Chapter 13 – Jian He Luo

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:09:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

A sliver of Luo Feng’s divine energy quickly drilled into the black sword body, and the life mark was directly branded on, recognizing the owner successfully.

“Hmm?” A trace of doubt swept through the eyes of the golden horned beast with its head hung low.

“What’s going on, there is actually no message passed over in this supreme treasure ……” Psi Sea Luo Feng was also puzzled overlooking this black sword body, like many heavy treasures and supreme treasures, there is usually a message passed into the consciousness when one recognizes the owner. Generally some detailed description about this weapon, or even a set of secret methods to run the treasure, etc..

Of course, some treasures do not have a message, such as the “star map”, “Wuicide Feathers”, “tower beads” and so on a bunch of.

Whether there is a message or not, depends on the original creation of this treasure of the strong whether to leave a message.

Tower bead, is a part of the Star Tower, will not contain a message.

The Star Map is also an ordinary treasure made by Sitting Mountain Guest with the combination of a scroll and many sealed stars.


Some supreme treasures and heavy treasures might not have messages in them. However, according to the information Luo Feng had viewed that “accustomed to Zeus” had collected about the primordial star, but all the supreme treasures and heavy treasures that had been born on the primordial star …… were treasures that had been birthed by the universe, and these treasures were born with a message.

“Strange.” Luo Feng secretly wondered a bit.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” Those three teams with a total of eight universe high reverends were frantically attacking, bombarding the golden horned beast’s wings over and over again, also interrupting Luo Feng’s thoughts.


The Golden Horned Beast’s mind moved, causing the huge black sword to rapidly shrink while integrating into the Golden Horned Beast, fusing onto a scale.

“Roar ……” a roar that made heaven and earth shake resounded, at the same time the huge golden wings that opened up like a canopy rapidly shrunk from spreading out hundreds of thousands of kilometers to tens of thousands of kilometers wide, naturally revealing the Golden Horned Beast and the Phantom Sea doppelganger, the two great towering figures. .

The eight Cosmic Super Existences that were still besieging earlier were instantly a bit disappointed when they saw this.

“That supreme treasure has been collected!”

“It has already recognized its owner.”

“Damnable starry sky behemoth, let’s go!”

The eight Cosmic Super Existences looked fiercely at the two towering figures of the Phantom Sea Divergence and the Golden Horned Beast, and first, the three superpowers of the Prison Clan flew away directly. Next to them, the five Cosmic Exalted Beings from the Hong Alliance and the Northern Border Alliance also had a hint of disappointment, and none of them had any thoughts of capturing the treasures anymore.

They all knew very well that before the treasure had recognized its owner, they could still fight for it!

But now that it had recognized its owner, the only way to capture the treasure was to kill that Golden Horned Beast! Must know before that golden horn beast hard against eight universe zunis attack are all right, visible defense how strong …… and the other side if they really want to escape, they also can not stop at all.

The most important thing that made them unable to seize the treasure was the size of the Golden Horned Beast’s divine body!

“With such a large divine body, it’s just slowly consuming with us, and before we can kill him, our divine bodies will all burn out.”

“We came late this time, it would have been better if we had come earlier.”

“A supreme treasure, it fell into the hands of the starry sky behemoth.”

The ones from the Hong Alliance and the Northern Border Alliance were all a bit unwilling.

“Haha, five of you, you are slow.” The Golden Horn Beast let out a low voice.

“Count yourself lucky!”

“Let’s go.”

The three Cosmic Exalted from the Northern Border Alliance and the two Cosmic Exalted from the Hong Alliance also quickly left.

The Golden Horned Beast and the Phantom Sea Divergent also looked into the distance from afar……. At this moment, there was a team approaching in the distance, all attracted by the supreme treasure aura and battle commotion.

“Hurry up and go!”

The Phantom Sea Bifurcation quickly shrunk to more than nine meters tall, and the Golden Horn Beast also violently shrunk to more than a hundred meters long, only to see the golden wings spread out …… The Phantom Sea Bifurcation sat on its knees on the back of the Golden Horn Beast.


Rapidly broke through the air and went ……

“The treasure has already fallen into the hands of that starry sky behemoth.”


“This treasure capture is over. Wait for the next time.”

“I don’t know if the treasure that came out this time is a top-tier heavy treasure or an ordinary supreme treasure.” Some of those later alien Cosmic Exalted talked with their companions, each secretly wondering, but they could only leave.

On the Primordial Star, the proximity of the water tower was the first to get the moon, it depended on both strength and luck, and if the supreme treasure was closer, it would naturally take advantage of the situation.

The three Cosmic Exalted from the Northern Frontier Alliance were flying away, heading back to their temporary resting spot – which was the top of a low mountain range.

“Those two Starry Sky Beasts were really lucky.”

“But the Starry Sky Beast Alliance is indeed mysterious and powerful, another domain-type treasure, another feathered supreme treasure, and this time, a black sword supreme treasure.” The three Cosmic Exalted Persons were talking, and among them, the Cosmic Exalted Person who was about ten meters tall with his whole body seemingly cast in metal was frowning in thought.

“Yes, it’s …… that style ……”

“Yes, it is it!”

“That’s it!” Purple Metal Venerable’s eyes lit up, first, his divine power completely isolated his surroundings then he even looked at the foreign beast Venerable who was lying on the ground next to him with hundreds of soft strips around his mouth, and even said, “Hundred Raccoon Venerable, you have a detachment in the core hinterland of my Northern Border Alliance, you hurry up to pass the message to the inside of the alliance, we’ve just discovered one of Sword River Luo’s divine swords.”

“Sword River Luo?” The two Universe Exalted beside them both froze, and then both of their eyes snapped round.

In particular, that Hundred Raccoon Venerable’s row of densely packed eyes were even more snowy, “The legendary top-grade supreme treasure ‘Sword River Luo’?”

The Sword River Luo …… can be called the most dazzling piece of supreme treasure in this Primordial Star opening for more than a hundred years!

At that time, a huge mausoleum emerged from the ground, and it was the mausoleum of the sword, the Sword Mound! There is an ancient stone tablet in the sword mound, which records …… that there are a large number of heavy treasure divine swords in the sword mound, and even several ordinary supreme treasures, as well as the most precious of all – the sword river Luo parts! The Sword River Luo has two parts: the compass and the nine divine swords.

The nine divine swords were fused in the compass, and once it was driven and executed, it could turn into an endless river of swords with monstrous power.

Once the nine swords are united.

The power superposition …… is even more incredible.

It is both a domain class top level treasure and comparable to a peak treasure in terms of attack.

A single compass alone was already a domain class ordinary supreme treasure! The integration of a divine sword into it can cause its power to increase, and as more divine swords are integrated …… into it, the more powerful it becomes, until the nine swords …… are completely integrated, in order to reach the most perfect situation.

Such a super treasure, that time the sword mound out of the compass carries only a black divine sword, the other eight divine swords are not.

“Sword River Luo’s one divine sword, where is it, where did we find it?” That Hundred Raccoon Venerable One even asked after him.

“Where did we ……” Another Universe Exalted One just opened his mouth, and this good-looking purple metal Universe Exalted One couldn’t help but say, “It’s the supreme black sword that those two from the Starry Sky Beast Alliance took away just now ah! I’ve even seen the picture of the Sword River Luo with my own eyes, and that black sword inserted in that compass is exactly the same as the black sword just now!”

The Hundred Raccoon Venerable One was alarmed.

“Quickly, quickly inform the Alliance.” That purple metal Venerable One even droned.


The Hundred Raccoon Venerable One even nodded.

Many of the superpowers of the various races of the universe who had entered the Primordial Star had avatars within their races, and a very small number of them had bilocations within their races! The avatars were already able to simply pass on messages …… However, for some important matters, the avatars were not always able to do so.

“My bilocation has already entered the core land of the Alliance.”

“There will soon be a Master of the Universe to meet me.”

The Hundred Raccoon Venerable One spoke in a low voice.

For a long time-

“Passing is complete, I simulated the appearance of the black divine sword from before through my consciousness. The Lord of the Universe has confirmed that it was indeed one of the components of the Sword River Luo! The number of supreme treasures is already extremely small, and a supreme treasure with an almost identical style is almost unlikely. And one after the other, they both came out in the Primordial Star……. It must be one of Sword River Luo’s divine swords.”

“The Lord of the Universe has ordered us to – stay put for now. Arrangements are now being made for a good number of the closest Cosmic Overlords as well as Overwhelming Demon Lords to arrive at our Primordial Star.”

“Our contributions have been recorded.”

The Hundred Raccoon Venerable One looked towards the other two, each revealing an excited smile to the other.

At this moment, the Northern Border Alliance then immediately started arranging for strong people to arrive as fast as possible at the primordial star where Luo Feng was.

Virtual universe, an open air bar in the inner city of Hong alliance city a large number of universe zunis gathered here.

The Hong Alliance powerhouses that entered the primordial star this time almost all left avatars, which connected to the virtual universe …… as a way to pass on messages.

“Another supreme treasure has come out, look, it’s this supreme treasure, I saw it with my own eyes.”

“What is the most precious treasure?”

“Come and take a look?”

“In which Primordial Star?”

Various voices rang out, everyone was interested in some of the movements of the Primordial Star.

“Look, here’s the picture.” An alien powerhouse with a bald body full of hair and a pair of golden eyes displayed a picture there, “This supreme treasure was slowly emerging from the swamp at that time, but unfortunately, I was far away and slow to get there. This supreme treasure was taken away by the two powerhouses of the Star Beast Alliance in a joint effort.”

“A supreme treasure.”

“What a pity, a supreme treasure was in front of you and you didn’t even get it. It was actually taken away by the Starry Sky Beast Alliance’s.”

“I can’t do anything about it, those two powerhouses of the Starry Sky Beast Alliance, both of them have god bodies that are tens of thousands of kilometers in length …… Such strong god bodies, when the treasure comes into their hands, there is still hope to take it back? Even if a Cosmic Overlord puts his life on the line, I’m afraid it would take a great deal of effort to make a divine body of that size completely consume the light.” That bald Cosmic Exalt spoke there.

“Isn’t that Sword River Luo’s divine sword?”

“Yes, Sword River Luo’s divine sword!”

There was an explosion.

And at this time, a figure walked in the open air bar, it was none other than Luo Feng.

“Strange thing, the treasure on the primordial star, recognized its owner, but there’s no message at all.” Luo Feng puzzled, precisely because of the puzzlement, so he connected to the virtual universe …… came to the Hong alliance of the strongest in the virtual universe news exchange place, want to find some familiar friends to ask, a lot of pengfa even accustomed to the zunzui also stayed here.

“鐙冨畽灏婅€�.” Luo Feng caught a glimpse of the distant, accustomed zunzui zunzhe who was listening to other people’s rapid news, and immediately shouted.

Venerable Accustomed to Zeus turned around and his eyes lit up, “Blade river.”

Luo Feng walked over with a smile.

Suddenly he frowned as a figure caught his attention.

“It’s him?” Luo Feng recognized the bald cosmic zunigong, the Hong alliance powerhouse who had attacked him in the primordial star before.

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