Chapter 24: The Space Vortex

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:42:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“The nine world trees are living together, it’s a bit troublesome, but I only need one leaf of the world tree anyway, there’s still hope.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Actually, Luo Feng was bothered by one more thing.

It was the place where the nine world trees survived, it was very special, no less than the rolling mountain range next to it.

The nine world trees existed in the “nine ghosts space-time”.

Nine ghosts space and time is not as big as the mountain range next to it, 12 light years in diameter, but it is one of the most terrifying and dangerous places in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, on the surface, Luo Feng through the intelligence knows that there are several existences that have the power of the Master of the Universe! The territory occupied by the nine world trees was only one of the corners of space and time, there were several other powerful special beings occupying the territory.

This was only the surface message.

The Ancestral God Sect also focuses on reminding the inheritors of the eight most dangerous places, which even the Lord of the Universe may be trapped in for eternity and never be able to come out. Among them was the “Nine Specters of Space and Time”.

Generations of inheritors had discovered the existence of those few Masters of the Universe, but I’m afraid that they were only a superficial threat.

“Gotta be careful.”

“Even the Lord of the Universe, in the nine ghosts of space and time may sink for eternity, I’m a little guy, or low-key, there is a danger to let the devil kills the branch, the devil kills the branch even if it’s finished …… My internal world can still coalesce again the devil kills the branch, but if the earthlings are finished in their own right, and fall into an extremely dangerous place. I’m afraid it’ll be hard to get my supreme treasure back.” Luo Feng was indeed a bit nervous, there was no way, the Nine Sephiroths Time and Space was too prestigious.

“Riches and riches are dangerous.”

“I’ll be cautious, with my detachment means, devil slayer clan detachment means, I don’t believe that I can’t even get a leaf of the world tree.”

The Nine Septic Time and Space was extremely dangerous, but it was a place that the inheritors often went to. Why?

Because they weren’t afraid of death!

In the long history, the inheritors who had been unable to break through were forced to go to some dangerous places to fight! Nine ghosts of space and time, although extremely dangerous, but is also a place with a lot of treasures, although there are a large number of inheritors perished there, but there are still a lot of people in that get a huge harvest.

In the Nine Sepulchre Space and Time, by chance, a certain treasure may be comparable to the supreme treasure, enough to make the universe frantically chasing the honored one.

Historically, there were many, many inheritors, but now there are only over a hundred million left, and apart from dying elsewhere, the vast majority died in the secret realm.

Luo Feng casually ate something, also considered relaxing, after half an hour, he once again turned into streams of light and flew along the edge of the mountain range towards the depths of the void, sometimes flying, sometimes instantly moving, careful all the way.

The highest part of the Virtual Universe Thunder Island, in that palace of endless air currents.

A golden-robed Chaos City Lord was standing in front of the palace, overlooking the vast Thunder Island below, Thunder Island palace seat, living in the Virtual Universe company’s countless immortal deities, the bottom of the survival of the immortal, in the huge Thunder Island in the center of a mountain range, the waist of a palace inhabited by a cosmic venerable, and the top of the mountain inhabited by the universe is the Lord of the Universe, the top of the mountain is completely shrouded by the endless air currents, the bottom of the how to be invisible. The top of the mountain is completely shrouded by endless air currents, making it invisible from below.

The Chaos City Lord’s palace was at the highest point.

From the height of the palace, one could see the entire Thunder Island at a glance, as well as the suspended Rain Phase Mountain in the distance, and could even see the scenes of the core disciples on Rain Phase Mountain practicing hard and listening to the lectures of the strongest people.

“I also don’t know if this disciple of mine will be able to obtain a branch and a half leaf of the World Tree peacefully this time.” The Chaos City Lord whispered to himself, “Wanting to choose the World Tree as his third branch, he does have a big enough heart, but which one who can become a super existence doesn’t have a big heart?”

“Although it’s more dangerous, but he at least has the ability to be gifted with the ability to split, so he’s not worried about perishing.”

“The Nine Septic Time and Space ……”

“I have not even been there, that is the territory of the Ancestral God Sect, a lot of heavy land is simply prohibited for our six major groups to go, his treasure, only allowed to his Ancestral God Sect of the strong to get their hands on.” The Chaos City Lord said, like the Nine Sepulchral Time and Space was not small in reputation, it seemed dangerous, but it was not considered dangerous to the Giant Axe Founders.

The Giant Axe Founders could completely go and get all of the Nine Spectral Time and Space treasures in one pot.

In that case, the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect would definitely be furious!

The Ancestral Mysterious Realm was their territory, and many special beings had long belonged to the Ancestral God Sect, like many treasures, etc. The three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect could have gotten rid of all of them, but they didn’t do it because they wanted to cultivate their future generations of disciples. After all, those treasures are of little use to themselves.

Those inheritors were cultivated by the Ancestral God Sect, and some of those who received special encounters would be absorbed as peripheral members in the future. They were also considered the Ancestral God Sect’s fighters. As for the six peak clans, as well as the Star Beast Alliance, Northern Border Alliance and other forces wanting to come in, dream on!

“Luo Feng, it’s up to you.”

“It takes strength, brains, and luck.”

“It’s up to your inner world to nurture that world tree split.” The Chaos City Lord knew very well that in just this month or two, there would be a result.

As for whether Luo Feng’s inner world could nurture the world tree bilocation, he wasn’t sure.

Because the limit of the Golden Horned Beast’s internal world breeding was ten times a hundred times that of the Golden Horned Beast itself, roughly this range.

And that Boundary Master level World Tree …… is going to be two levels worse than the strongest World Tree level, so maybe it just happens to be the breeding limit of the world within the body.


“It depends on whether or not he has the life to breed a World Tree doppelganger.” There was a hint of anticipation in the Chaos City Lord’s eyes.

Luo Feng was advancing carefully, avoiding all dangerous places, even if he found that there might be treasures in some places, he didn’t go, his goal was the world tree in the “nine ghosts space-time”, Luo Feng didn’t want to cause trouble, in the ancestor mystic realm, treasures represented danger! In the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, treasures represent danger!


Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and broke through the air, the large detectors and micro detectors were maintaining detection. In some safe areas it was a rapid instantaneous movement.

0.8 light years away from Luo Feng.

A vast void, no celestial bodies existed.

With his flight and instantaneous transportation, Luo Feng arrived here an hour later.

“The information describes that there are some lurking dangers in this void that is around 10 light years in diameter.” Luo Feng looked at the endless void in front of him, “But it can’t be helped, according to the information I’ve gathered, the route I’m taking now should be the safest one. Even if it’s even safer, I still have to pass through 12 more dangerous regions before I can arrive at the Nine Sepulchral Spacetime.”

Trying to reach the Nine Spectral Time and Space and make an absolutely safe route? It was impossible.

After all, Luo Feng was too weak, many places weren’t dangerous for universe honors, but they were dangerous for him, this void was like that, universe honors could fly straight through, or they could just instantly move through this area. Luo Feng’s transient limit was only about 1 light year, he couldn’t cross over.

“Be careful and cautious.” Luo Feng cast open world projection to more carefully detect the danger.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Each time, he instantly moved within the range of the world projection, a single instant was tens of millions of kilometers, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of instantaneous transitions passed.

Tens of millions of kilometers of short distance transient, one breath of transient nearly 1 light year before Luo Feng stopped to rest.

“This kind of short distance transient, it’s really-” Luo Feng shook his head, in front of him was still an endless void, one couldn’t see the end at a glance.

“Buzz ……”

Out of nowhere, without warning.

A spatial vortex roughly tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter appeared around Luo Feng, the powerful spatial vortex formed an oppressive force that made Luo Feng feel as if he was a small fishing boat encountering a hurricane on the sea, he couldn’t break free at all.

“Wuicide feather.” Luo Feng’s wings quickly unfolded, driving this Wu-Slaying Feather, with today’s law perception, originally this complex Wu-Slaying Feather was countless silk threads, when in the extraterritorial battlefield Luo Feng could only drive the most superficial layer of Wu-Slaying Feather changes, belonging to the first form.

At this time, as Luo Feng drove more law threads, Wusenslayer Feather Wing even snort! Snort! Snort! All the edges of the feathers actually lengthened, thinned, and turned golden. Before, the feathers were like ordinary feathers, just sharp edges. But at this moment, the feathers were thin, long, and sharp, as if a thin battle knife was arranged.

The silver-colored feathers and the edges of the feathers were golden.


With a mere swing of the Wu Slayer feathered wings, the countless feathered battle blades on the edge of that feathered wing cut through space, directly forming a terrifying spatial turbulence under the pull of the spatial power of the Wu Slayer feathered wings.

“Break for me.” Luo Feng who was caught in the spatial vortex, struggled hard, the spatial vortex was completely isolated from the outside world, not even instantaneous movement could be done, Luo Feng could only rely on the Wu Slayer Feathered Wings to destroy this spatial vortex.


In just two seconds, the spatial vortex dissipated like smoke.

Luo Feng let out a sigh of relief, but when he looked around, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

“This, where is this?”

Surrounding is a piece of earth, on the earth there are all sorts of flowers, plants and trees, colorful, the fragrance of flowers wafting, in the distance is obscured by a mountain range. As for the high altitude of this land, it was covered by a green-colored air current.

“Look at the universe coordinates.” Luo Feng checked the coordinates and then realized in shock, “I, I’m actually 300 light years away from the void area just now?”

“That spatial vortex, it’s a natural passageway?” Luo Feng frowned as he looked around.

He encountered that space vortex that was born out of thin air, but it ruined his plan, fortunately, looking at the cosmic coordinates, this place is closer to the “nine ghosts space and time”, so as long as he goes out, he will be able to arrive at the nine ghosts space and time within 10 days.

“Where is this place? In the intelligence I’ve gathered …… there’s no description of this place.” Luo Feng looked around, his eyes were full of vigilance, an unknown place, and still the kind of spatial vortex naturally born out of thin air came from this, I’m afraid that this unknown area is definitely not ordinary, the probability of crisis lurking is extremely high.

Large detectors, micro detectors all began to detect.

“The spatial fluctuations here are isolated from the outside world, it seems to be isolated by that green airflow layer, I can’t feel the spatial fluctuations outside the green airflow layer.” Luo Feng looked up at the sky above, he wasn’t surprised, environments that could isolate transients were more common in the universe secret realm, “There’s trouble.”

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