Chapter 83 – Traveling to the Amazing God Clan

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:45:21
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Luo Feng watched revered one depart, while in his heart there was some regret.

This time, he didn’t agree, the second elder brother was as usual on the surface, but there was definitely a lump in his heart.

“Unfortunately, my soul type supreme treasure ‘tower bead’, is the Star Tower’s recognizable object. Cosmic honored one that is whoever fuses it dies!” Luo Feng silently said, “If it was a normal soul class supreme treasure, temporarily lending it to revered reverend would be nothing. Anyway, the ‘primordial star’ opens for a full thousand epochs …… I can also wait for hundreds of epochs, and when Venerable Returning One returns from breaking into the primordial star and returns my treasures, I’ll go back and break into it again before it’s too late. And after hundreds of epochs …… my strength is definitely much stronger as well, maybe I’ve already crossed over to the Universe Exalted level.”

“Luo Feng.”

Venerable Bloodwing came over, “In my opinion, you’d better lend it to Venerable Guiyi, Venerable Guiyi’s status is unusual, it’s rare to ask for it.”

“Hahaha, no need to say more.” Luo Feng laughed and shook his head.

It wasn’t that he didn’t borrow.

It was that it was impossible to borrow!

“As you wish then.” Bloodwing venerable also laughed, “You’re ambitious enough too.”

“Sort of want to go and break in.” Luo Feng said.

For the mysterious primordial star, Luo Feng did want to go and see it. But he was also clear …… that his own strength wasn’t enough!

Time passed, the universe honored ones who came to borrow supreme treasures from Luo Feng were one after another.

Obviously the vast majority of the powerhouses were of the opinion that …… Luo Feng shouldn’t go to the primordial star! But they all came one by one and got a snub.

These ones who came to borrow supreme treasures from Luo Feng, there were some friends of Luo Feng, some who were very close. There were also some who never knew each other ……

With the earliest batch of Universe Exalted borrowing supreme treasures from Luo Feng here and being rejected, the news soon spread, and almost all the Universe Exalted knew …… that Dagger River King Luo Feng also wanted to go to Primordial Star to make a break for it, so if they wanted to borrow supreme treasures from him, they couldn’t think about it.

“He, Luo Feng, is also going to Primordial Star?”

“He’s just an immortal, although very powerful, but it’s also the universe medium honored warrior power …… but he has so many supreme treasures in his body. In the Primordial Star, it’s simply a mobile treasure trove! Any number of alien superpowers who encountered him would have gone after him. Isn’t he looking for death?”

“He’s looking for death, what do you care?”

“For him to go to the Primordial Star with this amount of strength is purely asking for his own death!”

“Let’s see how he ends up in the Primordial Star.”

“It doesn’t matter if he dies, but if he dies and the treasure falls into the hands of a foreign race. That could be a loss for our entire clan! That would be a sinner!”

“Don’t worry, he’s not that easy to die, Chaos City Lord values him that much, he’ll definitely help him, maybe Chaos City Lord will arrange for two Cosmic Hegemons to form a team with him ……”

There are indeed a good group of universe honored ones who look at Luo Feng and are jealous of him, these universe honored ones have been working hard to capture some treasures and offer them to the community to get some contribution value to exchange for the treasures and resources that they need! But Luo Feng was able to obtain a soul type supreme treasure in the realm lord …… naturally causing many universe honored ones to be resentful, dissatisfied, and even hateful!

“And watch, watch how Luo Feng will end up in the primordial star.” Many universe honored beings were watching Luo Feng joke.

Just kidding!

What kind of place is the primordial star? Cosmic lords and cosmic overlords were rampant, cosmic high reverends that would be among the most common …… Even if they were cosmic high reverends, there would usually be a few groups. Any squad battle power can’t be underestimated, how could he, Luo Feng, create a miracle with just one immortal?

Even if he is the most heavenly special life, even if he has the most heavenly special secret method, the most heavenly treasures! Even if he is the most extraordinary special life, even if he has the most extraordinary special secret method, the most extraordinary treasures, the level of “immortal” …… destines him to not be able to create miracles on the primitive star!

Virtual universe, Thunder Island mountainside.

Luo Feng and True Diffusion Venerable Master and Disciple were gathered together.

“I won’t go to that primordial star, my strength is still far from enough.” Venerable Zhen Yan had a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, “I really want to go and break into it, but I’m also self-aware. Luo Feng, you’re my disciple, so I’ll talk about you! Although your strength is good, you don’t have to rush into the primordial star …… Instead, because of this, you’ve become estranged from the two universe overlords.”

Luo Feng could only smile.

It was.

There were a total of two universe overlords who borrowed supreme treasures from themselves, one was revered one and one was revered white phoenix. Both had come to borrow soul type supreme treasures, but they couldn’t borrow them themselves, and they couldn’t say so.

“Worthy of being my disciple, his temperament is just like mine.” Venerable Zhen Yan smiled and shook his head, “However, if you enter the Primordial Star, you have to be careful and make adequate preparations. From the information we’ve gathered now, it’s just too dangerous there.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded.

Cosmic High Exalted perishing, that was a common situation, almost often seen.

There were also a good number of universe overlords who perished!

Cosmic lords …… have all perished!

“Teacher, I’m prepared.” Luo Feng said.

“Well, you not borrowing the supreme treasure has also caused a lot of people in the circle of our human race’s universe reverends to look at your jokes right now.” Venerable Zhen Yan said, “Even your friends don’t really believe that you can perform miracles. But I’m your teacher, I’ve watched you grow all the way, I believe in you!”

Luo Feng grinned.

“Remember, don’t be laughed at by those guys?” True Diffusion reverend said.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded.

A few moments later, Luo Feng watched the True Diffusion Venerable One leave.

“I’m afraid that other than teacher believing in me, not many would believe that I perform miracles.” Luo Feng said softly, “Even myself, I don’t have much certainty ah, my current strength …… when I run into a cosmic hegemon, I still have to dodge, it’s too hard to get a tiger’s mouth in the primordial star to seize some supreme treasure.”

“Robbing armor …… don’t let me down.” Luo Feng said silently.

Luo Feng was clear about his own strength, this bit of strength was called to span the universe, he could go anywhere! But the primordial star that billions of communities of super strong people gathered, relying on the real bloody fight, in the Lord of the universe, the universe hegemon, some of the universe Higher Exalted Squad, oneself is indeed counted as the bottom of the pile.

The only way to rely on …… robbing armor!

The strongest person in the universe, “Sitting Mountain Guest”, left two treasures for his second disciple, one is the Amazing Divine Halberd and the other is the Original Soul. For his third disciple Luo Feng also left two treasures, one is the Star Pagoda and the other is the Hijacking Armor.

The Star Pagoda was created due to some unforeseen circumstances, and only then did its power skyrocket, reaching the level of a “supreme treasure”.

On the other hand, the Hijack Armor, the Amazing God Halberd, and the Original Soul were treasures of the same level.

All of them were extremely precious in the universe!

Sitting Mountain Guest had spent countless amounts of money on them!

Compared to the Chaos City Lord’s River of Thousand Treasures, they were not even close.

Moreover, the “Robbery Armor” was specially made by that mountaineer for his future third disciple, and according to the design he had planned to create, Luo Feng would be the most suitable to use it!

“Things like the star map and the Wuicide Feather are just ordinary supreme treasures.” Luo Feng said silently, “The universe lords don’t care at all, they’re all already useless to them. And although the ‘robber armor’ is a step behind the star tower, the star tower is after all a universe supreme supreme treasure! This Robber Armor is definitely considered a top-tier supreme treasure or even a peak supreme treasure.”

“It’s much stronger than the Wu-Slaying Feather and the like.”

“The power of the robber armor must be extraordinary.”

The Amazing God Clan, which resided in a remote place far away from the human frontier, was an ethnic group that exclusively occupied a huge cosmic secret realm!

“Buzz ……” On a desolate planet, turquoise light filled the air.

A hideous immortal alien race and a youth in golden armor appeared on this desolate planet.

“Well done.” The golden-armored youth smiled and looked at the Immortal Fey.

The hideous Immortal Fey even prostrated respectfully.

“With the many alien races under my command, I have left many token locations in the universe. This …… is the closest place to the Amazing God Race.” Luo Feng said softly, while waving his hand, he then gave that hideous immortal foreign race into the world ring, “It’s still a long, long way to travel to the Amazing God Race from here.”

“Luckily I have the ancient ship Galaxy.” Luo Feng flipped his hand and an ancient ship the size of a date palm appeared in his palm.

“Big, big, big!”

Luo Feng waved his hand.

The ancient ship immediately broke through the air and flew away, at the same time Luo Feng’s divine power gurgled into it, the divine power catalyzed it, only to see the ancient ship rapidly grow larger in the starry sky, soon becoming the size of this planet Luo Feng was on.

“Haha.” Luo Feng stepped into the ancient ship with a single step.

Standing on the deck.

Looking at the infinite stars ……

“A flying palace type top heavy treasure, it’s just so much stronger than a spaceship.” Luo Feng manipulated his divine power, causing the ancient ship to shrink and turn into an ancient ship that was about a thousand meters long. After all, the ancient ship stayed oversized …… that consumed a lot of divine energy as well.


Luo Feng’s mind moved.


This ancient ship quickly accelerated, paddling, it left a silver stream of light in the starry sky, followed by the extreme threshold of the speed of light that had been reached. It directly disappeared into thin air and entered the dark universe.

In the dark universe, the ancient ship’s galactic speed continued to soar crazily.

10 times the speed of light, 20 times the speed of light, 30 times the speed of light ……

100 times the speed of light, 200 times the speed of light, 300 times the speed of light ……

“Hahaha, painful, painful.” Standing in front of the railing, holding the railing and looking at it, the entire ancient ship Galaxy’s crashing corners all naturally formed a shield-shaped film, protecting the entire ancient ship.

“It’s so much faster than those biological ships, mechanical ships, so much faster.” Luo Feng continuously catalyzed the speed of the ancient ship galaxy.

It finally stopped when it reached nearly 800 times the speed of light.

This was Luo Feng’s limit, not the limit of the ancient ship galaxy.

If Luo Feng burned his divine power, he could still catalyze it even faster! If Luo Feng had a higher sense of law, he could also catalyze faster.

“Enough, I estimate that I can reach the Amazing mystic realm after flying in the dark universe for more than two months.” Luo Feng secretly said, the Amazing God Race was living in a huge cosmic secret realm, because this cosmic secret realm was occupied and ruled by the Amazing God Race, this cosmic secret realm was often called the Amazing Mysterious Realm by some cosmic powerhouses.

Riding the ancient ship galaxy, Luo Feng traveled the dark universe, after almost three months, the ancient ship galaxy finally slowed down and left the dark universe.

Luo Feng stood on the deck of the ancient ship galaxy, holding the railing and looking, “Here it is, the Amazing Mysterious Realm!”

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