Chapter 37 – Lord of the Nine Sephiroths

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:43:18
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At the highest point of the Virtual Universe’s Thunderclap Island, outside that palace in the endless air currents, Luo Feng appeared out of thin air.

“Things are beyond my control.” Luo Feng stood outside the palace door, frowning in thought, “If I don’t end up escaping in that side of heaven and earth and get killed, all my supreme treasures will be taken away. Then it will be hard to get it back at that time.”

“Luo Feng.” A voice rang out.

Luo Feng was stunned and turned his head violently.

Only to see that outside the palace, close to the edge of that cliff was standing the golden robed figure, it was none other than the Chaos City Lord, the Chaos City Lord was overlooking the Thunder Island below.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng even walked over and bowed respectfully.

“You came to see me and are hesitant to enter outside the door, what’s the matter?” Chaos city lord turned his head to look at Luo Feng with a smile on his face, “You said to me before that you were going to go to that nine ghosts space and time to look for the branches and leaves of the world tree to conceive your third bilocation, is it hard to believe that …… there’s been a change of heart?”

Luo Feng respectfully said, “The branches and leaves of the world tree, disciple is following the plan, I believe there’s hope to get it, it’s just that my earthling essence has gone awry.”

“Hmm?” Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng.

“My earthling principal was hidden on the safest deserted stone island in the nine ghosts space and time, I didn’t expect that another group of inheritors of my ancestor god sect had arrived there and among them was the vedic mirror king, that vedic mirror king is famous for tracking and probing, so naturally he found me. And he also eyed my supreme treasure, so he went after me.” Luo Feng said.

“Barking mirror king?” Chaos city lord was surprised, “If he laid his hands on you, how could you escape, or is it that the supreme treasure has already fallen into his hands?”


Luo Feng shook his head, “Disciple escaped.”

“You escaped?” Chaos city lord was suspicious, “Although he’s an immortal, he possesses universe honored strength, especially with his gifted secret attack.”

“Disciple also has a supreme treasure, designed to protect the soul.” Luo Feng said.

“A supreme treasure?” Chaos city lord couldn’t help but be taken aback as well, based on Luo Feng’s battle scenes time and time again before, he deduced that Luo Feng’s that idea weapon should belong to a supreme treasure, he didn’t expect that there would be a third supreme treasure and it was a supreme treasure to protect the soul, this made chaos city lord couldn’t help but ask after him, “Luo Feng, how many supreme treasures do you have?”

Luo Feng was a bit embarrassed, “Three pieces, the Wu Slaying Feather, the Nimble Arms, and the Soul Protecting Supreme Treasure, just three pieces.”

“Just three pieces? Still just three pieces, master me back when I was a sector lord, but I only had one supreme treasure in my possession.” Chaos city lord couldn’t help but say, “It seems like your chance is really not small.”

Luo Feng’s heart was a little apprehensive.

If the teacher asked after him where he obtained the other two supreme treasures, what should he say?

“Even if you have a supreme treasure to protect your soul, can he Universe Exalted strength, he won’t let you escape.” Chaos city lord asked.

Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief, the teacher didn’t ask about the origin of the two supreme treasures, otherwise he would have had to make up a lie, after all, the “star tower” is the biggest secret, like the star map, the wuxia plume, and other such supreme treasures, many cosmic lords don’t give a damn about them, and give them to the strongest within the community.

Supreme treasures like the Skywolf Palace were enough to make the Masters of the Universe red in the eyes.

The Thousand Treasure River was a first-class treasure that was enough to make the Masters of the Universe go crazy.

As for the highest “Star Tower”, it was enough to make countless communities go crazy, and the strongest people in the universe desperately wanted to get it. The “Lake of Colorful Aurora”, which is the same as the “Lake of Colorful Aurora”, is the most important treasure of the first power in the universe! Protect the base camp of the fundamental!

Luo Feng is very clear …… Star Tower secret, before he can fully control absolutely can not be exposed, otherwise he again big background, can not stop the madness of the strong.

“It’s true that disciple can’t escape according to reason, but because he is chasing me, it’s in that nine ghosts time and space.” Luo Feng said, “At the time of crisis, I found the nine ghost vortex, disciple thought to myself, if the supreme treasure falls in the hands of that vedic mirror king, I’m afraid that it will be hard to get it back, although the nine ghost vortex is known for its ferocity, at least disciple didn’t die right away, so with a heart of gold, I rushed straight into the nine ghost vortex.”

“The Nine Pantheon Vortex is somewhat similar to a wormhole.”

“The disciple came directly into a side world.” Luo Feng respectfully said, “There was a group of special beings living there, all stout and tall, with blood red bodies and also blood red curved horns. Where disciple showed up, there just happened to be hundreds of immortal foreigners stationed there, disciple escaped only by a fluke, but it is estimated that, there will be stronger people to come and hunt …… down, and in that side of the world and can’t instantly move and can’t teleport by divine kingdom, can only wait to be hunted down, all disciple can do is to try to stall for time, after all, that side of the world is still very big. ”

The Chaos City Lord nodded slightly after hearing this.

“You did the right thing, that Barking Mirror King is from the Northern Border Alliance, the Northern Border Alliance has always been very arrogant, when something reaches them, they can’t get it back.” Chaos City Lord said.

Luo Feng was scared and broke into a cold sweat.

The tower bead, it involves a great deal, even though the barking mirror king doesn’t necessarily recognize it even if he gets it, but the star tower recognizes that it is the tower bead that is integrated into the soul, so naturally, he can’t afford to lose it.

“What should disciple do now?” Luo Feng looked at the Chaos City Lord.

“Hahaha, now you know to come begging.”

Chaos city lord had a smile on his face, “Ancestral mystic realm, I have not been there and know very little. But some of the most terrifying existences in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, the super existences that traverse the universe, I do know a few of them!”

“Let me ask you, where are the cosmic coordinates of that side of the world?” Chaos City Lord asked.

“Just below the Sea of Nine Specters.” Luo Feng said.


Chaos city lord nodded, “My guess was right, you’re in that side of the world now, I can only vaguely feel the tokens that were left at your place, and it’s obvious that you’ve been subjected to that side of the world dry judea, those who are able to do this are only so many if you look at the entire universe.”

Luo Feng was taken aback, this was a life preserver given to him by his teacher, to ask for help from him at critical moments.

“I’ve never been to the Nine Specters time and space, but I know …… the true lord of the Nine Specters time and space, named ‘Lord of the Nine Specters’.” The Chaos City Lord said, “And the side of the world you are in is the lair of the Lord of the Nine Sephiroths.”

“The Lord of the Nine Humors?” Luo Feng blinked his eyes.

“That’s a bit of a universe lord.” Chaos City Lord said, “Of course you don’t equate him to some existences like the Lord of the Skywolf …… This Lord of the Nine Humors, in terms of might, is no less than me.”

Luo Feng was secretly shocked to hear this.

No less than a teacher? Chaos city lord but he had three great doppelgangers, each of them were heaven defying. The Lord of the Nine Sephiroths was even comparable to a teacher.

“This lord of the nine ghosts is invincible across the universe.” Chaos City Lord said, “Even that Ancestral God Cult is polite to him, the three great Ancestral Gods …… also have quite a friendship with that Lord of the Nine Specters, a lot of things that they are not good at stepping in and the Beast Gods can’t solve, they will usually ask the Lord of the Nine Specters to step in.”

Luo Feng listened carefully.

“The Lord of the Nine Specters is powerful, especially in the Nine Specters time and space.” Chaos city lord said, “That nine ghosts space-time is his territory.”

“In the Nine Specters Time and Space …… the Lord of the Nine Specters is invincible, and no one in the universe can do anything about him.” Chaos City Lord said.

“Ah.” Luo Feng blinked his eyes.

There was no need for teacher to lie to himself.

That’s right.

It was said that the Chaos City Lord was invincible in that initial universe, this Nine Specters Lord was also invincible in the Nine Specters time and space.

“In the Nine Sepulchral Spaces and Times, he was able to utilize his greatest power.” The Chaos City Lord lamented, “Whether it’s the strongest World Tree that you know of, or any other Universe Lord combatant, as long as they are in the Nine Sepulchre Space-Time, they are all subordinates of the Nine Sepulchre Lord. That’s why other super existences in the universe are unwilling to go there.”

“It’s easy to suffer losses when you go to the Nine Specters Time and Space.” Chaos City Lord said, “I’m not willing to go there either, only some Immortals and Cosmic Exalts will go there to wander around and get some treasures, just how many true Cosmic Lords would dare to go there? The lord of the nine ghosts is a ruthless guy, it’s hard to exterminate a universe lord in other places, but in his nine ghosts time and space, it’s not hard to exterminate a universe lord.”

Luo Feng secretly trembled.

I didn’t expect it, I didn’t realize that there was such a super lord hidden behind this nine ghosts time and space! What the inheritors of history had explored was just the surface skin, and rightly so, the inheritors were not qualified to make that super being appear.

“Invincible.” Luo Feng also had a desire in his heart, “Teacher is invincible in the initial universe, this Lord of the Nine Sephiroths is invincible in the ‘Nine Sephiroths of space and time’, will I be able to make it in the future ……, and no one will be able to defeat me when I look at the universe? ”

Whoever said that there are conditions that limit it.

Must be limited to a certain place is invincible can already make Luo Feng greedy, is equal to as long as a detachment is placed in that place, will never die.

Chaos city lord said, “The lord of the nine ghosts, is comparable to me in strength and has teamed up with me many times, and he also owes me a favor.”

“Owe a favor?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“If you are really in danger, you really can’t escape.” Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng, “You then directly shout ‘Lord of the nine ghosts, I’m a disciple of chaos!’ That lord of the nine ghosts is in complete control of the nine ghosts time and space, any little movement in the nine ghosts time and space he can’t hide it from him, once you shout, he will naturally know, even if you’re in danger …… once he intervenes, you’re bound to be fine.”

Luo Feng heard and understood.

“But …… if you can not use favors, you don’t have to use favors.” Chaos City Lord said, “There’s really nothing else to do, then use it.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded, his heart was touched.

Favor debts were the hardest to repay!

How rare it was for an existence such as the Lord of the Nine Sephiroths to owe a favor. How valuable was it? It was definitely no less than the value of a supreme treasure.

“If you do ask, you can also make some demands with him, and this favor can’t be allowed to be paid back so easily.” The Chaos City Lord said, “For example, if you directly say to him that you want a small thing like the branches and leaves of that Boundary Lord level World Tree ……, he will agree.”

“Disciple understands.” Luo Feng nodded solemnly.

He still had a hope of escaping with the Demon Slayer clan detachment, he definitely didn’t need to drop this favor without being pushed into a truly desperate situation.

“Go.” Chaos city lord smiled.

“Yes.” Luo Feng respectfully saluted, then disappeared into thin air.

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