Chapter 72: Cosmic Overlord

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:44:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light


After that huge hoof and claw of the Beast God grabbed the loot, it turned into a stream of light and flew back. The speed of its flight …… also made it impossible for that Pei Feng Venerable to catch up.

“In hand.” Luo Feng waved his hand and quickly gave the spatial ring, world ring, supreme armor and some other loot into his world ring.

“Blade River King, you’re too greedy!”

An angry bellowing voice transmission directly exploded in Luo Feng’s mind.

Luo Feng turned around and looked at the distant Pei Feng venerable rushing towards him, he couldn’t help but voice transmission snorted, “Pei Feng venerable, you’re a candidate god general, you can’t be brain dead, that Barking Mirror King if he kills me, do you think he’ll leave my supreme treasures to my human community? What a joke, if you have the ability to take it by strength!”

Venerable Pei Feng became more and more irritated.

Yes, the weak and the strong in the universe relied on a fight, if the Barking Mirror King killed Luo Feng, he naturally took Luo Feng’s supreme treasure.

It’s just that in Venerable Pei Feng’s opinion, his hallowed candidate god general descended, he has already given his word, and also netted …… not to kill the Barking Mirror King, this Barking Mirror King should behave himself and offer up the supreme treasure, won’t everyone be better off?

“Stupid guy!”

“You are just too arrogant.” Venerable Pei Feng transmitted his voice and roared, anger erupted from those six eyes, he was more than three hundred meters tall, and in terms of size, he was even more looming and taller mountains than the Barking Mirror King.

Although he couldn’t catch up with Luo Feng for a while by his speed, the furious Venerable Pei Feng instantly just slammed his mouth!


An invisible attack instantly burst out at the speed of light, directly chasing after Luo Feng.

Soul attack!

The speed of this soul attack was a step faster than a thought weapon, and it was incomparably flexible.

“Not good.” Luo Feng’s face changed, yet he couldn’t dodge away at all, he could only grit his teeth and resist this strike.

Pei Feng zunzi is a candidate god general, on behalf of one of the 72 kinds of god general inheritance has reached the extreme, firstly, the “soul amplitude” has reached the highest value of 100 times, secondly, he also learned a set of special attacks belonging to god generals …… the power of this attack is more powerful than many special beings gifted secret techniques. The power of this attack is even more powerful than the natural secret method of many special beings! As the final secret method of the inheritance of the God General,……, it is definitely a secret method belonging to the level of the Master of the Universe in terms of the level of subtlety of the secret method!

Venerable Pei Feng …… as an existence on the same level as Shirodor, his life genes also exceeded 60 times.

Plus, as a Cosmic Exalted One, he was already a hundred times higher than the limit of immortality. So his divine body was beyond 600 million times the power of a realm lord …… It was even stronger than Luo Feng’s Earthling original.

God body strong!

Soul amplitude was at its limit!

Will consciousness was also at the Lord of the Universe level!

Secret techniques, even more so, are at the level of the Master of the Universe! Completely overpowered Luo Feng ……

“Ang ……”

Seemingly silent.

The moment the attack descended on his divine body, Luo Feng felt that every bit of his divine body’s divine power had been horribly attacked, this was a yin root tactic that directly attacked the “life imprints” in the divine power, to destroy all the life imprints, that would be the same as destroying Luo Feng’s soul.



“Zhen!” Luo Feng roared in his heart, his powerful will consciousness and burning divine power manipulated the “tower pearl”.

The tower bead released thousands of millimeters of light, locking Luo Feng’s entire godly body, no matter how fierce that Pei Feng zun-zhe’s attacks were, he was able to resist the onslaught. Although the gap between all parties and Pei Feng zun-zhe was big, if there was no tower pearl, I’m afraid that just this strike would be enough to completely disintegrate Luo Feng’s entire godly body, but the power of a “supreme treasure” is here!

Back then, with the “tower bead”, the realm master level can resist the Barking Mirror King’s talent secret method, and now the strength of the divine power has reached half of Pei Feng’s strength, the gap is not that big, and there is even a tower bead that guards the soul. ……

“Hahaha, Venerable Pei Feng, your methods are just average!” Luo Feng voice came, at the same time wings shocked into a stream of light to escape away, he can know a universe hegemon but there are a lot of means of …… their own strength now to go against a universe hegemon, afraid to have all the cards in order to go to fight.

Even if all the cards are not sure to win, now their Dan just crossed into the immortal, like the top treasure “robbery armor” and so on has not yet arrived, fight and not at all sure, there is no need to fight.


Under the display of the Wu Slayer Feather Wings, Luo Feng was like a stream of light, quickly escaping in the massive waves of space debris.

“What, blocked?” Venerable God Wind was shocked, back then, the Barking Mirror King hunted Luo Feng and finally deduced that Luo Feng had a soul type supreme treasure, but this news, the Barking Mirror King didn’t report back to the top of the Northern Boundary Alliance clan. Because in a super strong battle, soul type attacks are very ruthless means, so soul type supreme treasures are also incomparably precious!

Like the Supreme Treasure Battle Armor and the Wu Slayer Feather, they merely weakened soul attacks.

But the soul type treasure, but is a complete defense! If the “flying palace”-like treasure was a heavenly treasure that resisted material attacks, then the soul-type treasure was a heavenly treasure that protected the soul.

Comparatively speaking, the soul type of treasure, on the contrary, is more coveted by the strong.

That’s why the Barking Mirror King didn’t dare to make it public, once he did, I’m afraid Luo Feng would be killed by the Northern Border Alliance’s super existences and take away the “Soul Treasure”, so it wouldn’t be his turn to do so. He was holding back,……, waiting for this opportunity, he was full of confidence, but the result was that he Vedic Mirror King was forced to choose to self-detonate.

Seeing Luo Feng fleeing as a stream of light, Venerable Pei Feng chased after him in a hurry and at the same time cast another of his great secret techniques.

“Law domain!”

Venerable Pei Feng’s heart was exasperated, he knew that he couldn’t drag it out because soon the human race super existences were afraid that they would arrive and by then there would be no chance.


Hundreds of millions of kilometers in a circle were instantly silent, completely plunged into the law domain of the law of time.

Luo Feng was also plunged into it.

“Law field! The law domain of the law of time.” Luo Feng was shocked, immortals could cast law domains, this universe honored one could do the same! Time and space is a higher end law than gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning and light, and the range of the realm is much larger.

Through the manipulation of the law domain, it was possible to make the power of the law domain skyrocket.

Back then, Luo Feng was a realm lord, although his world projection was super strong, stronger than many ordinary immortal’s law domains, the “feudal marquis level immortal” was able to compete with Luo Feng’s world projection with his control of law domains.

“Wind annihilation!” Venerable Pei Feng coldly stared at Luo Feng in the distance.

“Snort snort snort ……”

In the endless field of time, the flow of time was bizarre and unpredictable, Luo Feng wanted to escape, but it was as if he couldn’t escape fast enough. Moreover, a miniature tornado appeared out of thin air around him, these miniature tornadoes, all roughly the size of an eyeball, completely surrounded Luo Feng and began to crazily surround him.

“Roll!” Luo feng cast his wuxia feather wings to block it, but the eyeball sized miniature tornadoes, as if they were mosquitoes, easily dodged the wings and directly touched Luo feng’s godly body.

Luo Feng didn’t dare to fully close his Wusicide feather wings.

Because once it was fully closed, then the speed would decrease drastically, and he would be caught up by the Pei Feng venerable one immediately. Although he was now affected under the time law domain, but the law domain wasn’t invincible, he could still maintain a certain distance by changing direction and so on.

“Snort snort snort ……” as soon as these miniature whirlwinds touched Luo Feng’s godly body, it was like a mosquito swallowing a vicious bite.


Instantly, Luo Feng’s divine body plummeted from 100% to 40%, frightening Luo Feng’s face.

“Directly annihilating my god body?” Luo Feng was shocked, luckily the world rings were fused into his body, and the three world rings hid the phantom sea split, the demon slayer clan split, and the golden horned behemoth split, only to see the world ring where the phantom sea split was located, releasing a surge of majestic godly power, causing the godly body to instantly recover 100%.

Snort ……

The divine body kept sharply decreasing, kept recovering, kept sharply decreasing, and kept recovering!

“This is the Cosmic Overlord? This hasn’t even gotten close, the long range tactics alone are so terrifying?” Luo Feng desperately exerted his Wu Slayer Feather, keeping his distance by virtue of his agility, acceleration and deceleration suddenness under the realm of time laws.

“Surprisingly not dead?” Venerable Pei Feng was stunned, although this move of his wasn’t much use against universe overlords at the same level as him, it was definitely a killing move for weaker universe reverends.

This was a move created by combining the realm of the laws of time.

It was definitely a group killing move.

“Although the divine body is constantly depleted, it has surprisingly been maintained at 100% intact, yes, the talent split technique, he must be carrying a split body.” Venerable Pei Feng instantly guessed that the previous battle between Luo Feng and Barking Mirror King, the Barking Mirror King had just started to walk to carry out virtual network synchronized teleportation playback, but when he was being ravaged and beaten by Luo Feng, he naturally couldn’t have the cheek to continue to stay in the Glory World, so he naturally turned off the synchronized teleportation playback.

So ……

The hundreds of millions of inheritors in the Glory World’s open square, as well as many super powers in the universe, merely knew that the Barking Mirror King had been completely ravaged by Luo Feng and was powerless to fight back. As for what happened after that, they couldn’t see it. So Venerable Pei Feng really didn’t know that Luo Feng was carrying a bilocation to fight.

“Split!” Venerable Pei Feng’s eyes lit up with a hint of madness, “He’s carrying a bilocation, it’s likely that the original bilocation is present, then by killing him and his bilocation, it’s likely that we can truly kill him!”

Venerable Pei Feng’s heart was moved now.

Previously, he had said on his lips that he would not kill the Blade River King because he knew that even if he killed the Blade River King, the Blade River King would still be resurrected. But now, the Knife River King obviously brought his doppelganger along to fight …… Although he didn’t know exactly how many doppelgangers the Knife River King had, the doppelgangers of a general talent doppelganger art don’t have many doppelgangers.

Together with the main body, some totaled two divine bodies, and some totaled three divine bodies.

“Kill!” Pei Feng venerable’s six eyes swept through a trace of coldness, followed by a fierce low hum, his nostrils unexpectedly erupted two black winds, two black winds …… as if they were two miniature black dragons, entangling and frolicking with each other, directly flying towards Luo Feng in the distance.

These two entangled and playful black winds did not have any pressure, but where they passed, all the space debris disappeared out of thin air.

“Dangerous! Danger! Danger!”

Luo Feng felt extreme danger in his heart.

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