Chapter 9: The Trouble with Fame

Release Date: 2024-07-12 11:42:00
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Luo Feng and Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain turned into streams of light and quickly flew away, the entire treasure land is very vast and vast, like some of the large lakes between the mountain ranges are more than a million kilometers, from this it can be seen, how vast is the entire treasure land?

“We’re flying here, how long do we have to fly, instantly move away.” Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain said.


Luo Feng also answered, the devil slayer clan split formed a metal piece between the mo yun battle suit and the general armor, then the two of them one after the other almost simultaneously performed instantaneous transfer, dark mist clan thousand rain was performing instantaneous transfer first, Luo Feng was sensing his position before performing the past. Although it is generally difficult to sense the exact coordinates of a long distance transient …….

After all, Luo Feng and the Dark Mist Clan’s Thousand Mist instantaneous distance is not too far.

Deep within a remote mountain range in the treasure land, Luo Feng and Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain appeared at the same time, Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain looked down from afar and pointed to a distant depression, “Let’s go to the depression within that canyon, I reckon there are a lot of scary people who want to look for you right now, and it can be quiet for a while in this remote nook and cranny.”

“Ha.” Luo Feng laughed, nodding his head then swooped down with the Dark Mist Clan’s Thousand Rain and flew into the mountain depression deep within that canyon.

There was a mountain stream within that depression, the stream gurgled.

Luo Feng and Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain then landed beside the stream.

“Hua, are you really the Blade River King?” Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain looked at Luo Feng and couldn’t help but ask.

Luo Feng looked at him, “You want to know?”

“I don’t mean that.” Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain even said, “I didn’t mean to probe you, it’s just that, I’m also curious. Blade River King’s reputation is really great, the body of a sector lord can kill the limit of a sealed king, this is simply the kind of unique special life in the universe like the bug expelling king can only do against the heavens, I believe that there are many people in the universe who are curious about you.”

Luo Feng smiled and nodded, “Just think of me as the Blade River King.”

“You’re not?” Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain was stunned, “Could it be, ah!”

Dark Mist Clan Thousand Rain’s eyes lit up in surprise, “Could it be that you are a fake introduced by the human clans to deliberately mislead those foreign clans who want to kill the Blade River King? Ah, awesome, really awesome, this move is really ruthless. In this way, any more effort they expend will just be wasted, and it also protects the real Blade River King, and with your ability, the clan will definitely ensure that they will reverse time and space to resurrect you.”

“This Qian Yu has a good imagination.” Luo Feng said darkly.

Seeing that Luo Feng didn’t say anything, Dark Mist Clan’s Qian Yu even said, “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything, hey – you won’t deliberately mislead me, maybe you’re the real Blade River King! True or false, deliberately coming to mislead me.”

“Think whatever you want.” Luo Feng smiled, “Calling me Hua is fine, call me Blade River King and I’ll respond.”

“You-” Dark Mist Clan Qian Yu was helpless.

“Don’t talk about this, I came to the treasure land, but I’m curious about this treasure.” Luo Feng turned his head to look at the depression, the scenery in the depression was beautiful, the distant canyon mountain walls were very steep and dangerous, a large number of plants on the mountain walls were also strange, jagged rocks, and streams everywhere.

Luo Feng observed for a long time.

“Where’s the treasure?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask, “I’ve come to the treasure land for so long and I haven’t seen any treasure.”

“There are treasures everywhere.” Dark Mist Clan Qian Yu teased, “Of course you can’t see it.”

“What do you mean?” Luo Feng asked after him.

“Newbie, you really don’t know anything, you enter the glory world and meet up with our many good friends from Hong alliance, usually talk more, naturally you know more. I’ll then give you this common sense.” Dark Mist Tribe Thousand Rain pointed around, “The Ancestral God Sect in the super strong can leave some treasure hidden in a certain place, after hiding also set the conditions, but all meet the conditions of the strong as long as the treasure to walk to the treasure, the treasure will be automatically opened.”

“Automatically open?” Luo Feng was puzzled, “The treasure is a dead thing, how would it know if we fulfill the conditions?”

“You don’t understand.”

Dark Mist Clan Qian Yu pointed to the sky remotely, “The entire area shrouded by the colorful aurora lake is within the Ancestral God Sect’s control. As long as you are within this area, anything you do, the Ancestral God Sect’s secret control system will know about it.”

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, yes, everything that happened within the Star Tower was known to him.

Where those powerhouses were, what they were doing, everything was detailed.

The colorful aurora lake was afraid to be the same.

“Which level of your Beast God Inheritance have you reached? The strength of your divine power? Your Soul Amplitude Technique, God Body Amplitude Technique in the Glory World you will naturally deliberately show …… And the control system of the Glory World should be connected to the control system of the entire Lake of Five Colored Aurora, right?” The Dark Mist Clan’s Thousand Rain said, “In short, this control system will collect all your messages, and once you meet the opening conditions of a certain treasure, as long as you come to the treasure, the treasure will automatically open.”

“So, getting the treasure mainly relies on two things, first, meeting the treasure conditions. Second, to come to the treasure.”

Dark Mist Clan Thousand Misty Rain laughed, “So normally you have to try to show some of your special abilities, distinctive abilities, in the World of Glory, or quietly show them in your mansion. Although the mansion is your territory, the control system will still know everything you are doing.”

“Remember, you have to show your strength …… otherwise the control system won’t be able to collect messages either.” Dark Mist Clan Qian Yu said.

Luo Feng nodded as he listened.

He himself was the same in the star tower, he could have a pair of eyes staring at the tower like it was strong all the time, but that was the most he could do! One could not probe the souls of those foreign races, one could not probe the secrets within their bodies, one could only watch from the surface to gather information.

“For example, if you, Blade River King, are really a realm lord, you can temporarily expose the identity of the realm lord within your territory in the mansion.” The dark mist tribe thousand rain said, “come here the inheritor is the realm lord of very few very few, I’m afraid that from the birth of the universe to come to now are to 10, each come here the realm lord, that one is have sealed the king’s strength of the heavenly monsters. This is your most different, maybe there are treasures, specially set up to have to have the realm lord to open the conditions.”

“Ha……” Luo Feng laughed, but in his heart, he had many ideas when he listened to the Dark Mist Clan’s Qian Yu’s description earlier.

“Later in that world of glory, gather some message information properly, newcomers, knowing is less.” Luo Feng secretly said.

When Luo Feng and the dark mist clan Qianyu hid in the fringe of the treasure land, a remote canyon in the col …… the entire treasure land is completely lively, knife river king appeared in the treasure land and Bei Shan venerable fighting on the message, the spreading speed of how fast and furious? Especially through the virtual world “glory world” transmission, at the beginning of the watch lively only tens of thousands of strong, but a pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a few moments later, there are tens of millions of inheritors know. There are still some strong people do not know, because the message is closed to receive, are in the hard cultivation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Only a figure appeared one after another at that teleportation channel.

“Where is the Knife River King?”

“Where is the human Knife River King?” Those powerful people who had newly rushed to the Treasure Land, each and every one of them wanted to meet that Knife River King who was known to billions of communities in the universe.

“Slipped away.”

“This Knife River King and that Thousand Rain King of the Dark Mist Clan, slipped away together.”

“You guys aren’t mistaken, are you, that human is really the Blade River King?”

“That’s right, that’s definitely right, a lot of strong people from many clans have decided that it’s the Knife River King, the human clan is only one clan, and there are only so many King Sealers, and talented King Sealers are even rarer. It’s a big deal to be able to produce a Blade River King, could there be another hidden powerful Seal King? Just think about it, that probability is incredibly low, coincidentally, the Blade River King is also practicing the Beast God Way, could it be that the two great geniuses, both of which have hidden identities, rose up in the same era, and are also practicing the Beast God Way? Hahaha, only a fool would believe that, that must be the Blade River King.”

“Well, it makes sense, go go go, hurry to meet this Knife River King, it is said that the Demon Race, the Mechanical Race, the Insect Race bounty is high and amazing, especially the Demon Race, but also took out a supreme treasure, although it barely reaches the threshold of the supreme treasure, and it is not much use to that lofty Lords of the Universe, but it makes the Cosmic Exalted but they are fuming mad.”

The land of treasures, although vast and vast, after all, there were too many strong people, and it didn’t take long before there were those who had discovered Luo Feng and the Thousand Rain King.

“Look, that’s not Thousand Rain King.”

“Yes, it’s him, the black armored human next to him must be the Blade River King.”

“The Blade River King is a Realm Lord? But why can’t I tell?”

“It’s said that the Blade River King has a supreme treasure that hides the Boundary Lord’s aura only.” Only three figures were seen swooping down, directly rushing towards the depression of that canyon.

As soon as Luo Feng and the Dark Mist Clan’s Thousand Rain looked up, they saw that those three figures had arrived in front of them almost instantly.

“Still discovered.” Luo Feng shook his head, he had wanted to have a good stroll in this place where countless treasures were hidden, but now it seemed like he couldn’t wander around freely.

“Blade river king.”

“Blade River King.”

The three figures were all around one meter six in height, their waists and backs were very wide and extremely muscular, as if they were carrying shields on their backs, they also had six thick arms and six eyes, all of them staring at Luo Feng with great curiosity. It was as if they wanted to see just how amazing this human who could kill the limit of a sealed king in the body of a sector lord was.

“Are you the Blade River King?” Suddenly one of the powerhouses in dark green armor asked.

“Of course he is.”

“Definitely.” The other two companions were straightforward.

Luo Feng laughed at this, “Three Tapu Clan powerhouses, looking for the Sword River King for something?”

“Don’t deny it, it’s impossible for the human race to have two supreme geniuses pop up in the same era, and both of them are hidden geniuses, and both of them are practicing the beast god way.” Among them, that Tapu Clan powerhouse wearing dark purple armor said.

“Blade River King.” The dark green armored Tapu Clan powerhouse stared at Luo Feng, “I’ve heard of your legend, but, I don’t believe it! Your human race’s life genes have always been ordinary, it’s not like you’re a special being. Even if your law perception is high, even if your secret techniques are powerful, if your body and soul aren’t strong enough, you’re definitely not a match for the limit of a sealed king, let alone killing it. Legend has it that you are a Realm Lord, I don’t believe it! I’m afraid this is a rumor that you humans have deliberately put out!”

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