Chapter 51: Treasure! Treasure!

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:43:56
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Only five hundred years had passed since Luo Feng returned from the Nine Sepulchral Time and Space to dive into cultivation.

Ancestral God Cult, the land of treasures.

The mountain range stretched on without seeing the end of it at a glance, with peaks that were either majestic or treacherous, and large or small lakes between the peaks.

“It’s been a long time since a new treasure appeared, it is said that the land of treasure, hidden countless treasures ……” A foreigner is perched there, the tip of that snake’s tail sweeps casually, rubbing the mountains and rocks behind it cleanly.

“Frequently appearing treasures? That’s even better! No matter how much treasure you have, long years will deplete it.”

“It’s meaningless if the treasure doesn’t come out. When treasure comes out …… that scene is really shocking.” The snake tailed alien’s triangular shaped eyes were full of anticipation, “How expectant, that scene is for me to appear.”

“Haha …… you’ve wandered around the land of treasures a million times, die your heart out.”


“It’s the Blade River King.”

“The Blade River King is here.”

“The Knife River King disappeared soon after returning from the Nine Specters of Time and Space back then, and hasn’t shown up for so many years, and this time he appeared, he even came to the Treasure Land.”

“Where is it? Where is the Blade River King?”

Many of the inheritors looked around remotely, some even rose up in the air and watched from a distance high in the sky, quickly locking onto a direction. Only to see a human youth in silver armor, he was breaking through the air and flying directly towards the highest peak in the entire treasure land.

Luo Feng swept his eyes around and secretly laughed, “Looks like I’ve become the man of the hour amongst the inheritors of this Ancestral God Sect.” In response, Luo Feng just smiled in his heart, in these 500 years, the progress in cultivation wasn’t small, especially feeling the continuous maturation of that third bilocation conception, naturally he was in a very good mood.

“Estimating that after another 100 years or so, the third bilocation will become a reality.”

“By then it’s almost time to break through to immortality, before I break through to immortality, I’ll have to come and wander around this treasure land.” Luo Feng’s gaze swept towards this pale mountain range that hid countless treasures “I’m now a realm lord status maybe there are some super existences that have prepared some treasures specifically for ‘realm lord level inheritors’, if I break through to immortality I won’t be able to get the treasures that are specifically prepared for realm lords. ”


Luo Feng’s first target, the one he picked was the highest mountain peak.

Because the 108 highest peaks of the entire treasure land, hid the most precious 108 kinds of treasures, just 42 of them were historically given to the inheritors, the remaining ones were still waiting for the fated beings.

“Look at the Blade River King going to the highest mountain peaks.”

“It seems that the Knife River King came to the Treasure Land, also to obtain the treasure ah, I was thinking, this Knife River King just came although he came once, but after fighting with the Pei Mountain Venerable once, he left, and did not properly stroll around the Treasure Land, also thought that he had no idea about the Treasure Land, finally came.”

“The 108 highest peaks of the Treasure Land hide the most precious 108 treasures. This time, he’s going to the highest mountain peaks, this universe-shattering super genius is also very ambitious.”

Among the many alien powerhouses in the distance, there were also some who were jealous and even hateful towards Luo Feng.


A cold snort came out from the hunched figure standing on top of one of the peaks, he had a golden mane and golden eyes, only his waist was bowed, as if he was a beast that was always ready to pounce.

“Barking Mirror King, do you think that Blade River King can get the treasure?”

“He’s heading straight for the highest mountain peak.” Several other inheritors beside him spoke.

The Barking Mirror King looked grimly and snorted, “The treasure at the highest mountain peak has existed since the Ancestral God Sect opened up this treasure land. It is rumored …… that one of the Ancestral Gods personally put it in, and up to now these long years, there have been realm lord level special beings in history but just no one can open that treasure. As for the Knife River King …… he is still far from being able to meet the conditions for opening that treasure land.”

The several inheritors beside him all nodded their heads in succession.

“Barking Mirror King.” A voice came and a lofty figure flew in.

The Vedic Mirror King looked over, and the visitor was none other than Venerable Beishan.

Venerable Beishan’s one eye first glanced at Luo Feng in the distance, then he said, “This Blade River King disappeared for so many years and suddenly came to this treasure land, it seems that the heart to get the treasure, is very strong. From my point of view, I’m afraid he’s working for nothing.”

“Scram!” The Barking Mirror King, however, suddenly drank coldly.

Venerable Beishan’s one-eye stared round, his face full of dismay.

“Hmph, you have some conflicts with that Blade River King, and I have a grudge against him, so you think you can just climb over me? You one-eyed, last time you even bullied my Northern Border Alliance’s Immortal Inheritor, get the hell away from me, I’m too lazy to care about you.” The Barking Mirror King, however, bared his fangs, his golden eyes coldly staring at Venerable Beishan.

Venerable Beishan’s body trembled with anger.

His hallowed universe venerable, he had long heard that this Vedic Mirror King was sinister and greedy in nature, and was difficult to get close to. Therefore, he has never really deliberately contacted …… this Vedic Mirror King, and this Vedic Mirror King obviously has a grudge with the Blade River King, he also has some contradictions with the Blade River King, in his opinion, the two sides have a common goal, they should be able to have a close relationship.

And “Vedic Mirror King” friendship, is he extremely willing, Vedic Mirror King now strength is not worse than him, and Vedic Mirror King once crossed into the universe honored, as long as a little sharpening, will soon become “universe hegemon” level of existence.

“Good, good, good.” Venerable Bei Shan was trembling with anger, his face twitching.

“Barking Mirror King, you’re ruthless.”

Venerable Beishan gritted his teeth, then with an angry grunt, he directly flew away.

The Vedic Mirror King looked at this scene and just snorted, “What a thing!”

The several inheritors beside them looked at each other and secretly marveled, like the Vedic Mirror King and the Bug Expelling King, they were completely capable of not giving face to some Universe Exalted! Because they had the strength to do so! Of course …… there is a difference between a Cosmic Exalted and a Cosmic Exalted, like the existence of a “Cosmic Hegemon”, but they can easily trample the Barking Mirror King.

Barking mirror king, insect king, even if the cross into the universe honored, also have to be well honed, in order to reach the level of cosmic hegemony.

But there is no doubt …… that these “special beings” whose life levels are thousands of times higher than that of ordinary beings are all seedlings of “cosmic overlords”! Therefore, the Northern Border Alliance, Ancestral God Sect, and other first class super powers in the universe, valued these heaven-defying special beings immensely, and even bestowed them with the most precious treasures.

Luo Feng didn’t pay any attention to the scene where the Barking Mirror King and Venerable Beishan were fighting, he directly landed on the highest mountain peak.

“The highest mountain peak, also represents the strongest treasure, rumor has it that it was put in by the Ancestral God himself.” Luo Feng stood at the peak of the mountain and walked around all around without causing any movement.

According to normal rules, as long as one was at a certain mountain peak, if the conditions were met, then the treasure would automatically open.

Obviously Luo Feng didn’t cause any changes to this highest mountain peak, indicating that ……


This scene immediately caused many inheritors in the distance to talk, especially the Barking Mirror King, who was rarely showing a silk smile.

“Blade River King, super 90% probability is Luo Feng. And Luo Feng and Zhen Yan, again, are disciple and teacher.” Barking Mirror King stared at Luo Feng with a cold grunt, although he was chasing Luo Feng back then, he started but didn’t have a grudge, but being killed by Zhen Yan venerable is …… too miserable! Unprecedentedly close to death since his birth!

Barking mirror king was furious! Hated True Yan Exalted One to the bone, vowed that once he became a Cosmic Exalted One, he would be the first to kill True Yan!

The Knife River King is likely to be Zhen Yan s disciple, plus Zhen Yan came to kill him …… presumably to avenge the Knife River King, so it also caused the Vedic Mirror King to relocate his anger to the Knife River King.

“True Yan! Knife River!” Vedic Mirror King silently recited these two names.

“Vedic Mirror King, that Blade River King failed.”

“He went to the second highest peak, and strolled through other peaks and lakes on his way, all of them failed to respond!”

“Arrived at the second highest mountain peak.”

“Haha, no reaction, no reaction at all.”

The several inheritors next to him spoke.

Barking Mirror King, however, his smile grew wider and wider as he said, “Where are the treasures so easy to open! This 108 highest treasures are what the Ancestral God Sect attracted successive generations of inheritors, from the birth of the universe until now, only 42 kinds of opening, on average, it has to be opened once in a long, long time, the conditions that are extremely harsh.”

Peak after peak, lake after lake.

Luo Feng kept flying over, landing, flying up again, landing ……

Fail! Fail! Failure!

A series of failures, from the first high mountain peak to the 60th high mountain peak, but also many other places on the route, it was more than ten hours. But for Immortal Deities and home …… for more than ten hours, it is just the time to drink a cup of wine.

“It’s really hard to open a treasure.” Luo Feng was also relaxed, this time he came to shop, originally with the idea of “take it or leave it”, no matter what, he had to try.

“It seems like there are quite a few foreign races that hate me.” Luo Feng flew towards a distant canyon and swept into the distance.

These ten hours or so, he was often surrounded by spectators, the vast majority of the inheritors were just watching, some of them were either “jealous” or “resentful”. Some of them were either “jealous” or “resentful”. These resentments weren’t actually directed at Luo Feng, they were more directed at the human race! Because the human race is the pinnacle race, it has caused a lot of killings in the universe.

Foreign races, kill!

Killing foreign races humans were unmerciful and soft, generations of hatred had accumulated, there were indeed many foreign races that hated humans extremely.

“Which peak ethnic group is not killed out, being merciful and soft-hearted, one simply cannot become a peak ethnic group.”

“To become a peak ethnic group, you have to grab resources, and to grab resources, you have to kill!” This was something that Zhen Yan had once said while drinking with Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was strolling around the treasure land, midway through, there were still foreign races that flew to Luo Feng’s side and directly cursed the human race, Luo Feng just laughed coldly.

If it’s not my ethnic group, their hearts will be different.

They are all fighting for their respective communities, no one is right or wrong.

People want to live on earth and control more resources, so they have to kill a large number of other animals and even enslave …… If humans are not ruthless enough, I am afraid that other animals will kill a large number of humans and capture a small number of humans and enslave them.

The reasoning is the same.

“This is the universe, the weak are just the strong.” How determined Luo Feng was in his heart, which would pay attention to this.

Just in this casual stroll ……

Luo Feng finally strolled to the 106th highest peak, he didn’t have much hope.

But as soon as Luo Feng just landed on the top of this 106th high peak ……

“Rumble ……” the entire peak trembled, for a moment causing countless inheritors to look over, followed by the entire treasure land boiling over.

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