Chapter 26: In Flames

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:10:26
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“Visiting friends? The Lord of the Crafting God went to visit a friend, are we just going to wait here foolishly? In my opinion, let’s go to the Primordial Star to break in first, there might be some opportunities.”

“The Primordial Star opened for a full 1000 epochs, and it’s only just started now, it’s very early.”

“Right, there’s no need to rush at all now, I’ll wait until I see the Lord of the Crafting God and ask him to help refine a supreme treasure, and with a supreme treasure before we go to the Primordial Star, we’ll be able to obtain more treasures.”

“Let’s go.”

“Take your time and wait first.”

The alien powerhouses from the various frontiers of the universe were a bit disappointed and began to return to their residences one by one.

The group of more than 500 powerhouses who had come to beg to pay homage to the master kneeling in the distance were equally disappointed, but they remained kneeling and didn’t dare to get up. Although the Lord of the Craftsman God is not …… here now, they believe that their every move here, I am afraid that there are strong people to monitor the Lord of the Craftsman God at that time.

The heart of seeking a teacher, whether it is pious or not, is also very important!

If even kneeling down to seek a master was not pious enough, one could easily be weeded out.

“You Luo, let’s go. We’re afraid we’ll have to wait a thousand years to see the Lord of the Crafting God.” Venerable Chrysalis He said.

“Oh.” Luo Feng snapped out of his thoughts, nodded and smiled, walking back with Venerable Chrysalis He, each going back to their respective residences.

Standing in front of the door, Luo Feng tilted his head and looked at the Craftsman God mountain.

“Visiting friends? That means the Lord of the Crafting God isn’t here!”

“A rare opportunity.”

Luo Feng’s eyes glowed, “Must seize it!”

Having waited here for half a year, no matter how much Luo Feng tried to think of a way, but if the Lord of the Crafting God was sitting on the Crafting God Mountain …… he would be dreaming if he wanted to get rid of the black metal plate.

“The smith god mountain is the holy land of the entire planet. It’s where the Lord of the Crafting God resides.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Only he and his disciples can be on the mountain, any other strong person can’t enter without permission, which means that the number of strong people on the Crafting God Mountain is actually still very small.”

“And those disciples of his, according to the information I’ve gathered over the past half a year, not a single one of them is a Lord of the Universe.”

The Lord of the Crafting God had a total of 182 disciples.

Some of them were Universe Exalted and some of them were at the Immortal level. It was reasonable to say that the Lord of the Crafting God had selected those with extremely high qualifications and talents, but over the long years, none of his disciples had been able to become a Lord of the Universe. For one, it was too difficult to become a Cosmic Lord. Two, it was also that these disciples of his were all focused on refining weapons, and were instead worse in terms of cultivation.

“Without a Lord of the Universe …… then no one can stop me.”

“But one has to be careful as well.”

“The Lord of the Crafting God’s things, I’m afraid it’s not that good.” Luo Feng was secretly cautious.

Luo Feng was afraid that delaying for too long would cause the Lord of the Crafting God to return, so on that day when it was dark …… he sent the Demon Slayer Race bilocation to take the Earthling’s original body and quietly set off.

In terms of escape and concealment, naturally, the Demon Slayer Race’s bilocation is the first.

In terms of combat power, the Earthling’s original body is no less than the Phantom Sea branch.

Therefore, the Phantom Sea bilocation stayed at the foot of the mountain for the time being to observe the situation……. The Earthling’s own body and the Demon Slaying Race bilocation began to go up the mountain.

The Demon Slayer Race bilocation had already turned into the size of an ant, standing next to a stone at the foot of the Craftsman God Mountain, looking up at the endlessly lofty Craftsman God Mountain.

“Lord of the Crafting God ……,” the Demon Slayer Race detachment took a step.


Directly an instantaneous transfer to the depths of the Crafting God Mountain, with the present ability of the Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment, when it performed an instantaneous transfer it was incomparably in tune with the spatial fluctuations. The other Universe Exalted could not feel the movement, so naturally they could not discover the Demon Slayer Clan’s bilocation.

With only two short-distance transients, the Demon Slayer Race’s doppelganger relied on the strong sense of the Earthling’s original to determine the direction and arrived at the place closest to the treasure.

“Rumble ……” Craftsman God Mountain mountainside, a huge hole spouting a burst of hot air, hot airflow is afraid to be more than a million degrees, this endless airflow sprayed out around the Craftsman God Mountain into a burst of fog… …The hot air coming out of these holes alone was no less than the heat of a star at every moment.

Each of these holes was vaguely reddish, as if it was boiling hot inside.

In the distance.

A rock under the Demon Slaying Race split let that blazing airflow sweep through the surrounding, to his level, has long been the star as dirt and dust, naturally do not care about this blazing heat.

“Space blockade?” The Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment secretly said, “With the belly of this mountain as the core to diffuse the surroundings, the entire Crafting God Mountain’s roughly one-tenth of the area is enveloped in it, a complete spatial blockade!”

“Since the space is blocked, it means that this is the heavy ground of the Crafting God Mountain.”

The Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment observed carefully.

Suddenly two burly figures walked out from a cave entrance in the distance, one of them was about twenty meters tall, had four hooves and claws, and their naked bodies were filled with various patterns.

And the other is about a hundred meters tall arms extremely thick. The two walked out together. The aura of the two of them Luo Feng could be determined at a glance – they were two immortal levels.

“It’s too hot, this belly is really hot, our masters and brothers can’t stand it if we hold on for a few moments, how can we refine top level heavy treasures without enough time?”

“We don’t have enough strength, look at the Universe Exalted level senior brothers, they can easily refine weapons in the heart of the abdomen instead, and they can try again and again, especially ninth senior brother ……”

“I really envy ninth senior brother.” That four-hoofed clawed creature also lamented.

“Ninth senior brother is both a cosmic overlord and has supreme armor, and was born with a fire attribute energy life …… It is even more direct to go deep into the depths of the heart of the abdomen to refine treasures. Even some of the precious materials that the teacher usually uses, he can occasionally be bestowed, has been instructed by the teacher, this is not, have successfully refined a high supreme treasure, become our Crafting God Star second only to the teacher.” That tall creature shook his head and lamented, “It would be great if we could cross over to the Cosmic Exalted level.”

“That’s so easy.”

The two Immortals weren’t wary, after all, they hadn’t thought of anyone daring to trespass on the Crafting God Mountain.

The Demon Slayer Clan doppelganger easily heard those words.


“It seems that some of their other siblings are mostly in the belly of this mountain.” The Demon Slayer Clan Split looked towards that cave entrance, “And the core of this spatial blockade is within the belly of the mountain. And I also feel …… that the fourth black metal plate is inside the mountain belly.”

“I have to be careful.”

“Don’t let the other disciples of the Lord of the Crafting God find out.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelganger didn’t dare to be careless, although he was great at lurking and concealing, there were quite a few Cosmic Exalted and even Cosmic Hegemonic strengths amongst the disciples of the Lord of the Crafting God.


As instantaneous movement was not possible within the spatial blockade, the Demon Slayer Clan Split immediately utilized his natural secret technique, “Domain”, and instantly drilled into the cave. The two immortal creatures outside the cave entrance didn’t realize it at all.

Hot! Incredibly hot!

The Demon Slayer clan branch cautiously moved forward, this cave was deep and hot, the further inward, even the rock walls of the cave turned completely red, even the deeper the rock walls turned golden red! The temperature was so hot, Luo Feng felt that the average realm lord would instantly be annihilated by the heat and perish.

“Boom!” “Pop!”

“Boom!” “Pop!”

“Boom!” “Pop!”

A rhythmic sound came, Luo Feng who quietly traveled to the corner of the cave immediately turned into a stone and quietly rolled inside. Some lines on the surface of the stone but under Luo Feng’s control had a visual field function, clearly seeing in the distance ……

Endless flames rushed to the sky.

And at the very top of the flames ……

Only to see a single either stout or short alien being wielding the same style of strange giant hammer, smashing metal again and again. Only “Boom!” “Splat!” The sounds came out one after another.

“These are all Immortals.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelganger secretly said, “My black metal plate is right below.”


Immediately, he once again executed the gifted secret technique “Domain” and instantly arrived nearly ten thousand kilometers below. The Demon Slayer Race incarnation quietly went deeper and deeper time and time again……. By virtue of the Talented Secret Technique “Domain”, it was completely able to accurately choose a clever place to show up, and easily avoided the attention of those strong members of the alien race who were refining their weapons.

In the process of advancing downwards, Luo Feng also discovered some special places where the “Lord of the Craftsman God” taught his disciples the art of making weapons.

The highest part of the flame …… was using a weird giant hammer.

Some of the universe honored ones in the middle of the endless flame used nineteen weird hammers of different sizes, which needed to be manipulated by divine power.

And there were a total of three Universe Exalted at the lower end of the endless flames, among them were the two discussing Ninth Senior Brothers outside the cave entrance earlier, obviously the flames here would be too terrifying for the average Universe Exalted to dare to trespass.

“It’s right below.”

“My black metal plate is down there.” Luo Feng hid under a huge boulder in the belly of that mountain transforming into a stone, “I can clearly sense it while that ninth senior brother and the three of them …… are above my black metal plate. If I go over, I’m afraid I’ll startle them.”

“What to do?”

Luo Feng secretly got anxious, he could sense that the distance to the black metal plate was about 300+ kilometers while that ninth senior brother and his three were about 300 kilometers away from Luo Feng.

In other words – the black metal plate and the nine elder brothers three were very close.


“I don’t believe it, they’ve been building weapons here.” Luo Feng secretly said, at the same time, he also silently looked at the three figures standing in the depths of the flames from 300 kilometers away, although Luo Feng didn’t know how to build weapons, but simply observing those three universe hegemon level strength powerhouses building weapons, he secretly sighed-

Simply a kind of art.

These three universe overlord also only use 19 handles of different sizes of strange hammer, but this hammer especially in that nine senior brother manipulation, fierce when it seems to smash the universe, gentle than the breeze is also soft, a variety of materials in the manipulation, the perfect blend fit, simply beautiful, for a long time, for a long time ……

“Haha, this top set of heavy treasure is considered a success, the material is poor, if the material is good, completely can get a supreme treasure.”

“Congratulations ninth senior brother.”

“Congratulations ninth senior brother.

“Haha, I’m going to rest, you two also rest.”

“Good, rest together.”


After Luo Feng silently waited for more than a full month, these three universe overlords finally went to rest, when those three figures transformed into three streams of light and flew out of the flames, and then quickly disappeared into thin air. A stone, on the other hand, instantly turned into a human figure.

“Finally the opportunity has come.” The black clothed Luo Feng looked down, the black metal plate was just below.

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