Chapter 65 – Immortal Deity Luo Feng

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:44:34
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The primordial secret realm of the human frontier, within the Thousand Treasures River.

Wandering in the universe, ultimately a wanderer. And when returning to the human frontier but naturally have a sense of belonging ……

Going home!

“This is home.” In the palace hall sitting on his knees for more than 80,000 years, the Earthling’s original body finally got up, walked out of the hall, and for the first time wandered in the Thousand Treasure River palace complex.

Walking between the palace complex, eyes looking at everything, while Luo Feng’s mind is recalling a scene in the universe wandering scene, back then those things to bring themselves a lot of shock, but at the moment looking back to watch, everything is so clear, it seems that the law of many things are in the heart.

While walking, his mind recalled everything he had experienced in 50,000 years.

“Look, it’s Luo Feng.”

“Luo Feng actually walked out of his palace, how rare.”

“Hey, this Luo Feng was able to kill the sealing king limit back then, disappeared like this for more than 80,000 years, and I haven’t heard of this Luo Feng breaking through to immortality, with his ability to break through to immortality long ago, what’s the point of being stranded in the sector master stage for so long?”

“Sense of spatial law, after all, in the realm master stage sense of advantage.”

“He must have been recognized by the spatial laws a long time ago, even if he becomes immortal and studies the spatial laws again, he won’t be much slower.”

“Who knows what Luo Feng thinks, he’s a supreme genius.”

Some of the attendants in the palace group saw Luo Feng from afar, but they only whispered quietly, they didn’t dare to speak directly, after all, they were only attendants …… while Luo Feng was the personal disciple of the master of this surrounding space and time, the “Chaos City Lord”.

Luo Feng came.

“Lord Luo Feng.” A group of attendants respectfully saluted.

Luo Feng looked at them and smiled faintly.

After experiencing so much in the universe, he was able to tell at a glance what was going on in the minds of these attendants, obviously his disappearance for 80,000 years had caused a lot of rumors. However, knowing that these attendants were secretly muttering about themselves, but Luo Feng still smiled …… because he felt that looking into their hearts and the nature of what they would think like this, and even some of the mysteries of the universe’s workings contained therein made Luo Feng’s heart rejoice, so he smiled.

“Even though they are immortal, flexing their muscles for a while is still fine, but when the attendants are hundreds of millions of cuts, it already affects their hearts, they end their long years, I’m afraid it’s hard for them to cross over into the cosmic venerable realm.” Luo Feng’s mind swept through such thoughts, then he continued walking again, while continuing to act like a movie, a scene from his wandering years continued to be shown.

Inside the main hall of the Thousand Treasure River realm.

Chaos city lord also sensed that Luo Feng who had been silent for 80,000 years had competed to walk out of the palace, he couldn’t help but open his eyes and glanced at it, his gaze pierced through the architectural obstruction and caught a glimpse of the walking Luo Feng, the walking Luo Feng was wearing a smile, it was a smile that came from deep within his heart, a smile that naturally existed due to the pleasure of his state of mind.

“Huh?” Chaos City Lord revealed a startled look, “He’s in …… metamorphosis?”

The Chaos City Lord could tell at a glance that at this moment, Luo Feng, the bits and pieces of enlightenment that had been stored up from those 50,000 years of cosmic wandering were having an outburst at this moment. The so-called thick and thin! Just like a lot of researchers, research countless information, finally humming one day epiphany, all the information wonders are fused unique, stored in one heart.

Luo Feng is so ……

What he had seen and experienced in 50,000 years was too much. And at this moment in Luo Feng’s opinion, everything had the trajectory of the laws of the universe in operation.

“A metamorphosis of the mind.”

Chaos city lord softly marveled, “In terms of state of mind, this disciple of mine, is truly …… marvelous.”

Wandering in the universe for 50,000 years, while in the river of a thousand treasures after only five hours of walking completely recalled, when recalled to the last stop when he stepped in to save that tai ke clan teenager, Luo Feng finally laughed out loud, in these five hours, his state of mind maintained a sudden and rapid improvement at all times, especially the last moment of recalling the consummation of the state of mind, it further elevated his state of mind to an extremely high ground.

There was no need to strengthen his heart, because it was naturally like the vastness of the starry sky, unshakeable.

There was no need to resist the illusionary realm, because the illusionary realm was even more unbearable compared to the real universe.

At this moment–

Even the Chaos City Lord couldn’t see from the surface alone to what extent Luo Feng’s will had been elevated to, after experiencing the teenage years of fighting for his family and his younger brother …… Earth times and other Earth powerhouses sacrificing everything to fight the Golden Horned Beast only to come back from the dead …… again Experiencing the hustle and bustle of the genius war …… also have the ultimate obsession when life and death inheritance …… and this universe after 50,000 years to see the endless wonders of the universe ultimately sublimation of the mind ……

In terms of will, I’m afraid it’s no less than the Overlords of the Universe. Only the “Lord of the Universe” could possibly surpass Luo Feng in terms of will.


“Go break through to immortality.” Luo Feng wasn’t excited, but he rightfully decided that it was time to break through to immortality.

Walking back to the main hall, Luo Feng sat cross-legged, his mind was like the vast starry sky, not rippling.

In the protocore of his body, the origin bead incarnated into Luo Feng opened his eyes.

“Break the shackles, achieve immortality!” The humanoid Luo Feng’s eyes steeply erupted with a skyrocketing will, an overpowering irresistible will. From being as calm as a starry sea before, to instantly being as stern and irresistible as a giant battle sword, it was a completely instantaneous transformation.

Luo Feng waved his hand.

16000 crystal beads suspended in the air, these tens of thousands of crystal beads are covered with dense law secret pattern, only to see these 16000 crystal beads quickly floating in the air, scurrying and connecting with each other, forming the entire skeleton of the beast god, in the countless law threads connecting with each other, a huge beast god was born out of thin air.

The Beast God’s domineering aura filled the air.

“Star fire through the sky, jade burns the sky and earth crumbles!” Luo Feng said softly.


The beast god in the mid air moved, with a determined desire to burn jade and stone like madness, instantly the surface seems to be lit up with star fire, the beast god in the star fire makes the original core tremble, Luo feng’s overpowering will to the extreme, and the beast god realm which has been sharpened for 80,000 years is completely infused, making the beast god with untouchable might, directly bombarded directly impacted on the inner wall of the original core, the beast god’s body itself instantly countless cracks and keys, as if it was going to collapse! As if it was about to collapse.

Jade and stone burned! The sky collapsed and the earth cracked!


The entire inner wall of the protocore shook violently, followed by a bang, directly turning into powder.

The third stance of The Ten Thousand Stars Budo Chart – Star Flame Through the Sky, Jade and Stone Burning as the Heavens Fall Apart!

After 80,000 years, the three styles of the “Ten Thousand Star Pathfinding Diagram” had been finalized.

The first style, “Strike the electricity and run to the stars, starlight like silk spreads all over the world”. Fast and light, like countless raindrops, continuous.

The second style is “as bright as the sun and stars, rainbow light like a knife tearing the night”. Is a word “fast”, everything is “fast”! Unlike the first move can be attacked ten million times in a row, this move once shot will only be so a …… but that speed has been fast to the point of unbelievable, the power is also incomparable.

The third style “star fire through the sky, jade and stone burning heaven and earth”. The emphasis is on power! The speed is not as good as the second style, but the power to be ten times stronger than, if the second style is to rely on the tail, that the third style is relying on the whole body of the Beast God, the absolute dominance of the Jade and Stone burns an attack!

Three styles, one more mysterious and unfathomable than the other.

Breaking the original core shackles, without this layer of shackles hindering the moment, at once that origin bead morphing “human Luo Feng” and the universe origin place that endless, the law of gold ocean, instantly completely connected, the law of gold origin directly descended, appeared in the sky above Luo Feng’s palace.

“Rumble ……” endless divine power of gold madly poured in.

Some sector lords had just crossed over into immortality, belonging to ordinary immortality, then only a small amount of divine power was needed to transform the mighty god body.

But some extremely strong realm masters are sealed as soon as they step into the king immortal, they need a lot more divine power, but generally they can only form a “100,000 times the power of the realm master” of the divine body.

As for Luo Feng, his earthling god body alone, his life gene level is more than 3,000 times, and his earthling god body is more than 300 million times the power of a realm lord once he achieves …… ! This has already surpassed the vast majority of Universe Exalted, like the Universe Exalted with a life gene level of 10 times is only 100 million times the power of the Realm Lord.

“Rumble …… “Endless divine power of gold poured in.

A divine body with 300 million times the power of a Realm Lord required an extremely staggering amount of divine power.


Although the Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment required less divine power, Luo Feng’s Golden Horned Beast divine body was more than 600 million times the power of a sector lord, and it was still thousands of kilometers long, so in terms of the amount of divine power, it was much more than the Earthling’s original body.

This is not the most outrageous.

The most outrageous thing is the “sea of blood”.

The diameter of the sea of blood is 10 billion kilometers, and the genetic level of life has reached the point of perfection, exceeding 1 billion times the power of the realm lord! And the amount, is more than the Golden Horn Beast split on hundreds of millions of times more …… a human universe honored one of the amount of divine power required by the divine body, are not as much as one hundred millionth of the sea of blood, that the Lord of the Nine Sepulchre can rely on, called the universe invincible, alone “sea of the Nine Sepulchre” can be comparable to The “Sea of Nine Specters” alone is comparable to the strongest treasure in the universe, and this is evident.

When one crosses over into immortality, the movement of divine power pouring into the body is usually very small. For example, when True Diffusion King crossed over into a Cosmic Exalted, the commotion was just that.

But ……

Luo Feng’s movement into immortality was too big, thousands of times bigger than True Difficulty King’s movement into Universe Exalted, after all, in terms of quality, he exceeded Universe Exalted, in terms of quantity, he even exceeded human Universe Exalted billions of times. This was the reason for the “Sea of Blood”!

“What’s going on?”

“What’s going on?”

“The Origin Law of Gold has descended, could it be that someone has crossed over into immortality, but how could crossing over into immortality cause such a big commotion?” Throughout the Thousand Treasures River realm, some universe reverends as well as a large number of immortal attendants looked at the distant above Luo Feng’s palace in astonishment, only to see endless golden light enveloping almost the entire Thousand Treasures River.

This kind of might was something they had almost never seen in their lives.

“Crossing over into a Universe Exalt isn’t even a hundredth of this might.” Some of the Universe Exalted were shocked by it.

As for the entire Thousand Treasure River realm, those Universe Exalted and Immortal Servants had only seen the surface.

“Luo Feng, crossed into immortality ……” Chaos City Lord stood at the top of the main hall, holding the railing and looking at the sky, that golden origin law had completely enveloped the entire Thousand Treasure River, the strength of the pressure …… It was unbelievable, and it had already exceeded the pressure displayed by a Universe Exalted who had crossed over into the Universe.

Other strong people can not see the mystery, but Chaos City Lord is vaguely see …… Thousand Treasure River above, the universe seems to overturn, the endless sea of laws seems to be pouring, divine power sea water clattering and pouring into the void, this is obviously Luo Feng crazy absorption of endless divine power of a kind of external manifestation.

The Chaos City Lord was also stunned by this, standing in a daze for a long time.

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