Chapter 23 The World Tree

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:42:40
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The Ancestral Mysterious Realm was vast and endless.

In one of the void, there is a beautiful fountain in the void, sprinkling water in the void, week after week. A figure stepped out from the spring, it was the Demon Slayer Clan’s bilocation.

Devil Slaying Clan’s incarnation looked around, in addition to this fountain suspended in the void, there is no guardian, could not help but whisper: “Ancestral God Sect is indeed confident, the teleportation channel is so placed here, and not the slightest worry about who will come to destroy it. It’s also right that the Ancestral Mysterious Realm is the Ancestral God Sect’s territory.”

“Change.” The body instantly switched, the Earthling’s original body came out of the pick, while the Demon Slayer Race’s bilocation entered the world ring, after all, in terms of strength and so on, the Earthling’s original body was much stronger, especially since he had just practiced the third chapter, and was already able to perform the second form of the Wu Slayer Feathered Wings, with a much stronger ability to protect his life.

“Probe.” Luo Feng turned on the miniature and large scale probe engraver.

The most fundamental use that the probes were designed for in the first place was to break into the cosmic secret realm, not for the extra-terrestrial battlefield.

The large probes were for use when rushing in the universe secret realm, through the large probes one would find some celestial body at a distance, then avoid it early on. Regardless of whether there was any danger or not, directly choosing the void to advance, this was the safest kind of practice. While the miniature detector was used when entering certain dangerous places and carefully venturing out to explore.


Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and flew through the air, occasionally when he found out that the front was safe, he also performed an instantaneous shift and accelerated.

Carefully avoiding every danger, the natural forms in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm were strange, some of the huge celestial bodies were bizarre, like in the normal cosmic starry sky, most of the celestial bodies were spherical. For example, planets, stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars and so on, and even black holes.

But Zu mystery realm, may appear irregular celestial bodies, or just appear a huge land, or out of nowhere is a huge lake in the void, the lake may also have some islands, and occasionally floating in the void of some rolling mountain ranges, mountain ranges and waterfalls.

Seemingly beautiful, magical, but in reality the crisis lurks.

Such as Luo Feng passed by and saw a waterfall, even once a universe honored one was drenched, he would instantly freeze, frozen life imprints all completely collapsed, and die directly. And this waterfall water …… is also an extremely precious material, called “cold whale nine color water”, if you use the heavy treasure “purple bell” or very high metal to build the vessel, get some of this cold whale nine color water, then it would be rich. Nine-colored water, that would be hair, cold whale nine-colored water can be cleverly applied to the strong fighting, the power is infinite.


Cold whale nine colors of water formed under the impact of the waterfall, the huge cold pool below is the survival of a terrible special life “cold whale”, that cold whale nine colors of water from different angles have different colors, a total of nine colors, not long before the birth of the universe, there have been strong explorers found that the nine colors of water, feel beautiful and magical, so I want to get away from a little bit, but have not touched the cold whale nine colors of water, but not touching! But before he could touch the cold whale nine colors of water, he was attacked by the terrifying existence of the “cold whale” in the pool of water, and was killed on the spot.

In the information Luo Feng collected, there was only a simple description of the cold whale: only the master of the universe could fight against it.

The inheritors were directly transported to the deepest part of the Ancestral Mystery Realm, which was considered to be an area with very little danger. After all, this was the Ancestral God Sect’s specialization to sharpen the inheritors. Of course but wherever there were some cosmic wonders, there was usually danger.

The ninth day of the rush.

In the void beyond the edge of a huge mountain range in the Ancestral Mystic Realm that stretched for thousands of light years, a stream of light suddenly stopped.

“Nine days without a hint of slacking off, rest first.” Luo Feng stood in the void and looked around, especially turning his head to look at the huge rolling mountain range, “The celestial bodies in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm are indeed bizarre, this one mountain range is actually over 6000 light years long, and the extremely dangerous places contained within it, there are 201 of them recorded in my data alone.”

This mountain range had been explored by many inheritors long ago in history, but it was just too dangerous, and only a small portion of the area was recorded.

“With my speed, instantaneous movement and flying together, it’s estimated that it will take another 32 days before I can reach my destination and see that world tree.” Luo Feng had a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

World tree!

The third incarnation of his own plan!

Luo Feng’s positional authority in the human community was extremely high, he had collected a lot of information about special beings, and then carefully investigated the large number of special beings in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, Luo Feng had to admit – the Ancestral Mysterious Realm could be called the most miraculous in the universe, possessing the largest number of special beings.

Many powerful and mysterious special beings were in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm.

Such as the cold whale, pack mountain quake, world holding ……

Each and every one of them are special beings that have the combat power of the master of the universe. After Luo Feng’s continuous screening and research, he finally decided to choose the “World Tree” for his third incarnation, although there are other special beings that are more favorable to him than the World Tree, but unfortunately, he must have a “sector lord level” special life! But it is a pity that there must be a special life at the “Realm Lord level” to do so.

He was limited to the “sector lord level” category, so Luo Feng decided on the world lining.

World tree, there are nine world trees in the entire universe.

One of the world trees, for the universe venerable level, this is the strongest world lining, the main trunk alone is 12 million kilometers thick, the height is 290 million kilometers high, the crown of the tree is so big, the diameter is even more than a billion kilometers, this is a ridiculously big tree – it is the number one tree in the universe in terms of volume of special beings.

There were also three World Trees that were of the Immortal level, just slightly smaller than the World Trees of the Exalted level, with a height of 120 million kilometers.

The last five World Trees were at the Realm Lord level, slightly smaller than the Immortal World Trees, and also reached a height of 60 million kilometers.

The reason why the World Tree was chosen as the target for the third incarnation.

One was its natural ability.

World Tree’s natural ability is “mastery of space and time”, within a certain range around it, time and space are all controlled, although far less than the “Lord of the Universe” to completely control a party’s ability to space and time, but as the World Tree itself continues to grow stronger, the ability to control space and time is also increasing. But as the World Tree itself continues to grow stronger, its ability to control space and time also continues to grow.

It was rumored that the strongest World Tree at the Universe Exalted level was no less capable of controlling space and time than the Master of the Universe.

As for Immortal and Realm Lord level world trees, they were naturally much worse.

However, if one were to fight at the same level, it would be completely ravaged.

After all, at the life gene level alone, World Trees are thousands of times that of humans! And their huge size …… also represents their god body is incomparably strong and brutal, alone the storage of divine power will be amazing, even if the burning god body to fight the war of attrition, and how many dare to compare with the world tree consumption time long?

“Mastery of space and time” and “huge size” are just two major advantages.

There was also a third major advantage!

That is, the world tree has a reinforcing and stabilizing effect on the divine kingdom, Luo Feng’s data didn’t find anyone who had a “world tree doppelganger”, but it was recorded that the Ancestral God Cult’s “Manta God General” had asked for a branch of the strongest world tree, and the Manta God General planted it in his own divine kingdom, and the branches and branches were used for the purpose of strengthening the divine kingdom. The branch grew into a huge divine tree, and this divine tree formed by the branch of the World Tree was called the Tree of Life.

The tree of life stabilized the divine kingdom.

The more stable the kingdom of God, then once the enemy breaks into the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God’s oppression bondage is ten times stronger than a hundred times, Man Toe God General …… will rely on this trick, directly into the kingdom of God to get the enemy, killed a lot of the enemy, which has long been spreading the news.

According to reason, the gods in the divine kingdom, by virtue of the divine kingdom oppression binding the enemy, the divine kingdom on their own to add, the general strength of the strength will be increased by a few times.

But with that tree of life planted in the divine kingdom, but makes the divine kingdom on its own, the oppression of the enemy, combined with the picking up the strength of the strength suddenly jumped a hundred times like.

“That Tree of Life, it’s so magical.”

“The world tree, surely even more magical, surely making the divine kingdom stronger and more stable.” Luo Feng secretly said.

World tree.

Controlling space and time, huge in size containing huge amounts of divine power, stabilizing the divine kingdom.

How could Luo Feng not be a slut?

“And the world tree, it has a huge advantage in time and space. Although I’m on the beast god path, when the beast god path comes to an end and I become a party of beast gods. There might still need to be some breakthroughs in time and space. What’s more,…… it’s hard to say whether the Beast God Path can go through or not, having a world lining also gives me the chance to go ‘time and space’ in the future.”

Walking the avenue of time and space and becoming the Lord of the Universe was the mainstream.

In the void at the edge of that huge rolling mountain range, Luo Feng silently pondered.

Although the target was set as the world tree, Luo Feng also had concerns because the intelligence had never heard of anyone who had gotten the world tree into a doppelganger, of course it was possible that the powerhouse who had the world tree doppelganger hid this card and didn’t publicize it.

“Chaos city master teacher once said that there is a limit to how far my internal world can be birthed. Like some of the unique and heaven defying beings in the universe, I’m afraid that my inner world can’t breed at all.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I’ll choose that world tree, the sector lord level world tree, it should be the weakest one.”

A species that didn’t have a genetic breakthrough would grow to its limit in size at the peak of sector lord.

Like the Golden Horned Beast was thousands of kilometers long, then the Immortal, Universe Exalted, and Universe Lord stages were all thousands of kilometers long.

It was only possible to mutate if the genetic level of life increased, and it was only possible. Like Luo Feng cultivating the “Nine Tribulation Mysteries” body size has not changed, the height of the Earth human body is still less than two meters, and did not clatter and soar into hundreds of meters, thousands of meters, tens of kilometers or something.

And nine world tree, but obviously height volume varies.

Obviously the strongest world tree, is the highest level of life, it is rumored to be thousands of times more than human genes, belonging to the universe’s top level of special life.

Three immortal level world tree, slightly worse.

Five Realm Lord level world trees, one more step behind.

“No matter how bad it is, it’s still better than a branch of the strongest world tree, the branch formed that’s the tree of life, it’s not even considered a world tree anymore.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I don’t know, my inner world, can I breed that realm lord level world tree.”

“Well, it should be able to.”

Luo Feng was apprehensive, yet extremely eager.

This was the third doppelganger he wanted the most after reading countless information.

The gift of controlling space and time ah.

A massive tree trunk body 60 million kilometers tall, what majestic divine power that would have to possess.

Divine kingdom, that’s the root of a deity ah.

Three major advantages, how could Luo Feng not covet them?

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