Chapter 64 – 50,000 Years of Cosmic Wandering

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:44:31
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Demon Slayer Luo Feng first came directly to the remote frontier of the universe by virtue of the divine kingdom teleportation of the immortal slaves under his command, and then began to wander.

The universe was radiant and mysterious.

Luo Feng had seen a planet composed entirely of platinum ……

Luo Feng had also discovered the strange landscape of 108 stars accompanying each other, and even went to tour within each of the 108 stars ……

Luo Feng had gone to sleep on a neutron star ……

Even with his sensitivity to space, he discovered a treasure left behind by an immortal deity, but of course to Luo Feng it was something he wouldn’t care about.

He also went to explore the black hole, but when he went deeper into the black hole, the deeper he went, the stronger the tearing force, even if it was comparable to the body of the immortal gods of the Demon Slaying Race, in that powerful tearing force can’t withstand it, the surrounding spatial fluctuations are completely destroyed, and can’t instantly move to escape. Fortunately, by virtue of the talent secret method “domain”, flickering again and again, very woefully escaped from the core area of the black hole …….

If he felt like it, Luo Feng would probably be lying on a meteorite, drifting around the universe at will.

Of course, Luo Feng also quietly went and wandered around one alien tribe, the Demon Slayer detachment only needed to turn into an alien look-alike to replicate the scent, so that he could quietly blend in. Luo Feng was like a passerby, watching the joys and sorrows within each ethnic group, watching the environment where the foreign races survived.

The years of wandering in the universe caused Luo Feng to have epiphanies from time to time, the previous 30,000 years of submerged cultivation had done very little to improve his will, instead, the years of wandering in the universe caused the will to undergo a metamorphosis.

“The past in my eyes is fighting! Killing! Becoming stronger!”

“However, there is much more that is beautiful in the universe, and the culture of the foreign races, though vastly different from that of humans, has its own characteristics. Cultures that have been passed down for infinite years …… Every culture of a foreign race is worth savoring. Every time I feel the culture of a foreign race, it’s a washing of my heart.” Half of Luo Feng’s consciousness was feeling the wonders of the universe and half of his consciousness was cultivating.

This situation, on the contrary, increased efficiency drastically.

In the past, he purely deduced to death, occasionally relying on observing the “beast god statue” to get a hint of inspiration. But now …… Luo Feng realized that the universe everywhere, such as the birth, growth, annihilation of stars, will contain some of the laws of the universe origin, a small grass, a beast, a river, all hidden contain the laws of the universe operation. Like the operation of the living environment system within a living planet is a “reduction” of the operation of the entire universe.

At times, inspiration flowed like a spring, making breakthroughs at every level!

Sometimes he was stuck in front of a certain opponent, Luo Feng was not impatient, drifting in the universe for a long time, Luo Feng’s state of mind gradually merged with the universe, as if the universe was as vast as the starry sky, without realizing it, the opponent that was bothering him would be defeated.

In a remote area of the universe, in a living planet near the area of the six peak ethnic groups “Prison Race”.

At this moment, this planet was caught in a catastrophe.

“Haha, you reptiles, all obediently submit to the great Shadow King His Majesty, from today onwards, this planet will be a part of the territory under the Shadow King’s command, you reptiles must listen to His Majesty’s Shadow King’s orders, violators …… kill! Kill! Kill!” In the outer space of this planet, a giant creature with 18 hooves and claws about 300 meters long, its whole body layer upon layer of scale armor superimposed, head similar to a metal head, eyes and a ghostly golden flame, monstrous divine power diffuse open, sweeping the entire planet!

The entire planet, was plunged under his mighty pressure.

On the planet, there were more than a dozen racial beings living.

“Shadow King!”

“The territory under the Shadow King’s command has actually advanced to us, and the leader of the warband that was sent here is that abominable immortal deity, ‘Pantoi Towa’.”

“The abominable Phantois!”

There were millions of beings living on the planet, but the weakest ones were planetary level, among them, there were even dozens of realm lord level beings, and Luo Feng of the Demon Slayer Race had also turned into a “realm lord level alien” mixed in among them.

“Interesting.” Demon Slayer Luo Feng looked up at the sky and saw the immortal deity in the outer sky, “The Prison Race is really a strange race, not only do they not stop the internal killing of the subordinate race under their command, but instead they secretly push the cause, bloody killings all over the place, and countless beings have perished.”

In the tens of thousands of years of wandering in the universe, Luo Feng had deliberately wandered to the “crystal race” and “prison race” frontiers to study these two groups.

The six peak ethnic groups in the universe, the mechanical race, insect race, human race and demon race were living in the neighboring areas, while the crystal race and prison race …… were in the remote areas.

According to Luo Feng’s long wanderings, deep into a planet, his careful understanding of these two peak ethnic groups, he discovered their characteristics.

The Prison Race and the Crystal Race, belonged to communities that went to two extremes entirely.

The Prison Race, refers to the life born in the universe of the strange and dangerous place “Prison”, no matter it is a rock type life, energy type life, flesh type life and so on, as long as it is the strange and dangerous place “Prison” in the birth, all are the Prison Race! Prison tribe to the subordinate groups under their command, also is the strategy of free-range, and secretly push the waves ……

The internal of those communities set off a bloody killings, and even some of the communities within a race, are directly extinct. But this kind of bloody killings, also born out some super strong. These super strong people will be “prison tribe” to absorb.

The Crystal Race is the complete opposite.

Crystal race is the same kind of life, and incomparable unity, on the degree of unity even slightly higher than the “mechanical race”. In particular, some of the strongest members of the Crystal Race join hands with each other, and their strength will increase geometrically.

Prisoners …… are individually powerful.

The Crystal Race …… is strong as a whole.

Two completely different ethnic groups, resulting in each other has been fighting very powerful. Like the human race, the mechanical race, the demon race, the insect race because of the proximity of the frontier, each other …… times to kill. While the prison tribe, the crystal tribe is purely disgusted with each other’s communities …… as if they were born not on the plate, the universe was born out of two completely different communities, so they will fight again and again.

This planet is in chaos.

Demon Slayer Luo Feng silently watched all of this, he had already been in some of the frontiers around the Prison Race and had seen many planets being conquered, he was also like a bystander, watching everything and then quietly leaving.

“The planets under the command of His Majesty the Shadow King, all of the Tekkers, all of them are executed.” In outer space, that immortal deity “Yu Tovar’s” voice resounded throughout the entire planet, “Kill, kill all the Tekkers.”


At once, a Sector Lord warrior from the battle group under his command began to wreak havoc on the entire planet.

There were more than a dozen races on this planet, and the Taker race was just one of them, while the other races fell into submission one by one, the Taker races went completely crazy.

“Shadow King Demon, he’s a demon, destroyed our hometown and has been chasing us, fight them.”

“Kill, kill these bastards.”


“Children, you run away.”

“You take the children, this is the future of our Teck clan, take them and hurry to escape.

There were about more than 100,000 Teckers on the planet, some escaped, while others frantically met the battle, however, when the first batch of Teckers who wanted to escape in the spaceships were killed by the immortal deity “Yu Tovar” who directly swept and killed them with his divine power, all the Teckers despaired, the power gap between them and the “immortal deity” was too great. “The difference in strength between them and the Immortal Deity was too great.



“Fight!” The other races on the entire planet didn’t intervene at all and watched the Teckers go crazy, however, there were only six Realm Lords in the Teckers, while that battle group was a hundred Realm Lord warriors, and the leader was an Immortal Deity! This was a completely different proportion of strength.

“This Tai Ke clan is going to be finished.” Luo Feng silently watched this, I’m afraid things like this happen every minute in the universe.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng looked at a figure in the distance with slight surprise, that was the most dazzling figure in the Teck clan, a Teck teenager had already killed two sector lord warriors, and now he was even surrounded by ten sector lord warriors, and for a while they were not even close to each other.

“Pana, quickly go.”

“Pana, run away.”

Many of the Tek clansmen were calling out, obviously that Tek teenager had great prestige, and just by looking at the strength alone, I’m afraid that he was the leader of these more than 100,000 Tek clansmen.

“Hahahaha …… So the genius of the Tek tribe, Pana, is here! His Majesty the Shadow King is offering you a heavy bounty.” The Immortal Deity “Yu Tovar” in outer space swiftly swooped down, and in an instant, it had already reached the sky above that Tek Race teenager.

“Hurry up.” The Tekkie teenager ordered with a voice transmission.


While Pantoi was dealing with “Pana”, some other clansmen of the Teck Clan immediately fled in their airships, that Pantoi didn’t seem to care about anything else, “Pana” was much more valuable than those remnants.

“Come on, Phantom Tovar!” There was a hint of madness in Pana’s eyes, as well as a hint of fulfillment, he had already gone to his death, “One death for me, and tens of thousands for my people, that’s enough.”


Yu Tuoba snorted and immediately made his move.

Demon killing Luo Feng silently watched this scene, he suddenly felt that at this moment the eyes …… of that alien genius young man with bull horns were very much like, very much like the Earth planetary star level powerhouses of Jia Yi, Mohanderson, Tripathi Singh, Sokolov, and Isthmus who had gone to battle with the Golden Horned Beast together with himself back in the day.

That kind of despairing yet emotionally going to death mentality ……

“It’s time to go back.” Demon Slayer Luo Feng said softly.

Pana felt powerless, he didn’t have the slightest power to resist in front of Yu Tuoba, when Yu Tuoba’s ugly hooves and claws directly grabbed him, he already knew …… that he would surely die.

Suddenly ……

It rained.

Beautiful raindrops covered the sky.

“Raindrops?” Pana was stunned, followed by the rain silk that covered the sky and the earth all disappeared, while the original Realm Lord warriors and Pyltovas in various places in the distance froze and did not move, followed by poof …… Pyltovas’ godly body as if it were air annihilated out of thin air, while dozens of Realm Lord warriors in the distance directly exploded into blood and wreckage.


Pana stared at everything in a daze, looking at the dead Realm Lord Warrior enemies, looking at the annihilated Phantom Tovar.

“Clank!” The alien figure in the distance, inserted the battle knife in his hand into the sheath behind his back.

“Knife, yes, it was a knife just now.” Pana was instantly certain, only he couldn’t believe that the blade would be that strong, and that alien figure in the distance seemed to be only a Realm Lord.

A sector lord could also kill an immortal so easily?

Demon killing Luo Feng turned his head to look at him and smiled, then he took a step and disappeared into thin air.

The moment he saw the eyes of that Tek teenager, it touched some of Luo Feng’s memories, and phase struck, so Luo Feng struck. For Luo Feng, it was nothing if he made a move or not. It was just a thought.

And this planet was Luo Feng’s last stop in his wanderings in the universe.

Because ……

Half a month before this last stop, Luo Feng had already created the third style of the “Ultimate Jedi” level.

“Time to break through to immortality!” After 50,000 years of wandering in the universe, Demon Slayer Luo Feng finally returned to the primordial secret realm of the human frontier.

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