Chapter 17: Encounters on the Primal Planet

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:10:02
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“Please also guide me, teacher.” Luo Feng listened carefully.

The Chaos City Lord laughed, “No matter which vortex passage you head to, that Northern Frontier Alliance probably has an arrangement! So what you have to do is …… not go near any vortex passage!”

Luo Feng was stunned, vaguely understanding his teacher’s thoughts.

“Teacher, you mean ……,” Luo Feng said, “I’ll fly aimlessly farther on the primordial star, don’t go near any of the vortex passages.”


Chaos city lord nodded, “You don’t go to any of the vortex passages, instead you stay away from the previous location where the sword river Luo divine sword came out. At least it would be hard for those universe overlords to run into you. The only way to catch you …… would be to wait for the Cosmic Lords of the Northern Border Alliance to descend.

Luo Feng nodded.

If you don’t go to the vortex passage, it’s true that you’re not in much danger, but the enemy universe lord will eventually descend …… and then you can only tie your hands.

“Your means of disguise is useless in front of the Lord of the Universe.” Chaos City Lord said, “So you don’t need to disguise yourself at all, you just need to have your Golden Horned Beast Split and Nine Specters Split, act separately.”

“Leave the treasures and everything else with the Nine Specters bilocation.”

“And the Cosmic Lords of the Northern Border Alliance will only stare at the two Star Beasts to look for them, and even if they see your Nine Specters doppelganger, they won’t be able to recognize it.” Chaos city lord said, “The primordial star has universe reverends from all races, if you were in disguise you might be detected, but your nine ghosts doppelganger doesn’t need to be in disguise at all, it reveals everything true.”

Luo Feng laughed.

“That’s why …… even if he kills the Golden Horn Beast bilocation, he won’t be able to find any treasures.” Chaos city lord said, “At that time he will start carefully probing all the powerhouses on the entire primordial star.”

“He doesn’t dare to mess around though.”

“Your two main doppelgangers acting separately are perfectly capable of delaying it for a longer period of time. I was, for sure, there by then.” Chaos City Lord said, “You only need to hold on until I descend on that primordial star, then, you’ve succeeded.”

Luo Feng nodded, “Yes, teacher.”

This method was simple.

It was for Luo Feng to stay up for a while, more time not to go to the vortex passage and throw himself into the net! As long as he stays up until the Chaos City Lord descends, he’ll have succeeded. It was a very simple method …… precisely because it was simple, there were fewer breaks.

“Go.” Chaos City Lord commanded, “Remember what I said, and also, the Northern Border Alliance Universe Lord may arrive before me, once he descends …… don’t let him find the cracks.”

“I understand.” Luo Feng nodded.

Human frontier primordial secret realm, thousand treasures river realm.

“Rumbling ……” the vast dry treasure river disappeared out of nowhere, transforming into a garment over a towering figure tens of thousands of kilometers tall, the Chaos City Lord, only to see the Chaos City Lord clad in a thousand treasure garment, holding a hand. The Chaos City Lord was clad in a thousand treasures, holding a broken stone stick, standing barefoot in mid-air, looking into the void.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and said, “I’m going to the Primordial Star and will be back soon, so stop researching your mastery for a while and help me guard this Primordial Mysterious Realm.”

“Yes, senior brother.” A voice resounded directly around the Chaos City Lord.

The Chaos City Lord nodded his head.

Immediately, with a single step in the void …… he had disappeared.

“Where is the Thousand Treasure River?”

“The Thousand Treasure River has disappeared.”

“Teacher is afraid of walking out.” Some of the universe honored beings in those palaces within the Thousand Treasure River and many servants had all realized that the vast Thousand Treasure River had disappeared.

Luo Feng’s earthling essence was also standing outside the palace, looking at the void outside from afar.

“I hope everything goes well.” Luo Feng said silently.

The other end of the vortex passageway leading to the nearest place where the sword river Luo divine sword came out of the world.

As a stream of light approached.

“Venerable Vinecroft is here, with his domain type supreme treasure …… we have our third setup as well, everything is even more assured. No matter how powerful that starry sky beast’s means are, even if it’s a heaven-defying special life, even if our six Universe Hegemons can’t defeat him, we can definitely trap him with our many means. He definitely won’t be able to escape!”

“There’s news coming in that on that primordial star, it seems that some of the Hong Alliance’s powerhouses are also preparing to hunt those two starry sky behemoths.”


“What are we going to do, die here?”

“Don’t worry, the primordial star is very big and it’s impossible to instantly move or divine Kingdom teleport, how can it be so easy to round up and kill? Let’s follow the plan and die here.”

The vortex passage leading to the outside world, in the mountain forest below.

“Manifold Blood Palace Master, Venerable Pei Feng, you two are here, it’s reasonable that you should be the fastest to arrive, and I heard Venerable Forgotten Jah say that you two went to the surrounding area to observe the situation?” There were already a full seven figures lurking in the mountain forest, while Venerable Pei Feng and Manifold Blood Palace Master, who had just flown in, quickly landed down, while Manifold Blood Palace Master coldly grunted, “Of course I’m observing the situation, what, do you think that we’ll be going to deal with the Starry Sky Giant Beast?”

“Hard to say.”

“Hmph.” The Manifold Blood Palace Master and Venerable Pei Feng both snorted coldly.

“If I had gone to deal with the Starry Sky Beast, would I have returned so quickly? From here to the place where the Sword River Luo Divine Sword came out, it would take a long time to fly a round trip alone.” The Manifold Blood Palace Lord looked indifferently at the alien being with nearly a thousand hooves and claws, “Don’t talk nonsense without some shadow.”

Manifold Blood Palace Lord and Venerable Pei Feng also glanced at Venerable Forgotten Jah at this time, and Venerable Forgotten Jah also immediately knew …… that the two of them had failed.

“Luckily, I spent some resources and treasures to make my divine body recover intact.” The Manifold Blood Palace Lord scanned the surroundings and immediately sat down on his knees, paying, “If the damage to my divine body had been detected by them, there would definitely be no small amount of trouble.”

Right at this moment-



In the mid-air vortex passage above, two figures suddenly appeared.


“There’s movement.” The nine superpowers of the Northern Frontier Alliance simultaneously raised their heads to look into midair.

“Don’t be anxious, it’s the Cosmic Exalted who entered the Primordial Star from the outside world, it’s two Cosmic Exalted from the Hong Alliance.

“Hehe, it’s two more Universe Exalted from the Hong Alliance, what’s going on, how did the Hong Alliance’s powerhouses arrive one after another?” This caused the Northern Border Alliance powerhouses lurking here to feel bad, Venerable Pei Feng softly transmitted, “We found the message of the Sword River Luo parts, maybe the Hong Alliance has found it as well.”

“Venerable Forget Jia, hurry back to report this news within the alliance, once the Hong Alliance fights with us, it will be troublesome.”


Since that time in the virtual universe, when the news of the Sword River Luo in the inner city of Hong League spread, there were a large number of Universe Exalted who wanted to rush over, some of them were purely for the fun, they all knew that this “Sword River Luo parts” would definitely cause a big commotion, how could they miss this kind of thing so easily?

So, some of the closest universe honored ones arrived one after another, and there were also many strong people still on their way.

On this primordial star where Luo Feng was, dark currents had already begun to rise, many of the Hong alliance’s powerhouses had flown towards the place where Jian He Luo had emerged, while the Northern Border Alliance’s were laying out in an organized manner.

After Luo Feng and the Chaos City Lord finished talking.

“Whoosh!” A stream of light in the sky above the wilderness quickly flew off into the distance.

“There’s a mountain forest not too far from here.” The Golden Horned Beast looked into the distance and flew rapidly at sub-light speed, “Once we fly to the mountain forest, we’ll have the Golden Horned Beast and my Phantom Sea Split split up and move separately.”

The Golden Horned Beast was extremely fast and soon reached the sky above the mountain forest, then it swooped down.


Swooping down to the mountain forest when the Golden Horned Beast violently stopped, hoof and claw directly stepped on a thick and ancient tree branches, at the same time, the Golden Horned Beast slightly twisted its head to look at its own wings …… only to see the golden feathered wings slightly trembling.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng was incomparably shocked at the moment.

And the scaled wings fused into one of the Wu Slayer feather wing is madly trembling, ang ang ang …… trembling extremely fast, and is not controlled by Luo Feng at all, as if in the distance in a certain direction there is a strange source, in the madness of attracting Luo Feng’s Wu Slayer feather wing.

It’s like a suction stone.

Desperately attracting the Wuicide Feather.

“The Wusicide Feather Wing has long since recognized its owner.” Luo Feng was shocked, “A supreme treasure that is recognized is absolutely according to its owner’s orders. How could it be out of control? And that direction ……”

The golden horned beast looked up at a direction far away in the sky, he felt that if he didn’t suppress …… the Wuicide Feather would take himself directly towards that direction.

“This, what’s going on here?”

Right in that direction that Luo Feng sensed, far away in mid air, there was a figure standing in mid air.

He had a godly body that was about eight meters tall, he had thick legs, eight arms, his whole body was like a metal cast without a single hair, and his head was even brighter! Full mechanical clansman appearance …… The bald mechanical clansman with eight arms is wearing a black battle armor, and there is a pair of black feather wings on his back.

Aung Aung Aung ……

This black feather wings are also slightly trembling, trembling amplitude although small, but crazy trembling.

“Eh?” The eight-armed bald venerable twisted his head to look at his wings, and then looked remotely in the direction of the incoming gravitational force, “What’s going on, my feathered wings are a supreme treasure, and I have never encountered an uncontrolled situation in the hundreds of millions of years I have been controlling them.”

He was powerful and honorable.

The Primordial Star opening, he had also experienced it eight times, and even more dangerous and terrifying situations he had experienced, while his supreme treasure feather wings appearing to be uncontrolled was the first time ever.

“What exactly is the reason?” A cold light swept across the eight-armed bald venerable’s eyes.


With a spread of his wings, he cut through a bizarre black stream of light and quickly flew in the direction he sensed.

The Golden Horned Beast stood on all four hooves on a branch, his wings slightly unfolded, raising his head to look at the mid-air from afar, he was able to clearly feel that the attraction was getting stronger and stronger, it seemed that the source of that gravitational force was constantly approaching.

“It’s that direction.”

“Black dot!”

The Golden Horned Beast instantly saw a black stream of light, in the stream of light there was a black dot that was vaguely approaching rapidly, that was clearly a super strong person.

“That’s him.” The Golden Horned Beast raised its head and stared distantly.

While the black light was approaching in the distance, it also looked down in this direction and also saw the Golden Horned Beast with a pair of golden feathered wings.

Both saw each other.

The lines of sight were relative!

“No, it’s the feathered wings on his back.” The Golden Horned Beast’s gaze quickly landed on the black feathered wings behind that strong figure.

And the eight-armed bald strong man looked downwards, his gaze also fell on the golden feathered wings of the golden horned beast, and both of them almost simultaneously sensed …… that it was the two feathered wings that attracted each other.

“Could it be that my feather wings are merely part of some supreme treasure?” Luo Feng was shocked, then ecstatic.

“My feathered wings, could it be crippled?” The eight-armed bald powerhouse also revealed a look of ecstasy.

The eyes of the two were distantly facing each other.

The killing intent wasn’t hidden in the slightest.

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