Chapter 21: Only the Soul

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:42:35
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“All disperse.” The Protector Beast God hovering in the air above Zijing Island looked down below, his voice resounding throughout the island, “All remember …… that the Blade River King is an inheritor of my Ancestral God Cult, assassinating him will definitely be pursued by the Ancestral God Cult.”


Countless inheritors bowed.

With that, the Protector Beast God high in the air disappeared out of thin air, and the inheritors who were all holding their breath before then breathed a sigh of relief.

“What’s going on? Isn’t that Venerable Numa Eclipse assassinated the Blade River King? In the history of the Ancestral God Sect, there have been killings between inheritors, but I haven’t seen the Ancestral God Sect specialize in chasing and killing. Surprisingly, even the Swamp Eclipse Venerable One will be resurrected in the future by reversing time and space, and still have to be hunted down and killed, this is really ……

“Stupid fellow, you don’t even understand this? Obviously the Ancestral God Sect has given that Knife River King special treatment, haven’t you seen …… how the Ancestral God Sect has favored the Worm Expeller King? Now it’s starting to favor the Knife River King as well!”

“Knife River King, will it be the second Worm Expeller King?”

“Hmph, with potential like this, when the Knife River King becomes a true immortal, I’m afraid it won’t be any worse than the Worm Expeller King.”

“Oooh, no wonder the Ancestral God Sect treats him specially.”

The inheritors of the various races in the universe talked to each other and all flew away in twos and threes as streams of light, to the vast majority of their inheritors this was merely a hustle and bustle. Instead, some of the inheritors who actually had orders from their clans attached to them were a bit annoyed.

“This, how can we kill him? There’s no way to kill him at all.”

Venerable Jue Guang looked at Luo Feng standing at the entrance of that mansion from afar, his mind was troubled for a while.

Suddenly ……

Luo Feng looked up and over, grinning at Venerable Jue Guang, as if to say …… come kill me!

“Hmph.” Venerable Jue Guang knew that this human guessed that he was a killer, at that moment he didn’t talk nonsense and directly disappeared into thin air with an instantaneous movement.

Luo Feng stood in front of the mansion door watching the countless inheritors leave, but many thoughts surfaced in his mind, before the Protector Beast God openly said that even if the Marsh Erosion Venerable was resurrected by reversing time, the Ancestral God Sect would hunt him down and kill him. At that time, although Luo Feng Earthling’s original body was in the middle of conception, the Demon Slaying Clan bilocation that had turned into a futon was listening clearly.

“The Ancestral God Cult is treating me special.” Luo Feng secretly said, “However, it seems that I’m not as high in their hearts as the bug king, who was bestowed with two supreme treasures by them. I wasn’t bestowed any heavy treasures by the Ancestral God Sect.”

With that, Luo Feng turned around and went back to the mansion.

“Squeak.” The heart refining king took the initiative to close the door.

“Although the mansion is incomparably safe, but now that my split technique has been exposed, then I’m afraid that the races will also guess that the split technique definitely has a key point, so it’s better for my protocore to stay in the human frontier.” Luo Feng immediately walked to a silent side hall, the devil slaying clan splitter had long returned to the inner world, the ring landed in Luo Feng’s palm.

Standing within the remote hall.

Buzz ……

A vibration of misty golden light lit up, opening up divine kingdom teleportation, Luo Feng could vaguely see the endless divine kingdom on the opposite side of the golden light channel.


Has teleported and disappeared.

After five minutes the golden light lit up again and Luo Feng appeared again.

“Master.” The Refined Heart King had long been waiting in the side hall.

“Haha ……” Luo Feng laughed, since he exposed the talent to split this ability naturally sent the original core to the virtual universe’s key place ‘primordial secret realm’, and Luo Feng specialized in arranging for the slave sky formation The king was wearing a ring, the world ring had the golden horn beast split as well as the original core hidden in it.

“Master.” Another voice rang out, only to see a swaying 360 mo yun vine fly into the side hall, Luo Feng had known that he would be assassinated, so naturally he wouldn’t bring his mo yun battle suit when he went out before.

“I’m going to receive the inheritance, Mo Yun, you and the heart refining king continue to stay in the mansion.” Luo Feng commanded.

“Master, I’ll go out with you too.” Mo Yun’s massive vines swayed.

“Even though the probability of another assassination is extremely, extremely low now, it’s still prudent.” Luo Feng smiled and instructed, “Don’t worry when I go out on an adventure, I’ll still bring you.”

“Yes.” Mo Yun obediently answered, all those vines drooping slightly.

Luo Feng then directly went out of the mansion, he didn’t instantly move, instead he walked like a stroll on Zijing island, it took more than half an hour before he arrived at the teleportation channel in front of the island master’s palace. Luo Feng walked for so long, naturally he was stared at by countless powerhouses, even among them were the two zunis who were ordered to assassinate him, but there was nothing they could do about it.

If they could kill them by fighting for their lives, that would be it.

I’m afraid that if they really tried their best to kill the Blade River King, in the twinkling of an eye, the Blade River King would appear alive again and die for nothing, those two Universe Exalted would definitely not do such a thing.

“Whoosh!” Luo Feng stepped into the water curtain.

“The Blade River King went to receive the inheritance.”

“He has over 600,000 glory points, he can accept the inheritance whenever he wants, the inheritance land has become his territory, he can go whenever he wants.” Some foreign inheritors who watched this scene were not without jealousy.

When Luo Feng was receiving his inheritance, all the major super powers in the universe had already learned about what happened before, especially the demon race, insect race, and mechanical race were even more furious! This human can be strong like this is just that, but he even harbors the ability to be gifted with a bilocation, this is just too much to favor the human race, right, to have such a supreme character.

The ability to detach oneself is not something that can be obtained through cultivation.

It is a natural ability that the universe has bestowed on some rare races and some special beings. Generally deities that possessed the gifted ability of bilocation were very difficult to kill. Because even if a bilocation was killed, then by virtue of the other bilocations, the destroyed bilocations could be coalesced and restored again, at most costing a lot of money.

“Lord of the Universe, if we want to kill this Knife River King no other method will work, there can only be one way, and that is through the soul. Either soul infiltration erosion, or soul control, the only way to deal with a strong person with a gifted bilocation is this.”

“You go make a plan.”

“His Realm Lord Life Core must be hidden in the safest place of the human community. The only way to kill him is through his soul, there’s no other way.”

The many power super existences were clear about this, when they were sector lords Luo Feng’s protocore was the key point, but if they became immortal deities …… breaking the protocore to achieve a divine kingdom, then the key point was the divine kingdom! And the divine kingdom can be hidden in the space sandwich extremely distant remote place, find almost impossible.

Immortal deities with the gift of bilocation would usually leave one bilocation in the divine kingdom in case the other bilocations were destroyed.

If they couldn’t find the Divine Kingdom, then the only way to kill an Immortal Deity with a Gifted Split was through their souls.

Different bilocations but the same soul, the same consciousness!

The souls of Luo Feng’s three bodies were all connected to each other as one, once one of them was controlled by the soul, then the others would also be struck by the same trick! If one of them is controlled by the soul, then the others will also be hit! The same goes for “soul infiltration and erosion”, it’s like a virus infection that will cause the others to be infiltrated and eroded as well.

The soul is the common point that connects all the different branches.

“Even if Venerable Marsh Erosion reverses time and space, he will still be hunted down by the Ancestral God Cult, who strongly demanded more compensation from our demon race.”

“I’ve already promised to reverse time and space to resurrect Venerable Numma Eclipse and give their clan compensation, and now I’m raising my demands?” In front of the Skywolf Palace, the Lord of the Skywolf let out an angry roar, if one were to say that the angriest of the three families of the angry Demon Race, the Mechanical Race, and the Insect Race would be the Demon Race, and the Lord of the Skywolf who was responsible for this incident was even more furious.

The loss of a Cosmic Exalted, at a huge cost, had only depleted the Boundary Lord humans of some energy, and I’m afraid that the bit of world power that had condensed the physical body was less than 1 hybrid unit.

“The Marsh Erosion Exalted will be miserable in the future, and it’s not strange for their community to raise their demands… Lord Skywolf, if we don’t do that, I’m afraid it will chill the hearts of the other communities in the alliance.”

“Damn it.”

The Lord of the Skywolf was indeed filled with rage.

He was angry at the humans, at the Chaos City Lord, and at that insignificant Blade River King.

“You go take care of compensating them, I’m asking you, do you have a way to kill that Blade River King?” The Heavenly Wolf Lord stood in front of the Heavenly Wolf Palace, staring at that huge snake shadow.

The snake shadow prostrated, “Lord of the Skywolf, the only way is through the soul, there is no other way.”

“How to perform?” The Lord of the Skywolf said.

“Lord of the Celestial Wolf, the most detestable thing right now is the order issued by that Ancestral God Cult, from this, it can be seen that the Ancestral God Cult is very much valuing that human, wanting to cultivate the Knife River King just like how they cultivated the Worm-by-Worm King back then. It is just that the Knife River King’s own strength is not strong enough now, and the Ancestral God Cult hasn’t really shown what kind of favoritism they have, but at least the public issuance of that hunting order …… is enough to make my Demon Alliance in the Ancestral God Cult’s Cosmic Exalted not have a single one who is willing to go and kill the Knife River King.”

“And my Demon Alliance, the universe reverends in the Ancestral God Cult, are just that many, and can’t afford to lose any more. Now we can only wait, until the right opportunity comes along.”

“Wait until when!” The Lord of the Skywolf roared.

The gigantic serpent shadow prostrated in the void but did not say anything.


Who knows when, anyway, that human in the Ancestral God Sect they have no way at all, even if the Universe Exalted who specializes in the soul aspect, is afraid of being hunted down by the Ancestral God Sect. The Ancestral God Cult was the number one power in the universe! They, the Universe Exalted, weren’t afraid of being hunted down by humans, but they were definitely afraid of being hunted down by the Ancestral God Cult.

“Go.” The Lord of the Skywolf turned around and marched into the Skywolf Palace, and he knew that this subordinate would not be able to answer.

Zijing Island, the secret place of the Beast God’s inheritance.

In that void.

Venerable Hatfeng looked at Luo Feng with a smile, “Blade River King, congratulations, your name has disappeared from the triple inheritance list and entered the quadruple inheritance list, it seems that the triple inheritance has been completed.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng nodded.

The previous super 620,000 engagements with the geniuses of the various races of the universe did help immensely, coupled with the subsequent 900 years of enlightenment and cultivation, and then receiving the triple inheritance, it was even more of a direct consummation in one fell swoop. After that it was even more direct to receive the beast god quadruple inheritance once, only this time Luo Feng’s harvest was extremely, extremely small.

“Work hard, my human community super existence, can each very optimistic about you, although I was optimistic about that rongjun, but now I am also very optimistic about you.” Venerable Hatfeng said to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng smiled, then he stepped into the teleportation channel back to Zijing Island.

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