang Hou exclaimed.

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