Chapter 45: Escape from Life

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:43:39
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In the depths of the sky of this side of the world, where endless blood-colored air currents gathered, it was the forbidden land of the entire Nine Sepulchre World.

Even Universe Exalted could not enter deeply within it.

But it was this forbidden land in which …… whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment was however flickering again and again, constantly advancing towards the bottom.

“Must arrive!”

As the Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment desperately shuttled through the layers of blood-colored air currents of this Nine Sepulchre World, the huge encirclement was still steadily shrinking.

“The 39th, hahaha …… look, I’ve said long ago, this foreign race immortal is extraordinary, this directly can get out so many immortal slaves, can it be an ordinary strong person.” His Imperial Highness wore a smile on his face.

“Your Imperial Highness is wise.”

Both Cosmic Exalted were flattered.

“Immortal slaves escaping in disguise!”

“Or even two immortal slaves, one hiding in the other’s world ring, suddenly appearing to flee while the other perishes and our warriors are slacking off.”

“Or perhaps three immortal slaves, storming different areas of the same defense line before and after.”

“However, with hundreds of millions of warriors under my command, how could he escape.” His Royal Highness was confident.

“That foreign race immortal is merely a final struggle.” The lean Universe Exalt said.

“Soon he will have no way out.” Another Universe Exalted also said.

His Imperial Highness nodded, “Now that the encirclement is only half of what it was before, the number of our warriors is in surplus. Half of the warriors will still follow the previous strategy, and the other half of the warriors …… will start advancing without stopping, regardless of whether they encounter that foreign race or not, they will still advance, I want to sweep through it as fast as I can.”

“In this way, even if that foreign race dispatches their slaves, they won’t be able to slow down the speed of my encirclement advancement.” His Royal Highness’s eyes swept past a hint of sternness.

Both Cosmic Exalted were even in agreement.

Indeed, as the encirclement narrowed, the number of indigenous warriors became abundant.

With the order half of these Sector Lord warriors and Immortal warriors began to drive towards the interior of the encirclement at high speed! Sweeping!

“Not good.”

In the weeds, Luo Feng’s face changed, through the slave immortals dispatched, Luo Feng was clear about some movements of the encirclement.

“Surprisingly, they started to not care about my slaves at all and charged straight in?”

Luo Feng realized with a thought that this was due to the encirclement narrowing down.

“What to do?”

“What now?” Luo Feng was anxious.

Previously, according to Luo Feng’s calculations, there was plenty of time, the question was just whether the number of slave immortals consumed was more or less! But now, the slave immortals were no longer wasting its advancement time, then one was in trouble.

“Quick, quick, quick, come quickly.” Luo Feng tilted his head to look at the endless blood-colored airflow in the sky.

The encirclement circle was now split into an outer encirclement circle and an inner encirclement circle.

The outer encirclement circle remained the same strategy as before.

The inner encirclement circle on the other hand ignored the outer race immortal and just rushed inside, sweeping once clear of all the arrangements of that outer race immortal.

“Charge!” “Charge!” “Charge!”

One slave immortal rushed outwards, easily rushing out of the inner encirclement because there was no one to stop them at all.

One day later.

The tens of millions of warriors in the inner encirclement finally began to converge.

“Your Imperial Highness, we have swept the entire encirclement area.”

“Pass the order, the inner encirclement begins to expand, and the outer encirclement closes in on each other at the same time……. But wherever we encounter any of the foreign races, all of them will be killed.” The prince ordered this time, the entire encirclement was already much smaller, likewise the density of fighters in the large area was also much larger.

Luo Feng was already in an extremely treacherous situation.

“Internal and external encirclement?” Luo Feng gritted his teeth, “Fight it out, fight for the last bit of time, the Demon Slayer detachment is estimated to arrive in 3 hours and 17 minutes, we must fight for this bit of time.”

Although that towering Lord of the Nine Specters owed the Chaos City Lord a favor.

But how important was the favor of the Lord of the Nine Specters?

Luo Feng definitely didn’t use it lightly.

“As long as I can escape the bottom, with the Lord of the Nine Specters’ condescension, he shouldn’t lay a hand on me. I’ve never heard of the Lord of the Nine Sephiroths laying his hands on the inheritors directly.” Luo Feng secretly said, then with a wave of his hand, six more immortal slaves appeared, all respectfully saluting, “Master’s master’s master.” (“Master’s master’s master.”)

“Listen to my orders.” Luo Feng directly gave the order.


The six slaves each turned into Luo Feng’s likeness and quickly flew away according to Luo Feng’s orders.

Luo Feng really went crazy.

The inner and outer encirclement simultaneously encircled and advanced, killing all foreign races. But precisely because of killing all foreign races …… so the onslaught of the foreign races, it causes stagnation in the encirclement advancement. Every stagnation, and then waiting for the immortal warriors to return to their positions, was taking a lot of time. However, along with the distance getting smaller and smaller, the number of warriors getting richer and richer, then with each impact, the stagnation time was extremely short.

“Your Imperial Highness, very soon, the inner and outer encircling circles will soon converge, and that foreign race won’t be able to escape in any way.” Both Cosmic Exalted were looking forward to it.

His Imperial Highness nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

A turtle in a jar?

A final struggle?

That alien race immortal struggled desperately, much to the pleasure of His Imperial Highness.

“He, very much doesn’t want to die, right?” His Imperial Highness said in his heart, “Otherwise, he wouldn’t be struggling so desperately knowing that he was in a desperate situation.

“However, you will eventually fall into my hands.”

“I’ll take a good look at what means you foreigners have in the end.” His Imperial Highness grew more and more expectant, in his long life, his pleasures were still really few and far between.

Luo Feng tilted his head to the sky, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.


A figure high in the sky, like an instantaneous movement, flashing again and again, in the blink of an eye, it had rushed below and stopped, it was precisely that Demon Slayer Clan bilocation.

“Coming.” Luo Feng let out a sigh of relief and quickly entered the world ring of the Demon Slayer clan bilocation.

The devil slayer race bilocation shifted, black air currents surging ……

It directly turned into an indigenous immortal warrior with a blood red body and blood colored horns! Even the “aura” was a copy of one of the hundreds of immortal warriors that had chased Luo Feng when he first came to the Nine Hells World.

“More than a day in a row, casting the talent secret technique hundreds of times every second, my consciousness is going crazy from exhaustion.” The Demon Slaying Indigenous Warrior let out a dark sigh of relief, this day or so, it was just too tiring he hadn’t relaxed for a moment at all, in fact, constantly casting the Talented Secret Technique at such a high frequency like this.

Even universe honored ones, many of their wills couldn’t carry that kind of fatigue.

Luo Feng’s will was very strong, coupled with the desire for life, this was how he caught up.

“Estimated 11 minutes to go, the inner encirclement is about to be the first to arrive at me.” The devil slaying indigenous warrior revealed a smile, “It’s a pity you guys are a step too late.”

The hundreds of millions of indigenous warriors in the inner encirclement and outer encirclement were close enough to begin the final sweeping stranglehold.

High in the sky.

His Royal Highness was suspended high in midair, looking at the endless earth from afar all the warriors naturally bowed in respect when they found His Royal Highness.

“Hahaha the final strangulation is quick, every piece of space, there are my warriors.”

“I’ll see where this foreign race escapes!”

His Royal Highness was unrestrained.

But only 20 minutes had passed.

“Your Imperial Highness the men under my command have searched all over and have not found any powerful alien race.”

“The men under my command didn’t find a powerful foreign race either.”

“…… didn’t send uh ……”

One by one, the generals all quickly reported.

This caused His Imperial Highness to be dumbfounded.

“How could there be none?” His Imperial Highness roared at the nine generals in the virtual world.

All nine generals even reported.

“Your Imperial Highness, during our sweep, we have already killed 83 of the suspicious alien race that tried to escape, and the combined strike of our immortal warriors that invoked the power of the Nine Specters World …… the peak Seal King powerhouses in the outside world were all instantly and destroyed. It’s likely that that alien race immortal has perished in the process.”

“Yes, Your Imperial Highness we had found a recommendation of a suspicious foreign race that was extremely fast and strong, and there were quite a few treasures left behind after he perished, it’s likely that it’s the one we’re looking for.”

“It should be that one.”

When all nine generals reported back, it caused His Imperial Highness to become more and more furious: “No, that’s definitely not the one, the one that the first stationed squad reported back was faster than a captain level immortal warrior! With a speed as fast as that, he is definitely not an ordinary strong person. And up until now, no such foreigner has been found!”

“Find, find it for me.”

“Make sure to find him out.” His Royal Highness roared.



The nine Universe Exalted Generals could only obediently answer the order before His Imperial Highness’s anger.

However, allowing the hundreds of millions of warriors to frantically investigate, they just couldn’t find out.

“Of course you can’t find out, because I am one of your warriors.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s indigenous immortal warrior was leisurely, because under the orders of the incomparably furious Imperial Highness, hundreds of millions of warriors frantically searched and flew in all directions, and he also took the opportunity to fly towards the distance.

Each warrior was responsible for an area.

He was naturally the same.

And so ……

Then he flew far away without looking back.

No matter how much that Royal Highness roared in anger, but hundreds of millions of warriors rummaged around on that large piece of land, but they couldn’t find it. In the end …… His Royal Highness was no longer willing, but could only order all the warriors to go back to their respective places.

The Devil Slayer Race indigenous warriors were not in a hurry to just leave.

“There is a Demon Killing Race detachment, for one thing, hiding the breath and changing identity, they simply can’t find out.”

“Secondly, even if they find out, with the gifted secret method ‘Domain’, even a Cosmic Exalt won’t be able to stop me at all.” No wonder the Demon Slayer Clan was so confident, after all, in the Nine Sepulchre World, Universe Exalted could not instantly move.

Those powerhouses couldn’t instantly move.

On the other hand, the Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelganger was able to utilize the talent “Domain”, so who could catch up with the Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelganger?

“A quiet indigenous city.” Demon killing clan indigenous warriors flew in the sky for a long time, on the way they also met some other traveling indigenous warriors, no one was suspicious of Luo Feng, because …… this nine ghosts world has never encountered trouble.

“This city, it doesn’t even have walls.”

A glance.

The entire outside of the city has a large number of buildings, a lot of blood colored bodies, blood colored curved horns of the natives living, in the entire innermost part of the city has a tall wall, that should be considered, the inner city …… Luo Feng estimated …… that the inner city should be surviving some of the so called positional Higher and stronger people.

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