Chapter 22 – Nine Roaring Tiger River

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:10:15
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“Disciple would like to offer the Sword River Luo Divine Sword to the clan.” Luo Feng respectfully said.

Chaos city lord smiled and nodded: “Good, you will head to Chaos city, offering treasures to the clan is always done in Chaos city at a specialized location, where the virtual universe system carries out a careful inspection to determine the value and give the contribution value.”

“Virtual universe system?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“In terms of determining value, no one is as good as the virtual universe system.” Chaos city lord laughed, “And letting the virtual universe system make the judgment is absolutely fair because it’s a perfectly executed intelligent system, no need to worry about personal emotions or self-interest in it. All the strongest people are convinced.”

Luo Feng nodded, “Yes, disciple will head to Chaos City now.”


On the same day, Luo Feng arrived at the Virtual Universe Corporation’s base camp and then took a spaceship to Chaos City through the “cosmic channel”.

In the universe ship.

“Ah ……”

“It’s so uncomfortable.”

“The time flow is disorganized, it’s really uncomfortable.” Some of the people in the universe spaceship muttered secretly.

Luo Feng is in the inner most of the spaceship a separate quiet hall room, ears listening to those voices can not help but smile, when he first went to Chaos city, in different time flow rate is also extremely difficult, this original universe and the initial universe is after all a different universe, and each other connected to the cosmic channel is more time flow rate disorders, back then his own batch of geniuses, a lot of is directly fall on the ground.

“In the blink of an eye it has been nearly 100,000 years.” Luo Feng secretly sighed.

Back then the first time he traveled to chaos city himself, he was still very young, at that time even the first layer of the bridge to heaven couldn’t break through, and the most dazzling of that batch of geniuses was Buran.

In the twinkling of an eye ……

Blood Luo world intrusion, the adventure in the magic sound mountain, and even served as a virtual universe Qianwu branch supervision envoy, in the extraterritorial battlefield is to intrude for thousands of years, the ice prison bitter cultivation, the Ancestral God religion in the Zhang Yang, the nine ghosts of space and time adventure …… research extreme absolute science, the universe wandering for 50,000 years, a long time, and finally crossed into the immortality!

Nearly 100,000 long years, the present-day self simply no longer regarded the lofty Eroded Fire Venerable and so on as any rivals back then. Even Universe Hegemons …… themselves had fought against Universe Hegemons such as the Manifold Blood Palace Lord, Venerable Pei Feng, and Venerable Yang Tian.

“In the last 100,000 years, the Genius Battle has been held many times, right?”

“Twice every ten thousand years.” Luo Feng said silently, “I just haven’t been paying attention.”

“Lord Luo Feng, we’ve arrived at Chaos city.” The owner of this spaceship personally shouted with a respectful summons.


Luo Feng came back to reality from his memories, glanced at this respectful and incomparable ship owner, nodded and headed out.

Along the corridor ……

Luo Feng took a step through the hatch amidst the respect of the sealed king immortal level ship owner, immortal level crew, and sector lord crew. It was followed by the other passengers coming out one by one, they all whispered, “Who is that? Even the ship owner is so respectful?”

“Maybe it’s some Cosmic Exalted.”

“Too awesome.”

“Look, the Chaos City Lord’s black-clothed messenger who came to guide us all bowed respectfully to him.”

The passengers murmured quietly to each other.

Among these passengers were some of Chaos City’s servants, some Cosmic Levels, Domain Masters, Realm Masters, and so on, who had gone to great lengths to obtain the opportunity to come to Chaos City to cultivate, and more than half of them had come to Chaos City for the first time, and were even more glued to the figure in the distance – in their eyes, a Cosmic Exalted (Lord of the Universe) was already an absolute super existence in the universe! .

Descending into Chaos City, Luo Feng arrived at the city lord’s mansion.

“Lord Luo Feng.”

“Lord Luo Feng.” Many of the guards and servants in the city lord’s mansion naturally recognized Luo Feng, they were well-informed and knew that Luo Feng had killed the Barking Mirror King, his palace was even halfway up the mountain of the Thunder Island, and he was even able to be listed in the highest meeting of the clan samples, so naturally, all of them were very respectful.

Luo Feng came before, also through the virtual universe to understand some of the extent of the offering of treasures to the clan.

Offer treasures location …… is in the initial universe city main mansion of an ancient side hall, to offer treasures, must be applied for in the virtual universe beforehand, because usually that ancient side hall has been closed. Only after making an application …… then once you arrive there, the remote hall will automatically open.

Luo Feng walked to the front of the remote hall.

“Rumble ……” the ancient hall door slowly opened, the bronze colored door that was about a hundred meters wide opened completely.

Luo Feng stepped inside.

The rumbling …… hall door closed again once more.

“This is where treasures are offered within the clan.” Luo Feng looked at the entire inside of the remote hall, the remote hall was very vast, just placed in the center was a huge stone disk about 100 meters in diameter, as long as the treasures were placed inside the disk, then the virtual universe system would be able to inspect the treasures through the disk in detail once.

Luo Feng flipped his hand and a black sword body appeared in his hand – that sword He Luo divine sword.

“Ten birds in the forest is better than one bird in the hand.”

“I merely have this one sword He Luo divine sword, it’s not much use at all. There are other divine swords as well as stone disks that are as hard to obtain as heaven. As for pulling the wool over the eyes of the piercing ring alliance, I don’t have that kind of ability.” Luo Feng stepped forward while removing his own life mark from the divine sword and placed the Sword River Luo divine sword in that stone disk.

Buzz ……

A green colored thread rose up from the stone disk, enveloping the entire divine sword and began to meticulously examine the entire divine sword.

Suddenly a voice rang out in the side hall.

“Sword River Luo divine sword, offering it to the clan will get you 12 supreme treasure points. Luo Feng, would you like to offer this treasure to the clan?” The voice was gentle and refreshing.

“Of course.” Luo Feng smiled.

Click ……

The center of the stone disk violently cracked and split towards both sides, while the entire Sword River Luo Divine Sword slowly fell directly into the bottom under invisible manipulation. Immediately followed by the stone disk closing again, restoring the previous original state.

“This is a detailed list of precious treasures exchange for the human race.” That gentle voice continued, at the same time, only to see a hazy huge gray form suddenly appear in mid air throughout the entire side hall, only to see that there were huge four categories on the form – supreme treasures category, heavy treasures category, materials category, special resources category ……

Luo Feng looked up at the huge gray form in mid air.

“Special resource category.” Luo Feng spoke.


The form changed and a large number of complex resource exchanges appeared.

Luo Feng began to scrutinize the treasures of the human community, it seemed like a simple four major categories, but a closer look made Luo Feng shocked …… I’m afraid this form lists all the most core wealth of the entire human community! Of course there are many aspects that Luo Feng can’t even watch.

For example, the treasure category is divided into “ordinary treasure”, “high treasure”, “top treasure”, “peak treasure” and “strong treasure”. “Supreme treasure” is divided into five categories.

Right now, Luo Feng was only able to view ordinary supreme treasures and high supreme treasures. As for top level supreme treasures, peak supreme treasures, and supreme supreme treasures …… simply don’t even have the qualifications to look at them.As for whether human communities have supreme supreme treasures to redeem, Luo Feng is skeptical, but only just skeptical, after all, not qualified to look at them at all.

Like materials and so on, generally like good at refining weapons, refining potions and so on, will find a lot of precious materials here.

Special resources, on the other hand, were all sorts of things.

Even the “Immortal Insect Mother” that had fallen into a deep sleep was there, and even the special beings of the Realm Lord level that were available for taking over were there as well! Of course according to the degree of value and importance, the price also varies, in short, the special resources category is all other kinds of things that don’t belong to “supreme treasures, heavy treasures, and materials” are all categorized under it.

Luo Feng carefully looked at it for more than three hours, he had a rough understanding.

“I have the supply of divine power from the endless sea of ghosts, I don’t need those precious resources at all, I don’t refine weapons, I don’t refine potions, and I don’t have any other special cultivation direction.” Luo Feng shook his head, “It’s better to exchange for supreme treasures, it’s most cost effective.”

Regarding contribution points, there were two levels.

If you donate a treasure to the clan, the clan will give you a “heavy treasure point” or a “supreme treasure point”.

Generally, the most common treasure will get 0.5 treasure points-1.5 treasure points when offered to the clan, of course, some special treasures, even sets of treasures and even “domain-type treasures”, “flying palace-type treasures” Of course, some special treasures or even sets of treasures, or even “domain treasures”, “flying palace treasures”, “soul treasures” are worth more than ordinary treasures.

As for the greatest treasure, the most common treasure will get about 1 treasure point when it is offered to the clan.

And the exchange of treasure points and treasure points, is always keep changing, generally is 1 treasure point 3000 treasure points – 4000 treasure points, there is always fluctuation, now the situation is 1 treasure point can be exchanged for 3220 treasure points.

“Supreme Treasure.”

“Higher supreme treasure.” Luo Feng looked at the prices of the various treasures in the higher supreme treasures.

Higher supreme treasure battle blades, required supreme treasure points ranging from 8-30 supreme treasure points, the cheapest required 8 supreme treasure points.

Higher supreme treasure armor, on the other hand, required supreme treasure points ranging from 12-60 supreme treasure points.

As for the higher domain class supreme treasures, Luo Feng was only able to view the price information of the cheapest one, which required a full 180 treasure points! As for the other higher realm type supreme treasures …… Luo Feng wasn’t qualified to watch the details at all.

In short amongst the higher supreme treasures, the cheapest ones were the melee weapons and the like, while some of the life preserving supreme treasures were relatively more expensive, as for the flying palace class, soul class, and domain class they were the most expensive.

“I’d rather look at ordinary supreme treasures.” Luo Feng shook his head, “Affordable higher supreme treasures melee weapons, numinous weapons, and armor …… I have the star map, Wuicide feather, and robber armor, there’s no need to buy them at all.”

Looking through the ranks of ordinary supreme treasures.

The price was obviously much cheaper ……

It was roughly a tenth of the price of a Higher Supreme Treasure, and there were significantly more treasures in terms of quantity. It was estimated that most of them were not used by the Cosmic Lords after getting them, so they offered them to the clans.

“Really cheap.”

“Really cheap.” Luo Feng kept secretly sighing.

But he was dumbfounded when he saw the flying palace class, soul class, and domain class.

Ordinary flying palace class supreme treasures ranged from 18-80 supreme treasure points.

Ordinary soul class supreme treasures ranged from 36-120 treasure points.

Equal passage domain class supreme treasures ranged from 16-80 to treasure points.

“How expensive.”

Luo Feng looked at his only 12 supreme treasure points, somewhat helpless, one couldn’t afford it.

“Let’s take a look first, ordinary domain class supreme treasure cheapest 16 to treasure points, 16 to treasure points for a total of 13 ordinary domain class supreme treasures ……” Luo Feng looked carefully, soon his eyes locked on that 16 to treasure points worth of one of them named “Nine Roaring Tiger River”!

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