Chapter 25 – Venerable Chrysalis Harmony

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:10:23
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The majestic smith god mountain had penetrated the depths of the clouds and mist.

At the foot of the mountain were hundreds of strong people from all races kneeling, Luo Feng was able to recognize about a third of them were universe honored ones at a glance, while the rest were immortal level powerhouses.

“Nearly two hundred universe honored ones kneeling.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “This ability to refine supreme treasures is indeed attractive.”

“Hehe, why don’t you go?” Bonisha hovered next to Luo Feng and looked at him suspiciously.

“I’m just saying I want to learn.” Luo Feng smiled and looked down at Bonisha, “Of course I want to learn the skills of the legendary Lord of the Crafting Gods, it’s just that I’m not sure. So it’s more of a curiosity …… to come and take a look.”

“They are also here to take their chances yet, more than five hundred is estimated to have two or three to be accepted as disciples would be good.” Bonisha distantly pointed to the group of alien powerhouses kneeling in the distance, either energy beings, or flesh and blood beings, or rock type beings, in short, one by one all kneeling and lying down.

Silently waiting ……

“How long have they been kneeling down?” Luo Feng asked.

“Wait, wait until the Lord of the Craftsman God shows up.” Bonisha didn’t care, “It’s normal to kneel down for a thousand years or ten thousand years, but the ones that haven’t exceeded 100 epochs at the longest don’t even have the slightest bit of perseverance to kneel down for a long period of time, how can they be qualified to learn the art of smithing supreme treasures.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

“I won’t accompany you, I’m going to find my friend.” Bonisha danced around Luo Feng in a circle before flying directly towards a dark blue building in the distance, flying into the building to visit her friend.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, looked up at the lofty smith god mountain while walking over step by step.

“So many foreign races.”

Luo Feng looked at some of the different styles of buildings in the distance, these forests of countless ancient buildings were built by some of the alien powerhouses who came to visit the Lord of the Crafting God over the generations to live on their own, the vast majority of them were empty at the moment, but there were still quite a few of them that had some alien powerhouses residing within them.

“Should be foreign race powerhouses who came to seek treasure.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“The fourth black metal plate, it’s on the smith god mountain, the lord of the smith god is on the mountain, with his might, how can I possibly get the fourth black metal plate? Even if I steal it, the Lord of the Crafting God’s mastery of space and time can easily catch me.” Luo Feng looked up at the smith god mountain, “How do I get it?”

Between thoughts, Luo Feng had already walked to the foot of the mountain.


“This friend, stop!” A low and crisp voice rang out.

Luo Feng turned his head to look.

The densely knelt more than 500 universe reverends and immortal level powerhouses, dozens of them looked over, among them, there was even a foreign race with four hooves and a human body that was more than 300 meters tall that looked at Luo Feng, three golden eyes looked at Luo Feng with a clear voice: “This friend, the mountain of the Crafting God is the place where the Lord of the Crafting God and his disciples live, other than the Lord of the Crafting God and his disciples, any other strong person can’t enter the Crafting God Mountain without the consent of the Crafting God’s Lord, otherwise it is disrespect to the Crafting God’s Lord.”

“Oh.” Luo Feng laughed, “Thank you, I was just thinking about being mesmerized.”

“Are you also going to worship the master of the craftsman god?” That foreigner said as he looked down at Luo Feng, he was much taller than Luo Feng even though he was kneeling down.

“I’m just curious, if there’s hope, of course I’ll try.” Luo Feng said, at the same time Luo Feng secretly wondered, what kind of life was this alien venerable in front of him, according to the memories in his mind, there wasn’t any race that matched the alien in front of him.

“Right, can’t give up if there’s a glimmer of hope.” Golden-eyed venerable laughed, “I have been able to refine ordinary heavy treasures before coming here, I have full confidence. But after coming over …… I realized that compared to the peerless geniuses of the various races of the universe who refine weapons, I am still not enough. You see, the Demon Immortal over there, who is only at the Immortal level, is already able to refine ordinary heavy treasures. The probability of him being accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Crafting God is much higher than me.”

Luo Feng looked over in dismay, the foreign beast that resembled a golden haired orangutan was also kneeling there, its aura was weaker, probably at the immortal level.

“Immortal level, refining ordinary heavy treasures?” Luo Feng blinked.

“Geniuses, they really are everywhere.”

Luo Feng secretly sighed.

Golden eyed venerable sighed, “I was flattered as a master refiner in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, but here I am. Only then did I realize that I’m still far from it. Although we special beings are strong …… in terms of strength, we don’t have an absolute advantage in refining weapons. Look, these foreign race immortals, who were brought to the Yinvar Secret Realm Crafting God Star by the strongest members of the clan after only being immortal, without some ability, how could they run here? These hundreds of immortals are afraid that most of them are capable of refining pseudo heavy treasures.”

Pseudo heavy treasure?

Luo Feng secretly wondered, what level is called a pseudo heavy treasure? It seemed like it was also some designation within the refining masters at least himself, a layman, didn’t understand it.

“Fortunately, I didn’t go and try to worship the master.” Luo Feng said darkly, “If I had gone, I would have really lost face.”

“You come and try too.” Venerable Golden Eye laughed, “The Lord of the Crafting God has harsh conditions for recruiting disciples, although it depends on talent as well as many other aspects. You refining talent as long as it is not bad, and you are able to refine pseudo heavy treasures …… may be lucky enough to become a disciple of the Lord of the Craft God. Look at me, just keep holding on.”

“I’m just curious, curious.”

Luo Feng even said.

Luo Feng immediately moved away from this group of kneeling and crouching group of more than 500 alien refining geniuses who had sincerely gone to beg to worship their masters, specializing in getting himself a simple courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

“Weapon refining?”


“Not to mention any pseudo heavy treasures, even a slightly better weapon I can’t handle. Back in the day, when the Meteorite Ink Star ship was modified and the secret patterns were engraved, I still hired the internal staff of the Virtual Universe Company.” Luo Feng secretly shook his head, he was purely a layman, he was clueless. With that universe refining supreme geniuses from all over the vast universe, Luo Feng felt a bit ashamed.

Standing at the entrance of the courtyard.

Luo Feng looked at the 500+ kneeling alien figures in the distance, then looked up at the lofty smith god mountain: “Originally, my plan was to go and beg for worship just like the other powerful people who begged for worship, blend in to the smith god mountain, and then slowly think of a way to get rid of the black metal plates. But now it seems – no one can go up the mountain except for the Lord of the Crafting God and his disciples.”

“What to do?”

“How the hell am I supposed to get the black metal plate?” Luo Feng was troubled.

Not being able to think of any way, Luo Feng wasn’t anxious, instead he silently stood guard underneath the Craftsman God Mountain, carefully observing some movements on the Craftsman God Mountain, looking for opportunities.

In the blink of an eye, half a year had passed.

During the half year under the Crafting God Mountain, Luo Feng and the alien powerhouses living in some other buildings had mostly gotten to know each other, all of these alien powerhouses living and waiting under the Crafting God Mountain were all Cosmic Exalted, and even many of them were Cosmic Hegemons! Coming here, they all walked towards the great Lord of the Crafting God to beg for the supreme treasure.

“I lead a clan, and the various treasures all depend on me alone.” A four-armed giant sat beside Luo Feng on his knees, sighing and lamenting, “Although I joined the Nine Domains Alliance, the highest status of the Nine Domains Alliance are the cosmic lords, and even though I’m a cosmic hegemon, I’m much worse off in terms of resources.”

“For example, for a strong member of the community with a Cosmic Lord, three sets of Top Set Heavy Treasure can be exchanged for an ordinary supreme treasure. I would have to have four sets of Top Set Heavy Treasures!” The four armed giant shook his head, “I’m just giving an example……. It’s always a disadvantage in all aspects.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

“It’s different from peak communities.” The four-armed giant shook his head, “The six peak ethnic groups, with their huge power and many treasures, the strongest people within the groups are happy. They hardly suffer much from exchanging treasures …… with the clans. But clans like ours, I a clan, just me a cosmic hegemon, hmmm …… You Luo, if one day I perish, you help me out, so that my ‘Silkworm Rock Clan’, can be passed on.”

Luo Feng said, “Venerable Chrysalis Hopper, don’t say that, if you perish, the Nine Domains Alliance will also resurrect you. If you need my Pupa Luo’s help, I will naturally help.”

Venerable Chrysalis Hop was one of the more talkative of the alien powerhouses Luo Feng knew here.

He, was the great leader of the Silkworm Rock clan.

If he fell …… the entire Silkworm Rock clan was about to face extinction.

Venerable Chrysalis Hopper needed to take care of the clan all the time, so he was unwilling to exchange supreme treasures within the Nine Realms Alliance, that would be too much of a loss.

“I can only come to beg the Lord of the Craftsman God! The Lord of the Crafting God, taking materials from one of the many heavy treasures will be able to refine a supreme treasure, which is much better than exchanging it in the clan.” Venerable Chrysalis Hopper sighed, “This way I can still have a lot of resources to give to the clan, the clan develops, I have to be strong myself, and those who come after me in the clan have to be able to rise to …… alas ……”

Luo Feng secretly admired.

His own strength was considered strong, but he was still unattached, because the human community was incredibly strong. And this Chrysalis Hop Exalted One was not even close to himself …… yet he needed to shoulder the rise and fall of the entire community.

“Xiluoduo was also a cosmic hegemonic strength back then, his fate is quite similar to this Chrysalis Hopes Venerable One.” Luo Feng secretly said, “With Shirodor, that Golden Horn clan could exist independently in the universe. And if Shirodor perishes …… that Golden Horn community can only depend on someone stronger and become a vassal community.”

Just as Luo Feng and Venerable Chrysalis Hopper were talking.


“Look, the disciples of the Lord of the Crafting God.”

“It’s the disciples of the Lord of the Crafting God.”

Luo Feng and Venerable Chrysalis Harmony got up at the same time, even some of the other palaces and within the complexes of buildings were popping up, all of them had come here to seek the supreme treasure, and there were thousands of figures coming out of the many buildings at a glance.

These foreign race dignitaries have a desire in their eyes, because asking the Lord of the Craftsman God to refine the supreme treasure, compared to exchanging the supreme treasure in the alliance,…… the price is much smaller.

Thousands of foreign race dignitaries all looked distantly at the more than ten figures that flew down in the distance, which were either lofty, short, covered in hair, or covered in metal ……

More than ten figures descended down.

“Senior brothers.” Among the 500 or so alien powerhouses kneeling there, a strong man immediately spoke respectfully, “May I ask when the Lord of the Crafting God will be able to see us?”

“What’s your hurry, the teacher has gone to visit his friends, he might not return until a thousand or ten thousand years later, take your time and wait.”

One of the ten or so disciples of the Lord of the Crafting God opened his mouth, and immediately afterward they quickly turned into a stream of light and flew away.

“Visiting friends?”

Luo Feng’s eyes were narrowed in the distance.

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