Chapter 44.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:43:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

As His Royal Highness gave the order, the huge encirclement began to shrink.

The entire encirclement was 30 billion kilometers in diameter, involving hundreds of millions of indigenous warriors, the ratio of realm lord warriors to immortal warriors was about 1000:1, those realm lord warriors might not be able to stop Luo Feng, but as an “eye line” it was enough.

Such a big encirclement, even if you fly at sub-light speed, it would take two to three days to travel through the entire encirclement.

The encirclement is divided into nine layers.

Inside the eight layers …… are all sector master level warriors.

The outermost layer was only immortal warriors as well as Universe Exalted Generals!

“That foreign race definitely can’t escape.”

“He’s already caught inside the encirclement, being captured and killed is the only ending.” The Realm Lord warriors were tens of thousands of kilometers away from each other and began to advance rapidly, their “world power” was directly released to stir up the power of the Nine Netherworld, sweeping across a large area, so that no alien race could escape detection.

The encirclement circle was shrinking, constantly advancing.

After about three hours.

“Foreign race! It’s an alien race!!!” A rapidly flying Realm Lord warrior jerked to a halt, looking down on the earth below while intelligence was quickly reported.

Tearing ……

That dry earth violently tore apart, and a silver-armored, silver-winged figure quickly rose up into the sky, emitting a powerful aura at an extremely fast speed.

“Chase.” This Realm Lord warrior desperately chased after it, but the difference in strength was too great.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of Realm Lord warriors returned from all directions.

However, they could only watch as the silver-armored, silver-winged figure charged towards the outside of the encirclement.

“There’s no escape, we’re only the innermost layer of the encirclement, the encirclement is a full nine layers.” These Realm Lord warriors all began to retreat back to their positions.

At this moment-

The entire northern part of the encirclement stopped advancing, and the Realm Lord warriors on the second, third, fourth …… and eighth layers all began to go to the encirclement.

“Shoo!” The silver-armored, silver-winged figures kept flickering and escaping, quickly ditching those Realm Lord warriors.

“Fleeing is fast.”

“This foreign race is really fast.” In the outermost ninth layer, the immortal warriors had long since begun to gather, in fact, the previous eight layers of Realm Lord warriors had gone to encircle and chase, in fact, they wanted to determine the exact coordinates of that foreign race …… so that the powerhouses in the outermost ninth layer could gather ahead of time, and gather at the key location ahead of time.

From the first layer to the ninth layer, the silver-armored, silver-winged figure had flown for nearly 30 minutes.

“He has crossed the eighth layer and is about to arrive.”

“Everyone must be careful, this alien race is very fast, according to earlier intelligence, even the strength of our race’s captain cannot catch up with him, so one-on-one is absolutely not an option. Our various detachments rely on siege, joint siege, and rely on attacks to stop him.” The nearly as many Immortal Warriors that had gathered were divided into three large teams, already building up their momentum.

Thirty minutes was enough for the immortal warriors to fly a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

That was why all the immortal warriors within hundreds of millions of kilometers had converged here! There were nearly 800 immortal warriors in total.

In another part of the encirclement, His Royal Highness was there.

“I didn’t expect him to escape in that direction.” His Imperial Highness shook his head, “It’s a pity that we couldn’t fight him in the first place. I hope that he is stronger and can withstand the first wave of attacks under the siege of 800 immortal warriors of my race, surviving 20% or 30% of his divine body and saving a life. Then I’ll be able to meet this foreign race in person.”

“Your Imperial Highness, that foreign race is quite extraordinary, under a siege of 800 warriors of my race, although they definitely won’t be able to escape, they should have no problem preserving their lives.” The lean Cosmic Exalted next to him respectfully said.

“Start making your move.” His Imperial Highness’ eyes lit up, and he could see everything clearly through the virtual world synchronized transmission.

Three brigades.

A total of nearly 800 immortal warriors.

“An alien race has appeared, the Nine Specters are combining their attacks!” The highest status authority among these nearly 800 immortal warriors immediately gave the order, and all the immortal warriors simultaneously raised their thick right arm that looked like a twisted vine, and their mouths simultaneously let out an “ow” roar, followed by their arms immediately burning, and a blood-red glow of divine power appeared.

Buzz ……

The blood-colored airflow in this side of the world was completely triggered, and it crazily converged towards each immortal warrior.

Every immortal warrior’s right arm appeared above the blurred blood-colored knife shadow airflow, and above the more than 200 immortal warriors, such as multiple blood-colored knife shadow airflow directly attracted convergence, transformed into a huge “blood knife”.

Three Immortal Warrior Teams, each with a huge blood knife coalescing in the sky, that blood knife also crazily attracted the blood-colored airflow between the sky and the earth, causing the power to continuously expand until it reached the limit of what these Immortal Warriors could control themselves.

“Shoo!” As soon as the silver-armored and silver-winged figures appeared, they fled in panic when they saw the Immortal Warriors in the distance.

Nay, in the other two directions, there was also an Immortal Warrior Team in each direction.

Other than retreating …… he had no way to escape!

“Attack!” An order was given.

Three battle teams in three directions, nearly 800 immortal warriors swung out their right arms in unison at the same time!


Huge blood daggers immediately broke through the air and flew out, and wherever the blood daggers passed, they were unstoppable.

The three gigantic blood knives simultaneously strangled at the silver-armored, silver-winged figure, and the silver-armored, silver-winged figure’s breath rushed to the sky as it desperately tried to flee, but how could it match the speed of the blood knives?


The blood daggers flew hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and when they came close, the three huge blood daggers exploded at the same time!

The majestic and terrifying power was as if a super powerhouse was blowing itself up next to it, the endless might instantly swept through the silver-armored, silver-winged figure, “Ah!” A mournful howl of pain resounded through the sky, the silver-armored silver-winged figure under this might, directly annihilated into nothingness, completely disappeared.

“The foreign race immortal is dead!” Nearly 800 immortal warriors swiftly flew in, their divine power sweeping through, “Only an ordinary immortal’s weapon and a world ring remain!”

His Imperial Highness was the one who got the news immediately.

“Dead?” His Royal Highness was surprised, he heard that the speed of that foreign race immortal could surpass his side’s “captain level immortal warrior”, and decided that the other party was not ordinary, because within the Nine Sepulchral World …… the native race was enhanced, while the foreign race was suppressed.

“Your Imperial Highness, the Nine Sepulchral Combination, the immortal warriors are just a trigger, the trigger is the power of our side of the world, and it’s not strange to kill that foreign race. If there are enough immortal warriors, and the power of the world on our side that is triggered is strong enough, killing a Cosmic Exalted is possible.” The burly Cosmic Exalted next to him said respectfully.

His Imperial Highness, however, ordered through the virtual world, “Check that world ring.”

A few moments later, a report was received.

The world ring …… didn’t have much treasure, just some items from ordinary immortals, and to His Imperial Highness, it was just some rags.

“Fake, that dead alien race is definitely fake.” His Imperial Highness shook his head, “To be able to be faster than my clan’s captain-level immortal warrior, he must be extraordinary in the outside world, how could he have just this much stuff.”

“Maybe he’s just good at escaping talent.” The lean Cosmic Exalt said.

“Let’s sweep through it first.” His Imperial Highness said, while starting to give orders through the virtual world.

“All immortal warriors return to their positions!” His Imperial Highness gave the order, “The encirclement continues to contract.”

The 800 Immortal Warriors contracted and returned, previously, their gathering took nearly 30 minutes, and this returning to their original position once again also took nearly 30 minutes.

One by one, because of this silver-armored, silver-winged figure, an hour had already been wasted.

Another two hours later.

“Alien race discovered, alien race discovered!” The news spread out.

“What, another alien race?”

“Didn’t the foreign race die?”

While His Royal Highness, who was controlling the entire encirclement, received the news, he laughed out loud, “I knew it, that alien race is not to be underestimated, now it seems that what he used before must have been an Immortal Slave, allowing the Immortal Slave to change into his likeness and purposely lure us in.”

“Your Highness, what do we do now? This second appearance of an alien race …… isn’t necessarily him.” Both Cosmic Exalted looked at His Imperial Highness, although both of them had some thoughts, His Imperial Highness had an unrivaled status, no matter if it was right or wrong, they generally listened to His Imperial Highness.

“Continue with the original plan, every foreign race that appears must be treated with caution.” His Imperial Highness confidently said, “If we are careless and escape one. Perhaps the one that escapes is the alien race we are trying to capture.”

“But then, the encirclement contraction will be slow.”

“Rather than slowing down a bit, we must sweep steadily, sweeping out all the foreign races and not letting one go! This way, that foreign race will definitely not be able to escape.” His Imperial Highness ordered.

Indeed everything was as His Imperial Highness had guessed, that was Luo Feng sending out one slave immortal after another.

Each slave immortal, fleeing recklessly and desperately in the encirclement, attracting a large number of immortal warriors to converge and eventually be exterminated. But every time immortal warriors converge and return to their position …… a short time it takes 1 hour, a long time 2 hours.

In the weeds.

Luo Feng was frowning as he pondered over the entire detailed plan.

“Luckily, several of my servants are soul type masters, they all have tens or even hundreds of slaves, even their slaves.” Luo Feng didn’t care about those slaves, each immortal slave wasn’t really necessarily faster than these indigenous sector masters in terms of speed, but once they burned their divine power and their strength soared a thousand times, each immortal slave was far more than a sector master warrior.

One by one, each Immortal Servant went to get killed.

Constantly stalling for time!

“Hurry, hurry, hurry.” Luo Feng was anxious in his heart, “The slaves I released only caused one side of the encirclement to slow down each time, the other three sides are still advancing.”

“Block all four sides at the same time!”

“One more day of delay will cost nearly a hundred slaves.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Immortal slaves are still very useful, whether it’s used for ‘divine kingdom teleportation’, as bait, etc., it can’t be wasted so crazily.”

Luo Feng tilted his head to look at the sky.

Right above his head in this direction …… deep within that blood colored airflow, the Demon Slayer Clan bilocation was constantly executing the gifted secret technique “domain”, advancing towards the bottom over and over again.

“Quick, now it depends on whether his encirclement shrinks fast or my Demon Slayer Race bilocation rushes in fast.” Luo Feng was anxious, he had planned to let his slaves escape which caused the outermost immortal warriors of the encirclement to gather, then himself took advantage of the sparse defenses in some of its areas to escape from it.

But Luo Feng thought carefully and realized that the probability of success was not high!

Because that encirclement is very skillfully arranged.

Although it is probably a circle, in reality, the nine layers of the encirclement, especially the last layer is actually more similar to a gear, some immortal warriors will be scattered far and wide, and although most immortal warriors will be attracted, there are still a very small number of immortal warriors who act as “sentries”. With their “gear” structure of sentry posts, taking turns to track, it wouldn’t be difficult to keep an eye on Luo Feng for an hour or two.

“This is still good luck, if I was unlucky, and that direction had a Cosmic Exalted there due to the frequent escape of slaves, I’d be screwed.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“The safest way is for the Demon Slayer detachment to come.”

“He’s the best at hiding and escaping.” Luo Feng looked to the sky.

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