Chapter 40: The Siege

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:43:26
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In the territory controlled by that imperial highness, a large number of immortal warriors and sector lord warriors were scattered and spread all over the place searching for Luo Feng like a net.

So even if His Imperial Highness ordered to go and round up now, it would take a long time to rush there from all areas centrally.


“This army is probably scattered and dispersed in many places, if they want to merge and encircle me, it’s probably going to take quite a bit of time.” Luo Feng cast open his Wu Slayer Feather Wings, transforming into a silver light, breaking through the air and flying rapidly, “I must take this time to try to pull away, I mustn’t get caught in the encirclement.”

A large number of indigenous warriors came from all directions to converge, while Luo Feng was desperately trying to escape from the heavenly net.

On the second day, Luo Feng encountered three indigenous warriors in a row – two immortals and one sector lord.

“Boom!” Luo Feng’s Nian force directly drilled into that indigenous realm lord warrior and only found a crystal diamond in his body.

“Energy beings, similar to the Demon Slayers detachment, all soul type attacks are ineffective.” Luo Feng glanced at that indigenous realm lord warrior, knowing that he couldn’t control it, he didn’t bother to kill it, he continued to spread his wings and fled far away.

That indigenous realm lord warrior was a bit bewildered: “He didn’t kill me?”

“I found the foreign race, I found the foreign race.” The Indigenous Realm Lord Warrior immediately followed and immediately reported the news through the virtual world.

Three indigenous warriors were encountered on the second day.

The third day encountered twelve indigenous warriors.

The fourth day encountered 21 indigenous warriors.

The fifth day encountered a full 52 indigenous warriors.

As time passed, the indigenous warriors that were originally scattered all over the place apparently continued to converge, and the density of indigenous warriors in the large area around Luo Feng’s center began to rise! This made Luo Feng feel more and more in crisis …… But he couldn’t do anything about it, it was obvious that the enemy was in control of his whereabouts.

The weird thing was-

On the 6th day, only 1 indigenous warrior was encountered.

On the 7th day, also only 1 indigenous warrior was encountered.

From the eighth to the twelfth day, every day, he also only encountered 1 indigenous warrior.

“Not good.”

“Some days ago, those natives were controlling my whereabouts, and the siege was getting stronger and stronger once there were 11 indigenous immortal warriors joining hands to surround and kill me. But now they suddenly disappeared all of a sudden?” Luo Feng felt a stormy feeling, he was like a turtle in a jar, always struggling.

But this time, I’m afraid it’s really troublesome.

Over the rolling mountains.

The noble and elegant prince, as well as the two Cosmic Exalted under his command, were standing in mid-air.

“I didn’t expect this alien immortal to have such a great ability to escape.” His Royal Highness smiled, “Sending a joint siege of my race’s immortal warriors couldn’t even stop him at all. It seems that the only way to deal with him is to use the same means used to deal with the Cosmic Exalted level alien race.”

“Your Imperial Highness, the entire large encirclement has almost been formed now, and the nine generals, too, are all in place.” The lean Universe Exalted respectfully said, “As long as Your Imperial Highness gives the order, the army can immediately carry out the final closing action. That foreign race, has no hope of escaping.”

“Don’t rush, wait, wait for me to rush there.” His Royal Highness smiled, “I’m curious that an alien race immortal can be so powerful. It’s too bad to let the generals strike him down, I’ll strike him down myself.”

“Yes, Your Imperial Highness.”

The two Cosmic Exalted both respectfully answered the order.

“Go, rush over.” His Imperial Highness ordered.


The three of them flew directly towards that large encirclement.

Even His Highness the Imperial Prince didn’t have many Cosmic Exalted under his command, and deploying nine generals was already his limit. Fortunately, the entire Peerless World was incomparably safe, so he was able to arrange for all the generals under his command to be transferred there.

“These indigenous warriors must be gathering, most likely forming a large encirclement.” Luo Feng was on the swampy ground, his brows frowning slightly, “It’s likely multiple large encirclement circles, once I escape from one encirclement circle, the other indigenous warriors will naturally close in towards me, a heavy encirclement circle will continue to close in, there’s even likely a Universe Exalted amongst them leading the group.”

Universe honored one level natives, Luo Feng had seen them before.

The Barking Mirror King who killed them could only run for his life.

“If I meet a universe honored alien, it’s over.” Luo Feng frowned slightly, “Execute the split plan.”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Granny! Whoosh!

Nine figures appeared out of thin air around Luo Feng, all of them foreigners.

“Master of masters.” The alien slaves all bowed respectfully.

“Change into my likeness.” Luo Feng ordered.


These foreign race slave deities, each of their godly bodies changed, and soon each of them turned into Luo Feng’s appearance, just with a completely different aura.

Immortal deities could already change, it was just that if their body shape changed too much, it would have an effect on their strength. But obviously Luo Feng doesn’t care about this point …… As for the so called breath, there are only so many of those indigenous warriors who have actually seen Luo Feng, and the entire indigenous army, I’m afraid it’s very difficult to recognize the fake ones.

“Listen to my orders.” Luo Feng immediately passed down orders.

“You’re number 1, he’s number 2. You two move first.” Luo Feng immediately started arranging in detail.

Among the slaves under his control, there were slaves and slaves, especially a bunch of ordinary immortal and feudal lord level ones. Wasting nine of them at random, Luo Feng really didn’t care.

“Yes.” Minion #1 and #2 respectfully answered the order before turning into two streams of light and quickly flying away.

With the nine disguised Luo Fengs, Luo Feng began to deliberately lure the natives and change their encirclement settings.

Right in the middle of the execution, Luo Feng suddenly received a text message from the glory world, the content of the text message was very simple, one sentence – “True Diffusion Exalted One and the Northern Border Alliance are fighting!”

This caused Luo Feng to jump in shock.

“True Diffusion Exalted? Teacher has become a universe venerable?”

“Fighting with the Northern Border Alliance, why is teacher fighting with the Northern Border Alliance again?” Luo Feng’s first moment, the Barking Mirror King quickly surfaced in his mind, and then not caring about anything else, although he was executing his escape plan, but the escape plan was estimated to take two or three days, Luo Feng still separated a sliver of his consciousness to connect to the glory world.

Glory world open square.

As soon as Luo Feng appeared, he didn’t care about arousing the ideas of other inheritors and immediately came to where the Hong alliance group gathered.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng even sat down and looked at King Charman, King Li Shuo, and King Qian Yu.

“The fight is on, the fight is crazy.” Thousand Rain King even said excitedly.

“True Diffusion Exalted One is just too powerful.” King Charman couldn’t help but marvel, “Back then, he broke out into the Seal King Invincible Prestige, and after being silent for hundreds of millions of years, he exploded this time, so he’s truly awesome.”

“Awesome, awesome.” King Li Shuo also said.

“Quickly say, quickly say what’s going on.” Luo Feng was confused, “True Diffusion King became an honored one? And what’s going on with the Northern Border Alliance?”

All three of them glanced at Luo Feng.

It had long been rumored that Luo Feng was the Blade River King …… If the rumors were true, then it wouldn’t be strange for the Blade River King to be so concerned about the True Diffusion Venerable.

“True Diffusion King became an honored one just a dozen days ago.” King Charman even said, “Then he left Zijing Island, and we don’t know where he went, but now it seems that he went to the Nine Sepulchral Timelessness!”

“Nine ghosts time and space?” Luo Feng’s heart stirred.

“Well, just today, he and the Barking Mirror King killed each other on the Desolate Stone Island in the Nine Septic Space-Time.” King Charman said excitedly, next to him, King Qian Yu also interjected, “True Diffusion reverend actually defeated the Vedic Mirror King, you didn’t expect it, did you? Even that Vedic Mirror King was killed with no way to escape and almost directly perished, at the critical moment he summoned a strong person from their Northern Border Alliance who was also in the Ancestral God Cult to come, it was called Venerable Wan Feng.”

“Venerable Wan Feng, is a peripheral member of the Ancestral God Sect, extremely strong.” King Li Shuo said.

“It’s him?” Luo Feng was shocked.

A peripheral member of the Ancestral God Cult, aside from being a candidate god envoy or candidate god general, was someone who had reached an extremely high level of the beast god inheritance (or at least had fully received the fifth inheritance)!

That Xiluoduo, that is, fully accepting the sixth level, was a Cosmic Overlord.

This Wan Feng Exalted One …… was not considered a Cosmic Overlord, but it was close.

“And then?” Luo Feng and other Zhang Lian pursued.

“Venerable Zhen Yan was incomparably strong, after killing the Barking Mirror King who almost perished, he fought another battle with Venerable Wan Feng! However, Venerable Wan Feng was worthy of being able to become a peripheral member of the Ancestral God Sect, Venerable True Diffraction was no match, and then under desperation he actually escaped with his life from Venerable Wan Feng and fled back to Zijing Island.” King Charman said excitedly.

“Escaped back?” Luo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hm.” King Charman nodded his head repeatedly, “Back when Venerable True Diffusion was still a sealed king, he fought against a cosmic venerable when he was still out there, and he was able to escape with his life back then. His ability to escape for his life is indeed very strong. I heard that the Vedic Mirror King was not even close to the True Diffusion Exalted One in terms of speed, so he couldn’t even escape, and was chased and killed by the True Diffusion Exalted One……. If the Wan Feng Exalted One had been a little late, I’m afraid that he would have perished.”

Luo Feng secretly marveled.


This teacher of his own had been unassuming, hidden in Chaos City for billions of years, stuck in the final step. I didn’t expect that after becoming a universe venerable, he would explode at a speed faster than the speed of the Barking Mirror King! And it was this strong!

“That’s awesome, teacher was able to resist the Barking Mirror King’s gifted secret method attack.” Luo Feng was also excited by this.

Regarding this battle, Luo Feng was full of excitement and curiosity, even contacting his teacher through the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, an exclusive dimensional space.

Every universe reverend of the human race could be assigned a dimensional space in the virtual universe.

It was a suspended golden mountain range.

Under the mountain range, there were sky-high flames that burned the entire mountain range at all times, but in the middle of the mountain range, there were countless black plants entwined, which grew tenaciously despite the flames. At the top of this golden mountain range, there was dusty cold ice, and ice and snow covered the entire surface of the mountain peak.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng appeared out of thin air and immediately called out with a smile.

Venerable Zhen Yan was sitting there in his golden armor, drinking freely.

“Hahaha, come come come, disciple, drink with me, it hurts, it hurts.” Venerable Zhen Yan even summoned Luo Feng.

Luo Feng didn’t talk nonsense, he directly walked to accompany his teacher to drink.

“Disciple, do you know why I’m so sore?” Venerable Zhen Yan looked at Luo Feng.

“Why?” Luo Feng was curious, “Is it the pain of the fight?”

“Beating the Barking Mirror King was everything I expected, it was like beating a dog, and I was seriously injured by that Venerable Wan Feng who killed me, my god body burned down to only 46%, I’m painfully happy my ass!” Venerable True Diffusion gritted his teeth.

“Then why is teacher so painfully happy?” Luo Feng was curious.

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