Chapter 28 – Return of the Lord of the Crafting God

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:10:31
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In the void more than three thousand light years away from the Crafting God Star, the spaceship hovered silently.

“To go, or not to go?”

Luo Feng deliberated.

Previously, he had sent the sea of ghosts incarnation to break through, even if it failed, it only cost Luo Feng a little bit of energy, Luo Feng didn’t feel any pain, if he wore the “Golden Shocker King Armor”, he could resist it, Luo Feng wouldn’t care about a Golden Shocker King Armor either! But …… personally felt that power, plus the Lord of the Craftsman God’s three universe hegemon disciples wearing ordinary supreme treasure armor but only in the outside world flames, these two points make Luo Feng is very sure —

Ordinary supreme treasure armor, not enough!

“Robber armor?”

“Risking your life with robber armor?” Luo Feng frowned, his two most important supreme treasures, one was the star tower, the other was the robber armor! Even if he became a universe lord in the future, this robber armor would still be extremely valuable.

Luo Feng pondered for more than six hours, many thoughts surfaced in his mind, negating them one by one.


Luo Feng clenched his teeth.

A few moments later, the Demon Slayer clan split set off with the Golden Horned Beast split and the Phantom Sea split!

Luo Feng had a total of six supreme treasures – the tower bead, the star map, the Wu Slayer feathered wings, the robber armor, the Golden Shock King armor, and the Nine Roaring Roars river! And this time, when he sent out the Golden Horned Beast …… Luo Feng gave over three of his own six supreme treasures, which were the Hijack Armor, the Wu Slayer Feathered Wings, and the Nine Roaring Tiger River!

The Hijack Armor was for the Golden Horned Beast to detach to resist the flames.

The Wufei Feather Wings and the Nine Roaring Tiger River were for the Golden Horned Beast to run for its life in the event of an unforeseen situation!

As for the “Golden Shock King Armor, star map” to bring to also useless …… and tower beads although useful, but is the Star Tower of the recognition of things, can not be lost! Compared to the robbing armor,…… the most powerful treasure “Star Tower” is even more important to Luo Feng, Luo Feng naturally does not easily let the “tower pearl” to risk.

“If it fails, the robber armor lost …… even if more lost the Wuicide Feather, Nine Roaring Tiger River, it is nothing.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Compared to the value of the robber armor.

The Nine Roar River and the Wu Slayer Feather Wing combined only caught up to a star and a half of the hijacking armor.

In that vast void where the Crafting God Star was located, there was a spatial vortex that couldn’t be seen to the end at a glance.

The Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelganger hovered in the air, looking away from the tiny planet at the far end – the Crafting God Star.

“The fourth black metal plate I am bound to get!”

“And if the Lord of the Crafting God is here, I definitely won’t get it.”

“The Lord of the Crafting God just happens to be away from …… that Ninth Brother and the other three Universe Hegemons also happen to be resting, opportunities are hard to come by, and I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait if I miss this one.”

“That’s why I must strike!”

“Even if it fails, the robbery armor lost …… big deal, in the future when I have more strength then come to reclaim, after all, even if that Lord of the Craftsman God gets the robbery armor, it is also simply not able to recognize the owner to use it, at most pay a little price, reclaiming the difficulty should not be too big. Even if I can’t get it back, Mr. Sitting Mountain Guest won’t be able to look on at that time, this robber armor is refined by him, with his strength, it won’t be hard to get it back.”

Luo Feng also had many plans before he set off!

Although the robber armor was important, the fourth black metal plate of the Nine Robberies Mysteries was even more important! Once he got it, he would probably be able to make the Golden Horned Beast’s genetic level reach perfection, and at that time, he would at least be able to perform the heaven-defying superb talent secret method “I am the universe”.

“Being able to perform this move, my strength has risen tremendously!”

“Without the Robber Armor, even if I die in battle, I’ll still be able to gather an endless stream of doppelgangers with the Endless Sea of Ghosts doppelganger. Fear nothing.”

Because of the endless spectral sea.

So the importance of the robbery armor to Luo Feng, although great, was not indispensable. Of course if it wasn’t for the fourth metal plate of the Nine Hijacking Mysteries, Luo Feng wouldn’t have said anything to take such a big risk.

The Demon Slayer Clan detachment arrived at the Crafting God Star in an instant, then in another instant, entered the Crafting God Mountain.

He was already very familiar with it, and just like before, with the talent secret method “domain”, he carefully entered the cave, entered the belly of the mountain, and then slowly went deeper and deeper, and after casting the talent secret method “domain” a hundred times, he arrived at the cave. After casting the Secret Technique “Domain” a hundred times, he arrived at the deepest part of the mountain belly.

A golden horned beast about one meter long suspended in mid-air, looking at the distance connecting 36 void chains of the black gourd, the black gourd of the gourd mouth at all times non-stop eruption of endless flames of the gourd mouth of the flame power, simply incredible, if it is some ordinary treasure is afraid of instantly directly into ashes.

At this time the Golden Horn Beast has been “the world”, “Beast God change”, “talent secret method enhancement” and so on all exerted, will be their own strength to reach an extreme.

It even carried a world ring hidden inside its body, and the Phantom Sea split and Demon Slayer Clan split were also hidden within it.

“When my divine power is depleted, the Phantom Sea bilocation will also be able to provide divine power unceasingly.”

“Golden Horned Beast Split, Spectral Sea Split, the divine power of the two massive divine bodies …… plus the defense of the Robber Armor!”

“I don’t believe that I still can’t get the fourth black metal plate.”

The Golden Horned Beast huffed as it quickly and rapidly shrunk, shrinking to the size of a fist.


Fly directly to that gourd mouth, this black gourd is about three meters high, the gourd mouth is also roughly as big as an ordinary human head, momentarily erupting flames, only to see the Golden Horned Beast whoosh then directly from the gourd mouth directly drilled in.

Inside the black gourd, in the flame space.

Golden Horned Beast drilled in will feel incomparable terrible heat, must know that this black gourd is specialized in extracting extremely strong flame, for the “Lord of the Artisan God” to build weapons. As for the flames that erupt out of the …… is only a small part of the black gourd intentionally leaked, the internal accumulation of endless years of flames can be much stronger, that is, the top of the heavy set of treasure for fear that will be instantly burned.

“Boom ……” flames endless.

Golden Horn Beast quickly recovered more than a meter long, at the same time burning divine body to promote the robbery armor, which can make it maintain the strongest defense.

“Hahaha …… good, good, good, the Robber Armor is really powerful. Although this flame is strong, after the robbery armor is weakened to one ten thousandth …… even though it is still depleting my divine body, the speed has been extremely slow and slow, when I get the black metal plate and leave, I’m afraid that it will not even be able to deplete 20% of my divine body.”

Actually, this depletion was already amazing enough, but it obviously made Luo Feng very relaxed.


The golden horned beast flew directly towards the bottom.

The divine body was also slowly depleting …….9%, 99.7%, 99.5%……98.7%…… could just consume some, the Golden Horned Beast’s internal world ring in the The Sea of Phenomena split was the divine power passed out to replenish the Golden Horned Beast’s divine body, causing the Golden Horned Beast to instantly recover to 100% again. In terms of the total amount of divine body, there was not much difference between the Sea of the Underworld and the Golden Horned Beast’s split.



Luo Feng kept flying downwards ……

The space within this gourd is not large, about tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter, the Golden Horned Beast soon fell to the bottom of this flame space. But once at the bottom …… will feel incomparably terrible blazing heat, the entire black gourd of the bottom of the flame, than the flame space other areas to be much more powerful, obviously endless years flame energy convergence after some of the essence, and even those flames are vaguely flooded with a strange purple color.

98% – 94% – 91% – 88% …… The God Body consumes at an alarming rate.

“Not good, we have to hurry!”

The Golden Horn Beast crashed down at the bottom of one of the pieces of flame space that had quite a few materials scattered about, and immediately grabbed at that fourth black metal plate with a sharp claw.

“Buzz ……”

That black metal plate as well as scattered on the bottom of a large number of materials before the surface of a hidden layer of black light, endless black light connected, so that the Golden Horn Beast for a time actually failed to grab away the black metal plate.

“Roar ……” The Golden Horn Beast looked down.

The endless flames in the entire flame space are actually drilling into the bottom of the black gourd along the secret lines in these black lights, causing the entire bottom of the black gourd to accumulate stronger and stronger energy. Obviously this was a special kind of transferring reserve energy a secret seal, and those materials were also sealed in it.

“A secret seal that transmits energy without the owner’s control, also want to block me?”


The Wu Slayer Feather slashed violently!


The black light was directly chopped off, and immediately the hoof claws easily grabbed the black metal plate, followed by a bite and swallowed it into his body, the divine power recognized the owner, and just as it had done time and time again before, the message in that black metal plate began to pass on.


Golden Horn Beast does not dare to hesitate, because take the black metal plate slightly delayed, his God body even consumed only 62%, the sea of ghosts split because of the energy replenishment is also depleted only 68%……


The Golden Horn Beast shrunk into a fist size turned into a stream of light directly flew out from the mouth of that gourd mouth in the flame space and directly landed on the rocks in the distance.

“Finally got it.” There was a trace of joy in the Golden Horn Beast’s eyes.


Endless pressure descended, like an endless mountain range pressing in, which caused the Golden Horned Beast to reveal a terrified color …… Not good! His own cutting of that secret seal had indeed caused the Lord of the Craftsman God who had laid down the secret seal to notice it, and had rushed back to his lair at the first opportunity.

“Dare to break my secret method!” An old voice rang out.


A huge arm that was glazed in color broke through the layers of flames and directly fell down, and the Golden Horned Beast that was moving very slowly under the temporal and spatial restraints was directly grabbed! Golden Horn Beast only feel incomparably monstrous pressure instantly oppression, even if the “robbery armor” weakened to one ten thousandth, still make the God body rapid loss, crazy loss in …… before only 62% of the God body quickly reduced sharply, 50%! ……42%……36%……”


“Phantom Sea Split replenish!!!” The Golden Horned Beast was in a hurry, and the Psi Sea Split energy quickly replenished, causing the divine body to be frantically repaired.

When that palm didn’t continue to exert any more force, the divine body of the Phantom Sea Split had already been depleted, and the Golden Horned Beast’s divine body had only 42% left.

“How could you take a full grip from me and not die?” That glazed colored huge rock arm grasped the golden horned beast, rumbling voice came, he as the Lord of the Craftsman God, that grip …… actually also contains the usual grip of the divine hammer when the meaning, the power is endless, the general universe overlord will directly instant annihilation.

“To be able to block this full strength grip of mine, you have only taken a piece of material that doesn’t have much use, I’ll spare your death, but deadly sins can be forgiven, and living sins are hard to escape!”

Rumble ……

Space reversed.

Previously still in the belly of the mountain, the Golden Horn Beast only felt that the surrounding space and time changed, and when he saw it again, he had already arrived in the void outside the Crafting God Star, only to see that there was a huge spatial vortex in the distance.

“There are 98,200 natural wormholes around my Crafting God Star, and two of them lead to the Jedi!” The huge mountain giant was ten million kilometers tall, grabbing the tiny golden horned beast and throwing it directly into one of the huge spatial vortexes, and there was the word “Jedi” in scarlet on the levitating stone monument in front of that spatial vortex.

“Block my grip ……”

“I’ll give you a chance to live.” A rumbling voice entered Luo Feng’s mind, followed by the Golden Horned Beast doppelganger that had already passed through the spatial vortex.

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