Chapter 2: Protector of the Beast God

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:41:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Purple Bauhinia Island, blanketed with a diameter of millions of kilometers, had no aurora close to it for tens of thousands of kilometers around it.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Three streams of light quickly flew into it and landed on Zijing Island, it was none other than the Ficang Clan Venerable, Luo Feng, and the True Diffraction King.

“So many palaces.” Luo Feng took a glance, the distant land was densely packed with palaces, so were some mountain ranges, countless palaces of various styles, at the same time many of the palaces had a powerful aura, that powerful aura caused Luo Feng to secretly frown, “It seems like there are a lot of strong people residing on this Zijing island.”

“Look guys.” The Ficang clan venerable pointed to the sky.

Luo Feng and True Diffraction King all looked up.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng looked at the sky, there was a circle with a circle of luster enveloping the entire Zijing Island, that circle of luster was expanding, expanding to the edge and disappearing. And a new circle of light was born in the center of the circle.

A circle of light set a circle of light, as if the water ripples.

Continuously toward the surrounding diffusion.

Birth, annihilation.

Birth, annihilation.

So endless ……

Each circle of light is made up of countless law threads, time law, space law, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light all sorts of laws mixed in, and even there are many fusion laws, there are more incomparable law threads all entangled, so that each circle of light is incomparably complete and perfect.

Luo Feng was completely immersed in it, it was too shocking, that circular illusory aperture seemed to be interpreting all the mysteries of the universe.

“Two!” The Ficang clan venerable droned.

Luo Feng and the True Diffraction King both awoke with a start.

“This, this is ……” True Diffusion King said in a surprised streak, “This is incredible, this is simply ……”

“This is the outward manifestation of the laws of cosmic functioning.” The Ficang Clan venerable’s eyes were like bronze bells as he looked up, “My Ancestral God Cult is the number one power in the universe, centered on upholding the laws of the universe’s functioning, naturally it’s also blessed by the laws of the universe’s functioning!”

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Maintaining the laws of cosmic functioning?

“Like the Ancestral Mystical Realm …… that our Ancestral God Sect owns has the most special beings in the universe, has the most special treasures, and the Lake of Five Colored Aurora is also bestowed upon my Ancestral God Sect by the Laws of Cosmic Functioning.” The leek Cang Clan Venerable said confidently, “What my Ancestral God Cult does is to follow the laws of cosmic functioning. But anyone who defies the Ancestral God Cult will be defying the Laws of Cosmic Operation!”

“Overbearing enough.” Luo Feng muttered secretly.

“Hmph, don’t seem to believe it?”

The Ficang clan venerable looked at Luo Feng and the True Diffraction King, “You guys will understand after living here for billions of years.”

“Live for billions of years?” Duo Feng wondered.

“Come with me, the first thing is to build a residence on this Zijing island.” The Ficang clan venerable said striding forward, Luo Feng and True Diffraction King even followed, each step was thousands of kilometers, it was swift.

Walking on Zijing island, looking at a palace of various styles in the distance, at the same time, one could also see strong people from various races in the universe, billions of races, mysterious and incomparable, beings with different looks and essences surviving everywhere, each one with a powerful aura, some of them were special beings that Luo Feng knew about.

“Just how many inhabitants are there on this Zijing island?” Luo Feng asked curiously.

“Apart from the island master on Zijing island, all the others are inheritors, I’m only leading you here temporarily, I’ll be leaving soon.” The Ficang clan venerable said, “There are a lot of inheritors, since the birth of the universe, the cumulative number of inheritors is incomparably staggering. If you do the math, you can see that even if the human race has only a few hundred inheritors since the birth of the universe, what about the entire universe? You must know, the universe is fair, my ancestral god religion give inheritance order, is scattered all over the universe. Universe billions of ethnic groups …… accumulated, naturally hundreds of millions of times human.”

“Tens of billions?” Luo Feng stared.

“So many inheritors?” True Diffusion King couldn’t believe it either.

“The universe is vast, your human race is just a part of it.” The Ficang clan venerable said, “It’s impossible to calculate just how many inheritors there have been since the birth of the universe, I’m afraid that not many know except for the towering Ancestral Gods. Of course there aren’t that many on Zijing Island, nowadays there are more than 100 million occupants on Zijing Island.”

“Over 100 million?” Luo Feng asked doubtfully, “What about the other inheritors in history?”

“If the inheritor dies, even if the Lord of the Universe reverses time and space to resurrect, he can’t be bothered to resurrect your inheritance order. The cost of resurrecting the Beast God Inheritance Order is too high for the Lord of the Universe to spare.” The Ficang Clan Venerable said, “And every inheritor has an Inheritance Order, from the moment you enter this place, the Inheritance Order is connected to your life, if you die, the Inheritance Order will shatter, and you won’t be able to give it to anyone else to use again.”

“Strong people, die extremely often.”

“That’s why there are only over 100 million inheritors left.” The Ficang Clan Exalted One said.

Conversing, the Ficang Clan Venerable then walked to a mountainous area next to a river and commanded, “The two of you will build palaces here, remember, each palace covers an area of at most one kilometer long and wide, even those demonic clans with huge godly bodies or starry sky giants and the like will have to reduce their godly bodies to reside in them, no one will be able to make any special exceptions.”

Luo Feng and True Diffraction King nodded, along the way they saw countless palaces, indeed none of them exceeded one kilometer in length and width.

“There’s more!”

“You can leave tokens in your palaces so that you can arrive here later by direct divine teleportation.” The Ficang Clan Venerable said, “This Violet Bauhinia Island will also be a place that you will often come to in the future. Unless you all perish.”

“If you guys have soul slaves, remember, don’t bring them out.” The Ficang Clan Venerable said, “Once brought out, they will be attacked by the Lake of Colorful Aurora and instantly annihilated. …… Even if you really want to bring them out, at most, within your own palaces, within the palaces, it’s your turf, and after you go out of the palaces, you absolutely must not bring out the slaves, of course, like the plant life, metal life Some beings with attachment attributes, it’s okay.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng and True Diffraction King listened carefully.

“You guys follow me again.” The Ficang clan venerable continued to lead Luo Feng and the two of them, his responsibility was to guide them, so naturally he had to tell Luo Feng and the two of them some basic information.

A few moments later.

Arriving at one of the highest mountain ranges in the entire Zijing Island, the mountain range simply had a lofty palace that was thousands of kilometers long.

“You inheritors don’t have exceptions, the palaces all have restrictions, but the island master has no restrictions.” The Ficang Clan Venerable pointed at the lofty palace from afar, “That’s the palace of the Violet Bauhinia Island’s Island Master, let’s go over there.”

Stepping over the mountain range.

“Look up.” The Ficang Clan honored one pointed to the sky remotely.

Luo Feng and True Diffraction King looked up.

“This is-”

Luo Feng saw a very gorgeous and incredible scene, looking up from this orientation, he could actually see a gap in the colorful aurora lake, along this gap, he was able to see that deep in the core of the colorful aurora lake’s shrouded depths, there was an incomparably dazzling and huge palace, and around that palace that was emitting endless light, there were also eight slightly smaller palaces suspended around it.

“That is the true core of the Ancestral God Sect.” The Ficang Clan Venerable pointed remotely and said enviously “, that most massive palace is the Ancestral God Palace! That’s where the Ancestral Deities reside, and although my Ancestral Deity Sect has three Ancestral Deities, it’s usually the one who sits at the center of the core.”

“The eight smaller palaces around the Ancestral God Palace are the Eight Beast God Temples, which are where each of the eight Beast Gods reside.”

“Around the Eight Square Beast God Hall, there are more than ten word halls, which is the Protector Beast God Hall.”

“Protect the teachings of the Beast God Temple and then periphery, there are 72 continents, of course, from our point of view, can only see 63 continents ……, that is, 72 God Generals live in the continent, for the God Generals continent, according to rumors, each God Generals continent is no less than the Zijing Island.”

“In the outermost densely packed stars, is the red 3000 star worlds, each star world …… is also the residence of a divine messenger.

“The Ancestral God Palace, the Eight Square Beast God Temple, the Protector Beast God Temple, the 72 God General Continent, and the 3000 God Envoy Worlds, this is where the core of the Ancestral God Cult is located.”

The Ficang Clan Venerable exclaimed.

“In addition to this core place of importance, there is also an island in the Lake of Five-Colored Aurora, and aside from your Zijing Island, there are also a large number of other scattered islands, and those islands have survived the peripheral members of the Ancestral God Sect.” The Ficang Clan Venerable said.

“Peripheral members?” Luo Feng and True Diffraction King both looked at him in surprise.

“Alternate god envoys, alternate god generals, and powerful beast god inheritors are all peripheral members.” The Ficang clan venerable said, seeing Luo Feng and his duo’s surprised looks, he snorted, “Humans, do you think there are free good things in the universe? Remember, the universe is fair, our Ancestral God Cult pays and naturally gains something.”

“The God Envoy Inheritance Crystals, and a God General Inheritance Land, as well as the Beast God Inheritance many places in the Ancestral Mystic Realm, which one isn’t paying a big price?” Ficang Clan Venerable said “…… You guys got the benefits, of course you have to pay some.”


“For the weak, the Ancestral God Cult doesn’t care either.”

“Therefore, those who receive the God Envoy Inheritance and God General Inheritance, unless they receive the complete inheritance. Otherwise, there is no need to work for the Ancestral God Cult, it’s like a free bestowal.” The Ficang clan venerable said, “And getting the complete inheritance is different, for example, the god general inheritance, once every god general inheritance land …… receives the complete inheritance, then the entire inheritance land will directly collapse away, equating to an inheritance land being just gone.”

Luo Feng’s heart stirred.

Back then when he went to that magic sound god general inheritance land, indeed it was also said there that if anyone received the complete inheritance, the inheritance land would be destroyed and collapse.

“Alternate god envoys and alternate god generals, all of them get the complete inheritance.”

“And powerful Beast God cultivators, that is also Beast God inheritance to an extremely high degree, very close to the complete Beast God inheritance, must know the Beast God inheritance, the Ancestral God Sect pays a greater price, these powerful Beast God inheritance cultivators, naturally also have to pay some price.” The Ficang Clan Venerable said, “These, are the peripheral members.”

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