Chapter 75 Supreme Council

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:45:02
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The mountainside of Thunder Island stretched beyond a glance.

Luo Feng’s palace complex of just twelve servants, all handpicked from within the Luo clan sector masters, when Luo Feng breaks into the ultimate mastery “Ten Thousand Stars Budo Map” consumes more than 80,000 years, the Luo clan, by virtue of the huge amount of resources, in these 80,000 years, but the real development of the super family, no matter whether it’s the number of population, the cultivation system, the cultivation system, the number of strong, and so on, is absolutely can be called the first class super family ……

In the past 80,000 years, it had truly developed into a super family!

Tens of thousands of years to cultivate a realm master is very normal, enough resources, even easier. Back then, Baba Towers was confident that they could cultivate Luo Feng to a realm lord, how many resources did Baba Towers have at that time? The Luo family’s current resources were many times the wealth of Hu Yan Bo, the owner of the Meteorite Ink Planet back then.

“Family master.”

“Family master.”

When Luo Feng walked in the corridor, the two sector lords in the distance even respectfully saluted, there was even more blazing fervor in their eyes, as sons of the Luo family, they were extreme admirers of Luo Feng.

“You guys step back first.” Luo Feng quickly walked out of the corridor and arrived at a square in front of the entire palace complex, further ahead was the cliff.

“Yes.” The two sector lords retreated.

Luo Feng looked at the distance.

A silhouette was flying in, it was none other than the True Diffusion Venerable.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng shouted with a smile.

“Luo Feng.” Venerable Zhen Yan landed on the mountain rocks.

“Teacher, sit.” Luo Feng walked to the side to lead the way, there were several pavilions on this mountain stone paved square, all of which had exquisite wooden tables and chairs within them.

The two sat opposite each other.

“I’ll give you an email, you are to come see me immediately.” Venerable Zhen Yan smiled and said, “Truly a good disciple for the teacher.”

“It’s good to honor your teacher.” Luo Feng said with a smile.

“Haha, just don’t pretend.” Venerable Zhen Yan laughed, “I know, you want to know some of the movements of the other universe venerables, right?”

Luo Feng hemmed and hawed, “Teacher is wise.”

Two days had passed since the battle between himself and the Barking Mirror King, the video of that battle had long been transmitted into the human community, many universe reverends in the human community had seen it, there would definitely be a bit of a reaction. At first, many Cosmic Exalted had a very dissatisfied stance and said a lot of things behind their backs.

Now that his own battle results were laid out, I’m afraid that all those universe reverends were a bit dumbfounded.

Luo Feng was so happy just thinking about it.

I really wanted to see the faces of those universe honored ones with my own eyes! Perhaps the joys and sorrows of many ordinary beings Luo Feng looked at it rather lightly, but …… the many universe honored ones of the human race, each one of them could be super existences, many of them even opened up universe kingdoms, being able to make them dumbfounded, it was still quite an accomplishment.

“Haha, I know you’re shady.” Venerable True Diffusion laughed out loud, “Often, when you don’t explode, it’s scary. Previously, many Universe Exalted spoke of you secretly, yet you didn’t defend yourself at all. Now that you killed the Barking Mirror King in one battle, you have instead publicized the battle video ……”

Luo Feng laughed.

“Just like you thought, those universe reverends are dumbfounded!” True Diffusion Exalted Elder’s eyes were also filled with excitement, “I don’t know about anything else, alone those close friends of mine, who had previously advised me to let you leave the mountainside of your own accord, now that they have encountered me, they are all ashamed of their puppets, and each one of them has made amends to me, and have also gone along to express their apologies to you through me.”

“Apologies?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“The fact that you were able to kill the Barking Mirror King means that you have ‘Universe Medium Exalted’ strength.” Venerable Zhen Yan marveled, “You’re only immortal and you’re this strong. Those universe venerables naturally respect you, in the future when you cross into the universe venerable ranks, that’s almost a nail in the coffin as a universe hegemon, and there aren’t many who would want to make enemies with you for no reason.”

Luo Feng nodded.

That’s how it is, when you’re weak, the superpowers will naturally look down on you.

And when the strength was comparable to theirs, or even the potential was even more terrifying, those superpowers would also immediately wake up and instead apologize, even to the point of closely following what seemed to be befriending and befriending.

“Well ……,” Luo Feng nodded, “I’ve actually received several congratulatory emails in the past two days, quite a few of them are from universe honored ones.”

Some of the universe reverends who were originally close to Luo Feng like the Qianwu country lord and revered one were the first to send emails to express their congratulations. Some universe reverends that Luo Feng had never come into contact with also sent emails and also said that they would personally visit in a few days. Of course there were also many universe reverends who had loudly expressed their dissatisfaction behind their backs, the ones who had screamed the loudest in the beginning, but at the moment they couldn’t do it for a moment to immediately change their faces.

“Make good contact and befriend more Universe Exalted.” True Diffusion Exalted One laughed, “I’ve also stayed with you these days, some powerful Universe Exalted Ones don’t necessarily look up to me, but they look up to you, and Teacher has also taken advantage of you a bit.”

“Despite taking advantage.” Luo Feng hemmed and hawed, “It’s my disciple’s honor to let teacher take advantage.”

In the next few days, Luo Feng’s place was indeed very lively.

There were often universe honored guests, when the news of Luo Feng killing the Barking Mirror King spread, it also represented that Luo Feng had truly crossed into a new circle – universe honored circle this layer, what was valued even more amongst the strongest was strength, before, even though Luo Feng was valued by the clan, the other universe honored ones in the clan wouldn’t take the initiative to come to make friends.

In their opinion, a genius was just a genius, not really a strong person.

And now …… Luo Feng is already strong! In the future, I’m afraid it will be even more powerful! Becoming the pillar existence of the human community …… is all very possible.

“Ancient Wheel Country Lord, Stele Wreck Venerable, Golden Axe Venerable …… Wow, so many Universe Venerables and Universe Country Lords, one hundred and sixty three super existences have already come in these five days.”

“Family master, family master is just too powerful.”

The two Luo Family Sector Masters who were here to act as servants transmitted their voices to each other, both very excited.

The legendary high and mighty Universe Kingdom Lords and Universe Venerables, but they were able to see one after another …… Many immortal deities couldn’t even see one in their entire lives, but in Luo Feng’s case, they could easily see one.

Luo Feng, True Diffraction Venerable, and the Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord, the three of them were talking loudly together, laughing loudly.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng suddenly turned his head.

He only saw a stream of light flying in the air from afar.

“Another universe honored one is coming?” The Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord also turned his head to look, in the distance there was a bald man wearing a fiery red battle robe, the bald man was smiling, his smile had a strange magical power, one couldn’t help but be immersed in a vast starry sky mood.

“It’s Venerable Returning One.” Venerable Zhen Yan even rose.

“Venerable Returning One.” The Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord also rose to greet him.

“Second senior brother.” Duo Feng then walked out first.

Exalted Master Gui Yi was the second of the many disciples under the Chaos City Lord’s command, and as he had served the Chaos City Lord for years, he definitely belonged to the Chaos City Lord’s close confidants. Plus because he has been staying in the “Chaos City”…… strength has been a mystery, but its slightly revealed but enough to let all parties shocked, he almost represents the “Chaos City Lord” of the He almost represents the mouth of the “Chaos City Lord”, Chaos City Lord many things, are conveyed by the second disciple implementation!

“Senior brother, this is really lively.” Venerable Returning One glanced at the Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord, “Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord, didn’t disturb your chat.”

“No, Luo Feng, True Diffraction and I, we’re just chatting casually to get together.” Amazing Nine Kingdom Lord said.

Venerable Lord Gui Yi nodded his head and smiled, “You guys don’t have anything important, I do have something important.”

“Hmm?” Luo Feng looked at Venerable Gui Yi.

“Senior brother.”

Venerable Returning One smiled, “I was ordered by my teacher to personally convey a message to you …… regarding your proposal to join my human supreme council, the highest level has reviewed and passed. From now on, you will be qualified to be ranked in the Supreme Conference seats.”

“Supreme Conference?” Luo Feng instantly revealed a joyful expression.

Although it had been expected that he would be easily approved once he showed enough strength, Luo Feng was still happy.

Finally ……

He was finally approved by the highest level of the human community to enter that ranks.

“Luo Feng, congratulations.” True Difficulty Venerable Lord laughed.

“You master and disciple entering the highest council one after the other, this will also be a great story for my human community.” Venerable Nine Yan laughed.

Next to him, Venerable Gui Yi continued, “Senior brother, although you are qualified to be ranked in the seat of the Supreme Conference, this Supreme Conference only opens once in a very long time, and every time it opens, it’s an important event concerning my human community. However, as far as I know …… the near future is soon going to hold a supreme conference, I believe that soon the virtual universe system side, there will be a notification to you.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng had a hint of anticipation in his eyes, “In the near future?”


The Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord also had a hint of solemnity in his eyes, “Yes, there is one in the near future, Luo Feng, this supreme meeting …… is very important.”

“What is it?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but follow up.

“It’s going to be held soon, you’ll know the details by then.” Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord however said, “Of course I’m only guessing, it’s not necessarily that matter.”

Luo Feng looked at the Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord and Venerable Gui Yi suspiciously.

Venerable True Yan was equally puzzled.

Venerable Qui Yi and the Nine Amazing Kingdom Lord quickly left, the two of them didn’t even go into detail about what the recent supreme meeting of the human race was about! Luo Feng and Venerable Zhen Yan didn’t ask any further questions, the meeting was going to be held soon anyway.

“A message from the glory world?”

Luo Feng had just detached his consciousness from the virtual universe, a sliver of his consciousness even shook the glory world and he quickly received several messages.

Some of them were emails from some inheritors of the Hong alliance, but among them was a message from the glory world system.

“Blade River King, you are the best among the hundreds of millions of inheritors of the Ancestral God Cult, you have proven your strength with your battle results, and even more so, because of your battle results …… it has caused you to receive the attention of my Ancestral God Cult’s Beast God! In the near future …… the Beast God of Thunder among the eight Beast Gods of my Ancestral God Cult will personally appear at Zijing Island and preside over the bestowal at Zijing Island to bestow you with treasures.”

Luo Feng looked at this message with some dismay.

The Beast God of Thunder descended on Zijing Island to publicly preside over the bestowal and grant you treasures?

“A good thing like the bug expelling king has landed on me?” Luo Feng was surprised, “I remember that the Barking Mirror King wouldn’t have gotten a supreme treasure bestowed on him, while the Bug Expelling King got a full two supreme treasures bestowed on him.”

“One of the eight beast gods personally descended to bestow ……”

Luo Feng was a bit confused by this sudden surprise.

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